@Baklava No problem, albeit i like all three in somewhat equal amounts! XD
Still, the one i would like the most would be...my third idea, the Minish OC idea.
Secondary to that if this idea is not feasible somehow, i would choose the second version of my first idea, where the female Hylian OC was adopted by the Gerudo Mystic and such. If that idea also did not somehow work, then my final choice would be the second idea, the Goron idea.
So far I've got a spot reserved for @jasonwolf, unless he gets back to me saying he's changed his mind.
The second spot I have yet to give away. Based on the characters that are being suggested, I'm deciding which I think would work best with what I've already got.
@Holy Grail Eh, I'll get back to you on the Minish character in a sec. Gotta research some lore and talk with my co-GM since he's played it and I haven't.
@Baklava I actually hadn't before. Was rushing to class, but wanted to write down my general concept to have it in here for your consideration, before getting into the meat of it.
But yeah, you are the GM so any final word will always be on your side. I'd clear things with you first, before making any large assumptions about the Gerudo or anything else really. :P
I also tried to contact you through Discord, but the username you provided didn't find anything, strangely. I did message a Baklava with another ID who was in the RoleplayerGuild Discord Chat? I am still a bit new to Discord and the site itself, honestly. Maybe you could PM me your skype handle, so we can discuss things further there?
@Furia Huh, that's weird. It's definitely Baklava#8096, so I dunno what's goin on there. I hardly ever use my Skype anymore, but my username is fmalchemist49.
@BaklavaI'm certainly still here. I just finished my final paper for my World Civilization course. The entire next month should be perfectly clear.
I'm just hammering out a backstory. Its a little hard make a backstory for a character who doesn't really have anything interesting happen to them. He's existed and followed his programming this whole time. He's just sort of been there. Any suggestions on what I should try and make sure is covered?
@jasonwolf Honestly, I got no beef with sparse histories. Tends to allow for more flexibility. With Noi being in a more or less secluded area, I can't imagine him having bared witness to all that much aside from way back when all the other bots were alive and working on stuff.
@Baklava Well I suppose I'll show you what I have then. I don't really consider it done. just current progress.
LD-No1, Noi
Pick your text color here: Cyan
From ages long past. Time slips by like the sands of the desert.
Ancient Robot
Masculine by programming. Will be referred to as male.
Noi is a mechanical hulk. Towering over most gorons Noi stands at nine foot tall and likely outweighs them with his fully metal body. The plates that cover his frame are heavy iron and steel giving the robot a similar appearance to a giant knight. Noi is even adorned with a plate helm in place of a real head.
When Noi was created he was a shining warrior for good. Intended to serve in the protection of the Lanayru desert facility he was designated as a sentinel to shelter the mining robots. He was equipped with a massive hammer, a tower shield, and a built in clawshot.
The ages have not been kind to Noi. While he once was a glittering sign of technology he has been beaten and worn by the eras. His armor is scratched and damaged in multiple places. His tower shield was misplaced decades ago, and his clawshot hasn’t been functioning for even longer. He has entirely lost his sheen leaving his metal dull and dark.
.::𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘::.
Noi almost lacks personality. He lives by his programming. He can recreate basic emotions to improve interface with non-robots, but whether or not he feels them is up for debate. He acts “angry” when there are problems and is “happy” when things go well, but he largely remains in a neutral state with everything. At the same time he has notably strong reactions to certain things. He is especially fond of other ancient robots. Despite being the only functioning one he knows of he still tends to the remains of deactivated units in his area. He has an innate hatred for peahats as well. These somewhat random points give Noi a childlike charm despite his physical being. He is ultimately very simple in his cognition partially because of limited processing and also because of his highly outdated database.
The most bizarre part of Noi’s AI is his distinct knowledge of himself as a being. He knows of himself and understands his existence. He is able to contemplate his higher meaning even if he doesn’t linger on it.
The spark was given unto Noi in the ages before the fall of Demise. He stood at the entrance into Lanyru desert for decades ensuring the facility there did not fall to the monsters. Those were simple days.
Time was the greatest adversary of the robots. While Noi was made to endure the massive rigors of battle others were more simplistic and designed to be maintained frequently. Noi was meant to tend to himself. While the centuries claimed the masters and the miners Noi remained at his vigil. As the years dragged on slowly shutting down all the robots Noi was left with a conflict in his prime directive. He was to protect his brothers or avenge them yet they had been destroyed by time, so he stood at an impasse unable to help them.
For decades he has maintained a very small area in the midst of the desert. He has been isolated here knowing nothing of how the world changed. Here he has stored his deactivated brothers.
Stuck in his loop he has continued to function without reason. That is until a new program reached him. Even unable to find a source of the program it has allowed Noi to seek a new set of possibilities. He hopes that this path may provide an answer to how he can restore his brothers.
Fighting Skills (FS) Super Fighting Robot (10) “I am more than a mega man.” : Combining the sheer durability of his form with the power of machinery Noi is capable of being a monstrosity on the battlefield. Even without his warhammer Noi’s entire body is a weapon. To enrage the machine is to challenge death. Even Stalfos or Darknut’s would likely struggle to keep up with the robot. That doesn’t mean there aren’t flaws to his construction. The sheer weight of his armor along with its size limits Noi’s movement and speed. He will endure hits, but he certainly won’t dodge many.
Magic Skills (MS) Electric Current (5) “You’ve been thunderstruck.” : The mechanisms that keep Noi going can also overclock to produce electrical effects around him. Based on his current state he can produce more or less electricity. If Noi has been resting and doing nothing but charging he could essentially fire a lightning bolt, if Noi has been doing average work he might be able to arc a small spark from his hand, if Noi has been exerting himself he will have no electricity to spare.
”: While not as dexterous as the LD-300s Noi is fully equipped with knowledge of ancient devices from his region. He can apply this to most other mechanisms, but that very much depends on the type.
Close to Metal (4) “I am the potter and the clay.” : While not the most capable smith himself Noi knows his metals and can make repairs to himself with the correct materials.
I, Robot (10) "I do not dream of electric sheep.": Noi is a robot. He doesn’t eat, sleep, breath, or function like a living being. He can function underwater, in high temperature areas, and all the extremes in between. This has other costs like his need for Peahat oil, repairs, and more. He also lacks creativity and more broad thinking. He much prefers direct to clever answer, aka he’d rather smash down a door than find the key.
Prime Directive: 00:Protect the Lanaryu Desert Facility. 10: If the Facility falls protect brothers. 20: If the brothers are lost avenge them. 30: When they are avenged rebuild. 40: Go to 00
Noi obeys his programming and has acted on this since his creation. It's impossible to tell if he has free will because of how he follows his directive. Are the goals his or only his creators? For now his purpose is to seek a way to restore his brothers.
Warsledge: A massive hammer with a huge block of metal on the end. It is the definition of brutal.
Peahat Oil: Kept in a few waterskins stored in the compartments in his thighs.
His left hand contains the broken mechanisms of a clawshot.
@Baklava No problem. Will wait to hear back from you!
Not sure what many others think of it, though, but The Minish Cap was a fun game to me! Still, if that idea does not work in the end i still have a couple of backups ready to go to at least try to secure that last spot for myself! :P
@Holy Grail I know you have back ups ready to go, but I just want to make one thing clear-- That doesn't really secure anything. I'll be totally honest, I'm not a big fan of the "Throw as Many Ideas at the Wall as Possible and Hope One Sticks" approach to trying to muscle one's way into an RP with limited spots. I would have much preferred if you came to me with a single, well thought out idea instead of several concepts.
@jasonwolf Looks good so far. Just a few things I would ask (though I know you said it's not quite finished)
-- Make sure you mention his impeccable slowness in his Super Fighting Robot ability.
-- Could you center the youtube videos and convert them to video form using the v= code?
-- I was picturing a giant legless robot with a knight-looking head and torso, similar to the ones in Skyward Sword, but you mentioned he's carrying his excess Peahat oil on his thighs? Can you clarify what sort of form he has a little more?
@Baklava I know it doesn't secure anything, just trying to be a little joking about things is all. I see where you come from about that sort of approach as well, as it is not exactly the best method of trying to get a spot in an RP with limited spots by any means. When it comes to making characters, though, i tend to want to make sure the concept is feasible and/or acceptable before i move forward with anything.
In all honesty, once the initial concepts were out of the way and i got rid of a couple, i was rather tempted to make a longer, better detailed version of the Minish idea and put it up as the next one rather than a list of three concepts like i ended up making. At the same time, though, i was worried about a Minish being an acceptable concept or not before anything else. So i came up with the list just in case the concept for a Minish OC was rejected. Albeit i am actually working on the Minish OC right now alongside some other things i have to do on the computer today just in case the concept is deemed acceptable by you an your co-GM.
-Mhmm. I haven't done any of the formatting it will be all nice and pretty when I'm finished.
- I was working off of the LD-000 not the LD-300s. zeldawiki.org/File:LD-003K_Dreadfuse.png and zeldawiki.org/Scervo . Dreadfuse more specifically is actually, technically a good guy, he was designed to protect the triforce in the temple under the goddess statue in skyloft. The main difference between Noi and dreadfuse being that Noi is basically all covered in plate mail rather than being light and designed for dueling. As well it's why I have the clawshot in Noi's offhand to match the idea that the LD-000's all have hooks for a hand.
Essentially I took the LD-000 frame and put a big suit of armor over it. While not exactly what I've had in mind I've had an idea similar to this>
@jasonwolf Ahhh that's right! Lmao, you'll have to forgive me. It's been a few years since I finished Skyward Sword and I forgot all about the other robot breed. Alright, that works then.
@Holy Grail Alright, just wanted to make sure that was clear. My co-GM should be off work in a few hours, so I'll get back to you then.
@Baklava I really don't think I can add to this, so heres what there is.
LD-No1, Noi
Pick your text color here: Cyan
From ages long past. Time slips by like the sands of the desert.
Ancient Robot
Masculine by programming. Will be referred to as male.
Noi is a mechanical hulk. Towering over most gorons Noi stands at nine foot tall and likely outweighs them with his fully metal body. The plates that cover his frame are heavy iron and steel giving the robot a similar appearance to a giant knight. Noi is even adorned with a plate helm in place of a real head.
When Noi was created he was a shining warrior for good. Intended to serve in the protection of the Lanayru desert facility he was designated as a sentinel to shelter the mining robots. He was equipped with a massive hammer, a tower shield, and a built in clawshot.
The ages have not been kind to Noi. While he once was a glittering sign of technology he has been beaten and worn by the eras. His armor is scratched and damaged in multiple places. His tower shield was misplaced decades ago, and his clawshot hasn’t been functioning for even longer. He has entirely lost his sheen leaving his metal dull and dark.
.::𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘::.
Noi almost lacks personality. He lives by his programming. He can recreate basic emotions to improve interface with non-robots, but whether or not he feels them is up for debate. He acts “angry” when there are problems and is “happy” when things go well, but he largely remains in a neutral state with everything. At the same time he has notably strong reactions to certain things. He is especially fond of other ancient robots. Despite being the only functioning one he knows of he still tends to the remains of deactivated units in his area. He has an innate hatred for peahats as well. These somewhat random points give Noi a childlike charm despite his physical being. He is ultimately very simple in his cognition partially because of limited processing and also because of his highly outdated database.
The most bizarre part of Noi’s AI is his distinct knowledge of himself as a being. He knows of himself and understands his existence. He is able to contemplate his higher meaning even if he doesn’t linger on it.
The spark was given unto Noi in the ages before the fall of Demise. He stood at the entrance into Lanyru desert for decades ensuring the facility there did not fall to the monsters. Those were simple days.
Time was the greatest adversary of the robots. While Noi was made to endure the massive rigors of battle others were more simplistic and designed to be maintained frequently. Noi was meant to tend to himself. While the centuries claimed the masters and the miners Noi remained at his vigil. As the years dragged on slowly shutting down all the robots Noi was left with a conflict in his prime directive. He was to protect his brothers or avenge them yet they had been destroyed by time, so he stood at an impasse unable to help them.
For decades he has maintained a very small area in the midst of the desert. He has been isolated here knowing nothing of how the world changed. Here he has stored his deactivated brothers. He would do anything to restore them. Even his own spark is a worthy price.
Stuck in his loop he has continued to function without reason. That is until a new program reached him. Even unable to find a source of the program it has allowed Noi to seek a new set of possibilities. He hopes that this path may provide an answer to how he can restore his brothers.
Fighting Skills (FS) Super Fighting Robot (10) “I am more than a mega man.” : Combining the sheer durability of his form with the power of machinery Noi is capable of being a monstrosity on the battlefield. Even without his warhammer Noi’s entire body is a weapon. To enrage the machine is to challenge death. Even Stalfos or Darknut’s would likely struggle to keep up with the robot. That doesn’t mean there aren’t flaws to his construction. The sheer weight of his armor along with its size limits Noi’s movement and speed. He will endure hits, but he certainly won’t dodge many.
Magic Skills (MS) Electric Current (5) “You’ve been thunderstruck.” : The mechanisms that keep Noi going can also overclock to produce electrical effects around him. Based on his current state he can produce more or less electricity. If Noi has been resting and doing nothing but charging he could essentially fire a lightning bolt, if Noi has been doing average work he might be able to arc a small spark from his hand, if Noi has been exerting himself he will have no electricity to spare.
”: While not as dexterous as the LD-300s Noi is fully equipped with knowledge of ancient devices from his region. He can apply this to most other mechanisms, but that very much depends on the type.
Close to Metal (4) “I am the potter and the clay.” : While not the most capable smith himself Noi knows his metals and can make repairs to himself with the correct materials.
I, Robot (10) "I do not dream of electric sheep.": Noi is a robot. He doesn’t eat, sleep, breath, or function like a living being. He can function underwater, in high temperature areas, and all the extremes in between. This has other costs like his need for Peahat oil, repairs, and more. He also lacks creativity and more broad thinking. He much prefers direct to clever answer, aka he’d rather smash down a door than find the key.
Prime Directive: 00:Protect the Lanaryu Desert Facility. 10: If the Facility falls protect brothers. 20: If the brothers are lost avenge them. 30: When they are avenged rebuild. 40: Go to 00
Noi obeys his programming and has acted on this since his creation. It's impossible to tell if he has free will because of how he follows his directive. Are the goals his or only his creators? For now his purpose is to seek a way to restore his brothers.
Warsledge: A massive hammer with a huge block of metal on the end. It is the definition of brutal.
Peahat Oil: Kept in a few waterskins stored in the compartments in his thighs.
His left hand contains the broken mechanisms of a clawshot.
@jasonwolf Looks good to me-- just center his name and give it a header so it matches the other character sheets. After that, go ahead and post it in the Character section. Will you be needing a summary, or would you be alright with reading the posts we have so far before you jump in?
To everyone else, my co-GM has been tied up at work, so I may not get back to y'all until tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
By the way, cool OC @jasonwolf. Loved the fights with the ancient robots in Skyward Sword and felt the design was cool, so found it rather neat to see that someone made an OC who is one. :)
Also, no problem @Baklava! Will continue work on the Minish OC and such when i have the chance while waiting for the verdict on the concept, if nothing else to try to flesh things out more just for fun on my end in the meantime!
Third Idea: This one might be the most odd, but if it's rejected i will not argue. What about...a Minish OC?
They could be from a pocket of Minish that stayed when the door to the Minish world closed at the end of the Minish Cap came, desiring to live in and stay in Hyrule. Living in Hyrule's Castle Town through the centuries even after the forest some of their people once called home was lost, this group of Minish composed of all kinds of Minish who gathered there after their other homes were destroyed or changed over time by other events would have moved with the Hylians as they moved from place to place. The magic that kept them invisible to adults began to fade away and eventually disappeared over time as well, leading them to become more reclusive from Hylians and humans as a whole in order to help preserve their people over time.
The OC themselves would be a Minish who has learned magic from one of the last members of his kind to have been trained in and honed in the art of it. Rather than combat magic, this magic would take the form of general utility magic and especially a form of "size-altering magic" to allow them to alter the physical size of themselves, objects, and even other living things if the need arises. This "size-altering magic" could have originated among the Minish still remaining in Hyrule after the stumps they used to change size back during the time of Minish Cap were destroyed and became effectively nonexistent over time. Further, the OC could sport general utility, medicianal, or other support skills on top of some skills with a sword or other weapon in order to help them fight and not smiply be a hinderance to the group as a whole. However, they could play a support role as a whole for the party of characters, being educated and intelligent as well.
This OC could also be male or female, and after having dreams they use size-altering magic to grow to human-child size or such in order to set out on a journey to the graveyard. This is probably the strangest of my three ideas, perhaps the greatest stretch. Even so, i would hope this sounds more feasible than the time-defying and other hard ideas you mentioned before!
Hi, co-GM here. In practice, the Minish are a pretty bad idea for a character. It's not a huge stretch lore-wise that there would be Minish but for one, the Minish can only be seen by children not because of their size, but because of the good-naturedness and innocence that only children have. Even with weird size changing magic you'd only be able to interact with at best a very small portion of our cast and the vast majority of NPCs just wouldn't see you at all, something that would be very difficult for us to deal with as GMs. It's not that it's an outright lore problem for there to be a Minish, it's just that it doesn't shake out well in practice.
Why would you want to make a Minish bigger anyway? The cool thing about em is that they're small and even the simplest stuff is so huge and crazy for them. Why would you want to take that away from them and make them basically another weird little imp-like thang hanging around? Sure you might be able to get some interesting "woah bro, shit's so different when you're normal sized!" reactions at first but it would get old quick and given the problems that arise with most people not seeing you it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Gonna have to take a hard pass on that one.
@Chanda You do indeed have a point! So, respecting the decision made, i shall continue on and work on my next OC idea! Of course, i know it's not a guarantee of anything by any means, but i still might as well give it a good, solid try to see if i can earn the last spot in the RP!
With that in mind,@Baklava, i have a few questions about the Gerudo to ask you. Just to make sure i don't make any hard assumptions that could interfere with the plot or anything when constructing my next idea:
1. Are there any other magic-using Gerudo Mystics among the Gerudo population currently?
2. In terms of the division caused among the Gerudo by those who support Nabooru's views and those who favor Ganondorf's possible return, how severe is the issue among the Gerudo? Is there internal conflict or fighting going on? Is it simply a large divide in opinion without internal violence having erupted?
3. In your opinion as the GM, what is the chance a Gerudo raiding party would take back to their fortress a baby female Hylian whose parents have just been killed? That is a pretty important part of my OC idea. Also, how would such a child likely be viewed, in your opinion that is, if they were raised among the Gerudo in general?
4. Would you like me to discuss these things or anything else about the Gerudo over messages in Discord, or is it ok to ask things like i have asked here in this Interest check?