Name: Wild Cherry.
Age: Nineteen.
Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Affiliation: Thirst (Loyal) - The remains of a once-proud band of Bounty Hunters, Thirst has become something of a joke among the inhabitants of Rainend. They possess no land and only number somewhere around a dozen. Despite their decrepitude, Wild is proud to be counted among them and views them as something of a family.
Cardinals (Tentative) - Having been contacted by The Duke and Lady Crimson, Wild is currently in service of the Northern and Southern Cardinals; though she isn't exactly comfortable in working with them...the money is good and she hopes to earn a modicum of fame through this "partnership".
Personality: Quick to laugh, in any situation, Wild Cherry is a woman of polarized nature; despite how people might usually perceive her. That laughter can be heard over the repeated firing of her Ruby Revolver, or in a waste-hamlet dive; without any change in pitch. As such, she continually appears jovial; forcing a smile even when she's in the deepest throes of misery.
Cherry has something of an unpredictable temper, despite her constant smile, and no qualms escalating a disagreement into a gun-fight. Her two years as a Bounty Hunter, and the hard years before she finally caught that break, have left her both practical and ruthless. She does, however, know where to draw the line...and won't engage in a fight she doesn't think she can win.
Loyalty has always been important to Wild, as she isn't always capable of handling things on her own. Her friends aren't numerous, but highly important to her. When comfortable with people, she usually drops the forced joviality for a more petulant shift in attitude; complaining and joking, in turns, with an actual sense of mirth.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter (Casteless)
• Crybaby - Her Mineral Weapon, a Ruby Revolver. When not in her hand, it is in its holster. It looks as the name implies, having six shots and a long barrel. The caliber is dubious, given the Weapon's tendency to loose bolts of flame instead of actual bullets. The effect can range from that of a gunshot to an outright explosion.
Crybaby was given its name due to the personality she perceives from the weapon. While she is capable of utilizing some of its overall power, Wild isn't close with it...and views it as more of a tool, than a friend. Due to this disconnection, Crybaby won't always work for her.
• Fancy Duds - Pilfered from various places, Cherry has compiled a very "out-of-place" style. She only wears one set at a time, but has countless outfits stashed away in the few remaining Thirst vaults. They are all extremely precious to her; whether they be baubles or dresses.
• That Thing I Keep Water In - A canteen, sturdy and serviceable. Never leaves home without it...and rarely forgets to keep it filled. It comes in handy, also, as a melee weapon. Usually attached to her hip, opposite Crybaby.
• Neat Nothing - Cherry doesn't quite know what this object is, but always thought it was important. As such, she's kept it with her since finding it next to a Weeping Crystal. It is a small metallic sphere that she'll roll between her hands when she's feeling a bit stressed.
• Mama's Girl - A hatchet, situated behind Crybaby; easily within reach. Mama's Girl is suitable as a melee weapon (sometimes in conjunction with That Thing I Keep Water In) or a thrown weapon. It is surprisingly resilient, but is still used with care; usually only relied on if her Ruby Revolver is being obstinate...or if she really wants to get personal.
• Plain Ol' Human (Racial): Wild Cherry is, indeed, a human. As such, she has talents and flaws...and a strong will to survive. Beyond that, there isn't much to say.
• Wastelander (Racial/Occupation): Having spent a fair deal of her life in Rainend's more vicious environs, Wild Cherry has become savvy to what it takes to make a living for yourself. She has experienced bloodshed and turmoil in spades and continues to stride forward. She might be a little off, but she's also a little tough.
• I Can Make That Shot! (Occupation): Bounty Hunters ply their trade in various ways. Ever since taking up a gun, she has been in love. Practice has honed her natural talent for making shots from a long distance, with fairly high accuracy; despite only using a revolver.
• Dirty Tactician (Personal/Occupation): Despite her diminutive frame, Cherry isn't afraid to actively engage in life-threatening situations...assuming she has a weapon, or friends, nearby. This also extends to her hunts, where she will usually apply ambush tactics or other underhanded means of setting an enemy off-balance before delivering the final blow. There's a degree of cleverness to her, it should be said...even if it is usually implemented in detrimental ways.
• I Can't Stop Smiling! (Personal): It's true. Most of the time she can't wipe that smirk off of her face. This can lead to people becoming quickly annoyed with Cherry. Not that she much minds.
Biography: "I ain't tellin' you anything!"
Age: Nineteen.
Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Affiliation: Thirst (Loyal) - The remains of a once-proud band of Bounty Hunters, Thirst has become something of a joke among the inhabitants of Rainend. They possess no land and only number somewhere around a dozen. Despite their decrepitude, Wild is proud to be counted among them and views them as something of a family.
Cardinals (Tentative) - Having been contacted by The Duke and Lady Crimson, Wild is currently in service of the Northern and Southern Cardinals; though she isn't exactly comfortable in working with them...the money is good and she hopes to earn a modicum of fame through this "partnership".

Personality: Quick to laugh, in any situation, Wild Cherry is a woman of polarized nature; despite how people might usually perceive her. That laughter can be heard over the repeated firing of her Ruby Revolver, or in a waste-hamlet dive; without any change in pitch. As such, she continually appears jovial; forcing a smile even when she's in the deepest throes of misery.
Cherry has something of an unpredictable temper, despite her constant smile, and no qualms escalating a disagreement into a gun-fight. Her two years as a Bounty Hunter, and the hard years before she finally caught that break, have left her both practical and ruthless. She does, however, know where to draw the line...and won't engage in a fight she doesn't think she can win.
Loyalty has always been important to Wild, as she isn't always capable of handling things on her own. Her friends aren't numerous, but highly important to her. When comfortable with people, she usually drops the forced joviality for a more petulant shift in attitude; complaining and joking, in turns, with an actual sense of mirth.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter (Casteless)
• Crybaby - Her Mineral Weapon, a Ruby Revolver. When not in her hand, it is in its holster. It looks as the name implies, having six shots and a long barrel. The caliber is dubious, given the Weapon's tendency to loose bolts of flame instead of actual bullets. The effect can range from that of a gunshot to an outright explosion.
Crybaby was given its name due to the personality she perceives from the weapon. While she is capable of utilizing some of its overall power, Wild isn't close with it...and views it as more of a tool, than a friend. Due to this disconnection, Crybaby won't always work for her.
• Fancy Duds - Pilfered from various places, Cherry has compiled a very "out-of-place" style. She only wears one set at a time, but has countless outfits stashed away in the few remaining Thirst vaults. They are all extremely precious to her; whether they be baubles or dresses.
• That Thing I Keep Water In - A canteen, sturdy and serviceable. Never leaves home without it...and rarely forgets to keep it filled. It comes in handy, also, as a melee weapon. Usually attached to her hip, opposite Crybaby.
• Neat Nothing - Cherry doesn't quite know what this object is, but always thought it was important. As such, she's kept it with her since finding it next to a Weeping Crystal. It is a small metallic sphere that she'll roll between her hands when she's feeling a bit stressed.
• Mama's Girl - A hatchet, situated behind Crybaby; easily within reach. Mama's Girl is suitable as a melee weapon (sometimes in conjunction with That Thing I Keep Water In) or a thrown weapon. It is surprisingly resilient, but is still used with care; usually only relied on if her Ruby Revolver is being obstinate...or if she really wants to get personal.
• Plain Ol' Human (Racial): Wild Cherry is, indeed, a human. As such, she has talents and flaws...and a strong will to survive. Beyond that, there isn't much to say.
• Wastelander (Racial/Occupation): Having spent a fair deal of her life in Rainend's more vicious environs, Wild Cherry has become savvy to what it takes to make a living for yourself. She has experienced bloodshed and turmoil in spades and continues to stride forward. She might be a little off, but she's also a little tough.
• I Can Make That Shot! (Occupation): Bounty Hunters ply their trade in various ways. Ever since taking up a gun, she has been in love. Practice has honed her natural talent for making shots from a long distance, with fairly high accuracy; despite only using a revolver.
• Dirty Tactician (Personal/Occupation): Despite her diminutive frame, Cherry isn't afraid to actively engage in life-threatening situations...assuming she has a weapon, or friends, nearby. This also extends to her hunts, where she will usually apply ambush tactics or other underhanded means of setting an enemy off-balance before delivering the final blow. There's a degree of cleverness to her, it should be said...even if it is usually implemented in detrimental ways.
• I Can't Stop Smiling! (Personal): It's true. Most of the time she can't wipe that smirk off of her face. This can lead to people becoming quickly annoyed with Cherry. Not that she much minds.
Biography: "I ain't tellin' you anything!"
Yep! There she is!
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