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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

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The sound of Kishi's rabbit horn spear piercing through flesh and bone cued Zectoll to begin his attack. Adrenaline surged into his body as he leaped from his hiding place, spear racing through the air to bite into the other wolf's flesh. The wolf now alert and aware of the goblin's attack flowed around Zectoll's spear point like water. Zectoll quickly pivoted on his heels, his feet sliding in the grass as he attempted to match the point of his spear with the wolf's quick turning movements. He jabbed at the wolf several times, each thrust striking only air. The wolf was much faster than Zectoll anticipated and he began to fear that he and his comrades would not be able to fell the beast. Fear and doubt began to fill his mind.

As the wolf growled and bared it's teeth Zectoll hopped several feet back, his foot bumping up against one of the spears of his fallen kin lying on the ground as he landed. Instinctively Zectoll hooked his toes underneath the shaft of the spear rolling it onto the top of of his foot. With one deft motion Zectoll threw the spear into the air with his foot, catching the spear in his hand. He now stood with a stone spear in each hand. He noticed that Kishi had engaged the wolf from the front, letting out a loud cry. Just as Kishi let out the cry he noticed Lomen moving in to attack the wolf's side from the rear. Finding his will renewed by the fighting spirit of his brethren Zectoll hoisted the spear of his fallen kin above his shoulder and cast it at the wolf's left upper flank. In the back of his mind Zectoll reasoned that the wolf would have difficulty fending off three attacks at once.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@El Noche@The 4 Winds@Duoya

The wolf wasn't going to let any of them get close it wasn't going to back down from a fight after seeing one of its comrades die from these damned goblins. The wolf did pay attention to the goblin that was trying to jab at it with a makeshift spear its face turned making sure not to move so not to leave any of his weak points vulnerable. It kept growling and snarling at the goblin but its attention was drawn away from one of the other goblins.

It didn't expect such a heavy and powerful strike from such a small goblin. It was then striked by its side and the goblin pierced its side. The wolf gave a weak growl as it tried to keep them away from him but it was to late, the wound was to severe and within moments the wolf gave one last whine before it died in front of them.

Goblins: Kishi, Lomen, and Zectoll +50 XP

Skills learned=
Goblin Kishi: Intimidation: This goblin has learned how to display a strong front and force the weaker creatures to back down. Depending on evolution can cause paralysis in weaker creatures

Goblin Lomen: Heavy Strike skill: Skill increased by one, now able to cause damage to weak armors like leather, Evasion: has a higher understanding of strikes can better avoid deadly attacks

Goblin Zectoll: Savage strike: a very violent attack savage strike not only causes heavy damage to the target but can scare the enemies around them. At higher levels can cause fear from other enemies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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The wolf seemed intimidated by the roar, as it lowered itself to the ground slightly. It still was on guard, however, and was about to resume it's attack. Thankfully, the other two goblins leaped at the chance to kill the wolf. Lomen charged forward, using the wooden shield he held as a barrier to protect him in case the runt recognized their strategy. The runt, still in shock from the sudden burst of noise, had all it's attention on Kishi, not paying any attention as Lomen's horn dug into it's soft side. A howl, and it turned towards Lomen to strike, before another goblin speared it in the other side. The beast released a loud howl, and held it until it died off as a low whimper. On the ground, 6 corpses laid. 2 of friends, 2 of prey, and 2 of enemies. Blood littered the pathway, and a thick metallic scent hung in the air like a miasma. Kishi slowly stopped himself from shaking.

Kishi began to make hhis way towards the corpses of his fallen comrades.

Isurta's body was unrecognizable, with barely any meat left on her bones, which now protruded out like sharp daggers. Her soft, feminine features were now indistinguishable from any other body, besides the fact that her blue skin was littered on the few pieces of meat that remained. Meanwhile, Xaal's fate had been discovered, as he laid on the ground a dozen feet away, appearing as if he had put up a struggle. He was in a similar shape as Isurta, but unlike her, had nothing left to distinguish his identity. If it had not been for the fact that his body type matched the skeleton, and he was last seen here, this could have been anyone's corpse. A bile threatened to escape from Kishi's lips, but he held it in. He wasn't going to vomit while others were watching. He wasn't going to show the weakness that had gotten these two killed in the first place.

Kishi slowly began to pick up Xaal, the heavier of the two corpses, and slid him onto Kishi's back. He then turned to face the two still living goblins.

"You two were excellent in that fight. I see that you didn't get that horn out of pure luck, Lomen. And Zectoll, you were able to move for less than a day and you already caught up to me. How do you think that will make me feel! Just kidding."

Kishi's eyes turned downwards, and his voice adopted a much more serious tone.

"You probably realized it by now, but I used you two to get to Isurta and Xaal. I'm sorry I risked your lives. If you could, however, I would be indebted to you if you could help me carry them back."

Kishi bowed his head in shame.

"We should probably eat one of the wolves now. We will not be able to carry all of the bodies back, so getting rid of one of them would be good."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

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Zectoll's body felt light and filled with electricity. The sound of Lomen and Kishi's battlecries, the smell of blood and death in the air, and the struggle to survive this mortal duel drove any pretense of technique from Zectoll's mind. He struck with all he had, his mind and body slipping into a primal trance. The blow landed upon the wolf heavily. The sound of flesh being torn asunder and hot blood spraying onto green skin filled the air. Moments later the wolf lay dead at the feet of the trio. Zectoll shook his head, slowly coming out of the daze brought on by the gravity of their struggle against the black wolves. Zectoll looked to his comrades, taking this brief moment of peace to reflect. In that moment, standing there with Lomen and Kishi, blood stained upon the ground, blood stained upon their own green bodies, Zectoll felt a strange mixture of trepidation and contentment. The wolves were strong, stronger than Goblins that much was certain. The only reason the three of them were still alive and in one piece was due to the fact that they outnumbered the wolves, and had taken the wild canines by surprise. Was this what it meant to be a goblin, Zectoll thought. To struggle against foes of such prowess, while themselves being so weak, clamoring together just to stay alive? What other beasts lurked in the forest? Beasts beyond that of these black wolves.

"You two were excellent in that fight. I see that you didn't get that horn out of pure luck, Lomen. And Zectoll, you were able to move for less than a day and you already caught up to me. How do you think that will make me feel! Just kidding."

Zectoll rubbed the fresh wolf blood from his face with his hand. Not until I've outgrown you in size, dear brother He licked his palm clean of the blood, a grin slowly appearing on his face.

"You probably realized it by now, but I used you two to get to Isurta and Xaal. I'm sorry I risked your lives. If you could, however, I would be indebted to you if you could help me carry them back."

Zectoll nodded. Well, you did give me this spear, and the chance to gain knowledge of life and death. A worthwhile price to pay to help with a task such as this I would say. Zectoll said as he began gathering up Isurta's remains.

"We should probably eat one of the wolves now. We will not be able to carry all of the bodies back, so getting rid of one of them would be good."

Considering this was his first kill, Zectoll decided that he would take a memento from the caracass. He pried a long canine from the mouth of the black wolf he had helped kill. He then went about gutting the carcass. From the kill Zectoll took the liver, spleen, kidney, and lungs. He feasted upon the organs with glee, taking much pleasure in their varying spongy textures.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago



Luz was laughing at the Lime colored goblin when she noticed the strange flower. Catching her curiosity she decided to take a closer looked at it. "Whoa, that cheery looks delicious." She said out loud licking her lips, but then she noticed the sharp barbs that made her stop in place. She now had a bad feeling about that flower...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Stegs was a bit annoyed by the unknown goblin sneaking up on him, but on the plusside as least it wasn't some dangerous animal or something. Before long he and the female decided to team up and explore together. While unsure about her reasons Stegs had realized that with his tendency to space out it wouldn't hurt to have someone watching his back.

After a while they came across a huge and beautiful flower which caught the interest of both of them, though for different reasons. Stegs' partner seemed to want to try and eat the fruit growing from it while he believed that it's petals might help him carry more berries.

Still something about the plant felt off, though he couldn't tell what. Being both somewhat more experienced he felt like he had to be the one to take the risk. "Stay back, I don't like this thing." Using his club he poked at the cherry from as far away from it as possible. Unfortunately for him, the knots in the strips holding the rock and stick together gave out and the stone fell on top of the fruit.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

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They won. It was as simple as that and Lomen was blissfully happy that the battle went as smoothly as it did. He had his worries about Zectoll but the small goblin pulled through in the fight. Although it was strange to acquire skills. He hadn't put much thought into it, but as two skills were effected, it was odd to him that they seemed to pop up in words in front of his face. It made him wonder if the others were having the same peculiarity. Either way, Lomen was happy to have gained another skill while upgrading a different one.

"You two were excellent in that fight. I see that you didn't get that horn out of pure luck, Lomen. And Zectoll, you were able to move for less than a day and you already caught up to me. How do you think that will make me feel! Just kidding."

Lomen chuckled a bit and held up his horn. "Seems so. Although you will have to teach me that battle-cry. It was the perfect mark for me to charge in."

"You probably realized it by now, but I used you two to get to Isurta and Xaal. I'm sorry I risked your lives. If you could, however, I would be indebted to you if you could help me carry them back."

"Just don't make it a habit. Although it did work out in our favor this time since the wolves were unaware of us and one was killed immediately. Had they caught wind of us and attacked first, we would have been dead. Although that has past. I am willing to carry the fallen as to at least have their bones to bury."

Lomen then went about gathering all the loose bones that had not been gathered until they were all in a small pile. He then took the rabbit pelt off his back and used it as a bag for the remains, placing it near the wolf carcass.

"We should probably eat one of the wolves now. We will not be able to carry all of the bodies back, so getting rid of one of them would be good."

"Agreed. If you both do not mind, I would like to keep the pelt of one of the wolves. It looks large enough to make into a cover for my body while not being too heavy."

Lomen then knelt at the carcass, offering a prayer to the gods of Beasts, Life, Death, and the Wind for the meal and then savagely devoured the heart and brain of the wolf. It had been easier to reach the heart and brain thanks to Zectoll removing a few pieces of the wolf already. After eating the main dish in his mind, Lomen began skinning the wolf in order to expose more meat.

"If we are to eat, we must do it fast. I will skin the wolf to show more meat so Kishi and Zectoll, please eat fast. The smell of blood may attract other beasts and I want to stay alive. On a different note, Zectoll, good job in staying in position behind me. I had my worries since it was your first hunt, but those have been cast aside now. Congratulations, you live. And Kishi, we have avenged your fallen comrades and now are stronger for it. I am impressed by your bravery to start the strike and I look forwards to the next hunt. Although I hope you do not learn to hate the wolves for what they have done. All they do is kill to eat, grow, and survive. Much like us at the current moment and only the strong survive it seems. "

Lomen hoped that this would partially sooth the possible hatred Kishi had for the wolves. Yes they did slaughter goblins that were close to him, but they were doing the same as the goblins, surviving as all natural things do. Either way Lomen concentrated on steadily skinning the wolf, enjoying the feeling of the air on his skin.

"Also stay alert in case there are other monsters. Your battle cry Kishi may have been effective, but it may also attract danger.

"I do enjoy a nice breeze."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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-A deadly Flower-

The flower didn't move an inch not a single motion. However when the goblins weapon mainly the stone dropped onto the flower itself it quickly closed up entirely around the rock. It was now making crunching and fluid moving sounds almost like it was digesting the rock itself. It only took a few moments before the petals reopened and their was nothing left of the rock to be seen. From what they saw the cherry was meant to lure unknowing creatures like the horned rabbit into its maw before it ate it. The flowers barbs were pointing outward meant to keep a firm grip on any prey that would try to get away and green ooze which could only be digestive juices started to run out of the monsters maw and within moments the flower was once again still as ever waiting for its prey to jump in. The flower while dangerous could no doubt be useful in many ways should they find a way to harvest it safely. No doubt the flower would defend itself should it feel any pressure against its vulnerable stem so they needed to get creative if they wanted a dangerous harvest...

The goblins were successful in defeating a normally out of their class creature. They have killed their wolves and as such were rewarded for it.

Goblin Lomen: Blessing gained For praying and giving homage to the gods of beasts, life, death and wind you have gained Homage to the Cycle This blessing is gives the goblin a better understanding of the food chain and as such is alerted when an animal that could eat them is nearby.

Once the goblins had finished their meal of the wolves they were able to transport the remains safely to the cave. Goblin Grandpa thanked them for doing so before he said he would give them a proper burial. He then asked Goblin Kishi "Young one, you were the last one to see these two alive. Would you like to help me in commemorating their bodies?" he asked him unsure if the other goblins wanted to take part in the funeral considering they never really got close to Isurta or Xaal
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

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Luz looked a bit shaken when the plant attack that rock and devoured it whole. Her mouth hung open. "Holy shit, thanks for keeping from possible doing something stupid." She told the other goblin. She then held out her hand. "i'm Luz by the way." She told him delightfully smile to mask her unease. She was about to give up on the flowers when she thought about how the flower could be useful to the other goblins "Do you think we could be used that plant?". So she tied two stick together along with her sharpen-stick to created a long poking stick to test the plant with. from afar. She then started waving the makeshift pole around it, to see if it would react to someone just being near it, then she would poke the stim to test it intelligent and aggesion. The only question was would it be smart enough to attack her or would it attacked the pole she created.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Kishi smiled lightly at the exclamation Zectoll made, and Lomen's calm response to his flattery. As Zectoll began to violently rip into the wolf, Lomen decided to advise Kishi on his rage.

"If we are to eat, we must do it fast. I will skin the wolf to show more meat so Kishi and Zectoll, please eat fast. The smell of blood may attract other beasts and I want to stay alive. Kishi, we have avenged your fallen comrades and now are stronger for it. I am impressed by your bravery to start the strike and I look forwards to the next hunt. Although I hope you do not learn to hate the wolves for what they have done. All they do is kill to eat, grow, and survive. Much like us at the current moment and only the strong survive it seems."

Kishi nods in acknowledged this with statement with a nod, before echoing out a lie.

"Thank you for the advice, Lomen. I will take that to heart. However, I hope we will be able to kill more wolves. Even if not for vengeance, they prove very useful."

In reality, Kishi didn't give a damn what Lomen thought about his vow for revenge. He wasn't there. He didn't see people die in front of his eyes. He had no damn clue how Kishi felt.

Kishi smiled lightly.

"Come, let us feast on our kill."

Kishi wandered over to Zectoll, who had just finished slurping down the second lung of the beast. It really amazed Kishi how hungry the young goblin must have been, having gone through nearly a day without food. Kishi quickly sliced off one of the legs of the beast, being careful to remove the meat from the pelt, as Lomen asked. As he began to consume his second meal this day, he decided to voice out his claim to the wolves.

"If I may, I would also appreciate a pelt from the other wolf. I already have a rabbit left from my previous hunt, so Zectoll may have all the meat. If either of you have any bones you will not use, please give them to me."

Despite the horrible start, Kishi's life seemed to take a turn for the better.

As the cave mouth came into view, the thought that he may have been the leader during this excursion soon crosses Kishi's mind. Despite the sense of fear and anxiety he felt when he considered the possibility of being a leader during his first hunt, this time the thought of it made him much less afraid than before. After all... nobody died this time.

The graves were in sight, and Kishi gently set down Xaal's corpse, while Lomen did the same. As he did so, Grandpa arrived to begin work on a proper burial. He began to talk to Kishi.

"Young one, you were the last one to see these two alive. Would you like to help me in commemorating their bodies?"

"I... I must decline. I knew their names, and that was it. If I gave a commemoration, it would be like spitting in their faces. I refuse to use their deaths as an excuse to get attention..."

"Thank you for worrying about me, Grandfather. You have no idea how much it means to me. And also... Please watch over their bodies. I need to be the one to bury them. If Zectoll and Lomen are done hunting, I will begin the burial. If not, I must protect them so they do not share the same fate."

Kishi slowly bows his head to Grandpa, before turning back towards his companions questioningly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Having seen how powerful the flower's acid was Stegs considered it lucky that his knots gave out when they did, otherwise the two goblins might not have realized how dangerous the flower was. The other goblin not only thanked him for telling her to stay away she also introduced herself. "You can call me Stegs."

He had to admit that when she smiled Luz was kinda cute, but there were more important matters. Just as he was about suggest they leave the flower be and not take any unneeded risks, the female brought up the good point of them being able to use it. As he thought of a way to relatively safely remove the plant he figured that it's roots might be unprotected.

Just as he was about to try digging them out Stegs realized that even if the ground wasn't too har it would the two of them way too long. He wanted to ask Luz if she had any ideas, but the female seemed to be busy with something. He got ready to help her out in case the plant responded to the poking by attacking his partner instead of her stick.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The flower didn't make any movements towards the stick the goblin was waving around. It was not sentient but it did have a defensive response. It didn't make a move until it felt the stick touch its stem when it felt that its stem was in danger the plant quickly bit down on the stick hard breaking it before it went through its process of digestion once again before becoming stationary with its lure out. The flower was indeed aggressive but it only seemed to be aggressive towards whatever touched its lure or tried to attack its stem. It was not smart enough to attack any threat that wasn't within its area of reach. This meant that if the goblins wanted to take its unique body for their own use they would have to find a way to do it from range.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

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The organs of the wolf were warm and pleasant. Zectoll was pleased with the meal, his hunger finally sated after a day of involuntary fasting. As he finished his meal he noticed, much to his surprise, words floating in front of his eyes. -NEW SKILL LEARNED:SAVAGE STRIKE- He rubbed his eyes, making certain that he was seeing correctly. The other two goblins did not seem to notice, Zectoll kept his surprising discovery to himself as he read the description of his new found skill. He recalled the moment in which he struck the wolf and the primal feelings he had felt at that time. Can cause fear in surrounding enemies at higher levels? Interesting Zectoll thought to himself. He pondered the ramifications of his discovery. A new hunger arouse within him, a hunger to develop his new skill as well as himself. He did not like the fact that he was a small goblin. He wanted to be bigger, much bigger. The only way he would get bigger was to eat more creatures, or so he thought. To do this he would need to become a better hunter, thus he would need to develop his skills. He self reflection was broken by his comrades, staking claim to the two wolf pelts.

Zectoll, good job in staying in position behind me. I had my worries since it was your first hunt, but those have been cast aside now. Congratulations, you live.

I live to feast this day because of you guys, you have my thanks. Zectoll said as he stood to his feet
You two will look fearsome indeed, donning those pelts. I will not let any of this meat go to waste Kishi. I have no idea what one would do with the bones, so once I have picked them clean of their meat I will give them to you

Returning to the cave, alive and with a full belly Zectoll had hope for the future. As Kishi and Grandpa deliberated on burial procedures, Zectoll decided to chime in. The night that Xaal and Isurta fell, I had a strange dream. I was being chased by monsters of scale and fur. I was unable to run, until suddenly I was bathed in blood and was given new strength. When I awoke that morning I was healed, and able to move freely Zectoll paused for a second, looking down at the remains of Xaal and Isurta. Maybe it is just a coincidence, just a random dream. But I feel that somehow in death their strength flowed into me, and lifted whatever curse it was that afflicted me. Zectoll looked up at Grandpa Goblin and Kishi, his face stern and solemn.I will do whatever I can to help in the burial ceremony. Hunting can wait, I would rather see this task to its end here and now

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"If I may, I would also appreciate a pelt from the other wolf. I already have a rabbit left from my previous hunt, so Zectoll may have all the meat. If either of you have any bones you will not use, please give them to me."

Lomen had been eating a bit and accidentally ate a bit of bone, finding it fairly pleasing to eat with a crunch.

"Absolutely. I would be happy to skin the wolf for you once we get back to camp. But as for the bones I will give you all the ones I do not eat. These seem to have a nice crunch."

Taking the paw bones, Lomen snacked on them on the way back to the cave.

Lomen made sure to handle the remains with care and gave ample space for the bodies to have enough room for themselves. While doing so he milled over what he had told Kishi and decided he overstepped a line in his comment. He had no idea what it was like to actually see your brother and sister be ripped to shreds helplessly and only being able to run. Lomen understood the want to kill for revenge, but thinking more on it he realized the constant guilt that would possibly haunt him.

"I... I must decline. I knew their names, and that was it. If I gave a commemoration, it would be like spitting in their faces. I refuse to use their deaths as an excuse to get attention..."

"Thank you for worrying about me, Grandfather. You have no idea how much it means to me. And also... Please watch over their bodies. I need to be the one to bury them. If Zectoll and Lomen are done hunting, I will begin the burial. If not, I must protect them so they do not share the same fate."

Kishi's last comment solidified his thoughts on the matter and decided that it would be best to apologize and stood up to walk over.

Maybe it is just a coincidence, just a random dream. But I feel that somehow in death their strength flowed into me, and lifted whatever curse it was that afflicted me.I will do whatever I can to help in the burial ceremony. Hunting can wait, I would rather see this task to its end here and now

Lomen stopped after the first comment and gritted his teeth with a loathsome glare. He felt like this was a blatant disrespect towards the dead and towards Kishi since it had been so scarring of an experience. It was enough to make him livid, but he took a breath to calm down and turned to see Zectoll's expression, seeming to understand how serious of an assumption that could be. Yet again Zectoll had cleared any doubts Lomen had and he felt himself calm down with a small toothless smile.

"I agree with Zectoll. It is best to give the dead a proper burial. And Kishi, I apologize for my comment earlier. I have no idea what the experience must have been for you so I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. Grandpa, please show us the ceremony so we can give them a proper burial."

Afterwards Lomen mumbled a prayer to the god of Death and the god of Origins to take the fallen goblin's souls to a more peaceful place and guide them in their next state of existence. Afterwards he addressed Kishi and Zectoll.

"After the ceremony if you two would like I can show you how to skin the wolf."

It would be a good skill for them to have and he can't be the only one skinning their prey. Before he would skin it though, he would thank the God's of Origin and Beasts for the fur from the wolf's coat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@The 4 Winds@El Noche@Duoya

-Burial of the fallen: a proper send off-

Grandpa looked to the three of them as they talked about whether or not they would help him and in all honestly he was old and wouldn't be able to perform it properly. He was glad to hear that both Lomen and Zectoll would help him bury their brother and sister. Honestly he was a little perplexed at Zectoll in how he said that their deaths flowed into his body allowing him to live it would explain why he thought the goblin was a still born when he didn't wake up. He wouldn't say anything about it though not wanting the young one to get a swelled head but he would keep an eye on him nevertheless.

He then went back into the cave and got what they needed he grabbed two crude shovels made from dead bark and a sharpened stone wrapped together. This was meant for ceremonial purposes and not actual combat since it wasn't designed to do anything else. He then lead the two a few feet away to a much smaller cave opening that he decided to use as their burial site. He told them to start digging the graves as they started to dig Grandpa took the skeletons of the young ones feeling such sadness for having to do this to ones who never truly lived.

He then started speaking in a language that none of the goblins could understand as he bowed his head as if talking to their spirits himself. Once the graves were done Grandpa then put the bodies in the graves, he then partially covered them in the dirt before he put three black flowers into the graves then covered the graves in dirt completely. "They were born, they then lived, before they died. Death tulips meant to signify death we are sorry they died so soon. he said before he finished and he started to walk back to the cave.

Goblins Zectoll, Lomen, and Kishi: Curse obtained For being the ones to bury the dead and watch the service these goblins gain the curse Chained Grief=Chained grief now follows the goblins and death is now a permanent fear in their minds: Each are weaker to psychological attacks but now understand death better and as such gain more influence into joining the Death or Hooded class
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As his companions walked over, Kishi felt confident that they would remain. Zectoll had just finished his first hunt, and surely must have been tired after consuming so much meat. Lomen seemed like the type to hunt alone, but the funeral ceremony might scare that thought from his mind. As he pondered this the sight of Xaal's mangled corpse returned to the forefront of his thoughts. The young goblin had been... difficult, but he was family dammit. Kishi slowly gazed over the corpse. Scratch marks permeated every piece of flesh that remained, and the bones that stuck out like daggers of white rock had dozens of bite marks. A once-over of Isurta proved not much difference. The thought of their demise reminded Kishi of that cold, numbing sensation he felt 4 days ago, and fear immediately leaped at his heart. Not the fear he felt with the wolves, no, he could run from that. This was a deep seeded, immense fear, a sense of helplessness. The though chilled him to the bones. The bones marked by teeth. It was at this moment the, now unfeeling and cold voice in his mind injected more information in Kishi's mind.


It was at this moment that Kishi's body became cold as ice, and Zectoll exclaimed a response.

"Maybe it is just a coincidence, just a random dream. But I feel that somehow in death their strength flowed into me, and lifted whatever curse it was that afflicted me.I will do whatever I can to help in the burial ceremony. Hunting can wait, I would rather see this task to its end here and now".

Kishi turned to the young goblin and, in place of rage at the comment and joy at the assistance, responded in a monotone.

"Thank you, brother Zectoll. I appreciate the help."

Lomen also voiced his opinion on the matter of hunting, and laid out an apology.

"I agree with Zectoll. It is best to give the dead a proper burial. And Kishi, I apologize for my comment earlier. I have no idea what the experience must have been for you so I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. Grandpa, please show us the ceremony so we can give them a proper burial. After the ceremony if you two would like I can show you how to skin the wolf."

"I appreciate that, Lomen. Your comment had offended me slightly, but it doesn't matter."

After he said this, another thought reverberated throughout Kishi's mind.

None of this matters.

After digging the holes underneath the two stones, grandfather had begun to recite some scripture in a tongue that had no meaning to Kishi. All he thought about the entire service was his own body, cruelly twisted and mutilated in the same way these bodies had been. Grandfather placed numerous small flowers on top of their gravestones.

"They were born, they then lived, before they died. Death tulips meant to signify death we are sorry they died so soon."

A new fear, one that made his hunger look like a spark and his fear of the wolves akin to a flame, shined through his being like the distant sun.

The fear of death.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Well, the good news is Luz and Stegs survived that test. Though always had a hunch that if something goes's wrong all she would lose was a stick. They could easily replace a stick so that not a big deal. Not the problem was how they were going tog et a tool to remove it from out of the plant's reach. "How do you think we should get it out?" Luz asked Stags? Luz was more of a fighter than a farmer so maybe Stegs could take the lead as they deal with this plant issue.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Zectoll went about following Grandpa Goblins instructions. The ceremony was a solemn one indeed. The sadness of Grandpa Goblin shown itself clearly, and Zectoll found the sadness of the cave's patriarch to be off putting. The sight of his kin's corpses being laid to rest distrubed him. It was as if some dormant part of his mind was activated. A sense of dread and anxiety washed over the young goblin, and he felt himself becoming restless. What could he do, to ease this feeling of dread. "Become stong, become fierce, become savage." Zectoll thought to himself. If he became stronger, perhaps this pang of fear in the back of his mind would ease.

After the ceremony Zectoll retired into the cave, his share of the spoils of the wolf hunt in hand. He thought to perhaps converse and wind down from the ordeals of current events with his hunting partners, only to quickly dismiss the notion. His comrades reaction to him sharing his inner personal revelations involving Xaal and Isurta were strange to him. It would seem that perhaps he had offended them in some way, though Kishi and Lomen had not shown such feelings completely. Zectoll remembered how Lomen had apologized for saying something out of turn to Kishi earlier in the day, and surmised that his two brothers held peculiar personalities. Or perhaps it was simply the stress of having family die in front of him, as well as the stress of mortal combat that produced such feelings in his brothers. Either way, Zectoll decided that He would keep his personal reflections to himself from now on.

Though there was one that Zectoll felt he could freely share his inner machinations with. Zectoll gathered two hinder quarters from his stash of wolf meat and went to talk with Grandpa Goblin. In his days of torment, the only relief he felt was when Grandpa Goblin came to give him food. Now he was strong enough to acquire food on his own, food he would gladly share with the cave's patriarch.

Zectoll held out his arm outstretched to Grandpa Goblin, his hand clutching a hindquarter of black wolf. For you Zectoll said as he made himself comfortable, sitting with his legs crossed, as he began to eat the opposite hind quarter of wolf. Today in our fight with the wolves, I acquired a skill. Savage Strike. The words appeared before my eyes describing the skill and it's effects. Do all goblins gain skills like this? Zectoll was eager to live, and in order to live he guessed that he would need more knowledge. Unlike Kishi, he was not naturally talented in crafting, nor had the natural wisdom that Lomen possessed. He would need to figure out what path he should take, in order to survive. I want to become strong and swift in body, like the black wolves. I doubt that they live in fear like we goblins do Zectoll said dejectedly. How can I accomplish this dream Grandpa?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Having discarded his plan to go after the flower's roots Stegs struggled to come up with a new plan that didn't involve fire and thus risked destroying it's remains. He was just about to ask Luz for suggestions when she beat him to it. Still despite being unable to think of anything he couldn't help but feel he was overlooking something obvious.

He went over what he knew about the plant, like how it attacked when he messed with the cherry but seemingly ignored him otherwise. "What if it didn't ignore me and just didn't notice me?" That thought opened the road for a plan but he would have to test it.

Since Stegs refused to let Luz take the risk that meant he would have to do it. "I'm gonna something that could be very stupid, cover me." He walked up the plant and poked one of it's petals with his stick, hoping it wouldn't respond in anyway.

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