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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"...I don't know what you're talking about, Brother Lomen....We should take this back home. We can divide up the parts back there. Besides, this thing is too large to carry back with anything else, and the blood will draw lot's of attention."

"So you mean to say you have never acquired any skills from your previous battles? Not even any special strikes or the kind? I was hoping I could possibly see if I could learn a few of your skills and teach you some of mine. Either way, I agree that we need to take this back together brother Kishi."

Lomen smiled and helped lift the boar and started them off towards the cave. He kept an even pace so that Kishi would match it and they would be able to get back to the cave within a good amount of time. Meanwhile Lomen kept his ear open to Kishi and enjoyed the clean air of the forest as a small breeze brushed past. Lomen sniffed the air to see how it smelled and also to see if there was anything unusual upwind that would be better off avoided.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


First Blood

As quickly as it had began, the conflict between Goblin and Horned rabbit was over. Zectoll's savage strike ended the Alpha's life quickly, before it could attempt to fight back. The feeling of slaying a beast in such a fast and complete fashion was exhilarating to Zectoll. He could feel the new skill he had learned, without reading its description. The skill savage strike and predator stance had begun to affect his mind, and how he felt. Crouching down eyes narrowed and ears alert, Zectoll observed his surroundings, for any potential threat.

For a moment he thought that perhaps he should find Lomen and Kishi, but the thought soon faded, replaced by a desire to feast upon this fresh kill. Zectoll ripped the Alpha's large horn from its head and used it to puncture the fallen rabbits throat. A stream of blood, still warm with fading life began to spill from the wound. Zectoll lapped up the blood greedily. After draining much of the blood from the carcass, Zectoll hoisted the kill onto his back. In his new found predator stance Zectoll stalked through the shadows of the forest quietly, making his way back to the cave.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


-After a flower-

The flower was dead and as such once they figured out what to do with the remains they soon saw that it was starting to get dark. The remains of the flower had many uses with its petals being able to be created into a bag even the lure was useful as it could make small animals like horned rabbits come to eat it. The flower was useful and their was no doubt a live flower next time could be even better even as a primitive form of defense if they thought to use the flower that way.

@Duoya@The 4 Winds

As the goblins spoke the sun was starting to set showing that it was dark and while they were no doubt productive in gaining such a large bounty they would no doubt need to hurry back before it got to dark. The meat was hard to carry back even if they ate some before trying to carry it back. The tusks were very sharp and perfect to made into a weapon which one of the goblins already did. No doubt tomorrow would be an even better day considering they didn't need to worry about food with the meat they brought back so tomorrow they would be able to relax without worry of starving.

@El Noche

Predator heads back-

The goblin soon enjoyed its kill eating the remains of his prey happily. This goblin was soon gaining the skills necessary to be a great killer but not just any killer but a predator in his own right. As the goblin went into his predators stance his steps seemed not to make a sound making the trip back safe. The sun was setting and it was time to head back anyways as he soon found himself at the cave first and Grandpa only noticed the young one when he was near him "You were so quiet. Make some noise when you walk you could have given this old goblin a heart attack" He said panting a little still surprised but smiling at the young one being able to be so quiet would no doubt serve the young one well
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 29 min ago

Overall, the trip back home was long and arduous. The boar, which was larger than either goblin and weighed many times more, offered no assistance, and the wound that Kishi had inflicted had made the fur slick with blood in certain parts. Overall, the trip was spent with idle chit-chat and labored grunting. After Kishi had given his response to Lomen, he continued on his discussion of these so called "Skills"

"So you mean to say you have never acquired any skills from your previous battl-"

Once again, Lomen was cut off. Darkness had encompassed all of Kishi's view. All that remained was a light pain in his stomach, and the sound of waves in the distance. Kishi could feel soft sand beneath his body, and the scent of ocean air filled his senses. By the time he tried to grasp any meaning on the strange event, it immediately vanished, with Lomen returning to his view.

"-we need to take this back together brother Kishi."

"I apologize, but I do not know what you mean when you refer to these skills. I agree, we seem to develop traits and actions quite easily... But I never got a skill with a name. Perhaps you are special in that regard. You should ask Grandfather about it. He is quite wise in regards to the ways of the world."

After he finished giving advice, Kishi slowly lifted the boars back legs, and the rest of the trip consisted of chit-chat and Kishi instructing Lomen on the directions he needed to follow in order to not slam into a tree or trip.

What felt like hours passed by, and by the time the goblins had finally reached the cavern, it was already dusk, the sun turning the sky into a crimson expanse. Slowly, the boar was carried inside, much to the envy of the less fortunate goblins in the family. The boar was laid at the feet of Grandfather. It wasn't until Kishi wiped the sweat from his face that he noticed Brother Zectoll was standing next to Grandfather, and looked... much more threatening than he usually did. Dismissing this thought, Kishi lightly tapped the side of the boar, creating a soft slapping sound that echoed throughout the entire cave. Kishi began to speak.

"Greetings, Grandfather! I apoligize that I interrupted your conversation with Brother Zectoll, but I bring great news! Brother Lomen and I have returned with a feast for the family! If you would be so kind, I would be in your debt if you distributed this to those who are unable to catch their own food. If brother Lomen-"

Kishi turns to face both Grandfather and Lomen at the same time.

"-is done claiming his share, it would be an honor to allow you the first cut."

Kishi grinned happily. Surely, this boar would be able to feed the rest of his kin. His people would be able to live another day. And all it cost was the life of one disgusting monster!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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After Stegs successfully tore one of the petals off he placed the berries and plants he collected on it and used the petal as a makeshift bag. He didn't really see what uses the other parts of the plant could be, but maybe that goblin who made the spears could think of something and if not there were still plenty of future bags so on the way back he made sure to memorize the path.

Once he arrived at the cave Stegs heard some goblin talk about a feast for the whole family which was convenient cause he was starving, though the downside was that both Grandpa and the weapon maker were busy. Impatiently he waited until either the old goblin was free so he could try and convince him to help identify his loot, or until he could tell the weaponmaker about the flower and the possibilities it might offer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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- Skubli -


Skulbi slept for hours, his eyes fluttering back and forth beneath his closed lids. Haunted dreams and dark half memories led to surreal hallucinations, however they blurred together into nothingness.

When the goblin awoke, he was further into the cave than he last remembered, snuggled warmly in his mantle. A few goblins murmured faintly near the mouth of the cave.

Skubli allowed himself to rest, trembling slightly as he reflected upon his newfound life. He had been keeping a mental barrier to remove himself from the negative emotions of his existence since the moment he was born, however it was at its breaking point.

The small goblin trembled violently in his warm mantle, unable to handle the thought of his new life.

Time passed, and eventually he made his way out to the rest of the cave to continue his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Lomen smiled at the generosity that he and Kishi were able to bring to the clan. It would be good for the moral of the clan and would be better to have everyone well fed. No need to create family enemies. He then smiled and gave a thumbs up to Kishi as Lomen walked to Grandpa and waited for a good moment to make a comment.

"Grandpa. If you have time tomorrow, would you teach me more of this world?

Lomen still had that hunger in the back of his mind to know more of this life that was around him and eagerly awaited the wise goblin's response. After hearing an answer, Lomen would proceed to skin the boar and give a hefty slice to Grandpa Goblin. As he took care of them on their first days, they would take care of him in his later days. No matter how many that may be. After giving the first piece, Lomen repeated the process to give all the goblins in the cave a fair share, taking food to the goblins who were weaker than others first so they may live. Every now and again he would snack on a small bone or two that other goblins seemed to shy away from. They almost tasted sweet to him.

After some time and most of the boar likely being gone, Lomen would then go to work on making the stick and medium horn he had into a spear. With some time he hoped to have another weapon to add to his list of possible weapons. After some time with that he would start attempting to make the rabbit pelt he had into a type of bag for storing items. It would be a bit tricky since his spine protruded a bit but Lomen knew he would make it work. He would pick up the pelt later if nobody picked it up and still kept the wolf corpse around where hes set himself up for the night in case Kishi still wanted to learn how to skin the wolf. If not he would share the wolf meat with the others as well and then eat some of the bones before going to bed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Luz wonder if the pedal would make a good back so she decided to make one herself, she doesn't know if she would focus on using it but it was best to take something from the flower for her hard work. "We make a really good team." She told him delightfully as she walked back with him. Luz would like to take the flower to the weapon maker but since Stag sort of saved her her he decide to go with his choice and follow him to the elder to check the flower out. As she stood with him she wonder what the rest of the goblins brought back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


A matter of bones

Zectoll found his way to the cave, finding Grandpa standing at the entrance.

"You were so quiet. Make some noise when you walk you could have given this old goblin a heart attack"

Realizing that he was home, and relatively safe Zectoll deactivated his predator stance, falling into his normal relaxed state. Zectoll smiled at Grandpa Goblin though his attention was quickly brought to the triumphant return of Lomen and Kishi. Zectoll went over to his kin, examined the large boar they had brought back and smiled wide. Look at the hide of this one. This creature has wealth beyond it's meat. Zectoll said a look of wonder in his eyes. He soon felt himself becoming tired from todays activitie, and decded to retire to his corner of the cave.

He spent the rest of the evening picking clean the wolf bones of meat, and attempting to skin his horned rabbit. He had watched Lomen do it before, so he surmised he would simply try and emulate the technique. His mind began thinking of ways to use the bones to his advantage. Each creature he encountered had some type of natural weapon, the wolves have their fangs, the rabbits have their horns, and the boars have their tusks. He looked down at this hands, the hands that had dealt death to wolf and rabbit using the spear. An idea bega to emerge in his head.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@El Noche@demonspade64@The 4 Winds@December@Duoya@Duthguy

The old goblin smiled as each one of the young ones came back and he saw the bounty that Kishi and Lomen brought with them and he had to admit he was a little proud of them and smiled softly as they offered to share the bounty with everyone he had to admit he was glad he was the care taker for this very reason. While he may not have sired the children himself he was no less proud when watching them grow like this. Grandpa gladly took the piece offered to him before he helped distribute the meat between everyone. Lomen soon asked if tomorrow he could teach him more of this world and he nodded "Of course young one after giving this old man some of the boar ill be glad to help" since this was more then enough to qualify for knowledge.

Once everyone had their fill it was soon dark and he slept nearby with the other goblins as the next day came...

Rainy day

Tomorrow morning they were soon treated to the sight of rain pouring on the ground outside. It was clear that this was no mere sprinkle but an actual storm and from the looks of the clouds outside it was clear it wouldn't let up today. Thankfully their was still some boar left from yesterday that everyone could eat so long as they do it sparingly, he didn't want them to leave when it was like this as it was more likely that they would be killed by beasts better suited to these conditions. "Young ones try not to leave the cave, its dangerous outside" he said simply thinking that they trusted his judgment enough not to need an explanation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Lomen awoke to the sound of rain pouring outside and didn't truly feel awake until the thunder stuck in the distance. This new sound startled him a bit and as such, looked to Grandpa Goblin.

"Young ones try not to leave the cave, its dangerous outside"

It seemed that the cave was still as safe an area as it had been in the future, although Lomen wondered what may be seen beyond the cave when the rain fell. Perhaps he would find out later in his life when he became strong enough. With this in mind he staggered up and went to the entrance of the cave, cupping his hands together to capture the water and drank. The meat of the boar would sustain the others, and Lomen noticed a tenancy to eat bones was slightly uncommon so he resolved to mostly eat only the bones today and leave the meat for the others. Although he did cut a small slice of meat off the boar and wandered to Grandpa Goblin, offering it too him.

"Grandfather, I am afraid that I may be asking too much, and that I may not entirely know what to ask, but I desire to know more about this world. Could you please teach me about the gods of this world and how to become closer with them? The creatures and races that inhabit this land? Or any notable beasts that reside near to us that might be either a great threat to us or a worthy hunt? There is so much I must know."

Lomen then took a moment to gather himself.

"Well I guess for starters, could you teach me about the Gods? I really desire to know more."

Lomen then sat at attention, eager to listen and absorb everything Grandpa Goblin had to say. It was quickly becoming a mission to gather knowledge of the world around him in order to grow closer to it and benefit those around himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


When he noticed the rain and heard Grandpa's warning Stegs was disappointed, he had hoped that he could get help bringing the flower to the cave from the other Goblins. Instead he decided to discus both the berries and the uses of the flower with Grandpa and the weaponmaker respectively.

Seeing as some other Goblin seemingly wanted something from the elder, the choice of who talk to first was an easy one. Stegs picked up the petal and looked around the cave. After a while he found Kishi and approached him. "Hey I remember seeing you with weapons and I was wondering if you could do anything with this." He showed off the petal in such a way that the sharp barbs were clearly visible. "It comes from some huge plant I found yesterday, since another Goblin and I killed it we should be able to collect more petals tomorrow."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Day 4: A matter of bones continued

Zectoll had slept soundly that night, his belly full of savory meat. He roused from his slumber lazily, standing to stretch his body before going about the day. Though he had wanted to venture out into the forest to search for more materials, he heeded Grandpa Goblins words and stayed within the safety of the cave. The sound of furious wind and unrelenting rain was exciting to the ear, spurring Zectoll to pursue the idea that had come to him last night. He gathered up all the materials in his possession, a cadre of wolf bones and the pelt of the Alpha rabbit. He looked around the cave and found some discarded rags, similar to the rags he now wore around his waist.

It had occured to him that all the beasts of the forest had some form of natural weaponry. The closet thing a goblin had to this was his hands and the meager claws that emerged from the fingertips. But unlike the beasts of the forest, goblins could enhance themselves with equipment. Zectoll took some rags, and ripped them into strips. He then took pieces of the wolf spinal cord. He noted that each link in the cord had a tooth like outgrowth on one side. He weaved the strips around several pieces of spinal cord, with the tooth like outgrowth facing outward. He then wrapped the band around his knuckles. Fist fangs Zectoll said to himself as he examined his handiwork. While it was certainly shoddy it was the first step to something greater. Zectoll reasoned that in order to conquer the Great Wolf on the mountain he would need to become more like such a beast. Thus he began to take an interest in weaponry that was more natural, and beast like.What is more natural than fighting with your own fists? Zectoll thought to himself as he pondered about the alpha rabbit he had slain yesterday, and the boar his brothers had kill. He reasonsed that the alpha rabbit had become so because it had developed his body, developed it's strength, thus it's horn and body grew, much like goblins develop and grow skills, or so he thought. The same was likely true for the boar as well, those rippling muscles had been developed through some sort of physical effort.

Zectoll decided that he would spend the day training with his knew primitive knuckle weapon and rabbit horn. The young goblin looked to the spear that Kishi had given him as he threw punches in the air, and decided he would return the weapon to its creator at the end of the day.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 29 min ago

Lomen gave his approval, and then began to speak with Grandfather about something. Kishi was too preoccupied with traveling around the cave, delivering the good news of the boar and returned to find Lomen giving out the boar to all of the inhabitants of the cave. As Kishi noticed that Lomen was giving the meat to the new-born and less-able first, he smiled. After all, those were the people who deserved it most, and Kishi knew how dangerous it could be out in the wilderness. For those that could not brave it, all that remained were bugs that scattered across the cavern floor, and the philanthropy of the stronger inhabitants. Kishi felt sick as he reached his small corner of the cave.

The large rock, which he had planned to use for the gravestone of his fallen companions, lied in wait for his return. The stone stood as a monument. It represented the struggle he has so far overcome for survival, and the sacrifice that he has already made, even in his few days of life. His companions were in the ground, he knew that. He was the one to bury them. The fear of death had implanted himself in that moment, but it was no longer the dominatrix of his mind. That title was currently claimed by a silent, almost serene sense of peace. He had overcome the challenges thus far. He was strong. Using the newly upgraded halberd at his disposal, he carved into the large rock.


Kishi bent down and attempted to remove the pelt of his rabbit corpse cleanly. Even if he failed, he would still to devour the meat that stuck to it's bones. That would sate the hunger he had developed after felling the great boar. Kishi planned to ask for the date of his birth from either Grandfather, or one of the elder goblins. After all, what kind of gravestone doesn't have a birth date? Kishi laid down on the cold floor, and began to contemplate using a pelt to keep his body warm on these cold nights. Kishi's eyes closed, and he entered into a dreamless slumber.

The sound of light tapping and a chill awoke Kishi the next morning. The cavern was far colder than it had been the previous night, and the humidity was at least twice as high. A soft pitter-patter echoed throughout the confines of the cave, and a walk to the enterance revealed what appeared to be a torrent of some substance was raining down from the heavens themselves! Kishi reached for his spear, believing a threat has posed itself to the cave, before a sense of calm passed over him. This was normal. The voice rung out throughout his mind, presenting the young goblin with information.


Grandfather's voice soon pierced the cavern, and alerted the inhabitants if the dangers that the outside proposed. Kishi, following the words of his elder, began to make way towards the goblin, before Lomen began a conversation with the wise one. Kishi, deciding that butting in would be rude, simply moved to one of the goblins who was fully grown already. Having spotted one who looked fairly old, Kishi walked up to him and voiced his question.

"Excuse me, brother, but do you know what day it is? I need the information, and grandfather is busy."

As soon as the request ended, however, a goblin with bright green skin that almost burned the eyes walked up to Kishi, carrying a single blue petal.

The goblin, whom Kishi had finally realized was named Brother Stegs, seemed to want Kishi's input on the matter. Of course, Kishi knew he had a slight reputation in the cavern. He was the person who created arguably the strongest weapon in the entire cave, and he also supplied equipment to several goblins. But top think that another one of his kind would come to him in search of aid was somewhat... questionable. Regardless, the goblin was asking a favor, and Kishi would, if nothing else, cement his position in the cavern as a creator if he agreed. Kishi softly took the petal into his own hands, examining every angle he could.

"Hmm... If we attached it to something like gloves, it would provide for a much better grip on items. Or, we could do the same with a buckler or shield, creating a weapon as well as a defensive device. If we had enough, we would easily be capable of creating traps of the material that would be able to trap smaller prey in it's barbs... This is all theoretical, of course. As of now, we could probably make a bag or storage container, but for anything else I mentioned, we would need a proper adhesive."

Kishi finished the quick listing, and returned to his normal breathing. The trap he had mentioned before would be useful for small prey, and would definitely be easier to create and maintain than a pitfall, but a pitfall could catch much largere prey and was theoretically a permanent trap. You needed to simply dig a very large hole, place spike sticks or stones on the bottom, and layer over it with weak sticks and leaves. Then, you simply replace the sticks, covering, and bait whenever you catch anything, and voila; a somewhat sustainable supply of meat. Of course, a snare would also suffice for small prey, but i offered the worst of both worlds, requiring both a constant maintenance, and also the need to replace bait.

Kishi handed the petal back to the young goblin, before making another remark.

"Tomorrow, I plan to begin construction on a pit trap. As such, I will be unable to accompany you on your retrieval for the petals. But, as long as you bring me the necessary supplies, I can build you anything you wish. Just remember: to build anything grand, we will need a far more advanced adhesive than what I am currently in possession of-"

Kishi stresses this statement by pointing out the dingy cloth which held the boar tusk to his staff.

"Until then, I am fairly limited in my options. I apologize again, brother Stegs."

After having several more seconds of idle chitchat, Kishi turns to a random wall of the cavern, both carving his stone spear head into a dagger, and also creating a basic outline for his long-term plan of protection, an idea originally sparked from the rain itself: A moat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@The 4 Winds


Grandfather was sitting on a rock nearby when he saw the young one come over giving him a piece of meat that was still left over from last night and he accepted taking small bites to make it last longer. He soon heard his request wanting to know about everything he had to admit he was happy seeing one so thirsty for knowledge at such a young age. He needed to be careful because otherwise this young pup might become even wiser then him and that made him laugh a bit not at the idea of being dethroned but at the idea that he could leave someone with his knowledge after all he knew he was old.

Grandpa leaned back to think on his questions before he would answer them in order. "Young one their is no such thing as to much knowledge so long as I am fed I will give you young ones advice for a long while. So first about the gods, I know of them but I am no priest. Their is first Agrithor the god of the earth he is the one who give us rain, sunlight, and the plants that flourish outside this cave he is benevolent god and one that many alchemists follow for he supplies the ingredients for their potions. Second is Sargosa god of the hunt he is actually seen as a large beast though which I don't know he is the one that hunters pray to for he dictates how fruitful the hunt may be and if one survives against a stronger predator. He is a wild god and does not seem as benevolent or outwardly vengeful. Then finally their is Izanami the goddess of death she is said to be dressed in black rags and wears a white mask that clashes with her dark form they say its because underneath is a face that would kill you if you weren't already dead. She resides over those that pass on and she is the one who decides who goes when. Their are more gods im sure but those are the one 3 I know by both name and what they hold dominion over. He said with a sigh thinking about how death took the young ones Isurta and Xaal far to soon but their was no use crying about it.

goblin Lomen gained blessings:
  • Notice from the earth the goblin has learned the name of the god of earth and can identify usable metals and rocks
  • notice from the hunter the goblin has learned the name of the god of the hunt and can upgrade their hunting skills faster
  • Notice from the Dead one the goblin has learned the name of the god of death and can perform proper burial services

@El Noche

The goblin as he worked on the brand new weaponry he later dubbed fist fangs he was then given knowledge that would no doubt help him. As he put the new weapons on his fist he was then bombarded with unknown knowledge that showed him punches and kicks of unarmed combat. Although if this was because of his mindset making him into a fiercer hunter or if the god of the hunt took an interest in the goblin one couldn't tell. Once the knowledge was gone he was then able to understand how to throw a proper punch with his new weapons.

Goblin Zectoll learned: crafting beginner, Also learned unarmed fighting beginner the goblin has learned how to use his fist to throw a jab properly more knowledge is needed to be a proper unarmed fighter


As the goblins discussed how to properly use the petals they soon got onto the subject of traps and this knowledge was given before the proper skill was gained.

Goblin Stegs and kishi: Both have learned Trap making beginner with any good hunter their exists the need to create better way to hunt without expending the energy to go out everyday to do so. They have learned how to make pit fall traps and snares to hunt both large and small animals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Lomen listened with intent and repeated the names of the gods and what they reigned over. After a few moments of repeating the names and locking them into his memory, Lomen focused back onto Grandpa Goblin and munched a bit on the bones he had brought over.

"Then what of the beasts of this world? I have only seen the rabbit, wolf, and boar so far but there must be more. What are these creatures and are there any that are much more dangerous than the common breed?"

Lomen remembered a similar question being asked by Zectoll and had been pondering what the answer could be. Hopefully Grandpa Goblin could enlighten him. As he thought this he looked around and saw a new Goblin talking with Kishi and Zectoll practicing with some fanged gloves. Lomen smiled.

"It is good to see the others making progress."

The smile quickly faded as he realized he hadn't made anything for himself yet and had only what was given to him by his hunts and Agrithor the god of the earth. With that small point hitting home, he refocused again onto Grandpa Goblin with eyes hungry for Knowledge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Day 4: A Matter of Bones, settled

Grasping tightly Fist Fang against his knuckles, Zectoll's mind was flooded with information. Deadly strikes, agile maneuvers, and impenetrable defense stances came rushing into his consciousness like a raging river. It was a sensation like no other he had experienced. The knowledge was filling him to fast, it was more than his mind could hold onto. It was if his mind was coming up with ideas rapidly, only to forget them moments later.He tried desperately to absorb the flowing torrent of techniques, but soon the flow faded, and he was left with but a small portion of instruction. What had caused this, Zectoll could not tell. Perhaps it was due to some natural knack he had in regards to unarmed combat, or perhaps it was some type of otherworldly phenomenon. Either way, Zectoll was excited to be making progress.

Satisfied with his training session, Zectoll gathered up the remaining wolf bones, and his spear and headed over to where Kishi was residing. Kishi was conversing with two other goblins, unfamiliar to Zectoll. Zectoll peered at the peculiarly bright colored goblin, and the female goblin standing with him. It seemed that they had settled whatever it was the three were talking about. Zectoll brought the wolf bones and the spear over to the section of cavern wall that Kishi was standing at.

Here are the wolf bones. I have taken what I need, you can have the rest Zectoll placed the bones down neatly, into a pile. The shorter goblin looked at the spear Kishi had given him. It was a good weapon, it's reach allowing a goblin to have an advantage over the physical prowess of the beasts of the forest. For a moment Zectoll doubted himself, thinking that he should hold onto the spear, and its long reach. He quickly put such thoughts out of his mind. The loss of reach would force him to become stronger and faster to compensate, or die trying.Also, here is your spear. I will no longer be needing it. I will be relying on this alpha horn, and my fist fangs from now on.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Young ones try not to leave the cave, its dangerous outside"

As soon as Luz heard that she made an audible sigh. Today she was planning on actually hunting animals but it seems fate had other plans for her. She sat down on the ground bored wondering what she was going to do today. She saw Zectoll make his fang fist out of bone and fur strips, then she took note of her stabbing stick was was basically a stick with it end shaped by a rock, it decided it that her stick was better than nothing but there was still better to be gained. She so when to that tool making goblin for advice. Steg seem to know him so maybe he would help her out. Luz then when to the group. "Excuse me...can you guys give me tips on how to make one of those..spears." She asked them nicely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


While he was impressed with Kishi's ideas Stegs felt he missed an obvious one. Couldn't they also be used to improve armor? I know the petals aren't very strong but I doubt most animals would like getting hurt by the barbs when attacking." When Kishi mentioned needing proper adhesive Stegs couldn't help but silently agree with him. He was just about to ask if the other goblin wanted to help collecting the petals since he believed the flower was too large for two goblins to carry, when Kishi mentioned his own plans.

He honestly was a bit disappointed but he understood the attraction of personal projects and was just about to look for other helpers when Luz approached the two of them. Apparently she wanted to know how to make spears. Since Stegs was curious himself he decided to stick around in case Kishi was gonna explain the progress.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 29 min ago

Before Kishi had begun to carve into the wall, Stegs had announced his own idea for the use of the petals in his possession. While the idea of adhering them to armor was unique and seemed productive, Kishi spotted some problems with the idea that would put it's effectiveness lower than it's cost.

"That's a good idea, Brother Stegs, but I doubt it would be as easy as you make it out to be. To start with, you would need some type of armor in the first place, and leather is harder to obtain then it appears. Additionally, you would need a large number of the petals for them to be of any use, and placing them on the armor would be time consuming and quite tedious. Also, a beast that attacks with claws and horns would be less effected from armor than they would by simply bashing into their sides with a buckler. Finally, as seems to be a problem with a majority of the creations I have in mind, we would need large amounts of adhesive to hold the petals to the armor."

Kishi took a large breath after finishing his long-winded rant, before turning back to his schematics. He had begun to make decent progress, before his mind was returned to the wolf skin that was in his corner. The topic of armor had made him realize that it was easily possible to turn the skin into a type of leather armor... If it wasn't raining. Kishi silently cursed the gods, before having another epiphany: The gods were clearly real, if Grandfather's speeches and Lomen's murmured prayers were anything to go off of... But that would mean they were perfectly fine with watching the goblins struggle to survive and die. They did nothing to prevent Isurta's and Xaal's deaths... This grim line of thought was broken with the arrival of Zectoll, bearing a strange new weapon.

It was kind of Zectoll to gift Kishi with the bones, but Kishi grew slightly worried for his brother. Would a weapon with such small reach really assist in combat? Kishi would have felt much less anxious for his brother if he chose to keep the spear... But Kishi took the spear back anyways. Their was no point in worrying for Zectoll. After all, it would only be a futile effort, and Kishi needed to retain as much energy as he could if he planned to build a pit trap the next day. After all, a semi-stable source of food was the most important part of keeping the goblins safe and happy.

"Thank you Brother Zectoll, I hope my weapon has served you well. I am glad to see that you have created your own weapons! Maybe you'll take after me? Ha Ha Ha! But... Why did you name the weapon? It isn't really my place to ask, but a weapon is a tool, not something that is deserving of a name."

After asking his question, Kishi once again returned to his planning, voicing out the rest of his concerns as he continued to sketch out his plans. Now, he was stuck with a very obsolete weapon... and almost on cue, the voice of a goblin known as Lux spoke to Kishi. His reputation was far larger than he had anticipated... Kishi spoke out, responding to the young goblin.

"My spears are very basic, and are far from my proudest work. To be completely honest, their current design is a mess... If only I had an adhesive... Oh, but if you want one, I have one that has been recently returned."

As he began to hand Zectoll's spear to the young goblin, a thought echoed throughout Kishi's mind, and he yelled to the rest of the cave's inhabitants.

"If anyone needs anything made, come to goblin Kishi!"

Satisfied with this, Kishi continued his sketching, having just finished a basic outline of the moat and it's structure and moving onto a map of the cavern's insides. Being sure to mark specific landmarks (Such as "Kishi's Korner", "Grandpa's Grove", and the "Goblin Graveyard"), Kishi continued to mark out the all of the cavern's insides that he had explored, before moving onto the basic areas he had explored outside of the cave. All the while, Kishi planned how to tan the wolf's hide, creating a leather for Kishi to use however he saw fit.

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