Guy Marie
24 5"8 male
[ S Y N O P S I S ]
Guy is a new and optimistic recruit from the united isles military, a soldier fresh from basic training assigned to the Garrloch for "extra protection" if any were needed. He boards the Garrloch donning the latest in military technology which have yet to see use in battle, he hopes to be of some use.
[ A P P E A R A N C E ]
Guy stands tall as he has done all throughout his time training on the military island, his body is however a bit bruised from the harsh military training. He is lean and muscular but not so much that veins show on his skin, a healthy muscular, his skin is scorched from head to shoulders as well. His face is straight as well as his hair, he'd grown it out since he left basic. His casual attire consists of a leather jacket, jeans and military issue jungle boots, the only shoes he'd brought to the voyage besides the ones welded to the battle armour.
[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]
He is trustworthy and kind, not many people are where he comes from, Guy believed since childhood that he could do something or be in something amazing, that his life would be an adventure. Since his time in training he has learned to be respectful and disciplined, to always follow orders and follow through. he is very serious when people get to know him, he's optimistic and proud of what he is doing, in his eyes this is the greatest privilege he has ever gotten, to sail "beyond the storms".
[ H I S T O R Y ]
Orland, Orland is a poor island nation which survives by giving the united isles complete military control over the people, some use this for good reasons, some not so much. Every few years the military "recruits" men above the age of eighteen to serve in the army as either peacekeepers or military police, by "recruit" they mean tax the crap out of your family until a member of the family enlists themselves. Welleighton is a port town in the more unlawful side of the nation, in fact it is one of the most unsafe places in the isle, gangs and thieves roam the streets, shootouts happen very recently between gangs such as the "gunpowder gang" and the "un-united".
Guy Marie lives on such an island a inside such a town and within such a gang, at a very young age he was introduced to the gang life, his family lived under the protection of the gunpowder gang and so it was a common thing for him, many a time would he find himself in the middle of a shootout and sometimes he'd take sides. Somehow he'd made it through his teenage years where many were prone to death, he had never liked life in Welleighton, the military had all but acknowledged the very existence of that town, so he travelled west towards the welfare city of Highton, there he would have a better chance at life.
Upon arrival at Highton Guy had received a newcomers job opening guide, after some careful consideration he had chosen the best job someone like himself could do: CONSTRUCTION! Unfortunately when he signed up for the job it was full, there were too many people like himself trying to get into construction after leaving a crap town, so he chose the second option on his guide: WHALING! As much as Guy didn't like the thought of killing whales it would have to do for the time being.
On his first day he completely forgot about the job when he saw the beauty which would be his future wife, Johanna Farell. after a brief conversation about killing seals as well as whales and a few weeks of working together they found that they had much in common, soon after they became a couple. two years later they married and had a child, which un/fortunately meant that the united isles military decided to "recruit" Guy into the army, when Guy saw the tax drastically raise he dropped everything and waved goodbye to his wife and child, he joined the UIMF (united isles military force) not to return until age 45. Military training was tough, Guy thought he'd never make it through basic, that was until he was shown his overall skill in his corps, the best, upon completion of his training he was given the duty of aiding the expedition "beyond the storm" into uncharted territory... Guy grinned slightly when he first heard.
[ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ]
The "latest" in military tech:
the mkIII battle armour (covering the torso shoulders and shins)
the visored optical targeting helmet (V.O.T.H.) plus gas mask
thermal tent dispenser and water purifier (back)
Water resistant overcoat and trousers
Internal stress support system (a bunch of metal to help with weight I.S.S.S.)
twelve shot semi automatic hand gun (holster)
Automatic assault rifle