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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The War of Dominion

It is the year 1420 AC(After Conquest) and the world has yet again come divided with the fall of the Third Celestial Empire ruled by the Maximus Royal Family and now, old kingdoms reestablish themselves to their boundaries and their old dynasties and with that the situations before the foundation of the empire arise yet again, such as rivalries and internal problems.

However, Erenius Maximus is someone who claims to be the bastard son of last Maximus Emperor has come to rule the Royal Island of Gnyr Shalorn, the home territory of the now defunct Celestial Empire. At first his claim was disputed, but the fact that the Imperial Guard and the Archangel Uriel have chosen to obey him, allowed him to unify the Royal Island... however, other kingdoms might not unify with them as easy.

However, while the kingdoms of man stand ready to war with one another, ancient dangers begin to stir in The Nightmare Lands and the Shadow Lands, and rumors from beyond the northern mountains say that a kin of large humanoid creatures close in on the kingdoms man to conquer and enslave them.

What will the fate of the Continent be? Only it's rulers will be able to decide what will happen.


Character Sheet:

House Name:

Head of House:

Family Members(wife/husband, sons/daughters, brothers, etc.):

House Placement(the kingdom they rule):

House Coat of Arms:

House History(A brief history of your house, for how long they've ruled and relations to other houses, foreign or not, optional):

Minor Noble Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):

Head General(you may pick the member of your own house or a vassal house):

Head Admiral(if you have a sea opening):

Ambassador/s(again, may be a member of your house or of a sworn minor house):

Main Palace(how your royal palace, not your capital, looks like, optional):

Post your character sheet only when it is approved:

Current existing nations:

Nastrond[Playable][Reserved by @Mardox]

Capital: Kuturka

Gold: 2.000(tons) Gold

Population: 1.652.000

Army: 110.000 soldiers

40.000 spearmen
30.000 swordsmen
25.000 archers
12.500 cavalry
2.500 Guardian Devils(elite heavy infantry)

Fleet: 240 ships

Unswerving Loyalty: From the lowliest of peasant to the highest lord, the loyalty towards their king is absolute. They are willing to die for their king, which means that there is little to no chance of lords betraying their own lord.

Professional Army: In both senses, the army of Nastrond is a professional one, meaning that rather than using conscription, the king maintains a professional army ready to fight.

Demonic Lineage: As previously the site of the Second Hell Gate, almost everyone in Nastrond has a demonic lineage, be it from a lowly imp, to even archdemons. This means that the strength and morale of the common soldier is higher than that of any other place.


Poor Territory: Other than the Stygian Iron and a few other mineral mines, the land of Nastrond is a poor one, both in money and resource-wise.

Demonic Lineage: While the demonic lineage makes Nastrond's troops much stronger in combat, it almost grinds negotiations with other nations completely, with nearly nobody willing to trust or make a deal with someone related to a demon.

The Royal Island of Gnyr Shalorn[Unplayable]

Capital: Gnyr Shalorn

Gold: 25.000

Population: 3.536.000

Army: 250.000 soldiers

100.000 spearmen
80.000 swordsmen
50.000 archers
15.000 cavalry
5.000 Imperial Guard(elite heavy versatile unit)

Fleet: 650 ships


Will of the Gods: The Emperor's words as the will of the gods and such anyone should listen to them. This causes the morale of the army and happiness of the population to skyrocket. This also makes the chances of internal strife from any nobles drop to zero.

The Empire's Chosen: The people of Gnyr Shalorn have always formed the Imperial Army and with that, comes a very high degree of training for both land units and sea units.

Impenetrable Fortresses: As the years went on by, the emperors made the cities and forts on the island to become the strongest defenses on the entire continent.


Devoid of Forests: The nation has no more forests on it at all, which means that should the trade agreement with Sylvanyr ever be compromised, the fleet of the nation will be in a very precarious position.

Lack of Food: While the nation does have extensive farms and fisheries, the food they bring in is enough to support only a third of the population, which again, makes the nation dependent on the food the trade with Sylvanyr brings.

The Kingdom of Noatun[Playable]

Capital: Noatun

Gold: 4.500

Population: 429.000

Army: 50.000

20.000 spearmen
15.000 swordsmen
8.000 archers
4.000 cavalry
3.000 beserkers(elite amphibious unit)

Fleet: 800 ships


Steelwood Forests: Noatun is the only place where the tough steelwood oak grows. This oak has the same resistance of bronze, but is otherwise very light, making their ships the toughest ships ever.

Experienced Seafarers: The people of Noatun have been since their heyday the best sailors in the world, surpassing even the imperial sailors of Gnyr Shalorn. These men are experienced in both sailing on ships and fighting on them.

Seaborne Raiders: Since the island of Noatun lacks for all else other than food and wood, the Noatuni have taken to raiding the settlements of other kingdoms to provide for their own. As such, their armies move quickly and are highly mobile during a battle or a raid, being able to raze villages and towns to the ground and leave before the kingdom they have raided has time to respond.


Seaborne Raiders: Due to their constant raiding of other nations, the people of Noatun do not have very high relations with kingdoms other than the now peaceful kingdom of Sylvanyr, making diplomacy with anyone else quite difficult.

Client State: The kingdom of Noatun, due to their geographical closeness to Gnyr Shalorn, has more than once been turned into a client state by the much more powerful state... this is one such time

The Kingdom of Valgaard[playable]

Capital: Utgaard

Gold: 10.000

Population: 2.542.000

Army: 200.000 soldiers

80.000 spearmen
60.000 swordsmen
40.000 archers
18.000 cavalry
2.000 Iron Guards(elite heavy infantry unit)

Fleet: 350 ships


Mountain Riches: The many mountains of Valgaard not only means that country itself is rich in minerals, but it also means that weapons and armors are of a higher quality than other nations.

Mountain People: Most of the Valgaardi come from the mountains and as such, while they lack proper combat training when drafted into the army, they do not lack in brute force and courage in combat.

The Trade Kingdom: Other than the Noatuni raiders and their Nastrondi rivals, this nation is currently trading with every kingdom on the continent, even with the nomadic people of Kalak Doman, not only bringing in riches from other realms, but also helping with diplomacy with the kingdoms it trades with.


Confederate Kingdom: The Kingdom of Valgaard is not one unified kingdom, but a kingdom of kingdoms formed of minor kings ruled by a High King. This means, that when at war, some lords will choose not to join their liege if it is not in their interests to do so or even join the enemy.

Savage Warriors: While the Valgaardi army seems impressive on paper, it is certainly not so on the field. They are strong warriors individually, to be sure, but they lack the sort of cohesiveness that would make an army this size a force to be reckoned with, meaning that any sort of significant strategies would be useless on these people.

The Kingdom of Sylvanyr[Playable]

Capital: Euraith

Gold: 50.000 gold

Population: 6.982.000

Army: 500.000

200.000 spearmen
150.000 swordsmen
90.000 archers
40.000 cavalry
20.000 Reavers(Elite Heavy Cavalry Unit)

Fleet: 600 ships


Kingdom of Peace: This kingdom has always avoided war if it could, meaning, you have diplomatic bonuses with every other kingdom, and you are even allowed diplomacy with the reclusive Toran Tribes, being the only nation able to engage in diplomacy with them.

Mass Conscription: The massive amounts of population enable the king of Sylvanyr to raise huge armies compared to any other kingdom, meaning that if a war were to start, they would be able to overwhelm opponent armies with ease. This also means, that they are able to raise an army much faster than other nations

The Cornucopia: Your land has all sorts of foods present, from simple local plants and animals such as wheat and cows, to exotic ones such as oranges and even rare animals such tigers and lions, making your kingdom, undoubtedly, the richest one on the continent.


Conscripted Armies: While the numbers of the Sylvanyr army seems impressive in size, but they are merely conscripted troops with little to no actual combat training.

Self-Funding Armies: A citizen must provide it's own equipment, meaning that while regular citizens will be able to provide himself with decent equipment, the majority of the army formed by peasants and farmers will poor equipment, once again forcing the victory of your armies to be in sheer numbers rather than combat training.

The Empire of Tar Sequinus[Reserved by @LokiLeo789]

Capital: Tarsequin

Gold: 18.000 gold

Population: 3,815,000

Army: 300.000

120.000 spearmen
80.000 swordsmen
50.000 archers
40.000 cavalry
10.000 Royal Guards(Elite Medium Versatile Unit)

Fleet: 400 ships


High Taxes: As a means to allow to hold large armies on the field for extended periods of time, the Empire has increased taxes, meaning that they can mobilize large armies without any losses for the treasury.

Professional Army: The army of Tar Sequinus is a professional and permanent one, meaning that rather than using the emperor maintains a professional army ready to fight.

Increased Infrastructure: Thanks to being in the attention of the Celestial Emperors, the territories comprising the Empire of Tar Sequinus have a increased infrastructure, meaning armies can move around the large empire to respond to threats in any corner of the empire with ease.


High Taxes-High Unrest: While the high taxes does give a certain boost to the economy of the nation, it also means that unrest is also high, with revolts just waiting to happen at the slightest negative event.

Freshly Conquered Territories: While Tar Sequinus is certainly a large nation on the map, these cities(Ceia, Alesia, Lautun and Celator) have been conquered all in the past five years and the people still harbor resentment of the Sequini Emperor, add that to the increased taxes and these cities will undoubtedly revolt sooner or later. What's worse, the Kingdom of Wolastra from whom these cities were seized, now hates the Tar Sequini Empire making diplomacy impossible with them.

The Kingdom of Wolastra[Reserved by @bluetommy2]

Capital: Arheimar

Gold: 20.000

Population: 2.014.000

Army:: 200.000

80.000 spearmen
40.000 swordsmen
40.000 archers
20.000 cavalry
20.000 longbowmen(Elite Ranged Infantry)

Fleet: 380 ships


Superior Tactics: The people and nobles born into these are ahead of their time and as such, they have among them the best generals the continent could ever see.

Advanced Thinkng: With people so ahead of their time, it is no wonder that they have discovered such an advanced method of thinking. (You may pick one of these to discover, The Compass, Gunpowder, Banking or the Dark Arts(Magic related))

Nomadic Ties: It is no shame to the Wolastrans that their own ancestors were once men of the Domani, they even embrace their past. This not only allows diplomacy with the nomadic tribes, but it also allows them to hire nomadic troops to fight for them should it come to war.


Nomadic Ties: While the Wolastrans pride themselves with their nomadic origins, the other kingdoms see this as folly as they consider the Domani savages and us as well, making diplomacy with other non-tribal societies difficult.

Low Morale: After a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Sequini Emperor and the humiliating treaty that followed afterwards, the morale of our army is very low. This will affect further military exploits.

Nomadic Tribes of Kalak Doman[Unplayable]

Capital: No set capital

Gold: 80.000

Population: 20.829.000

Army: 3.000.000

1.000.000 shock cavalry
800.000 melee cavalry
700.000 cavalry archers
400.000 Nomadic Cavalry
100.000 Bloodriders(Elite Nomadic Cavalry)


Horse Nomads: With all tribespeople of Kalak Doman having a horse, their armies can move with incredible speed on the map and with incredible mobility during battle.

People of the Steppes: Our people know how to live of the land with the little they have, no matter where they are, this disables any attrition suffered from lack of food.

Blood Kin: We, the people of Kalak Doman are the sons and daughters of Doman himself and as siblings must learn to love one another. The tribes will not go to war with anyone closely related to their kin.


People of the Steppes: Since we do not have their ways of thinking, the people of the Kingdoms consider us savages. Diplomacy with any kingdom (other than Wolastra) will be truly difficult.

Raiders of the East: Our kin close to Airgiallne have been corrupted by the western gold and has given us the reputation of savages. Airgiallne has declared a war to end our kin.

[NOTE: These are the numbers of a unified Kalak Doman, but currently each tribe in Kalak Doman is independent from one another, so their armies are much smaller individually.]

The Emirate of Mtol Darask[Playable]

Capital: Avat

Gold: 20.000

Population: 895.000

Army: 150.000

50.000 spearmen
30.000 swordsmen
20.000 archers
35.000 cavalry
15.000 mameluks(elite medium cavalry)


People of the Desert: We have lived in these deserts for generations, it is a harsh landscape, but we have thrived here were many others would fail. Daraski forces do no suffer attrition in desert territories.

Dread Ambushers: Many of the other kingdoms can field massive armies, to be able to defeat them, we have learned to attack them when they are least prepared. Daraski ambushes will almost always succeed.

The Wisdom of the Phoenix: A past emir had impressed a phoenix so much that she chose to reveal a secret of the universe to him and his kin. Secret Bonus.


Religious Friction: The people of the Imperial Faith and the people following the Faith of the Phoenix consider one another heretics in our nation. Unrest is high in all our cities as these conflicts slowly grow in size.

The Kin of the Emir: The previous Emir was a rather lustful one, siring many children, most bastards with no claims, but some legitimate ones with a true claim on the seat of the Phoenix. These pretenders may soon try to depose you.

The Kingdom of Anqallyt[Playable]

Capital: Anqallyt

Gold: 8.000

Population: 412.510

Army: 80.000

30.000 spearmen
20.000 swordsmen
15.000 archers
10.000 cavalry
5.000 Sun Knights(Elite Heavy Special Infantry)


Stalwart Defenders: Our strength in combat cannot be denied, both the Jade Empire and the Celestial Empire had failed to conquer us in the past each time they tried. Our soldiers will never falter from protecting our kin, our enemies will crash on our shields, like water crashes on the cliffs. The soldiers of Anqllyt have a high defense and high morale in their own territories.

Exotic Trade: With our trade past the Ladonian Sea, we have come in contact with many places beyond this continent, which means, exotic riches come through our ports, riches highly sought after in the continent.

Mercenary Bands: People from the other nations past our continents have heard of our riches and so, they come to our lands to seek employment. This enables you to hire mercenaries from both this continent and beyond it.


Stalwart Defenders: Our people are protective of their own kin and would do everything to protect them from harm, however, this means that our people do not enjoy offensive wars. If Anqallyt declares war upon a nation, unrest will grow through the kingdom.

Non-Imperial People: We were never conquered by anyone, as such, our people are distinct from the Imperials. This difference means that they will look upon us with suspicion.

The Jade Empire of Sha'an Tzien[Reserved by @Lauder]

Capital: Sha'an Tzien

Gold: 15.000

Population: 1.252.000

Army: 250.000

100.000 spearmen
80.000 Samurai swordsmen
50.000 archers
15.000 cavalry
5.000 Master Samurai(Elite Heavy Infantry)


Fanaticism: The people of Sha'an Tzien see their Jade Emperor as a god on earth and treat him with the respect and reverence deserving of someone descended from creators of the world. Almost no revolt risk in the capital, troops will not rout in battles where the emperor or his kin leads them.

The Jade Empire: We, the Jade Empire once encompassed the entire continent and by the will of the gods, we will restore that empire once again. You will not suffer any unrest penalties for declaring war on enemies without a reason to do so.


The Jade Empire: We have a claim on the continent, but the other nations insist on staying independent and they will challenge our rule for this continent. High Unrest for newly conquered territories.

The God-Emperors: The emperor is a god on earth, should he die, it means that the gods have forsaken him and his line. High Unrest if the emperor dies.

The Northern Cities[Unplayable][Sha'an Tzien Vassal]

Capital: Arkagh

Gold: 9.000

Population: 1.825.134

Army: 350.000

150.000 spearmen
100.000 swordsmen
50.000 archers
25.000 cavalry
25.000 Adventurers(Elite Medium Special Infantry)

The Order of Ashkanian[Playable]

Capital: Delaram

Gold: 15.000

Population: 1.453.000

Army: 200.000 soldiers

80.000 spearmen
60.000 swordsmen
30.000 archers
20.000 cavalry
10.000 Shadowguards(Elite Heavy Special Infantry)


The Order of Shadows: The esteemed Order of the Shadowguards have made Beh Ayan as their headquarters, their presence alone calms our people and lends a great deal of credibility our cause. Lowered Revolt Risks

Professional Armies: The loyal army of the Grandmaster is a professional one, meaning that rather than using conscription, he maintains a professional army ready to fight any threat that might arise, from within or without.

Stygian Iron Mines: Though in much smaller quantities than in Nastrond, a few of the mountains around the territory of the Order of Ashkanian have the very rare Stygian Iron present, making us a richer province indeed.


Religious Order: Our duty, as ordained by the First Celestial Emperor is to make the Imperial Faith the sole one of the continent. These zealous orders, lowers our relations with all of the kingdoms who do not follow this faith and makes diplomacy with them, all the more difficult.

Not a Kingdom: Unlike the rest of the territories of the lands, our territory is not ruled by kings or lords, but by elected Masters and the Grandmaster of the Order. This alien way of ruling our territory has not alienated the kingdoms, but have also given them the Casus Belli to restore Ashkanian as monarchy ruled by a king.

The Tribes of Toran[Playable]

Capital: No set capital

Gold: 4.500

Population: 623.000

Army: 380.000

180.000 spear infantry
100.000 axe infantry
80.000 archers
20.000 Tribal Champions(Elite Special Infantry)


For the Tribe!: Every man is expected to take up the weapon and fight for the tribe and protect their kinsmen! This enables us to raise our entire male population without any unrest or loss of food.

Loose Tribal Coalition: Our loose coalition means that there is no actual capital or no actual true leader, so if one tribe falls, the rest can still fight without having to worry that their chief died in combat.

Tough People: In these forests, one has to be tough, both man and woman must contribute to the tribe. Men now work as soldiers to protect their tribes, while the women and children hunt and work our fields. Toran troops have an increased bonus in morale and combat efficiency in combat.


Loose Tribal Coalition: Though our tribes assure the survival of one another, but still staying independent means that our forces are spread throughout our territories.

Savage People: Everyone, but the noble people of Sylvanyr consider us savages and as such their opinions and relations with us are very low.

The Kingdom of Airgiallne[Playable]

Capital: Timgad

Gold: 7.500 gold

Population: 781.000

Army: 150.000

60.000 spearmen
30.000 swordsmen
25.000 archers
15.000 cavalry
20.000 Shadowmen(Elite Medium Special Unit)


Kingdom of the Swamps: Most of our territories are swamps that hinder the movements of armies who are unfamiliar with the landscape and filled with dangerous animals. Any invading army will suffer a great deal of attrition in the territories of Airgiallne.

Swamp People: Though other people make fun of our kingdom for being a backwater, we are proud in our lands. We know how to survive with the little we have. Airgiallni troops suffer decreased attrition from lack of food supplies and do not suffer any attrition in swamp territories.

Guerrila Forces: Though we can field a sizable army of our own, our people are better at fighting from the shadows, chipping away at the enemy army and slowly decreasing their morale to the point of desertion.


Domani Savages: The Domani are savages who keep raiding our territories, thinking us a weak kingdom. We shall prove them wrong! We start at war with the Malak'a, Natayn and Theveste Domani tribes.

Guerrila Wars: Though our methods of waging war have won us wars against forces many times our size, the other kingdoms consider this a cowardly way to fight, as such we have decreased relations with all kingdoms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet:

House Name: Gildedtongue

Head of House: Nieldun

Family Members: Nieldun's children Nasvell Gildedtongue, Waldeal Gildedtongue and Meriel Gildedtongue. His wife Marianna is deceased.

House Placement(the kingdom they rule): The Glorious land of Nastrond.

House Coat of Arms: A snarling gray wolf's head over two crossed red swords on a green background.

House History: House Gildedtongue has ruled since the demonic invasion. In regards to relations with foreign houses, the stigma attached to their demonic lineage has left them rather isolationist aside from their rivalry with the rulers of Vaalgard. Their relations with houses within Nastrond have been wonderful.

Minor Noble Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital): Bornetall, Braveshine and Dragonstar

Head General(you may pick the member of your own house or a vassal house): Lord Eles Bornetall

Head Admiral(if you have a sea opening): Stanri Braveshine

Ambassador/s(again, may be a member of your house or of a sworn minor house): Mandod Dragonstar

Main Palace(how your royal palace, not your capital, looks like, optional): A grim stone citadel meant more for defense than luxury.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


A bit simplistic, I would recommend to write something in each category. For example, at the name of your lord, you could have written a short history of your character.

But otherwise, it's accepted.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gotcha. I'll be sure to flesh it out later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

I unfortunately got here late, could I still pledged my allegiance to the RP and create a goblin orc like race out of these nations?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I unfortunately got here late, could I still pledged my allegiance to the RP and create a goblin orc like race out of these nations?

Well, which nation do you plan to pick? There are no goblins remaining on this continent, but your guy could be a half-blood, like the current leader of Nastrond.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Well, which nation do you plan to pick? There are no goblins remaining on this continent, but your guy could be a half-blood, like the current leader of Nastrond.

Nvm just saw 'The Empire of Tar Sequinus' and I fell in love. Could I reserve it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well... sure, I don't see why not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Claw2k11>

Nvm just saw 'The Empire of Tar Sequinus' and I fell in love. Could I reserve it?

Just make sure to have your leader go insane and nearly start a war full of genocide and slaughter before his son murders him and takes his crown.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Just make sure to have your leader go insane and nearly start a war full of genocide and slaughter before his son murders him and takes his crown.

I'm surprised you remember that...


It's something that happened to the leader of Tar Sequinus in the last game.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Just make sure to have your leader go insane and nearly start a war full of genocide and slaughter before his son murders him and takes his crown.

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

I'm surprised you remember that...


It's something that happened to the leader of Tar Sequinus in the last game.

Ahh. Well, I have something.....less.....how do you even describe that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
Avatar of Mardox

Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

I'm surprised you remember that...


It's something that happened to the leader of Tar Sequinus in the last game.

How could I forget?

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

Sounds like a great idea! Why does it sound like a story I've seen before?

Like Claw said, that's what happened last time. It might have been a reference to something though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by Claw2k11>

How could I forget?

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Like Claw said, that's what happened last time. It might have been a reference to something though.

I'm done editing my posts. Well, I gotta study my empire and see the tradition and culture I wanna build around it. Has a certain Chinese/Japanese feeel to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Actually, Tar Sequinus is somewhat like a more aggressive Roman Empire of sorts. The Jade Empire of Sha'an Tzien is the one more Chinese/Japanese, but that one's reserved though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Claw, the Romans are turning Asian!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago


Actually, Tar Sequinus is somewhat like a more aggressive Roman Empire of sorts. The Jade Empire of Sha'an Tzien is the one more Chinese/Japanese, but that one's reserved though.

A far more aggressive Roman Empire you say? Interesting indeed. I think I have a good idea of what I wanna do now.

Claw, the Romans are turning Asian!

Most likely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Well, he could model it after the Eastern Roman Empire. It's still Roman and it's a bit more eastern.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Claw2k11>

A far more aggressive Roman Empire you say? Interesting indeed. I think I have a good idea of what I wanna do now.

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

Most likely.

Bit odd to have Asians on both sides of the continent.

Well, he could model it after the Eastern Roman Empire. It's still Roman and it's a bit more eastern.

That works.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

I mean they wouldn't be asians, but they would adopt the culture. A pseudo Roman-Han Empire, as @Claw2k11 mentioned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I mean they wouldn't be asians, but they would adopt the culture. A pseudo Roman-Han Empire, as @Claw2k11 mentioned.

I see.
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