Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago


"The vassals need not be raised, not yet anyways. However, we shall attack that fortress and we shall take it it," the shogun looked at the map, studying it for a mere few precious moments before looking back to Kai. "I expect this to be carried out without a flaw, do you understand your emperor?" The emperor continued his stern look, no facial expressions wavering or daring to change for the daiymo who suggested his plan. Tien's eyes went to the Samurai Masters who gaurded him with unwavering loyalty, before he gave another statement to the Nara clan member, "I wish for this to be carried out honorabley as well. The enemy may not respect our true claim as the Jade Empire, but we will not fight dishonorably lest we wish to enforce that idea."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"We will claim that fortress in your name, Jade Emperor!" Kai answered beating his chest again, beating his fist on his chestplate, which displayed the imperial coat of arms. With that, he bowed and quickly left to rouse the army in order to invade the enemy forces.

"Your honor is wasted on them, Great Emperor!" the captain of the Samurai Masters spoke at his statement. "But we shall treat them with the honor we treat our own warriors!" The captain's helmet looked fearsome enough, with a mask displayed on it that portrayed an oni... or demon as the other kingdoms called them. With that, a few samurai masters left with Kai to accompany him during the siege.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Ernst furrowed his brow at the mention of his son. With a sigh he turned away and stared up at a wall, his hands wrapped together behind his back.

"I can bring you Reinhardt, but you won't like what you'll find. Reinhardt is a bandit, not a knight, he stopped being a prince the moment he left with half my guard. Last I heard, he was in Gauth, half dead and wearing rags. Call me a cynic, but he's not getting any more handsome." Ernst joked with another forced smile.

Alois walked over to the queen and smiled, placing both of his hands on his chest.

"I do wish to marry you, my lady, perhaps not immediately, perhaps in a few weeks, perhaps in a year. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I would be a fool to waste the chance I've been given." He said eloquently, his coat billowing around his knees as he spun in place and trod around with every word. Ernst snorted and stifled a laugh.

"Never understood 'courtly love', maybe that's why women never noticed me. Maybe, but I got my chance eventually." He chuckled. Alois looked at him, disgusted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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She sighed at hearing about the comment about Reinhardt and said to Ernst. "Maybe he's not a prince anymore, but he is still your son and nothing will change this fact." she spoke, as if she had already had to deal with a similar situation. "You may keep him out of court, but I'm sure that you will feel a bit better knowing he's safe."

Merya smiled brightly and actually blushed at hearing the comment Alois had made. "And here I thought that your brother was the charming sort of man." she said. "Very well, to make a compromise, we will marry in 6 months back in Airgiallne so my own lords can see who their king would be... until then, consider our nations to have a non-aggression treaty with one another."

"I never understood either, my king, as I would have rather been on the battlefield than on a throne." she said. "My lords, I will leave you, but I will be seeing you in six months!" with that, she bowed before Ernst and Alois before she herself exited from the throne room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Ernst locked his hands behind his back and escorted her to the door, Alois did the same, but his hands in front. He smiled awkwardly, looking at his feet and coughing, trying to hide a nervous frown.

"It was a pleasure, my lady, I cannot wait for your return." He smiled warmly. "I'll be sure to find the finest cooks for your wedding feast. I don't ask for a dowry either, our treasury is full enough." He reached over her head and pushed the door open for her.

Alois stepped forth and pulled a necklace out from within his cloak, pulling it loose of his neck, he placed it into Merya's hand before clasping his own hand over.

"I didn't have a ring prepared, I just hope that this is enough." He said slowly. "I will wait with bated breath for your return, I promise you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

18 Martius 1243 P.E(Post Empire) 18 Iunius 1243 P.E


King Nieldun Gildedtongue, with advice from one of his trusted lords, has decided to intervene in the Valgraadi succession war on the side of Lord Leighton of Dolgathrasar and forming an temporary alliance with the other contender, Lord Highmall.

With that, a 80.000 man army marches south towards the fortress of Ullin, a stronghold of the Bastard, the third claimant to the Valgraadi throne. The troops, despite the distance make a record time, though mostly thanks to the help of Lord Highmall's scouts and soon surround the fortress itself, who is guarded by about 8.500 defenders, mostly militia, but a few professional soldiers as well.

The Nastrondi attackers start building siege engines, such as trebuchetes, mantlets and siege towers and bring in their arsenal a creature many had thought long dead, a massive arch-demon. The sight of the terrifying arch-demon significantly lowers the morale of the soldiers there and discourages them from any night raids they might think of launching.

As soon as the last siege engines are complete, a massive assault begins on the fortress from all sides. The trebuchetes pound at the thick walls, barely cracking it, however, the hellfire of the arch-demon makes short work of some wall sections of the fortress.

As soon as the siege towers connect with the walls and the troops charge, the morale of the defenders begins to waver. A full on charge through the breaches of the wall breaks the militia, both physically and mentally and begin surrendering en masse with only a few professional Iron Guards resisting to the bitter end.

With this, Ullin has been seized by the Nastrondi attackers and their flag flies proudly on the battlements of the fortress.


Nastrondi Victory:


Nastrond: 1.500 spearmen, 2.000 swordsmen, 950 archers, 800 cavalry

The Kingdom of Valgraad: 7.500 militia, 500 spearmen, 250 swordsmen, 200 archers, 45 cavalry, 5 Iron Guards.

News also arrive that the Emperor of Sha'an Tzien has also invaded Valgraad from the east and that the Shalorni are preparing an invasion fleet to head towards Valgraad.

The Royal Island of Gnyr Shalorn

News had begun trickling to the mainland that a massive imperial fleet of over three hundred ships was preparing to launch an invasion onto the continent. Though that at first started only as mere rumors, it soon turned out to be true as said fleet moved swiftly from Gnry Adeer and headed directly towards the port city of Reyksalar of the Kingdom of Valgraad with an army of 85.000 men on board said ships. Another invasion would be happening soon.

As soon as the ships launched, the emperor declared that he is not doing this simply to conquer, but to restore order to Valgraad, who had now collapsed into a civil war between three factions. News speak of massive troops movements on the Royal Island.

The Kingdom of Noatun

With news trickling down from Gnyr Shalorn that the Imperial armies and the Imperial Fleet were on the move, the King of Noatun, fearing for the independence of his own country, called a stop to all raids and gathered his entire fleet back home and ordered all of his minor lords to raise their levies, for they would battle soon.

In order to further secure their situation and assure an alliance with Sylvanyr, he married his eldest daughter to the second son of the king of Sylvanyr in exchange for an assurance that if Gnyr Shalorn would attack either of them, the other would jump in to aid one another.

The Kingdom of Valgraad

The fractured kingdom had broken up into a civil war, with three factions vying for the control of the Mountain Throne. The first was Lord Leighton of Dolgathrasar who claimed the throne via his grandfather, who had sired two children, on which would become the lord of Dolgathrasar. He is supported by the king of Nastrond, Nieldun Gildedtongue.

The second claimant was Lord Highmall of Gisting and with support from the lords of Sachaila and Nyrath. Instead of a blood claim, he claims the Mountain Throne via a right of conquest as it was natural in the olden days. Though he is not supported by any foreign power, he has made an alliance with his rival claimant of Dolgathrasar and King Nieldun Gildedtongue against the Bastard of Utgaard.

The Bastard, though being supported by most of the lords of Valgraad, he soon faced himself in a very dire situation. Not was Nastrond using this as an opportunity to invade, but his two rival claimants had also allied with one another to defeat him. To make it only worse, the Jade Empire launched an invasion of the now divided Valgraad, putting the Bastard in a very dire situation. When news of a massive Imperial Fleet heading towards Reyksalar arrived, one expected for the Valgraadi fleet to be mobilized to repel the invasion.

But instead, the fleet was received with open arms by the Bastard who had earned the support of the Shalorni Emperor in return for the port city. Now, the Bastard had the support of a 90.000 man imperial army and of a fleet of over 300 ships at the ready to relieve his current situation. The 90.000 man army now marched towards the city of Ullur with the support of Valgraadi scouts to help them around the area.

The Kingdom of Sylvanyr

Perhaps from wariness, or simply to reassure their Noatuni friends. The Kingdom of Sylvanyr decided to form a coalition against the now aggressive emperor of Gnyr Shalorn and raised three armies of 50.000 each to reinforce the cities of Cyniweiryth, Deouinaeth and Ariannu in case the imperial forces decided to move south instead of aiding their ally.

Despite all this, the rich kingdom did not yet cease trade with the Royal Island as massive influxes of gold came from the island and wouldn't yet risk to stop this rich trade with them.

The king, hearing rumors of rebellion within the Sequini territories, showed a great deal of sympathy towards them and not only offered them monetary support, but also offered to marry his fourth daughter to the rebel leader who decided to crown himself king of a Neo-Wolastra instead of re-joining the current Kingdom of Wolastra.

The Empire of Tar Sequinus

The Emperor of Tar Sequinus, probably forseeing the imminent rebellion, or perhaps simply planning for another conquest, had ordered a 100.000 man army to move in the port city of Zilicati. And as soon as the last soldiers had gathered to the city, the rebellion had started in Lautun, Ceia, Celator and Alesia.

Nearly a quarter of the population these cities had risen up to join the rebel army. Originally, the rebel army had only been 45.000 men strong, but the support of the populace, their army grew to a size of 92.000 men ready to lay down their lives for their independence. Though the two armies are loath to engage one another, the 92.000 man rebel army - led by the King of Neo-Wolastra Dorius Marblood - moved north slowly, with the people flocking to his army.

Not to mention it, the Queen of Airgiallne, Merya Shadowborn offered monetary support for the rebels and a few advisors to help them in a future battle. Meanwhile, the King of Sylvanyr, Garius Morwood not only offered monetary support but also tied himself to the rebel king by marrying his fourth daughter to him.

The Kingdom of Wolastra@bluetommy2

True to their word, rebels had risen up in four previously Wolastran cities and they seemed to have massive support of the population as the rebel army of only 45.000 soon reached up to numbers of 92.000 and still growing, with even non-wolastrans joining the rebel army.

Not to mention the monetary support that the rebels received from the King Garius Morwood of Sylvanyr and Alois' betrothed, Queen Merya offered monetary support the rebel king who now called himself the King of Neo-Wolastra.

However, despite professing a kinghood himself, a dignitary from the rebels arrives with an offer. The man bows as befit to a king speaks. "His highness, King Darius Marblood wishes to tell you proud king, that he desires to place himself under your own protection as a vassal king." the man, despite what had happened to the previous messenger, bowed courteously.

The Tarsequini ambassador in Wolastra rose from his seat, a look of outrage on his face. "King Ernst, please send this man away, he clearly does not know the meaning of common sense... especially after the threats of the last messenger!"

The dignitary looked utterly confused. "My king... we did not send any messengers until now."

However, the Tarsequini ambassador did not seem to believe him one bit. "And now you lie?!" the ambassador asked. "Know you no decency, you vile rebels?!"

"Be quiet ambassador, you are not only interrupting the king, but you are making an unnecessary ruckus!" he said to the ambassador with furrowed brows.

"Very well, let the king decide what he shall do with this liar!" the ambassador scoffed, now looking with disgust at the rebel dignitary.

The Tribes of Kalak Doman/The Kingdom of Airgiallne

For most of the month, the tribes did not do anything other than their usual movements throughout their territories and local raids for supplies and small patches of territories. All except the tribes of Theveste, Malak'a and Natayn who all of them launch raids into the territory of the kingdom of Airgiallne, sacking villages and small towns on the borders, killing all the men and enslaving the women and children.

Battle of Thosoriuos

However, as soon the tribal army of Theveste of 120.000 cavalry in size began sacking a town quite deep into Airgiallne, they found themselves ambushed by a 90.000 man army led by the Airgiallni queen as soon as she had arrived from a diplomatic mission in Wolastra. The massive cavalry force, unable to maneuver in the tight streets of the town were at a disadvantage.

However, the Airgiallni archers rained down hell on the cavalry and the spearmen covered all exits from the city, sealing the forces inside and preventing their exit. Little else is known, as the 20.000 Shadowmen of Airgiallne surge in the town. All the lights and torches go out of the town and almost nobody really sees what happens.

After an hour, the Shadowmen surge out of the town, having sustained only 800 losses at the slaughter of the Theveste tribal army. This causes a lot of rumors to float around that the Airgiallni signed a pact with the Shadowbeasts to slaughter the Domani forces or that they made pacts with actual demons to slaughter the forces. Whatever the truth, the 120.000 man army of the Domani is slaughtered.


Airgiallni Decisive Victory:


Domani Tribe of Theveste: 30.000 shock cavalry, 50.000 melee cavalry, 30.000 archer cavalry, 10.000 nomadic cavalry

The Kingdom Airgiallne: 600 spearmen, 300 swordsmen, 100 archers, 85 cavalry, 800 Shadowmen.

The Sack of Theveste

While the majority of the Theveste army was being destroyed in Thosoriuos, a smaller Airgiallne army of 60.000 move in to destroy the tribe of Theveste, still protected by 30.000 tribesmen. The Airgiallni army, however, as in Thosoriuos, they only moved in to seal the army inside the tribal city instead of engaging the army directly.

However, this time instead of Shadowmen, a large eight foot monstrosity accompanied by 500 smaller, human sized creatures entered the city. The Domani army, seemingly succumbed to fear as they see the beast and offer little resistance to the creatures coming to slaughter them

As a result, most of the tribe is slaughtered except the surviving family members of the Khan and some women and children. As a tribe, Theveste is completely destroyed and does not exist anymore. This combined slaughter reverberated through the Domani tribes. The tribes of Malak'a and Natayn remove their armies from Airgiallne in fear and form a small confederation in fear of being destroyed like Theveste.


Airgiallni Decisive Victory:


Domani Tribe of Theveste: 14.500 shock cavalry, 5.500 melee cavalry, 7.000 archer cavalry, 3.000 nomadic cavalry

The Kingdom Airgiallne: 1200 spearmen, 800 swordsmen, 450 archers, 200 cavalry, 4 Shadow Fiends.

The Emirate of Mtol Darask/The Kingdom of Anqallyt

The militaristic Kingdom of Anqallyt, after gathering riches so many years of trading with foreign powers and accumulating a massive amount of wealth, has decided to mobilize it's armies and attack Mtol Darask. In order to supplement it's small army, the King of Anqallyt hired about 20.000 more mercenaries, nearly all of the mercenaries present inside the small kingdom.

It's first target was to seize the city of Mtol Daerine before moving on the capital of Avat. The 100.000 man army began it's march into the desert emirate, taking over small towns and villages without so much as fight, as most of them surrendered without a fight.

The two armies met 350 km north-west of Mtol Daerine, with the Anqallyti army numbering 100.000 while the Daraski army counted about 135.000 men. The Daraski had lined up their army in a regular fashion with infantry in the middle, archers in the back and their proud malmuk cavalry and their regular cavalry on the flanks.

The Anqallyt, however, knowing full well the rather back-handed tactics of the Daraski, fanned out it's cavalry while the spearmen formed phalanxes around the rest of the army to protect the rest of the vulnerable infantry from breaking to a organized cavalry charge of the Daraski. Should the enemy charge with only their infantry, then the swordsmen and the Sun Knights engage the enemy in close combat.

The battle begins, when the Anqallyti cavalry discovers two flanking forces of 8.500 men further away from their own army. As these soldiers were mainly swordsmen and archers, the charge of the mixed cavalry forces(both mercenary and regular cavalry) break their ranks and cause their rout.

The Daraski, seeing their ambush had failed, simply charge at the now rather exposed Anqallyti army in an attempt to encircle them. The combined cavalry forces of the Daraski now charge the flanks of the enemy army while the infantry charges the center... only for a barrage of crossbow bolts to overcome them. The Anqallyti archers, instead of bows, had armed themselves with a repeating crossbow, allowing them to launch bolts at faster pace than archers. The constant barrage severly dulls the charge, and mixed in the defensive formations of the spearmen, force the cavalry to rout... only for them to be caught by the returning cavalry of Anqallyt.

The Daraski infantry, without any support from the cavalry and out-classed by the superior enemy infantry, begins to rout en-masse. The Anqallyti cavalry cuts down a great deal of them before returning back to the main force, who now continues to go towards Mtol Daerine


Anqallyt Victory:


Kingdom of Anqallyt: 2.500 spearmen, 1.500 swordsmen, 1.200 arhcers, 875 cavalry, 25 Sun Knights

The Emirate of Mtol Darask: 35.000 spearmen, 15.000 swordsmen, 8.500 archers, 17.500 cavalry, 6.800 Mameluk cavalry.

The Jade Empire of Sha'an Tzien@Lauder

The armies begin to move at a steady pace, all of them thinking that they are doing the will of the emperor. Morale is unusually high considering the army is not lead by the emperor or any of his relatives. The trek towards the fortress of Andraskith is undisturbed by the Valgraadi army and the 7.500 defenders of the fortress chose to stay inside the high and strong walls and defend from there until reinforcements might arrive.

The besieging army starts to dig trenches at a safe distance from the arrow fire of the defenders. However, not all the besiegers stay away. From the skies above, 10 large flying reptilians drop large boulders on the fortress walls and towers in an attempt to create an opening, while from on top of them, their riders rain down arrows on the defenders, racking quite a lot of casualties.

In the second month of the siege and after so many daily bombardments, the commander of the garrison agrees to term on the conditions that he and his men are allowed to leave the fortress unharmed, to allow any civilians that want to leave the fortress do so unharmed and that the citizens that choose to stay to be left unharmed.

The commander of the siege, Kai Nara relays the terms to the emperor and asks if they should agree to these rather advantageous terms for the besieged.

Meanwhile, two messages arrive, one from the Grandmaster of the Order of Ashkanian and the other from the Grandmaster of the Shadow Guardians. The first letter contains a warning from the Grandmaster of Ashkanian to not assault the Valgraadi any further as they are staunch believers of the Imperial Faith, continuing with the aggression will warrant a crusade against the Jade Emperor.

The second, more polite letter from the Grandmaster of the Shadow Guardians asks for an audience with the emperor to discuss a great issue with the Jade Emperor.

The Tribes of Toran

While the Torani tribes are now mostly quiet, with the tribes trading with one another and with the Sylvanyr. However, rumors start to rise up that the Torani are mobilizing their entire armies making other nations a big suspicious as the Torani are very close allies with Sylvanyr and if they are preparing for war it means that Sylvanyr is preparing for war,
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago


A note to Kai Nara is marked o agree to the terms of the besieged conditions as of now; no harm to them, or any civilians wishing to leave, and no harm done to the citizens who decide to stay in the fortress. Once the Fortress is taken, the army shall garrison it and recover the trenches or make traps of them for any resistance who wish to come their way. Those men who garrison the fortress shall treat each citizen who stays with the same respect as citizens in the home front. Each citizen who stays must also be told of the laws of the Jade Empire as they must know what is wrong and what is right.

No response shall be given to the Order of Askania as of yet, but one shall immediately go to the Shadow Guardians in order to grant them acceptance in their audience for the Emperor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ernst stared at the two diplomats bickering with a look of mild amusement on his face.

"The ambassador is correct." Ernst said to the rebel. "We received a diplomat before your revolution started, his disrespect to both the lady queen of Airgiallne and I proved too great, he was executed not long after we detained him." Ernst glared intensely as he spoke.

"Unless there is a good explanation for this behavior, I will be forced to have my good brother escort you from my court." He said, motioning to Oliver, who placed a hand on his scimitar.

With a clear of his throat, Sigmar Stein addressed the court from his seat in the audience.

"My king, it would be prudent for us to avoid taking in the 'Neo-Wolastrans', considering the state of our army compared to the sequinites. Plus, it would be prudent to not sour our relations with a noble country such as them." The room was quiet as Sigmar spoke, his voice was to the ear as a soft pillow was to the head. His right hand, long since lost in the western deserts, had been replaced by a two-pronged hook, which glinted as he moved it to speak with his hands. Ernst nodded at his chief general's words.

"Thank you Sigmar, you took the words right out of my mouth."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The commander agrees and leaves along with the remaining garrison and a good chunk of the civilian population. Nevertheless, more bloodshed was avoided. However, not two days after Kai occupied the fortress that news of a Valgraadi force heading to re-take fortress arose. It was larger than the Tzieni force.

Meanwhile, a man armored in Stygian steel armor, accompanied by several of the rather famous Shadow Guardians arrived in court... then a dozen people carrying a cage arrived. In it was a creature that could be best described as a living shadow. It's glare unnerved everyone there.

"Thank you for welcoming us, Emperor!" the man armored in the refined Stygian Steel spoke, he was the Grandmaster of the Shadow Guardians. "We have something to discuss."


"My king, with all due respect, we never sent a messenger until now for fear of the messenger being intercepted by the Sequini." The dignitary said, looking absolutely confused before shaking his head. "But I suppose that now that the snake already bit, the venom is making it's effects." the man sighed. "I see that fear of the Sequini has taken hold of you, my king."

However, the messenger smiled and said. "Shall I take this as a refusal, my king?" the dignitary asked Ernst.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago


"I am always happy to see people of all kinds come to my court, what is this matter that you wish to discuss?" The Jade Emperor asked inquisitively, he light smile on his face for once. For his own people he needed to be seen as stern and honorable, but for others he needed to be seen as kind and benevolent. That was his philosophy anyways, but there were the times where enemies would come to his court. That was not the matter at hand. It was time to discuss something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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@Claw2k11 Ernst shook his head at the man.

"I might be convinced if there is a very good concept, if there is more than just a city to gain from this, if I wanted another city, I'd go west and settle one." He said sternly. Sigmar cleared his throat once more.

"I'd advise against siding with the rebels, my lord, as I stated prior. It would be a grave diplomatic mistake, and I'm not sure if we can match the Sequinites in terms of troop strength." Ernst smiled at Sigmar.

"I've still got more up my sleeve, Sigmar! You know better than to doubt me!" He chuckled. "Of course, you are correct, we're going to need more than hope to beat the empire."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


With that, the large cage is unveiled to reveal a large creature seemingly made of shadows, hissing around, trying to break out of the cage. The lights nearby started to flicker around the presence of the creature who glared at everyone with it's empty eyes.

"Ancient beings have arisen, emperor, beings that were ancient when the demons first came to our realm so long ago." he said. "And they are slowly creeping up in large numbers. We have been able to hold them for now, but their strength grows constantly, while ours dwindles with every assault they launch... we need your help to face this new threat!"


"Wolastran Khan, mayhaps we could help?" a man dressed Domani attire spoke up. "I am Kolli, ambassador of the Tuwban Domani tribe." he said bowing to the king. "We could help you with our own army, we will move like lightning across the territory of this so called emperor and crush him under the hooves of our horses... in exchange, we only ask of you to allow our people to move in your territory, we will even submit to you as our own Khan if you so choose."

The Sequini ambassador looked both disgusted and terrified. "What are these savages doing here in court, king Ernst?!" howver, this comment was met with glares from everyone in court, with Lord Olern being the one speaking up.

"Need I remind you that us, the Wolastrans, are descended from these "savages", good sir?" he asked in a rather hostile tone, briefly placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Or that the Domani are dear friends of ours?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Claw2k11 Ernst growled at the Sequinite ambassador and his remarks.

"We are just as much savages as they!" He yelled.

"Savage, savage, always that damned word, like our descent makes us worse than everyone else, like we're all bastards born of rape who consort with demons and cast spells to make your women infertile. That word is not to be said in my presence, not in the presence of anyone of the kingdom of Wolastra, or I will personally beat you until you cry out for mercy, mercy I will not give! Tell your empire that we will no longer take your harassment nor your insults. On the morrow the Wolastrans will be at your door, and we will be taking back what is rightfully ours. We will carve a swath through your lands until we reach your capital, then we will burn it to the ground as I once did however many years ago! We will pile your gold up until it drowns us and then we will finally put your maggot-infested corpse of an empire to death as it has been begging for since its formation! Call us savages? You have no clue how savage we can truly be!" Ernst belted out so loudly it could be heard past the walls of his own hall and into the nearby streets of his capital, his eyes mad like they had been however many years ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago


"You shall have our aid. We must cease our reconquest for now, this matter is of the utmost importance." The emperor said, staring straight at the beast. He looked to his guards for a moment before back to the Grandmaster. "However, we lack the material to be the most effective force against these shadow beasts."
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