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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @December@Heyitsjiwon

As pretty as those fish looked both Stegs and Skubli had decided they wanted to head back to the cave. While not too sure about what Lothar wanted Stegs found a two to one majority enough to act on and headed back to the shore to grab the remains of the Horned Rabbit, which he wanted to bring back as proof of a successful hunt in case their third member either refused to come along or had failed to catch any of the fish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 24 min ago


-On their way back-

The three goblins had agreed to head back to their cave and be ready for the next day instead of staying out after dark. Their decision was wise but they will still think about those beautiful fish that's shined brighter then anything they have ever seen. As they left they could hear the growl of a bear thankfully the fish was distracting them allowing them to easily slip away from the bear as it hunted for its fish dinner.

@The 4 Winds

-The wise Goblin-

Grandpa goblin watched as the young goblin gave him a piece of the young ones kills and he had to admit that he was intrigued this young one not only gave him food but wanted him to teach her about the world around them. He had to admit that it was odd considering the previous generations didn't take his wisdom seriously of course that lead to many death but it was different.

He took the hind leg the young one offered then started to think about what to tell the young one. If anything he was a caretaker and only left the cave in his younger years but he could tell him a bit more about what was waiting for him on the outside. "Seems only fair to tell you a bit since you gave me part of your kill. I will tell you about what you can expect to find out their in the world. To begin with you have these rabbits to kill they are the easiest to kill yet some goblins never survive their first hunt with one let alone against an alpha like this one. Be mindful of one thing though the farther you travel from this cave the more dangerous creatures you will find that can easily kill you if your not strong enough to handle the fight. If nothing else don't forget this Prepare for every eventuality anything can happen and anything can kill you if your not careful" he warned thinking that would be enough in exchange for the meal but he wouldn't mind talking a bit more. So rarely does he have one of the young ones so interested in his wisdom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Lomen listened eagerly and even if no specifics were given, Grandpa goblin still gave him sound advice that would help him stay alive. " Prepare for every eventuality " This specifically resonated within him and as such, would make sure to prepare what he could for himself before leaving the cave for a hunt in the future.

" Thank you Elder, I will remember your words. Rest easy. I am going to sleep now and will see you in the morning. " With that Lomen finished the rest of his rabbit and went to a nice spot near the wall. He put the pelt under his head like a pillow and laid the shield over his torso to act like a blanket. As he tried to sleep he milled over the rabbit's movements and ways of fighting them, since it would most certainly be a good source of food in the days to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Things were going amazingly. Kishi had three kills under his belt, two new friends, and plenty of supplies for his tinkering. Nothing felt like it could go wrong. This was without a doubt, the happiest moment in Kishis' short life. The sun was slowly setting, the trees blew in the wind, and a faint metallic scent followed the strong gale.

A low, barely audible growl also roes to meet his ears.

Before he could even register what had occurred, Isurta's neck was being dug into by some furry creature's fangs, blood squirting to stain the already crimson grass. They then began to consume the comparatively small rodent that the goblins had all felled earlier. Kishi didn't even have time to scream, before his legs dragged him away from the horrible event. Some primal, unconscious thing had awoken inside him, and it had only a single goal in mind.


By the time Kishi returned to the mouth of the cave, the sun had just disappeared down the horizon, and his legs had finally given out. He had run for what felt like an eternity, and his legs refused to hold his small weight any longer. He sighed in relief, as the voice in his head, a once helpful and intellectual entity, ringed out in his head.


Kishi laid in astonishment at the entrance of his home, before breaking out into a chuckle. This soon evolved into a howling laughter, fueled by a horrible and all encompassing sense of dread. Just as abruptly as it began, however, it ceased. Xaal was no where in sight.

Kishi made his way back to his corner of the cave, directly next to the hole in the wall where he had stored his spears. He sluggishly tied the horn of his rabbit onto the tip of his spear, storing the old head into the hole apathetically. He was too tired to make anything right now. He slowly set to work, searching for a large stone.

He had no idea why, but something told him that this was the right thing to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 24 min ago

-The first night survived-

Grandpa nodded to the young one as he called him elder and said thanks for the advice and honestly he didn't mind. He may be old but he was still strong enough to protect these children until they can get strong enough. He wouldn't directly help them outside the cave but advice was something he didn't mind giving when properly paid for. So far however only one came and soon he heard loud laughed and he jumped ready to defend the cave but it turned out to be another young one. The thing that caught Grandpa's attention though was the dark look in the child's eyes, he saw death and that could only mean that some weren't as lucky.

Soon enough he saw the other three goblins that left in a group thankfully at least they all came back though if that was due to sneakiness or cleverness he had no idea. When he saw the goblin wounded he would have ignored it had he not offered a nice fish to him. Grandpa took the fish and ate it raw spitting out bones as was necessary, once he had his fill he told the young one to follow him to a corner.


"Be careful young one in your life you will face even worse wounds if you aren't clever enough to think ahead" he said gently hitting him in the head with his walking stick only to reprimand him for getting wounded but at the very least he came back and that was what mattered. Grandpa soon showed him a few specific plants and berries as he then used a fashioned mortar and bowl and started to mash up the ingredients. When that was done it turned into a salve and he then stuck it to Stegs arm where the wound was effectively closing it from any infection and boosting the healing rate. The young one should be fine by morning.

Skill learned: lesser medicine creation This goblin has learned how to make minor healing salves and medication powder

Once the young one was cleaned up Grandpa ushered him back with his brothers to go to sleep for the night. Grandpa then went outside and grabbed two rocks and went to work throughout the night the young goblins could hear carving.

-Day 2: Survivors 6, dead 2-

@Duoya@December@The 4 Winds@Heyitsjiwon@El Noche

the next morning grandpa was waiting for the young ones to wake up once they were all awake grandpa then said "I don't usually do this unless its for stronger goblins but your brother and sister both had potential and now its gone to waste" He said showing them all two rocks which he carved the names Isurta and Xaal

"Remember you are family so respect those that have been taken but remember how they died so you don't fall prey to the same fate" he said looking at Kishi when he said that knowing that the young one probably saw everything. He put the rocks down by the entrance and he bowed his head for a brief moment expecting the others to do the same before he lifted his head and said "Good luck young ones"

!Blessing gained! Honor the fallen The goblins have learned to honor those that die, as a result each goblin gains a higher affinity with death
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stegs did his best to remember the plants and berries Grandpa showed him to make the medicine for his wound. Knowing how to make it himself would be useful but it also reminded him of his earlier decision to try and plant berries in the cave and he resolved not to forget about that the next day.

That night it took for the young Goblin to fall asleep due to the sounds of Grampa working on something and the excitement of the day, eventually though he drifted off. The next morning it was revealed that the elder Goblin had been working on two stones with the names of Isurta and Xaal carved into them. Stegs didn't know them too well but he still bowed his head before grabbing his club and heading out.

This day he was planning on hunting alone, though his main focus would be to find the plants and berries needed for the medicine. He carefully studied every plant and berry bush he came across hoping to find what he was looking for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


His conscious drifted from delighted inebriation into a hell of disorientation. An endless spiraling into a an ever growing pit of darkness. He felt as if his body was melting apart and swirling into nothingness, only to reform to be broken down all over again; his mind being rent apart by the sickening sensation of it all. Seemingly endless torment suddenly broken by one word "Zectoll". The spiraling sensation began to fade, as his consciousness swayed into the tangiblity of his new existence. He opened his eyes to find himself in a cave, with many other forms.

He came to learn that he was now alive, no longer a mere tormented consciousness in an endless immaterial plane of darkness. He was now the goblin known as Zectoll, though only a young ling at present. Even if he were able to move the baby like form he now possessed he would not have done so, as the feelings of whatever he was before still lingered. Strong sensations of disorientation, nausea and a constant spiraling plagued him still Over the past three days Zectoll did little other than lay on the ground in a fetal position quietly moaning, only moving about when Grandpa Goblin came along to give him food.

On his third day of life Zectoll watched as his siblings venture out of the cave with scornful eyes. None of the others seemed to be physically addled as he was. They would be able to go out and find food for themselves, and grow and live life. While he seemed to be destined to whither away in the darkness of the cave. He was particulary envious of a particular trio of Goblins, Kishi, Xaal, and Isurta. They were different from the rest, larger, more colorful and by goblin terms more wealthy. They had weapons and fit bodies. Those three are sure to come home with fat bellies. Zectoll muttered to himself as he leaned against the cavern wall, slowly drifting off to sleep. Soon he began to dream.

He was standing in a field of darkness, large white cube like structures jutted from the ground in all directions, with small paths winding in between them. He could barely stand through the nausea and disorientation. Behind him he heard haunting sounds of howling and screaming. He turned to see a four humanoid shaped beings covered in fur and scale rushing towards him. Their huge mouths agape and drooling. Terrified he turned to run only to drunkenly stumble and slam face first into one of the cubes jutting from the ground. There was no escape, in his current state it was all he could do to walk in a straight line let alone outrun a group of monsters. Zectoll slumped to the ground preparing himself to be devoured by the these strange beings. Suddenly a large waterfall of blood poured over him from the sky. The blood enveloped him, rushing into his mouth eyes and ears. His body surged with warmth, the blood tasted of milk in his mouth. The disorientation that plagued him faded away. His body felt light, as he rose out of the pool of blood. No longer hindered, Zectoll charged at the monsters. He weaved into the group, darting around grasping hands and dodging tackles. Zectoll had soon cleared the group of monsters, as they had fallen and tripped over each other in their attempt to capture him. Zectoll quickly out paced them, leaving them far behind. Zectoll ran on and on into the dawning light of the horizon.

The following morning Zectoll awoke from his dream feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He rose to his feet, and for the first time stood with his head held high and his chest out. No longer was he afflicted by the drunken stupor that held him prisoner in the cave. He was a free goblin, at last able to live life as a goblin should.

He noticed that all of his siblings were gathering around Grandpa. He walked over and took his place among st his kin for the first time.

I don't usually do this unless its for stronger goblins but your brother and sister both had potential and now its gone to waste

Zectoll's jaw dropped. How could this be. They were surely the strongest in the cave. Their eyes were strong. He thought to himself. Then a sudden revelation dawned upon him. Perhaps it was their deaths that had cured him of his ailments? Perhaps their power had flowed into the surviving members of the clan, thus explaining the vision he had the night before. While the dream itself and the loss of Xaal and Isurta was mere coincidence, in Zectoll's mind the two events were directly connected. 0

Zectoll paid his respects to his fallen brethren, his eyes lingering over the stones far longer than rest of his clan. After he was done his attention turned elsewhere. Zectoll scanned the cave, his eyes falling hungrily unto the tall form of Kishi. Zectoll walked over to talk with the budding craftsgoblin. Goblin Kishi, strongest of the cave Zectoll said as he examined Kishi and his many belongings, a sly grin slowly spreading across his wide jaw, revealing his many gleaming teeth. The one who has seen death with his own eyes. The one who has killed yet has not been killed.. His arms spread wide, then quickly came back together as he clasped his hands and began to rub them together. Show me what you have learned of life and death, for on this day, I ZECTOLL! will be your hunting party.. The shorter goblin had worked himself up into a tizzy, rocking back and forth on his heels as drool dripped from his huge grin. He was starving for food, to be out of the cave, and more than anything else, not to let the power in which he thought he gained from the death of Xaal and Isurta go to waste.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Jangel13@El Noche@Duoya@December@Heyitsjiwon

Lomen allowed for the service to finish before approaching each make-ship gravestone and getting onto his knees to send a short personal prayer for each of them. He spend a good few minutes looking at the stones and decided to give thanks to those who were almighty.

"For the gods above and below, thank you. I thank you for this chance at life and to live as free as my will can allow. I thank you for the water, the earth, the warmth of light, the cool of shade, and the wind from the sky. I thank you for your lessons of the danger and rewards I have seen thus far. Above all else, thank you all for creating this world I live in. Please do guide me so that I may lead my allies into places of well being and to live a truthful life. I hope to make you proud."

When he finished his thanks to the gods above, he felt refreshed mentally. He wasn't sure if they truly existed, but it felt like a good thing to do in order to remind himself that he indeed is astonishingly lucky to have this life when two others had it snatched away before even a week alive. With that finished, he took a moment to stretch out and get ready for the hunt. He wore the pelt of the rabbit over his chest, as to cover some of his upper front and back. Some protection is better than nothing, even if it is only a pelt. Standing up, Lomen went to the entrance of the cave and looked back in at the optimistic goblin.

"Just be careful not to get impaled by a horned rabbit. They move pretty fast. I am going to head out as well, you and anyone else willing to hunt are welcome to join me." Lomen did not mind having to hunt alone, but it would be nice to have someone to help. If anything it increased his chances of survival as well as the other goblins.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Numerous hours were spent, scouring the cave for just the appropriate stone. Kishi planned to build a similar structure for Xaal if he did not return by tomorrow, but the search compelled him to find the stone. He clutched his own stone in his hands, just as he found a stone, roughly half his height. The rock he had found weighed nearly as much as he did, and it too multiple hours to drag it back to his corner of the cavern. Just as he managed to pull it there, he quickly fell asleep, not even eating the rabbit he had caught that night.

It felt like he had just closed his eyes when Grandpa began to call all the goblins to him. Kishi rose groggily, slolwly limping his way towards the cave mouth. Standing before him, Grandpa and the other goblins were surrounding a rock with strange lettering. Despite never learning to read, Kishi knew what they meant.

Xaal had not returned last night.

The ramblings of Grandpa passed through Kishi's mind, not even registering properly. As soon as the speech was over, Kishi quickly turned and walked away. He wasn't going to stay there. Not when it was his fault that they died in the first place. If he wasn't such a coward, if he didn't run, maybe he could have saved them. Even if he couldn't, at least he wouldn't need to live with this guilt.

Kishi slowly made it back to his corner, leaning against the now useless rock. Tears threatened to erupt from his face, and he gripped his spear until his knuckles turned white. This wasn't right. He wasn't going to let them go. He was going to kill those damn monsters and, at the very least, get whatever was left of the two goblins. As he made this resolution, the weakest goblin in the cave... Walked up to him?

"Goblin Kishi, strongest of the cave. The one who has seen death with his own eyes. The one who has killed yet has not been killed. Show me what you have learned of life and death, for on this day, I ZECTOLL! will be your hunting party."

Kishi slowly began to get up, and faked a smile.

"Of course I will show you! However... I will decide where we go to hunt. After all, you have never been outside before right, Brother Zectoll? Here, this is yours now."

Kishi tossed the stone spear, the one that had never been used, towards the goblin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Of course I will show you! However... I will decide where we go to hunt. After all, you have never been outside before right, Brother Zectoll? Here, this is yours now."

Kishi tossed the stone spear, the one that had never been used, towards the goblin.

Instinctively Zectoll raised one hand into air, letting the spear fall firmly into his hand. He looked at the weapon with glee holding it awkwardly in his hands. The conception of such a weapon was beyond him and he was unsure of its direct applications and how best to use it. He slowly began twirling the spear in his hands, slowly transitioning from left to right to spinning it above his head. He ended the maneuver with the spear point facing outwards with his feet planted in a wide stance. Yes, never have I been outside the cave, nor stood upright for more than twenty minutes. But I am ready now...Brother Kishi? Zectoll had spent little time speaking with the other Goblins, the convention of referencing each other by brother and sister was rather odd.

Thank you for this opportunity. I will follow where ever you lead. I will wait for you at the mouth of the cave when you are ready.

Zectoll bowed, and then walked to the mouth of the cave, head held high, spinning and twirling the spear like a baton.

"Just be careful not to get impaled by a horned rabbit. They move pretty fast. I am going to head out as well, you and anyone else willing to hunt are welcome to join me."

Zectoll stopped playing with his new spear to regard the goblin who had just addressed him. A look of admiration appearing on his face as he examined the Goblin's equipment, and most notably the pelt the goblin wore on his chest. You have tasted of death as well, like Goblin Kishi. Horned rabbits are fierce opponent yes, Goblin Lomen? Zectoll said as he rubbed his chin. Impalement, Zectoll inquired about the word in his head? Zectoll took his spear and performed a swift jab into the air. Zectoll thinks that it is the horned rabbit who should worry about being impaled Zectoll said to Lomen with a sly grin on his face. I am waiting on Goblin Kishi, he agreed to teach one such as I what he has learned of life and death. You also seem to have knowledge of life and death. Would you join our party as well? Zectoll said to Lomen, an eager grin splayed across his face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Jangel13@Duoya@El Noche

"Of course I will show you! However... I will decide where we go to hunt. After all, you have never been outside before right, Brother Zectoll? Here, this is yours now."

It was nice to see how other goblins got along but it made Lomen feel somewhat lonely. Even though it would be nice to be a watcher of history and see people live their lives out, he would prefer to live with them. With this in mind he turned to leave before hearing someone approach, when he looked back he saw Goblin Zectoll eagerly standig nearby with his spear. Lomen showed a toothless smiled and listened to him with an open stance.

You have tasted of death as well, like Goblin Kishi. Horned rabbits are fierce opponent yes, Goblin Lomen? Zectoll thinks that it is the horned rabbit who should worry about being impaledI am waiting on Goblin Kishi, he agreed to teach one such as I what he has learned of life and death. You also seem to have knowledge of life and death. Would you join our party as well?

Lomen kept his smile but didn't show teeth while he took a moment to consider the option. Meanwhile he took the horn that he had gotten from the alpha and measured it against the spears horn. His was somewhat larger and this caused a toothy grin and almost dreadful feeling exhuming from Lomen before he stopped and put the horn back on his hip with the stick.

"The horned rabbit is a fast opponent. It's legs is where its life lies, but once you take that away, even large ones will fall. It seems I killed a larger version of the rabbit, but I must admit that Goblin Kishi did encounter more rabbits than I. Could you lead us to a good hunting ground for horned rabbits? If so we could make a strategy before fighting them and I have a few ideas that could help us."

Lomen then gave both Gblin Zectol and Kishi with some good berries he acquired yesterday. Even though he would have liked a snack before leaving, Zectol's stomach had growled earlier and Kishi faced the loss of two party members on the first hunt. Both could have negative influences on the hunt.

"Also eat a bit before the hunt. Food is important for strength and life." Lomen took off the pelt and wrapped it into an over the shoulder strap for his shield as he walked towards the edge of the cave. While doing so, he straightened his back, making a few audible snapping sounds before continuing. For a short time you could see his spine protruding a bit like a mountainside along his back before it was quickly covered by the shield.

"Kishi, whenever you are ready, let's head out to the hunt. And Zectol. . ." Lomen looked over at him with almost jovial eyes."I think the best teacher of life and death are the experiences of both. The life you live, and witnessing death, be it for good or bad." Afterwards Lomen put his hands together and gave a thanks to the gods for the opportunity to live another day.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 24 min ago

@The 4 Winds@El Noche@Duoya

-day two: the next hunt-

The day would start again and a new hunt would begin as their leader goblin Kishi went to where he last saw his first goblin companions. What they soon found were two corpses that could only belong to the two goblins they were stripped to the bone the only thing identifying them as their companions were the equipment that was still on them. However before they could even get close to them their were two Black wolves feasting on the remains.

Their leader was long gone but their were tracks leading to where they were going. The two wolves before them were obviously runts of the litter getting the scraps the stronger wolves left behind they were eating what was left of the two goblins. While they may be runts they were still wolves that could rip them to pieces should they try to go on the frontal assault they needed to be very careful if they were to live should they try to attack the wolves as revenge for their fallen comrades
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kishi walked with fake confidence as he led the other two goblins down the path. The rabbit corpse was missing a leg, which was currently being eaten by the goblin. Even if he didn't have an appetite at the moment, he needed all the strength he could get. The pathway the followed was all too familiar to Kishi; his fear had made the moment retain perfect clarity in his memories. Kishi finished his small meal, storing the bone in his loincloth, next to his rock. He slowed down slightly as they approached the area, when Kishi noticed the two wolves in the distance.

The mere sight of them caused Kishi's blood to boil, his vision briefly flaring red. He had to spend several seconds to resist the urge to simply jump on them. After all, running in without a plan was suicidal. He quickly looked around, taking in his surroundings. The pathway was a large path of beaten dirt, and blood littered the round everywhere. The two rabbit corpses were lying with the goblins, having been picked to the bone. Along the sides of the pathway were numerous bushes, allowing Kishi to quickly move behind them and motion for Zectoll and Lomen to do the same.

Trees were abundant in the area, and blocked a decent amount of sunlight from reaching the ground. Kishi did not take this in as significant, however; even if the light was blocked enough to prevent sight, the wolves most likely had much more acute senses. The corpses (The sight of which caused Kishi to become slightly nauseous) were in the center of the road and the bones that showed were covered in bite marks. A plan slowly awoke in Kishi's mind, but it was risky. It could leave him severely wounded, if not dead should it be performed without proper timing. Despite this, however, he decided to silently voice his plan to the goblins.

"Here is my plan: I will climb one of the trees and, once I am in position, you two will launch an attack from the back of the wolf furthest from my tree. As you do so, I will leap down onto the other wolf, skewering him to the ground."

"If either of you can think of something that doesn't have a good chance of breaking my legs, however, please tell me."

Despite saying the last part of his plan jokingly, the fear that had permeated him earlier was gone. In it's place, a cold vengeance washed over Kishi's being.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Lomen followed Kishi carefully, keeping track of him when they got to the wolves in case he needed to jump in to fight. Fortunately that was not the case. He took a moment to look over the fallen goblins and took a second to mill over the fact that the wolves who killed them were doing the same as they were, huntin to survive and grow. With this in mind Lomen sent a small prayer to the gods of beasts, death, and life for allowing him to see this early in life.

When Kishi moved to the brush, Lomen silently followed and listened intently. Kishi's plan was good but Lomen still wanted to expand upon it for himself and Zectoll.

"It sounds like a good plan Kishi, but a few points first. One, we make sure to attempt the tree attack from downwind. Second, I and Zectoll will attack to cut off the tracked route. And don't worry about the fall, the wolves look like a comfy landing.

Lomen smiled showing his toothy grin that immediately went away as he realized that their was a possibility of Kishi missing his drop.

"Ok. Lastly, Zectoll, stay behind me and be ready to back up Kishi in the case he misses the drop. Where I don't think that will be the case, I am the only one with any protection and Kishi may be left open if he misses the drop. I should be able to fend off one of the wolves long enough for you two to kill the other. Ready? If so lets get into position and above all. Stay alive."

Lomen took a few hairs off of the rabbit pelt and let them fall to the ground, that would show where the wind was blowing and would establish where downwind actually is. He prepped his shield and decided the medium horn would be better for this hunt, since wounding the legs and neck would be critical to victory. Although in case of emergency, he still had the stick.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Greedily, Zectoll consumed Lomen's berries and advice. The pleasantly sweet fruit calmed his starving stomach and the advice his fellow goblin gave produced a measure of confidence within him. The big eared goblin followed Kishi and Lomen out of the cave and into the forest. Zectoll observed his surroundings with awe, and a small measure of fear. For it was in this place, so green and full of life, that he and his fellow goblins would glean through lethal struggle the means to live another day. Zectoll clutched his spear tightly, treading softly on the forest floor as to not make a sound. His red goblin eyes peering intently into the surrounding forest, attempting to see some trace of horned rabbit. He wanted a similar trophy as Lomen, a wicked rabbit horn to call his own.

Soon they had reached their intended destination, Kishi quickly motioning for them to take up positions as to ambush their intended prey. Zectoll obliged with haste, crouching low as he peered into the thicket. The sight of macabre scene of the two canines feasting on the remains of his kin shook Zectoll. His earlier confidence wavered. No longer was the concept of death simply an abstract idea in his head. For it was here before him, in the form of two black wolves. He did his best to hide his fear from Lomen and Kishi, his face showed an expression of calm.

"Here is my plan: I will climb one of the trees and, once I am in position, you two will launch an attack from the back of the wolf furthest from my tree. As you do so, I will leap down onto the other wolf, skewering him to the ground."

"If either of you can think of something that doesn't have a good chance of breaking my legs, however, please tell me."

Zectoll was quite surprised by Brother Kishi's idea. It sounded quite risky. Zectoll glanced back at the wolves, taking note of their biting fangs. He then looked to his spear. For the wolf to do him harm, it would have to come quite close. But for Zectoll, the biting point of his spear was far away from his own body. He knew that he had the advantage in regards to reach, Kishi as well being similarly armed as he. He perhaps thought it would be best, if the three made a formation, with Lomen in the middle shield up, Kishi and Zectoll on each flank. Together they would ambush and corral one of the wolves, hoping to finish the kill quickly before the second wolf could come to into the fight. But Zectoll kept his thoughts to himself, as this was his first hunt. He would go along with whatever plan Lomen and Kishi came up with.

Zectoll nodded at Lomen at Kishi and quietly got into position to ambush the wolf beneath tree. He watched the wolf eating, and how it's chest and stomach undulated as it ate and breathed. Deciding the life of the wolf lay in that area of the body, Zectoll planned to impale the wolf in the side, attacking from its rear flank should brother Kishi miss or fail to kill the wolf off in one hit. Instinctively he knew that most of the power from his strike should come from his legs, and flow up into his arms. If the wolf turned on him, he would take up and defensive stance using the length of the spear to keep the wolf at bay so that Kishi could finish it off.

Though if Kishi's attack struck true, Zectoll would immediately rush to aid Lomen utilizing quick jabs aimed at the wolf's legs, and using the length of his spear to keep the wolf at bay.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Stegs knew full well the risks that came with going out in to the forest alone, in no small part thanks to the injury he received the other day, but he felt it would be unfair to ask any of the others to help him look for what might be well inedible berries even if they were the ones he wanted.

Since he was going from memory Stegs picked a few berries of every bush he came across and left a small symbol of whatever items he could find on the forest floor to mark the bushes he tried. He ran into issues carrying the berries pretty fast seeing as he only had one free hand. He wondered if he should go back to the cave and drop his loot off there but quickly decided against it, not only would make it take much longer to collect more berries he might accidentally end up poisoning his brothers and sisters. He sat down for a while to ponder his dilemma and stopped paying attention to his surroundings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Luz being one of the last to be born in this generation finally left the cave to go hunting. While looking for an armored tanuki Spot one of her fellow Goblins eating berries(also no horned rabbits what madness is this?). Heading story about how her kin would sneak up on their prey she decided to do just that with...lets call him Lime-chan for now. Luz moved quietly as she could being careful not to step on any small sticks that would alert Lime-chan. As soon as she got close enough Lime-chan could probably feel a hint of blood-lust before Luz pointed him rough at the neck. She then laughed at her plank. "Your dead lime-chan." she joked playfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 24 min ago

@Duoya@El Noche@The 4 Winds

The wolves didn't notice as they were scrounging around for whatever meat they could find from the goblins themselves. They didn't notice that the goblins were getting close to their positions. It wasn't until the first goblin that dropped from the tree that they noticed. However it was to late for the first Wolf as it was pierced through its spine rendering it dead.

The second wolf however was quick enough to avoid getting killed by the other two goblins. While it may be a runt it would still fight weak goblins as it bared its sharp teeth and growled loudly threatening them to get close. The wolf had sharp fangs and claws at its disposal not to mention its speed, any false move and the goblins wouldn't survive they needed to be clever if they wanted to finish the wolf off.


-the gathering journey day two-

As the two journeyed nearby collecting berries and such they would soon find themselves in the presence of a very strange flower. The flower petals were a beautiful white and they were large nearly enough to fit the goblins heads in. However protruding from the flowers middle was a line and attached to it was a beautiful blue object much like a blue cherry. This plant was strange to them and it should be because this plant had a sinister and eerie beauty to it. If they got close enough they would see that the petals that look so beautiful also had very sharp barbs meant to trap anyone trying to get close to the blue cherry it was baiting with...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kishi slowly gripped the spear in his hands, before slowly putting it on the other side of the trunk. Using the shaft as a grip, he silently ascended the tree and stopped at the lowest branch. The limb was thick, shown when Kishi rested his entire weight onto the branch without it so much as bending. Despite this, moving himself across a branch, no matter how thick, was difficult.

Especially when you are carrying a spear that is nearly the length of your body.

Slowly, he maneuvered his way into the middle of the branch, putting him directly above the wolf he had selected to kill. He slowed his breathing, and clutched the spear with a grip that nearly broke the shaft in two and left splinters in his palms. Not that he could feel it with the wild rush of adrenaline running through him, anyways. Kishi sat there, not moving, not breathing, waiting several seconds to guarantee that Lomen and Zectoll were prepared, before jumping down to what may have been his death.

Thankfully, it wasn't.

The tip of the horn buried itself deeply into the wolf, to the point where Kishi felt the spine pose resistance, before snapping. The fact that he dropped onto the creature with all of his weight and no warning, only cemented it's death. The wolf itself proved as a perfect landing pad, and did not even leave a bruise on Kishi's body. The wolf released a light croak before it's eyes glazed over, crimson liquid flowing from the wound Kishi had created. The same liquid that was drawn when its kind ripped apart Isurta and Xaal. Kishi tore the spear from the corpse, taking care to not destroy the pelt of the black creature.

As he did so, he heard a low, threatening growl.

Lomen and Zectoll had failed in killing the second wolf, expected considering it's speed and power. Kishi took a breath, realizing what he had to do. He wasn't going to lose more goblins to these damn beasts. Slowly, Kishi began to maneuver himself to the front of the creature, lightly jabbing the spear in the air near the wolf's eyes and snout. In order to guarantee that the monster's focus was on himself, Kishi took in a deep breath, before he released a blood curdling screech. The wolf's ears folded backwards, a reaction to the suddenness and intensity of the noise.

Hopefully, the other goblins would capitalize on the distracted wolf, and strike it while it attacked him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


One down and one left to go. It was a bit of a dissapointment that both did not die in the first fell swoop but nevertheless the maneuver had worked. Now all that was left was the single wolf. The odds were in their favor but Lomen was still diligently waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike.

Lomen was glad that they had avoided the worse situation as Kishi was left unscathed by the drop. While waiting he saw Kishi drawing attention away from himself and Zectoll. During this time Lomen breathed in and out quickly to raise his awareness and sharpen his responses. After he could feel his heart beating, he drew a large breath, knowing it was now or never.

With Kishi's screech Lomen dashed forward, holding the horn in front of the shield. He aimed to pierce the wolfs side with the medium horn and then would use the heavy strike skill to drive the horn further into the wolfs body. As he did so, just as impact would happen, Lomen would roar with all his might in order to further disorient the wolf in case his blow did not kill. This would allow for a perfect set up for Zectoll or Kishi to do the finishing blow.
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