Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

{This is a Zombie Survival RP with a bit of 'werewolves/lycans' thrown into it. I know, weird combo, but oh well! ..most Civilians are not aware of the enhanced people and have only come out of hiding since the outbreak. Only civilians who live among the Enhanced people are also located will know their secret. Even then, some Enhanced might have their secret locked away, holding onto old protocols.}

Setting and Plot

Within the United States, there are multiple safety zones in which one could take shelter in from the outbreak. Safety zones are meant to keep the infected out, and for those who are attempting to survive this whole thing to resume somewhat normal lives as before. One major safe zone is held up in Colorado out of an old, abandoned Insane Asylum called Twin Peaks. So far, only two military-trained Pack members, Sgt. Maj. Mitchell (my character) and Staff Sgt. Harper (my co-GM, LoneSilverWolf's character), remain who are actively defending this safe zone. They do what they can to protect the people who have chosen to stay under their protection.

About the Wolves / Shape-Shifters

How They Came To Be:

Back in the early 1900's, the government had finally created a stable "virus", if you will, only administered by injection. It would turn the average soldier into an almost-unstoppable killing machine. The idea of werewolves was brought to life, injected into the brave, willing soldiers to make the change to their lives permanent, because of course there was no cure for what they were given. The new power these soldiers held was kept under tight lock and key, no one spoke of it or even slightly hinted at it. The empowered soldiers were referred to as "The Pack". The first Original Pack was made in the Navy Seal branch, but soon the other branches began to complain, and not too long after that every branch of the military had twelve of their very own Pack members at their disposal. When a member of the pack was KIA(Killed in Action), a new member was "born".

Over the years, the first Pack members who survived the wars they were put through have since died of sickness or old age. Those of their descended offspring have also had children of their own now. The werewolf strain somehow attached to the Original hosts' DNA and was passed down through the generations. These children who have managed to retain this gene were either made to join the military or trained how to control their "other half". A few cases have been found throughout the US and the UK of kids just shortly after their eighteenth birthday making the change--RARELY does a child make the change before then. In some instances, younglings who have been put through tragic events become so emotionally overwhelmed it pushes the β€œvirus” to activate in them, causing them to shift at younger ages. Very few of these younglings who are put through the change early in life make it-- 99% of them die because the shift is so overwhelming for their small frames. The government kept a constant watch on these kids, and if they thought they might screw up somehow and leak the secret, they were terminated.

Shape-Shifter Description:

Shape-shifters normally tend to be about half the size as their human selves, quite a bit larger than your average gray wolf. Placing humans besides the wolves, a wolf’s shoulders would come up to the mid-stomach area of a fully grown man averaging at about 6ft. They have exceptional hearing, sense of smell and eyesight, even in their human forms. The actual transformation between human and wolf is quite painful, but some have managed to master the change so much that it's hardly painful at all and happens within a matter of seconds. Initially, one breaks every bone in their body as their "other half" fights its way out of its human form. Bones reforming into that of a wolf, they "shed" their skin to be replaced with fur and acquire a tail. How such a large wolf could fit into their human forms, we still haven't quite figured it out yet. Overall the initial transformation is not easy and is very disconcerting and confusing. With the wolf’s eyes, however, they differ depending on pack rank. Alpha’s eyes glow a deep red, members of a pack have light golden-yellow eyes.. Betas eyes are a bright orange, an in-between color of the average Member eye color and an Alpha's. Omegas, also known as lone wolves, have an electric blue color for eyes. Every wolf has their birth-given eye color in human form, and only glow just before the change, and throughout the time that they are in their wolf forms. (-->See Here for an example<--) The ONLY Alphas, are the highest ranking officers in the pack. If the original Alpha is KIA, then the next high ranking officer will become the next Alpha if no other Alpha is to be made.

Pack Behavior:

In their wolf forms, shape-shifters show the general behavior of their titular animals, though they retain their human intelligence, memories, and character, up to and including showing their human eyes. Pack members are also telepathically linked with each other, enhancing their coordination during hunts and fights but allowing little to no privacy at any time. The Alphas of two different packs are able to communicate telepathically and can control what thoughts they share, while the subordinates of different packs don't show this ability.
The dominant male/female, the Alpha, can force the other pack members to obey his/her orders against their will just as they can in their human forms as commanding officers. A Beta can also do this, though he/she can't command his/her own Alpha/Commanding Officer. Even if it's implied, it is unknown whether this characteristic is also extended down the pack ranks.


All RPers, new and old, have room to improve our story-telling and interaction abilities so here are some tips to keep in mind to help everyone improve.

Roleplaying Tips:

Character Creation Form

[h1][color=????]FULL NAME OF CHARACTER GOES HERE[/color][/h1]
[hr or any other divider you want]
[url=(place a picture of your wolf form here, if you have one.. if not, get rid of the 'url' around the img)][IMG]Realistic images only, image or gifs[/IMG][/url]
[hr or any other divider you want]
A quote from your character or other meaningful words here.

[hr or any other divider you want]

[h3]Title of your choice[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| FULL BIRTH-GIVEN NAME ||[/color]
[indent]Insert your name and, if necessary, nicknames.[/indent]
[color=????]|| GENDER ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory.[/indent]
[color=????]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory. Everyone is welcome here.[/indent]
[color=????]|| AGE ||[/color]
[indent]Please keep the age between 13-55. No place in this kind of world for anyone older or younger than that..[/indent]
[color=????]|| RELATIONS ||[/color]
[indent]Have anyone in your sights or a significant other you've managed to keep alive with you?[/indent]
[color=????]|| IN-DEPTH HUMAN APPEARANCE ||[/color]
[indent]A small paragraph about how you look, dress, scars, etc here.[/indent]
[color=????]|| IN-DEPTH WOLF APPEARANCE ||[/color]
[indent]Same goes for here. Obviously, your wolf doesn't get dressed.. but fur color, eye color (keep in mind the layout for this), any scars, etc. If you don't have a wolf, please disregard this and erase this section.[/indent]
[hr or any other divider you want]

[center][h3]Anotha' one![/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color]
[indent]A basic list of traits.[/indent]
[color=????]|| QUIRKS ||[/color]
[indent]* List a few
[color=????]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color]
[indent]+ List a few likes
- And a few dislikes[/indent]
[hr or any other divider you want]

[center][h3]Just one more title[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| FAMILY YOU'VE LOST ||[/color]
[indent]Who they are to you - their names - how long ago did they pass?[/indent]
[color=????]|| THOSE STILL WITH US ||[/color]
[indent]It's fine if you leave this blank. Not everyone has someone in this day and age.[/indent]
[color=????]|| FAITHFUL COMPANION(S) ||[/color]
[indent]Any pets you've managed to keep alive? Be it a dog, cat, bird, rodent..etc![/indent]
[color=????]|| PERSONAL WEAPONS ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory[/indent]
[hr or any other divider you want]

[center][h3]Okay I lied, very last title here[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color]
[indent]A paragraph or more about what your life has been like, both before and after the infection happened. What are you doing with your life, now?[/indent]
[color=????]|| THEME SONG ||[/color]
[indent][url=insert youtube link here]Your theme song - Artist[/url]
[sub]Add some of the lyrics[/sub][/indent]
[color=????]|| ALSO KNOWING ||[/color]
[indent]Anything else you wanna say.[/indent]
[hr or any other divider you want]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

>> Held Placement for F.A.Q.s <<

@Rawk @Acid Hippie @DeadlyPhoenix @Nallore @LoneSilverWolf Hey guys.. it's up :)

Please place your W.I.P. Characters in the OOC tab and I'll approve as they are finished!! Thanks ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Theo Riddick


Wolf Form:


In the midst of darkness...some who deserve it will find the light.


Deep Down Inside

|| Theodore James Riddick ||
My name may be Theodore but everyone calls me Theo. Only people who want to piss me off call me Theodore.

|| GENDER ||


|| AGE ||

Currently single by personal choice. I find it hard to trust people that I just meet.

I have blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I work out very frequently so I am great shape. I usually always wear cammo pants and a black shirt with my hiking steel toed boots. I also have a necklace with my dog tags from the Army and my family crest with it.

Everyone says I would be perfect to live in the snowy mountains from my fur color. I have bright white fur and bright blue eyes to show me as an Omega. I do have a scar along my nose and up to below my eye. Its noticeable but I don't like talking about it.


The Mirror to the Soul

* Deep down is always a Loner
* Never knew how to trust people fully
* Usually have my head in a book when I am in public
* I can talk to others but I do what I can never to get too close

|| QUIRKS ||
* I have a foul mouth... I can't help but let them slip out not matter how hard I try.
* I had a hard time following orders from my Commanding Officers if my plan is better then theirs'.

+ Reading Fantasy/Mystery stories
+ Zombie Movies/Video Games
+ Rock Music
+ Always enjoy shooting guns at the range or hunting
- Opera Music
- Romantic Movies
- Bright color clothes (on myself)
- fighting when in wolf form (I have a hard time holding back in wolf form)


The Pains of My Past

Maria Riddick - Mother - Was killed by an enemy pack on my 18th birthday
Vladimir Riddick - Father - was killed by an enemy pack on my 18th birthday

Jasmine Riddick - younger sister - I haven't seen my sister since the attack. She was taken by the enemy pack...she could be dead by now but I still have hope.


Yang - He was my military drug dog that was always at my side no matter what. I saved him to help keep me alive emotionally. If anything were to happen to him, I would never live with myself

Shay - I found her when she was a baby. She fell out of her nest and left by her parents. I raised her and taught her how to fly again. She scouts ahead in the woods to look for other wolves or even zombies. She usually is rested on my shoulder if I do not need her help.


Military P90 with a silencer that I got to keep after my time in the Army. I have 4 magazines that I keep on me in case of zombies.

Family sword passed down after my parents were killed. I saved it with me so it would protect me.


The Darkness Inside

When I was younger I had everything I could have ever wanted in life. My family was the leader of a small pack of wolves. My father spent time in the Army as an officer until I was 17 years old when he revived an Honorable discharge. On my 18th birthday...everything changed for the worse. In the middle of the night, my parents were killed and my sister was kidnapped by a rouge pack of wolves. I had experienced my first change that night in a fit of pure rage where I became an Omega from that day on. I ran off to the military not long after when they learned I went through the change. I was drafted to work with drug sniffing dogs along the border until I received my honorable discharge at the age of 26 at the rank of Major. But then the zombies came... I had moved up to Colorado when the outbreak happened when I learned about other people like me surviving in an old Asylum. I knew if I went out alone in a time like this, it would be certain death.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCBPmxiVMKk] Jekyll and Hyde- Five Finger Death Punch

There's just so much goddamned weight on my shoulders
All I'm trying to do is live my motherfucking life
Supposed to be happy, but I'm only getting colder
Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aasac_OXNDk Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch

Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone
Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell
The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side,
The righteous side of hell


My full back tattoo that I got during the military to always remind me of my wolf deep inside me that I have to keep locked away as best as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

@DeadlyPhoenix Accepted. ^^ go ahead and put him in the CHAR tab in a huder, if you would. (:
Do you want our characters to be familiar? @LoneSilverWolf's character will be Army. Maybe THEY were brothers in arms and that's how Mitchell would know your guy? Just suggestions. Don't have to (:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hmm That would not be a bad idea at all. It would also make sense how he would get there knowing your characters were there as well. Helps the story mend together a little more too. I will post my character in the CS page. I'm also glad you are letting me have two pets. I was worried I would have to pick one or the other.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

@DeadlyPhoenix Nah. Two pets isn't a big deal. Anything more than that would have been questionable lol. I usually only have one or two among my 4+ characters cause animals would be somewhat hard to feed when its difficult just trying to feed yourself sometimes. But like our characters, both their dogs were their battle-buddies (: I was thinking of having a bird, but eventually decided against it x) I am a huge fan of falcons and owls. They're my favorite birds of prey

Can you put Theo in a hider for me? Please and thank you(:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awesome I am glad you agree. And sure I can try my best to put him in a hider. It will help me brush up on my coding.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

@DeadlyPhoenix Thank you, much! I will add you to the roster when I get home shortly, finish Mitchell and make a first post. Possibly for all my characters, even though 3/4 aren't even hardly started xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awesome I look forward to starting this story :) it is going to be amazing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Awww, it's gonna take me ages to fill that characters sheet out from my phone...
Please be patient with me :(
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'll have my character up sometime tomorrow. :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl

Working on a CS and noticed the "wolf appearance" section that mentioned if you don't have a wolf then leave it blank. I may not want one right off the bat, as perhaps it just hasn't happened, and maybe through the course of the story it might. Or, would it make sense to have a character who may never actually change into a wolf, but shares many of the traits (not all, but some)?

Anyway, just some food for thought...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Clayton 'Clay' Radshaw

Nothing in this life comes free.

Clayton Radshaw

|| GENDER ||

Polyamorous Hetero

|| AGE ||
Mid to late 20's

A disbanded brother who could be anywhere.

At an imposing 6ft 180 lbs Clayton appears a bit rough-around-the-edges and holds that roguish charm. His clothes are more about practicality than brand names though he is fond of a good leather jacket.
Tattoos can be found on most parts of his body as can scars, old and new.
His most defining feature is his cold steely light blue eyes that can pierce the soul at just one glance.

Big, white.

Clay, while a bit rough-around-the-edges is pretty care free and easy going guy. He can be a little arrogant and over confident and extremely head strong and stubborn at times. He is pretty quick to resort to violence or at least threats, the strike first ask questions later type.
Character flaws aside he has a generally good heart and will make sacrifices for others. Behind his arrogance he doesn't really believe he is worth dirt, often denying his own happiness believing he must suffer for mistakes of the past. He's the kind of guy that trouble is attracted too.


|| ||

|| LIKES ||
  • Whiskey
  • Women
  • Motor bikes
  • Leather
  • Fighting
  • Tattoos
  • The number 13
    (Roughly in that order)

  • Wimps
  • Politics
  • Sleeping
  • His past
  • Cats
  • Feelings
  • Restraints

Parents when he was young. The girl he loved when he was a teen.

His brother Dorian who he hasn't seen in years or has any intention to.

Clay can hardly look after himself let alone another animal.

What ever he can get his hands on.

[hr or any other divider you want]

A paragraph or more about what your life has been like, both before and after the infection happened. What are you doing with your life, now?

Made of Scars - Stone Sour
This one came from looking, this one opened twice
These two seemed smooth as silk, flush against my eyes
This one needed stitches and this one came from rings
This one isn't even there, but I feel it more because you don't care

Yeah, cut right into me
Yeah, because I am made of scars
Yes, I am made of scars

This one had it coming, this one found a vein
This one was an accident, but never gave me pain
This one was my father's and this one you can't see
This one had me scared to death, but I guess I should be glad I'm not dead

Yeah, cut right into me
Yeah, because I am made of scars
Yes, I am made of scars

God, don't you believe the hype

And I will find a way, everything you are I will betray
Oh, I swear that I will find a way, everything you are's inside of me

This one was the first one - this one had a vice
This one here I like to rub on dark and stormy nights
This one was the last one - I don't remember how
But I remember blood and rain
And I never saw it coming again

Yeah, cut right into me
Yeah, because I am made of scars
Yes, I am made of scars

Anything else you wanna say.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Serving up a fresh CS straight to @A Tattooed Girl

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl

I added two more weapons on my Cs. Just a Bowie Knife and a 9mm Glock for close range fighting in a pinch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Dark Light If you would, theres still the Bio to fill, and if there's a way to stretch out the description of your wolf. What color eyes does it have? Any distinguishing markings in its white fur. :) Please and thank you ^-^ I really love your character, btw :)

@Rawk "Theme Song" is missing, as well as Also Knowing, but if you have nothing to put in that section, you can leave it out of your CS xD but other than that, it's fantastic <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl

I will try to spread the news around to more people to see if anyone else wants to join. I may know a few people that would like to join up if they aren't too busy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Rawk "Theme Song" is missing, as well as Also Knowing, but if you have nothing to put in that section, you can leave it out of your CS xD but other than that, it's fantastic <3

Thanks. And yep, those two were omitted on purpose b/c I didn't need them :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Rawk the part I meant you could leave out was the last one. Please add a song, if you would ^-^ thanks

I work till 8 tonight. I'll try and get something up. If not, I am off tomorrow and will definitely post then. See you all then!

P.S. We will be bringing a Negan-like character into the mix. He'll be kind of a background character. My character Styx will be his right hand man. They'll be located at another compound in a nearby vacinity. Rhaeger Crosse (our Negan character) will be a shapeshifter. He'll have that old-school, tatted up biker look to him. Gotta search for a pic later, but yeah.. I may just end up posting tomorrow cause I'm getting a new laptop tonight and will wanna probably set it up, watch a little Netflix and pass out haha. Had a long morning, already. See you guys then!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Acid Hippie
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Acid Hippie

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jace Slaven


Wolf Form:


"We've always been animals."


"Think wolf mentality. Us, or them. You, or me."

My name is Jace Slaven. You might have heard someone call me Jay, but that was probably an ex-girlfriend or two.

|| GENDER ||


|| AGE ||

I don’t have a girlfriend or anything like that right now. Not too many options anymore, now that I’m around my own kind.

Didn’t you take a picture? I have dirty blond hair, hazel eyes. I don’t wear much jewelry, unless you count my pyrite stone necklace. Why? For protection and good health. I never take it off.

I’m usually wearing a tank top or tee and some loose fit pants. I like to be comfortable-and effective. Tight clothes restrict you and are hard to shed when you’re transforming. Being barefoot and in loose clothes? Much easier and quicker. I wear boots or sandals when absolutely necessary though.

When I transform I have a tan, almost gold coat. Dark, almost brown around my blood red eyes, shoulders, and back. But from my jaw down, you’ll find patches of even lighter fur.


Some bonds are deeper than blood.

-Unnecessarily stubborn, though will change opinions abruptly (and frustratingly) at times
-Short attention span
-Physically expressive, regardless of good or bad intentions
-Oddly loyal to select few
-Will go along with things so long as he's having a good time or has something to gain

|| QUIRKS ||
-Loves to break rules for no reason
-Loves to hit people and objects, though he pulls his punches
-Unless he’s relaxing, he is instead always moving; bouncing in place, dancing about, or chewing something to pieces.

+Embracing the β€œwolf side”
+Having a good time (by his standards)
+Hitting things
+Physical activity
-People pretending, especially if they’re pretending to be strong or trustworthy
-Acting like a human for too long
-Hiding or suppressing his wolf traits
-Talking about the past, regardless of the topic
-Talking too much about the future


Wild is not evil.

Vincent Slaven - Father - ???
Sharon Slaven - Mother - 11 years ago

Kell Slaven - Older brother - 25

I get along great with other animals. They aren’t my pets though. Pals maybe.
Who doesn’t love fists?

I also use a bow and arrow of course. Silent and deadly. And there is just nothing like the satisfaction of nailing a zombie with an arrow.

Of course, when things get really bad, I’m not so bad with my short barrel Benelli M2 shotgun either.


Until I stop breathing I’ll keep going.

Jace grew up knowing nothing of his father and little of his mother who struggled to keep herself and her two boys fed. At the age of 12 his mother died, leaving him and his brother, Kell, without any parents. They were taken in by their aunt who raised them for the next 5 years, able to take better care of the children and devoted to spending actual time with the boys. When Jace was 17 however, unidentified men working for the government came to his aunt’s place asking questions and forcing their ways inside. They were looking for Jace and Kell, and after getting physical with his aunt Jace intervened and a fight ensued. In the heat of the fight Jace underwent his first transformation and ended up slaughtering the men in front of his aunt as well as his brother Kell, who kept the men at bay whilst he transformed. After the fight Jace ran off in a primal state, lost in his new senses and perception of the world. Eventually he transformed back into a human and was found by his brother and aunt in the morning. His aunt warned them that their lives were going to be forever changed from this point on, stating that their father was tied to all of this, that this is why he was killed years ago. Having no choice but to listen to their hysterical aunt, the boys were advised to run away and become invisible. They could not leave the country, or else they would be identified in a heartbeat, but they were to never use their real names-hold real jobs-own a home. Nothing.

From that point on Jace and Kell, who transformed nearly a year later, had to fend for themselves using whatever means they could. They made promise to each other, that no matter what happened to either one of them, they would keep going until they stopped breathing. Jace, though he was younger than Kell, was essentially the pack leader, the Alpha, as he transformed before his brother had. This unconsciously made him the superior. The brothers stayed together for another 5 years and through the outbreak of the virus, but eventually split up when they could not agree on how to continue, how to survive. Kell was insisting they join a certain pack they had run into, whereas Jace was intent on surviving on their own. Even should they form a pack, Jace was not fond of the pack members either. Faced with lack of food sources and ever harsher weather patterns, the brothers had little time to debate over whether to move with the pack or not. When it all came down to it, they decided to go their separate ways. Not breaking their promise to each other, but in the end believing that to fulfill their promises they had to survive; however they each thought that possible. That was two years ago. Having been away from each other long enough (and being alone together for so long before that), the brothers were adept at keeping thoughts to themselves and now no longer hear one another. But Jace knows his brother is alive somewhere so long as his eyes glow the color of an Alpha. Otherwise, he would simply be a lone Omega with no pack. Now, despite his wild and lone nature, he has little but foolish choices left. To survive he needs food and shelter, companions to help fight off zombies and other enemy packs that are now starting to grow in numbers. So while the thought of the military and traditional society sickens him, Jace is willing to work alongside others like him for the sake of survival.
Nuclear Waste Aerobics - Tobacco
-celestial, punk, rebel sounds-
Did I mention I like to hit things?

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