I'm getting the impression you two know each other to an extent.
@PuddingLike Broken just said, I'll be willing to help out anyone who wants to get involved in my role-plays. I'm not here to judge people or to outcast them if they make mistakes -- I'm here to help people learn from mistakes. I've been writing at an advanced level from the moment I started role-playing on play-by-post, though I definitely half-arsed a lot more back then than I do now (mostly because I suffered from severe depression when I first discovered role-playing forums -- plus; you know; virtually no education).
Never pressure yourself into thinking I'm gonna just kick you out of the role-play if you have a problem or something -- I'll be there to help you work around it. The PM reply I sent involving your character sheet draft should give an idea of how I usually operate, honestly. I'm not going to reject people, but I'll offer suggestions or advice to help them. The reason I put up a note about the post length/grammar/punctuation in the rules was to make people realize that if they're having issues I expect them to make an effort to improve.
@BrokenPromiseThat's pretty funny that it'd happen shortly after I mentioned that typing habit of mine.