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    1. jumpadraw 9 yrs ago


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I'm pretty heroic. That's about it...

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Are you guys doing ok?

Yup, doing great!
@rocketrobie2 Sorry about that. Computer lied to me again, told me it was up for the third time in a row. Anyway, now it should be up 😛

Interacting with:@rocketrobie2

"To be clear, you know not of the reason your friend made their pilgrimage to this city?"

Akio turned to he companion, thinking over the words he spoke.
"Well, be it made by man or god, it matters little. My mission is the same. As for this Tanka,—"
Akio froze, raising a hand for his companion to remain silent. Before them stood the gates of the temple, but something wasn't right. Akio could hear someone, or something. It was quite, but distinct. It was almost as if they were deliberately being quite. Were they caretakers of this temple? Or other travelers, members of this "rebellion" of Tankas? Or, were they something worse? Again, Akio realized that he was thinking too much. Normally he was impulsive, and a bit rash, and he had been trying to get out of that mind set, doing a good job of it too. Often times,this just led him to ask too many questions, to overthink things. Akio shook his head, glancing down at his feet. As he did so, he noticed a plaque with some form of writing. It looked like the language of the kingdoms round about, but it was a form that Akio hadn't seen before, probably a much older form of it.
Speak freely and be judged by our Master, our Gods, and all the Old Ways The words sent shivers down his spine. Akio took a deep breath before turning his attention back to his companion.

"Be on guard, friend." And with that, he gradually nudged the gate open, allowing room for him and his friend to peer into whatever lay ahead.
@jumpadraw Hey, are you waiting on me? No pressure if you just haven't gotten around to posting yet but I just don't want to hold ya up if your ready to go.

Sorry about that! I thought I posted, but apparently my PC's been glitching up a bit. It should be up now, though!

No sweat, take your time. I've been in the exact same sort of situation before, and I know just how frustrating it can be. Pretty excited to continue on with the story, but I can wait. Right now I'm having a pretty fun conversation with @rocketrobie2, so I'm not in a rush.

Interacting with:@rocketrobie2

"Do you believe the stories about this place? It being built by the gods and the like?"

"Gods?"Akio let a bit of the firmness leave his voice as he walked. He was tense and didn't particularly trust his new companion, but there wasn't any need to illustrate this fact further. Besides, Akio trusted nobody until they proved themselves worthy of that respect. He deeply sighed and continued speaking, cautiously, but less harshly.

"I don't know very much about your gods, or the legends that surround this place. I've heard of a few in passing, but even still... I think that cities are built by the hands of mortals, sometimes to respect 'gods', but not by the immortals themselves. The stories are just that. Stories." Akio slowed his pace to allow the man to walk beside him, not just to get a read on him, but to make sure he wouldn't stab him in the back. "Tell me, why did your friend enter this place? What could he hope to gain by walking the abandoned alleys of a city such as this?"
Finally got another post up. It's not as long as the first one, but I think there's something to work with in it. Sorry about the wait. It won't happen again.*details of agreement listed below Now I've got nothing but free time for the next little while, so I'm ready to rp!

*This statement is not legally binding and a delay in posts can and will happen as there is no way to truly reply to things instantly. No delay should be longer than a few days, but if they are, no actions can be taken past killing off Akio, writing him out of the story, or some other equally painful punishment. No true harm can be inflicted on the player of this character, and any that is will result in a fine of at least $1000, €934.71, etc. You have been warned.

Interacting with:@rocketrobie2

"I've come to this decrepit place in search of the ronin known as Tanka. Have you come to do the same? Were you a member of the Rebellion as well?"

Akio frowned slightly as he heard this, carefully choosing his next words. The man before him was trusting, perhaps overly so. Either he was lying, or he was naive. Still, Akio wasn't entirely sure whether or not Noble was part of some rebellion. They had helped out with uprisings and insurrections before, a handful of them even taking place in a few settlements fairly close. They were mercenaries, after all. Akio decided to repay the mans supposed candor with his own, or at least slightly. He wouldn't lie to him at the very least.

"I too am in search of somebody," he replied,"His name is not Tanka, but he may of been part of this rebellion you speak of, perhaps he came here for your friend, or to carry out a similar mission. I am unsure."

Akio glanced around the city streets, unease setting upon him once again.

"Listen, I mean no offence, but could be continue this conversation elsewhere? I don't intend to stay in this city any longer than possible, and talking can be done while walking. Follow if you want, but don't try anything stupid, or you'll regret it."
Akio didn't even wait for a response before resuming his walk around the temple wall in search of a gate.
Harrison paused at the landing, letting himself think for a second. "It should be less of a hassle than what we dealt with today. Still, just because it seems like it'll be fun, doesn't mean we should let our guard down. I'd rather keep all of my blood in my veins personally." Harrison let out a chuckle, in spite of himself. It was pretty tough to be stressed around Buck. His positive and upbeat attitude seemed to rub off on everything around him. "It should be fun, though," Harrison continued, "Well, aside from the distinct possibility of Madame Red wanting us to trade one of our own necks for a bit of information on whatever drug she knows about. But that probably won't happen. I hope. The biggest challenge will be finding a good place to rent a tux. None of the clothes I got at home really work for a party." He gestured towards his wrinkled button up shirt and jeans with a smile. "I should probably check in with Mithias before I turn in for the night, see if he needs any help with the report he's writing. You'll have to tell me if you find out anything useful. Anyway, I'll see you later."
Harrison gave Buck one last nod before turning and heading back up the stairs.


So, what's the plan then? Are we going to just continue on with the RP and hope that people will begin to respond after you make another post, or do we keep waiting? From the looks of it, I'd say that people don't really have questions about the mission.
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