
"Zoey Gray, pleased to meet ya'. Now eat dicks - Nah, just playing."⦋Oº°‘¨ 20 ⇔ She/her ¨‘°ºO⦌
⦕ A P P E A R A N C E
"Hey, I'm sexy. At least, that's what I think."Zoey perfectly fits the "punk girl" mold. She died her hair, has plenty of tattoos, and just has that attitude that just reeks rebellion. Older folks are quick to judge a book by the cover and immediately classify her as a problem-child just off her looks alone. Other youths are more receptive to her. Zoey carries herself with an air of confidence, but rather than just being a screaming wreck as people assume her, she is actually fairly chill and laid back. Taking slow and steady steps with her hands in her pocket, a cigarette hanging from her lips, and generally relaxed demeanor. Though, that demeanor can switch at the blink of an eye when things get a little out of control. She can either become screaming rage, or scared as a deer.
Though, she's also a little rough, that might just be because she's a bit of a tomboy. Zoey grew up around boys, and appears to be a little rugged, slightly masculine. It shows a lot in her attitude and demeanor. She smokes, she’s loud, and she drinks. She tends to attract attention with her tom-boyish streak. Her voice is a little rough from cigarette smoking, and she has a few scars and old wounds from previous injuries.
Now, onto her appearance, Zoey is pretty pronounced due to a mixture of her hair, and her height. Her hair is dyed a cyan-blue color, and it’s kept in a rounded bowl-cut. She usually keeps her hair underneath her beanie, where it’s somehow more noticeable. Zoey’s hair is a straight texture that is kept clean - but is a bit damaged from all the hair-dye, and a few mess-ups. The other thing that makes Zoey stand-out is her height. People like to call her a God damn Amazon because she’s five-ten, two inches short of six feet tall. Because of her height, people loved to shaft her into sports teams. It wasn’t anything that she enjoyed, but it kept her in shape.
She’s bony as hell, being skinny and without any sizable amount of body fat or muscle. She has like a thin layer of muscle if you squint, but there isn’t much there. A lot of her exercise comes from hauling ass from people she pissed off, because she spends plenty of time lounging around. She certainly does have a little sex appeal. Her bust is a 34C, and her hips are slightly prominent. She doesn't pack a lot in the ass area, though. Her body is a rough-square build rather than the famed hour-glass build.
Zoey is mixed-race, actually. While she looks fully Caucasian, she is Scottish, French, and half-Brazilian. She is more directly descended from the Portuguese settlers, but she has a bit of African through her veins. Her skin is a little pale because she spends a little bit of time indoors. It can't be clear, because Zoey has a few tattoos, and various scars.
⦕ P S Y C H O L O G Y
"Oh? So we're getting psychological now? Let me get the armchair."⋗ M A I N G O A L ⫻ Zoey's main goal in life has always been find success and get out of her home town to find a new life for herself. No, make a new life. Her only claim to fame has been her lively mind, and her talent for making music, so she wants to become a techno musician.
⋗ P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻ Zoey believes in freedom, and exploring life and yourself above all else. It might be something an idealist spouts, but it's something that helps her get up in the morning. She believes that everyone should be a free-spirit.
⋗ S E C R E T S ⫻ Zoey isn't the type of girl that holds a whole lot of secrets... other than the fact that she takes weed, and acid, whenever she parties. Along with the fact that she brought some weed.
⋗ D E S I R E S ⫻ Zoey wants to meet like-minded people, and find companions for herself above all else.
⋗ S E X U A L I T Y ⫻ Bisexual, more attracted to females than males. She seems to flirt with any females casually, but is attracted to people with personalities like herself. People she can click with.
⋗ F E A R S ⫻ Zoey fears her life will be boring, and formulaic. That she'll never have the big break that she's been so desperately looking for, and instead will fade into irrelevance. She also fears her friends actually moving ahead in life as she stagnates with silly dreams.
⋗ R E P U T A T I O N ⫻ Zoey has two sides to her reputation; how adults perceive her, and how her peers do. Adults think that she is a punk, a troublemaker, from one glance, and generally stay away from her. Her peers on the other hand, think that she is a fun person to be around, and the life of the party. Albeit very talkative and eccentric at times.
⋗ P E T P E E V E S ⫻ Brooding assholes, Zoey hates them with a firey passion. People that just think violence is the answer. Also, cynical assholes that constantly put her down, and act like they're better than everyone because they're cynical, and "see the world for what it really is."
⋗ Q U I R K S ⫻ Many. People who interact with Zoey immediately find out that she is pretty talkative. She tends to drag out her statements by adding plenty of words. She has a habit of rambling. Along with the fact that she's oddly energetic, and spastic.
⦕ B A C K S T O R Y
"Nothing to see here but a past I'd rather forget."Zoey was born as the oldest child of a pair of girls. The daughter of two illustrious scientists. A native of Organs Zoey grew up in a small towns watching TV shows and movies... and always wanting a little bit more. Zoey felt like home doesn't have what she wants, or needs, and never will. Which is why Zoey always aimed to leave, but was always swatted down. Once she was of age she turned into a sports-playing tomboy the moment she reached sports maturity.
She was raised following dreams, and had a love of different brands of music. Zoey played around with instruments, but they weren't her thing (they hurt the shit out of her fingers). But, she was drawn to electronic music... and eventually, she figured out how to make music, and it became her obsession. Her grades plummeted as she aspired to become a techno artist. She dropped a few hot LPs on Soundcloud, but barely gathered an online audience. However, she finds her true audience by preforming at parties.
Once Zoey matured, her father wasn't very receptive of Zoey slacking. She graduated highschool by the skin of her teeth, but she was kicked out of her house when she refused to get a job. Zoey had to stay with a friend... and get a job. She got a job as a barista at the local Cafe, but she still indulges in her childhood fantasies, and parties a lot.
Eventually, her highschool friends to meet up at a fancy ski resort for the holidays, and she went along with them.
⦕ S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
"Skills? Oh, yeah. Let me link you to my Soundcloud. I got the maddest beasts that you can get girls to shake their ass too."⋗ M U S I C M A K I N G ⫻ Zoey has from a young age, played with programs such as audacity, and went on various sites to get samples. Thus, putting together some techno songs (along with some rap and rock beats). She wants to get a singer, but... they're in demand these days.
⋗ B A S K E T B A L L ⫻ Zoey played for her highschool's basketball team for ages. She isn't the best at it, but she's gotten a pretty impressive speed, aim, and coordination.
⋗ S P R A Y P A I N T I NG ⫻ Zoey has been taught how to tag buildings by a friend of hers, and she fell in love with it. She knows how to work stencils, and she has tagged many, many places (Usually trains, but has tagged the mayor's house one time).
⦕ O T H E R
"Call me if you need me. I got a little bit of everyone; style, weed, music, good looks, and more."