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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Simon Algard

Age: 16

Year: 6th

Element: Fire

Parents and backstory: Simon never knew much about his biological parents. From what he understood, his mother was very young, and his father was a deadbeat that left her unable to care for a child. He was brought up in an orphanage, and the closest he had to actual parents was the orphanage staff. He was a reserved child and kept to himself, but he formed a bond with a woman there named Teresa, who taught him to read and always brought him new books to nurture his apparent intelligence. Teresa was a teacher as well as a mother for Simon, and he is one of the few people he actually cares about. He was, unfortunately, never adopted, and so spent all of his childhood in the orphanage until he was summoned by the academy to hone his talents.


Typical dress: Inexpensive clothing. A single-colored T-shirt and some slacks or jeans. Simon doesn’t have the money for fashionable outfits.

Favorite weapon: Words. Simon would rather talk his way out of a situation than resort to physical violence. However, he is not beyond verbal lashings. If you do something stupid, he will call you on it. He may call out the futility of your efforts, he may simply insult you. Or, he may decide to use sophisticated rhetoric to convince you to do his bidding. Either way, Simon is more of a speaker than a fighter.

Hometown: London, England
Non-Elemental talent: Studying. Simon has a ton of book smarts. Give him a piece of information, and he is great at memorizing, comprehending, and analyzing it. He knows how to research information as well, and always seems to find what he is looking for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 21 min ago

Amelia Alison Averyonna







Typical dress:
Amelia will typically wear whatever cloths to academy has provided her without complaint, though she has a preference for t-shirts and jeans, as she hates how exposed skirts make her feel. She often has a bottle of water at her side, to use as a means of communication and wears little to nothing as in the form of accessories. She also doesn't wear make-up, letting her natural beauty shine.

Favorite weapon(e.g. staff, wand, sword,wits...):
Not a fan of combat, Amelia will rely on her wits and her powers if forced in a combat scenario.

Allentown, PA

Non-Elemental talent (e.g. healing, lie detecting...):
Amelia has an abnormally high amount of luck, surviving on the streets for most of her life without having to resort to drastic measures and despite having poor health.

Amelia also has a keen sense of hearing, picking up on sounds most others might miss.

Amelia was born with the worst hand life could throw at her. She was a born mute, had a weak immune system, and was put into foster care before she could even have any memories of her parents. She was moved from home to home through much of her infancy, the foster parents unable to support her constant health needs, as it seemed as soon as she got over one illness, she would get struck with another.

Eventually, while still only five years old, the girl ran away from her latest foster home and into the streets. She was tired of feeling unwanted and tired of changing homes several times a year. So, she decided to just get away from it all and if she was to die alone, so be it. She would've died alone and unwanted anyway.

While on the streets, the young girl managed to survive through luck and wits, getting out of tough situations. She learned to accept local charity, taking cloths and food when they were provided, and resorting to scavenging when they weren't. Her health never got better and would cripple her from time to time, but she became skilled at holing herself up and staying out of everyone way until she got better.

Her life finally took a turn for the better only recently. Sleeping in one of her usually allies and hidden behind a pile of random garbage, she was awaken by the sudden appearance of a bright light. Curious, she cautiously peaked over the items surrounding her and was shocked by what she saw before her. A portal of pure energy, with a woman standing in front of it, looking around the ally, as if searching for something. Amelia slowly hide behind her protection, sure she was imagining things, when she heard the woman approach her. Looking up, she saw the woman looking down at her, a kind, almost pitying smile on her face.

The woman explained her purpose was to find and take Amelia to a school for special children, with the power to manipulate some of the elements that made up the world. Amelia, ever the cautious one by this point, was unwilling to go until she has some proof. It took an entire two hours of miscommunication, talking, and pondering, along with a small demonstration of the woman's ability to manipulate earth, to convince Amelia to come along.

Now, perhaps she could finally find a home and a place to stay, if at least for a little while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Xiao Lin (His name is Chinese, so his given name is Lin and his surname is Xiao)
Age: 11
Year: 1st
Element: Air
Parents: Xiao Tai (Father) Xiao Yun (Mother, deceased)

Typical dress: Casual. Jeans and t-shirts, occasionally a jacket. Notably, he hates wearing shoes and will often go without them.
Favorite weapon: Prefers not to use violence, but he carries a switchblade.
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Non-Elemental talent: Lin is good with languages. He can speak English, French and Italian on top of his native Mandarin, and knows sign language as well
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