Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood
@KimmiNinjaOrithius listened to the lecturer with an almost palpable level of boredom. Clearly they were being lenient with the people who are of a lower level, because it seemed to be just a rehash of previous years of work, and a few tentative explorations as to how these defensive measures might be incorporated in new and innovative manners, so as to coincide and remain relevant in an ever changing modern context. Most of the ideas they provided were impossible, or would result in highly ineffective forms - either the teacher was a moron, or he was testing whether or not someone would call him out on his shittalking. Orithius hoped it was the latter, because if it were not then he was going to have to log a formal complaint.
He sighed and sat back in his chair, looking at the girl - Rosalie - again. She seemed to be not paying much attention. Considering her scores however, he assumed it was less out of informed boredom, and mostly because of disinterest. She wanted to be friends. Informal friends. It still made no sense to him, but he tried to keep an open mind. Perhaps he should invite her over to the house. Would she mind? There was a slim chance that she might be overwhelmed, like other people seemed to be. Kissing his father and mother's asses when they eventually come over. Then again, he is just intending to use her to facilitate his own social needs... if she were to use him to further her own financial or political goals - could he judge her? Probably not.
"Mr Wyrmwood, the answer please." Orithius looked at the lecturer and then at the board, and noted a few notes on Last-Resort theories to cripple your enemies when your defensive stagnates have failed. Crippling your enemy's to give you a chance to restructure your defense... "
Scorched earth policy? If your defenses have been crippled, use force to interrupt the source of the enemy's attack - i.e. cut off their connection to their element, cripple their capacity to use it, etc. While this might seem like a purely offensive stratagem - since we are talking about last-resorts, the resulting time you will get as your opponent tries to rebuild their offensive measures, will aid you in reestablishing a coherent defense or consider retreat. Is that sufficient?" Orithius looked on with a raised eyebrow, taking another sip of his coffee. The lecturer wrote down a few points before continuing. Orithius sighed and continued to listen a little bit more attentively.