@EidolenYeah. The maze game is a solo assignment (like any normal homework for school, lel), so everything from the maze design, the coding, to the debugging/QC are to be done individually. Of course, AAA tiles would comprise of much larger teams of people to do specific tasks (one group only focuses on programming a particular scene or dungeon, the other only works on modeling certain characters or monsters, etc), but it's still a hell lot of work to do.
People can complain about how certain games may be designed poorly (because a bad UI can affect the UE), but I don't get people who trash talk about delays and unconfirmed release dates, especially if you realize how much work is going on behind the scenes just to make one fucking game. ONE. Nowadays game companies are so afraid of morbid gamers and fans that they are becoming more reluctant to stamp an official release date in their teasers and trailers until they felt they are ready enough to release the game. :/
I'm not sure if I really want to become a GameDev once I finished college, not even sure if I want to go indie or work for the big companies (DigiPen is out of the question - I heard it's extremely hard to get in, even if you join their academic program), but even if I ever take up game-making, I'm more interested in the pre-production work (story and setting, concepts, scripting, etc) than the production (modeling, programming) or post-production (debugging, quality checks) parts. I am considering other industries that works on pure design or pure writing too.
@Shoryu Magami@GowiI'm not really that obsessed with music, just a form of personal enjoyment as much as other media types (be it games, movies, books, etc). I'd say I don't have a really specific genre that I'm most into, because most music nowadays would comprise of more than one genre or a mesh of as many genres as they can squeeze into one song. Though, I largely enjoy those with orchestra, Celtic-ish or jazzy feels. I do like certain songs of many other genres, whether it's rock, pop... and even metal, which I wasn't interested in originally. I guess it's more of personal resonance with the individual songs rather than looking collectively based on genres.
I don't do any deep studies into music, even if I have military and symphonic band background, lol.