Name: Jamin (as in Benjamin but for some reason I was always called Jamin)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Region of Origin: Sinnoh
City of Origin: In the country immediately west to Sunyshore City
History: I was born and raised on a small farm growing crops near Sunyshore City. Being the youngest out of five brothers wasn't easy, because we were not in the least well-off, but we managed. In all honesty, until I was 14 I had never even heard of Pokemon. I belonged to a tiny village- not even, just a collection of houses- and we had never come into contact with them as companions. They were simply wild things that sometimes came by our fences and ate our stuff, so we chased them off our property, day in, day out. There was a tiny (and I mean,
tiny) school in the village literally just to teach us how to read and write, but someone came in one day saying, 'There's this kid in the rich school in Sunyshore who has one of those animals thingys as a pet!'
That was the first time I'd ever heard of Pokemon being used as companions, and from then on I was entranced. I began working for another farmer, a family friend, earning up some money, and every month I'd go into Sunyshore and just talk to the Trainers going into the gym, people fishing on the docks, anyone who looked like they owned Pokemon.
It was almost my 15th birthday when my dad caught something out in the yard. He yelled out to me, saying, 'Jamin! Look at this!' And in his hands was a tiny little monkey-looking pokemon, basically a baby, looking utterly terrified. I didn't know what it was called; the only pokemons I had ever seen were a few Bidoof and once or twice a Kricketot. He was going to throw the little pokemon back into the long-grass, but for some reason I felt compelled to stop him. I wanted to keep this little pokemon; and in any case, he looked like he needed my help.
The rest is basically history: I nursed the pokemon back to help, calling him 'Fireball' and I took him everywhere with me. I didn't have a PokeBall, so he tried to leg it a few times but I soon caught him, and after a while he seemed happy at my side. I continued to work, making my way to Sunyshore. And one day I bought myself a nice shiny Pokeball- I intended to challenge the Leader and maybe get more money, so I could go and visit some of the more notable cities in Sinnoh. Beating him with only Fireball was tough as hell but I did it and returned home triumphantly. Unfortunately Fireball got so worked up he burnt down two crop-fields and an outhouse.
My parents, after yelling at me for a long, long time, forbade me to return home until 'I had gotten that goddamn fire monkey under control!' So I left home with my winnings, one shiny PokeBall and my litte FireBall. After an unfathomably long time I got all the Gym Badges, with a team of four pokemon, and I was all set for Victory Road when I was approached by a stranger, who invited me to a school in a completely different region. I agreed immediately, totally forgetting about my parents. I hope I can contact them soon...
Personality: (mind if I use 3rd person here?)
Jamin is a small-town boy who is honestly amazed by all he sees, and is very vocal about this. He thinks the world of his Pokemon, and knows them better than he knows himself, but they continue to astound him every day. He's very wide-eyed, the opposite in fact to his more world-weary elders he's encountered on his journey. That said, despite not being a great farmer he's an expert in the wild, especially navigation, as that was the only way to get around back home. He really enjoys life, but most importantly he never holds grudges against those he's beaten or lost against in battle. He goes into battle with a clear mind, and doesn't see any shame in backing out if his Pokemon are in danger. Basically, he's no warrior.
Battle Theme: ....?
Species: Chimchar
Nickname: Fireball
Personality: A lot like Jamin- excitable, wide-eyed, but also extremely lazy. He thought he liked walking around until he discovered the PokeBall. But he still likes coming out for a stroll sometimes.
Notable Moves: Flamethrower
Flare Blitz
High Jump Kick
Blue Flare
Species: Floatzel
Nickname: Queso
Personality: Queso is a bit of a cheesy pokemon, in the sense that she's always about 'the power of the team' and makes no bones about the fact that she loves Jamin very dearly. She's the sensible, resolute one; a bit like the determination Jamin sometimes shows. Sometimes. When he feels like it.
Notable Moves: Surf
Hydro Pump
Hydro Cannon
Species: Skarmory
Nickname: Razzo
Personality: Jamin called his Skarmory 'Razzo', or 'rocket', because when he first saw him he made Queso faint and then took off into the sky like a rocket. Razzo is probably the coldest of all Jamin's Pokemon: he's really shy, and in battle he sometimes needs holding back, as if he gets too involved in the match he has a tendency to try and really hurt the opponent. Razzo was hard to train, tried to leg it continually, but now Jamin and Razzo are almost inseperable.
Notable Moves: Fly
Iron Head
Brave Bird
Doom Desire
Species: Electivire
Nickname: Zappos
Personality: Zappos, despite his aggressive appearance, is the biggest softie Jamin has ever encountered in a Pokemon. He's a real daydreamer, hates his Pokeball and likes making friends with every Pokemon he sees. He can be very quick and decisive in battle, and is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses. He's great friends with Queso, even though she's a Water-type.
Notable Moves: Ice Punch
Cross Chop