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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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- Skubli -

@El Noche

The pouring rain outside made Skubli hesitant to go near the entrance to the cave, however he ventured out to it anyways to avoid speaking with his brethren.

The water was stark and cold, splashing on the little goblin's feet as he approached the entrance of the cave. Thunder clapped and spooked him into a cowering position, however once Skubli realized there was no immediate danger, he scurried forwards a little bit to examine the falling water.

Further investigation led to the discovery that the mantle Skubli wore was waterproof, repelling the liquid with great ease. Content with his discovery, Skubli hobbled back inside the cave, grunting quietly at the few goblins he passed as he made his way towards the back of the cave.

Skubli had only been to the back end of the cave when he was a newborn or when he had been collapsing from exhaustion; exploring it had not been something he had done yet, and with no other alternatives, now was the perfect time.

Darkness nearly encompassed the entirety of the cave's back end, however Skubli's keen eyes provided vision in the shadows. For the most part, it led to narrow dead ends and closed walls, leaving the goblin dissatisfied.

Just before Skubli gave up, a small crevice led to a closed off, hidden alcove large enough to make a comfortable space for a goblin as small as Skubli.

Thrilled by the new discovery, Skubli sniffed out the new space, ensuring it was completely safe before pulling a few items of food he had horded, a small, sharp rock acquired from his day out, and one of the fish scales from the luminescent fish. The runt quickly stored away the valuables and crawled into the alcove to continue to explore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@The 4 Winds

The old man smiled at Kishi as he then asked about the creatures outside and if they were more dangerous then the common breed considering that he has met an alpha before. "Young one it would take time this old man doesn't have to tell you about all the creatures outside this cave. Though I will say this much the farther you are from the cave the more dangerous beasts you will end up finding out their. Their many beasts that can kill you without any effort. I will tell you about one being though back when I was younger I did come across a dangerous black skeleton it was walking and had armor as black as its bone as if it was burnt. Lucky for us that being lives only graveyards" he said with a shrug thinking that was something to give the young one at least.



The goblins that were together were soon talking about what would be created in the future the goblin Kishi took his role as the cave crafter in a brighter light taking the title affectionately. The goblin Kishi was quickly making ideas to better shore up the caves defenses with his plans he would soon be able to create a much better defensible cave. The goblins Luz and Stegs were getting equipment and ideas on how to best use the flower petals that they found the day before.

@El Noche


The goblin known as Zectoll was soon giving away his spear to goblin Kishi now less dependent on a spear he had crafted a pair of fist fangs as he called them. He was also given basic knowledge into bare knuckle fighting techniques and was now looking for something to do.


The exploring goblin-

As the previously incapacitated Skubli came back to his sense he went out and looked at the rain making sure to learn that it was not harming him. He then went to the back of the cave and started digging. He soon found his own special place just for himself and he stored what little valuables he had in the alcove then he continued to dig. As he kept digging he soon landed himself in front of another small clearing however this time at the far wall of the clearing was a strange rock formation it was skewed in different directions but what was most interesting was the color of the rocks in the formation it looked a dark grey color and was much to strong for the goblin to even attempt to chip at it with a sharpened rock. What the goblin didn't know was that he found something truly incredible.....the goblin found steel...

Goblin Skubli learned Excavation the goblin has learned how to dig in rock caves and as such can now find the weak points in rocks allowing him to dig with greater ease.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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God damn Server error!

Ignore this
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

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As Lomen listened he noticed two things besides the wisdom of Grandpa Goblin. Firstly was that a new goblin that had seemed to be extremely weak the night before tested the rain to see if it was safe and burrowed into a crevice that Lomen had passed over due to his size. It was interesting to see the goblin explore and took a mental note to stop by soon.

Second was that Zectoll gave back his spear and at the moment seemed to be really antsy and Lomen was intent upon possibly introducing this new goblin Lomen spotted to Zectoll, further expanding a group of those that would likely protect one another and grow.

With those thoughts in mind, Lomen responded to Grandpa Goblin with curiosity and nervousness.

"That is good to know. I will be on the lookout for a skeleton with skin black as burnt wood. I wonder what it would taste like. . . As a last question, and possibly favor. Would you teach me how to make my rabbit pelt into a bag and my black wolf pelt into a leather armor? I must collect more in this world and also arm myself with better gear for exploration."

Lomen realized that he is possibly asking too much, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. If he could gain experience that will push him towards more knowledge and ability to explore than it is worth a chance.

@December@El Noche
-After the lessons-

"Thank you Grandfather. I have learned much today, but I feel as though I need to meed another of my family before I forget where they went off to."

After Learning with Grandpa Goblin, Lomen went over to the alcove that Skubli went into and noted that he was a little too large to get in, but nearby were stones that looked like they could be used to open up the crevice. Just before using a rock to did he motioned for Zectoll to come over, thinking that he might want to meet someone new as well.

"Hi. My name is Lomen and I am one of the goblins of this cave. I was wondering if I could come into the alcove you found? I am a little tall so I would need to dig out an opening, but I wanted to ask first as to not scare you. Zectoll, another goblin brother, might join me as well. What is your name and would it be ok for me to start digging to get in?"

Lomen was curious about this goblin that dug into the wall by the looks of things and was much smaller than himself. It would be nice to learn how to dig as well, but Lomen was more excited about meeting someone new from his family. He hoped that Zectoll would join him as well since company is usually nice on rainy days. Either way, Lomen hoped to meet and possibly learn from Skubli.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

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Day 4: The mantled one

As Zectoll felt the weight of the spear leaving his hands he felt as if a path had been closed off from him. A destiny different from the one in which a spear wield Zectoll would inhabit, a reality he would now never know.

"Thank you Brother Zectoll, I hope my weapon has served you well. I am glad to see that you have created your own weapons! Maybe you'll take after me? Ha Ha Ha! But... Why did you name the weapon? It isn't really my place to ask, but a weapon is a tool, not something that is deserving of a name."

Zectoll thought for a moment, and then merely shrugged. He could not find the words to convey what he felt. That the naming of the weapon was more of a declaration of intent, a capitalization of his hope and desire for a particular future. With the matter of the bones settled, and his spear in the hands of goblin Luz, Zectoll was satisfied.

Zectoll looked about the cave, observing the various goblins going about their day. He noticed Brother Lomen speaking with Grandpa and later motioning him over to the back of the cave. Earlier Zectoll had noticed something going back there, covered in a black material. He had recalled days earlier, during his tormented time that there was such a creature in the cave. A creature that rarely came out from under it's black covering. He wasn't sure if this being that shared the cave with them was a goblin, or something else entirely, as he had never spoken to it nor gleamed a glimpse of what it looked like underneath its black mantle.

Zectoll sauntered over to Lomen cautiously, and peaked into the alcove. You called for me Brother Lomen? The alcove seemed to have become somewhat of a living space for the mantled one. Not wanting to intrude Zectoll took several steps back. Greetings mantled one, I am the goblin known as Zectoll. Zectoll was interested in finding out the nature of this being.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Luz looked a bit surprised When Kishi decided to just give the spear to her, she wanted to learn how to make her own weapons so she would be a burden but it seems that this guy wanted to be the clan's blacksmith so he can increase his production skills. either way, she happily accepted the spear. "Thank you. I own you one" She told him nicely before grabbing her new weapon and practicing a jab "I'll see if i can find you some adhesive tomorrow if it stops raining." She told him. By giving him adhesive she can be repaid her debt to him. She also found the idea of using the barbs as protection an interesting idea. She's glad that she and Greg killed the flower the other day. She then moves to him to shake his hand. "I'm Luz by the way." She told him. Once she had the time Luz begins practicing jabbing with her new spear, she did so very violently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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|Having discussed what he wanted with Kishi Stegs decided to ask Luz if she wanted to help the day if it wasn't raining then. Since she was busy swinging her spear around he made sure to stay at a safe distance just in case. "I understand if you would prefer to hunt but do you think you have time to help me and hopefully drag that flower back here?" As soon as he had gotten her answer he went on to look for other goblins to assist with the task.

After walking through the cave for a while he came across two goblins who were looking in a hole. He heard one of them talk about a "mantled one" which reminded him of Skubli. A quick peek inside revealed it almost had to be the smal goblin. Hey Skubli, is that you? If so do you think you can help me out with something tomorrow? It shouldn't be dangerous at all."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

- Skubli -

The sudden arrival of three goblins made Skubli hesitant to move, nervous about the amount of attention he was receiving. He listened to each of their statements one by one and slowly crawled towards the entrance of the alcove, looking up in awe at the larger, stronger goblins.

After hearing brother Lomen's request, he shook his head. "Skubli likes the way the rocks are." He stated matter-of-factly, hesitant to allow another Goblin into his private space.

As brother Zectoll spoke, Skubli slowly poked his head out from underneath his mantle and gave a hint of a smile at his eloquent language, however it left the lesser Goblin feeling confused as to what exactly he meant. "I'm Skubli." Pausing for a moment, he considered his introduction carefully before continuing. "You can call me Skubli. Nice to meet you."

Proud of his introduction and mastery over language, he moved on to focus on brother Stegs. "Skubli survived night outside of cave. Skubli can handle danger." The little Goblin nodded his head in affirmation to his own statement before continuing. "Skubli can help brother Stegs."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Zectoll offered a shrug to Kishi, but he didn't really mind the indecisiveness. All that mattered to Kishi was that his brothers and sisters were safe, and if naming his weapon made Zectoll feel better, Kishi didn't mind.The young female goblin, Luz, seemed to enjoy the gift which Kishi had given her. Then again, it was less of a gift, and more of a type of insurance. It would surely be harder for her to die if she had an actual weapon, especially if she ever planned on hunting. Kinsih nodded towards the girl.

"Thank you for the effort, Luz. If you succeed in finding an adhesive, I'll be sure to use it for you first!"

Kishi really didn't have any expectations for the young goblin. After all, where would she even find an adhesive strong enough for what he needed? Despite this, Kishi was indeed grateful for the thought, and he made certain to craft anything she asks for extra well. After he had finished his conversation with both Luz and Stegs, Kishi returned to the crafting of his map, which was quite barren all things considered. While the cave itself was mapped out quite well, the only part of the outside of the cave that had been mapped with any clarity was the path that Isurta and Xaal had died. Kishi quickly made his way back towards the small corner that was his home, and placed the stone dagger he carved into the small crevice of the wall. After doing so, he simply sat and looked around his small area, observing all the small trinkets that he had gathered. Compared to many of the other goblins, he owned far more than them... Kishi laid on the wolf pelt, warming himself against the cold that the rain had brought. Kishi's thoughts soon returned to the pit and moat he planned to construct, and he quickly went to work constructing a shovel. Using a flat stone as a blade and another of the sticks as a shaft, Kishi quickly tied his new creation together and held it in the air.

...Before it came undone almost immediatly.

Kishi really needed an adhesive, and badly. Without it, anything beyond the most basic of tools was impossible. Kishi laid back on his pelt, clutching the stick in his hand and staring at it for several seconds. As he did, he remembered the struggles he had been through. The animals he had hunted, the anger he felt towards the monsters, and how difficult it was to protect his kind. The cold, the raw meat...

Then, like a lighting bolt, inspiration struck him.

Quickly jumping to his feet, Kishi began to carve away at the stick with his knife, pulling off strands of bark as he did so. He nearly clipped his thumb twice, but in the end, he had a small collection of wood shavings and a sharpened piece of along with it. Not wasting any time, Kishi ran throughout the entire cavern, searching for a larger branch. After nearly 30 minutes of searching, Kishi finally found his prize, wedged near the back of the cavern. Quickly removing it, Kishi quickly made his way back to his collection of materials, carving a small groove into the larger branch as he did so.

After making his way back, Kishi quickly laid the larger branch on the ground and grabbed the sharpened stick. Kishi lightly placed the small amount of shavings and strips of wood into the groove. After preparing himself, Kishi rapidly moved the stick between the groove, moving as fast as possible. In Kishi's mind, this told him that it would give him something he didn't even know of, a light that protected those who knew to use it, and harmed the ignorant. Kishi tried to make fire.

In Kishi's mind, doubt began to rise. He didn't even know what fire looked like, and surely it couldn't be strong if it was merely made by rubbing sticks together. Besides, the way he moved was awkward and without any sense of rhythm... But his sense hasn't been wrong before, and Kishi was willing to risk it. At it's worst, Kishi would come out of this with a few splinters, blisters, and a hurt pride.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@The 4 Winds

Grandpa sighed a bit but smiled as the young one asked him to teach him how to make leather bags out of the skin of the rabbit and wolf. "Okay but this it the last question you get to ask for the day. To start off with you need to...... and then the goblin went on explaining how to treat the skin and how to connect the leather together and so force showing him how to make a basic bag.

Goblin Lomen has learned: Crafting the goblin now knows how to make basic leather items.

@December@El Noche@Duthguy

The two goblins one a brute force fighter and another goblin somewhat secretive yet small. They both introduced themselves to each other and the question is will they become brothers or will they resent each other. Soon it was Stegs who came over to see the so called mantled one by Zectoll and asking him to help him perform a task. Then Skubli said that because he survived the night outside the cave that he could handle danger. This statement was something that one wouldn't expect from someone so small but he would be dead if he was lying.



The goblin kishi was thinking alone on top of his pelt when he had an epiphany he then went work grabbing shavings of wood and when he gathered his materials he started to rub two sticks together on a groove. After a while it almost seemed like his plan was in vain but then smoke started to rise from the groove. He kept rubbing when he thought their was hope and after another few precious moments a small flame appeared. He followed his idea and then started to blow on the small flame trying to get it started and before long Kishi did it flame appeared. Goblin kishi was no longer just the crafter he was then the fire starter.

Goblin Kishi: The goblin has learned Fire crafting the goblin now learned the secret of creating fire!
Goblin Kishi has also earned the title The Fire Starter
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


. "I understand if you would prefer to hunt but do you think you have time to help me and hopefully drag that flower back here?" As soon as he had gotten her answer he went on to look for other goblins to assist with the task.

Luz then stopped for a second to answer him. "Sure I'll help you as soon as your ready." She told Steg before strap her new spear on her back and following him to Skubli who was pretty much bragging about sleeping out the cave once. "Wow that should pretty brave." Luz said sounding proud of him. "I have to try that sometime." Luz told them so casually. Yes Luz knew the risks and yet she wanted the bragging right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Stegs was impressed to hear that Skubli survived a night in the forest, and a bit jealous. What he knew about the forest was despite the dangers a lot more to his liking, but he doubted he could handle being out there in the darkness by himself, the now fully healed semi-selfinflicted injury he received on his first and so far only hunt was proof of that.

He decided to focus on other things like the berries. He might not be cut out to be a hunter with but any luck he might have a future making medicine and maybe growing food other than meat. When he passed Grandpa Stegs heard the older goblin say that that was the last question he was gonna answer for his current pupil.

Seeing his change he collected al the berries he had collected the other day along with the flower petal and headed over to their tribe's elder, in order to both ask his own question and hopefully as a bonus pick up a few bits from the current lesson.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

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Day 4: Desirable Rocks, Restless energy

A look of surprise came upon Zectoll'face as Skubli revealed himself from underneath his dark mantle. Zectoll had thought that perhaps Skubli was something else, not a goblin such as himself--and a tiny one at that.You need to eat more meat. You will surely perish if you stay as you are Zectoll said nodding to Lomen bidding him to chime in and agree. Though as he looked at his priestly brother he remembered how the goblin was actually quite thin, so much so that his spine was clearly visible. Zectoll rubbed his chin, deciding he would work on fattening the two Goblins up later.

Zectoll was curious about the rocks inside Skubli's alcove. He looked around the cave walls. It all looked like plain rock to him. There must be something special about the stone inside the alcove. Zectoll thoughts were interrupted by Goblins Stegs and Luz. It seemed that they were recruiting Goblins Skubli for some type of mission.

Zectoll surmised that Stegs was like Kashi, the type of goblin whow was interested in building things for the sake of building them, unlike himself and Lomen. While he was curious as to what they're plans were he was also becoming restless. His instincts were urging him to engage in what many other younglings of other predatory species engage. Playful roughhousing that mimics the move sets necessary to hunt prey.

His instincts become thoughts.He figured that if he were able to grow in skill by practicing alone, that he would grow more so by practicing with others Before the day is through we should have a mock hunt Zectoll said to Lomen. Of all the Goblins in the cave Lomen was among those with experience fighting and hunting and thus would be a match for himself, Zectoll thought. While a "mock hunt" wasn't the proper word to describe a sparring match, it was the only way he could described it. To his young mind any form of combat was ultimately a hunt for something whether it be food, materials, or in this particular case, knowledge and skill

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

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@Jangel13@El Noche@December@December@Duthguy

Lomen smiled at the small goblin and was glad that he had survived the night outside. How wasn't so important at the moment and Lomen mearly chuckled a little bit.

"You most definitely can handle danger then if you can survive the night. And I will not intrude into your space. I just want to know how to make my own small space."

As he spoke, Lomen noticed Kishi rushing around the cave, seeming to collect items before sitting down and putting all the items on a pelt. Lomen watched closely and was surprised as he watched Kishi create fire through tremendous effort and lots of small sticks, part of a pelt, and a large sick that fit into a groove of a larger stick to create a fire. It was remarkable and would be something to try for himself since Lomen could sense heat from the light.

"You need to eat more meat. You will surely perish if you stay as you are."

Lomen chuckled a bit at that remark and then noticed how Zectoll looked over Lomen and couldn't help but smile with a full grin.

"Don't worry, each of us seem to have a different body. I just happen to look a bit like a skeleton even though I eat a lot. Also, if it is ok, I would be willing to help with the project."

Lomen had motioned towards Stegs and Skubli until noticing how restless Zectoll was looking and before he could ask why, it seemed an answer was given.

"Before the day is through we should have a mock hunt"

Lomen's grin went away and instead was replaced with a thoughtful line as he considered it. If anything it would be an opportunity to pass on a few skills to Zectoll. Lomen put down all of his gear near where he slept as to have no advantages. Lomen then started to walk towards a more open area of the cave so they could have ample room to move around before turning to face Zectoll.

"I agree and will try to pass on what I can to you. I hope to learn as well, but I will not go easy on you brother. Please do the same. Granfather! Me and brother Zectoll will be having a mock hunt."

With that statement fulfilled, Lomen waited a moment for Zectoll to acknowledge his response before crouching down a bit. His temperament changed to a more focused and calm demeanor. It was different from hunting in that he was more focused and intent on passing on knowledge. In his mind the purpose was to use everything and pass it on, being sure to lock eyes with Zectoll. Mentally Lomen wanted to make sure that Zectoll felt, even if only for a moment, that the moment he took his eyes off Lomen, Lomen would end him.

"Remember, watch, listen, learn. Breath in, focus, and then

Lomen would end his statement with a low roar, activating the ability challenge. Lomen also did this to see if it would effect more than one individual at a time. It would be dangerous to not know in dangerous situations. With that done, Lomen prepared himself for Zectoll to come at him, aiming to dodge the first strike with evasion. Afterwards Lomen would activate Heavy Strike, aiming to use his arm to close-line Zectoll in the body as to make Zectoll's body remember the blow, but not sustain too much damage. Lomen would grit his teeth while doing so since he believed that Zectoll was not the type to throw only a single punch and accepted a few hits would make contact.

Of course Lomen would not take his eyes off of Zectoll. From hunting with him, Lomen knew he was strong and hoped to learn what he could from Zectoll. Although the ultimate goal for Lomen was to pass on his skills and as such would fight with everything he had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

- Skubli -

Skubli quietly observed the other goblins conversing, shrinking back under his mantle, leaving just enough of his head poking out to see and hear them clearly.

A comment about Skubli needing food perked up his ears, however it was merely a comment that led him to cower back under his mantle.

Soon, brothers Lomen and Zectoll departed to perform a, "Mock Hunt", an idea that intrigued Skubli, however any hunt that didn't result in food or weapons seemed fruitless to the little runt.

A low roar echoed throughout the cave, causing Skubli to take to his feet and scurry away, hiding in the second compartment of the alcove he possessed until his heart rate slowed and he realized it was merely the "Mock Hunt" taking place.

Before Skubli could restore the confidence to venture back outside, the odd rocks doting the walls caught his attention. They ranged from steel gray to burnt orange, mixing in a variety of browns and black to give them an odd appearance.

Skubli slowly clawed at one of the isolated patches, eventually pulling loose a rock. Sniffing the odd substance, the tiny goblin discovered that it had an odd scent he couldn't place.

Pocketing the strange ore, Skubli began working at slowly the other rocks, excavating the area around them to slowly remove them from the walls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Day 4:Duel of Goblins

"I agree and will try to pass on what I can to you. I hope to learn as well, but I will not go easy on you brother. Please do the same. Granfather! Me and brother Zectoll will be having a mock hunt."

Excellent! Zectoll clasped his hands together and mirrored Lomen's removal of gear, placing his fang fist and Alpha horn on the ground near his living space. Zectoll then moved to the space in which they would duel. He was quite excited, as this was a moment to gain experience without the risk of being killed. He nodded to Lomen to acknowledge him and began to ready himself for the duel. Lomen's stare was intense, it was apparent to Zectoll that his brother would hold little back during their mock hunt. He met Lomen's stare with his own.

"Remember, watch, listen, learn. Breath in, focus, and then

Lomen's roar caught Zectoll by surprise, causing him to immediately activate his predator stance, as if it were a natural reflex to such a roar. His foot steps light and silent, Zectoll began to circle Lomen, his eyes hungering for a clear path of attack, the effects of Lomen's challenge ability causing him to become supremely focused on his brothers every move. As he moved Zectoll noticed that his body felt different, certain muscles that were once dormant now flaring up in anticipation. He surmised that learning unarmed combat beginner had activated certain muscle groups that were key to fighting with ones limbs.

Fists up in a tight guard Zectoll began to move towards Lomen slowly, favoring Lomen as a defensive fighter, due to his use of the shield. Once he was in range, Zectoll threw a tentative jab, much slower than he was capable of, to test Lomen's defenses. His brother easily evaded the jab, immediately counter attacking with a close-line maneuver. Having been deliberatly slow with his initial jab, Zectoll was light on his feet, strafing to the side, going along the path of the attack rather than into it. As he moved he brought up his left arm to block the blow. Lomen's arm crashed against his guard with force, causing him to wilt. Though much of the momentum of the attack was lost due to Zectoll moving along the path of the attack rather than against it, the blow still held much strength. Lomen's arm was up and wide, pressed against Zectoll's left arm and shoulder,leaving the goblin open to attack. Wasting no time Zectoll immediately launched his own counterattack, aiming a strong jab towards Lomen's midsection in an attempt to knock the wind out of his brother, stunning him. If successful, Zectoll would then try to grab the outstretched arm Lomen used for the close line maneuver, spinning on his heels and hooking his shoulder underneath Lomen's armpit in an attempt to hurl him to the ground.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@The 4 Winds@El Noche

"Mock hunt" a test of strength

Two goblins decided because of the rain to instead train their bodies and minds in a "mock hunt" as the bare knuckle goblin called it. Soon however Goblin Lomen used the skill challenge and whether he intended it or not it got every goblins attention. Even goblin grandpa who was resting after hearing the roar stood up in attention ready to fight as if he was young again. When he noticed it was simply one of the young ones he breathed out a sigh of relief. He then walked over and sat down to watch the show. He remembered when he did his first sparring match among his own siblings, ah such memories. He didn't say anything he simply made sure to watch wondering if it would be the cleverness of lomen who would prevail or the sheer ferocity that Zectoll possessed that would win.


The runt of the goblin family scurried back into his little hiding place being that he was so small only he could go through the small space. The goblin was soon trying to chip at the walls of oddly colored rocks, however because he had no tools for it the best he could manage to do was break off a small piece of the rocks around him still it would be enough for goblin grandpa to identify it should he give it to him and ask what the rocks were.


The old goblin noticed stegs one of the others come over to him no doubt wanting to know something himself. The old goblin wasn't ignoring any of them he was simply drawn to the fight the same way he no doubt felt stegs felt. He was simply sitting allowing the young goblin to ask any question he would like to know while he watched the fight, no reason he couldn't multitask.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Jangel13@El Noche

Immediately after roaring, all the goblins within earshot seemed to at least jerk to alarm and Lomen now knew for a fact that the ability was for all beings in the area. Back to the main point for Lomen was Zectoll who had gotten into a battle stance and moved without sound. It was a bit strange but when Zectoll threw a punch and was able to block in time, Lomen figured that he had been read. With a grin and grit of his teeth he felt an impact into his chest that would have almost shocked him if he hadn't expected to take a hit going in for the strike. What was unexpected was Zectoll grabbing his now open arm and turning around. Arm in unkown position, arm extended, and opponent has arm.

Lomen's initial thought was to try and pull, but knew that he was still recovering from the impact and would not be able to react powerfully enough to regain his arm. With that in mind the best course of action was to go with the flow and crouched down as Zectoll crouched down. When Lomen felt himself get lifted, he did not resist and instead went with the motion, flipping over Zectoll. For a brief moment Lomen and Zectoll could make eye contact and where Lomen wouldn't notice, but Lomen was grinning widely as this was an enjoyable experience.

Since he was able to go with the flow, the landing was more of a rough roll that allowed a lesser impact. Although it came at the cost of a good amount of scratches and cuts, his spine getting a significant scrape along the upper protrusions which bled a bit. Lomen rubbed it a bit, feeling a small twitch of pain and looked at his own blood, licking it and finding that it had a unique taste. After licking it off, he refocused on Zectoll, moving in and this time tried to replicate a short jab at Zectoll's midsecton, not putting too much power into it so that he could retract his arm and possibly dodge any incoming attacks. He was still feeling the earlier hit and the rough landing so Lomen concentrated mostly on observing and attempting to replicate Zectoll's moves.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Day 4:Duel of Goblins, continued

Zectoll's muscled pumped with blood, bulging under the strain of throwing his opponent over his shoulder. He watched as Lomen hit the ground, rolling roughly upon the ground before springing back up, a small bit of blood leaking from his back. Zectoll watched as he brother touched the small wound, licking up the blood. For a brief moment his mind receded out to memories of his fateful dream, of being bathed in blood. The thought passed as quickly as it came and Zectoll slipped back into his predatory trance, fixated once again on the duel.

Throwing Lomen had winded Zectoll slightly, so in the brief moments of Lomen recovering from the throw, Zectoll breathed deeply out of his nose taking a moment to recover himself. His muscles were still pumped as he watched Lomen go on the offense. Zectoll expected another heavy blow and began to dodge, not anticipating a quick short jab to the body. The jab caught him squarely in the side. Zectoll gritted his teeth as he took the blow that was lighter than he expected, and immediately countered with a left right jab combination aimed at Lomen's upper torso and head, this time performing the attacks as fast as he was able.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The 4 Winds
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The 4 Winds The wandering one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Jangel13@El Noche

With the hit Lomen had anticipated the attacks but still got hit squarely in the chest with the first jab, barely able to step back and dodge the right jab. It appeared that even with his ability to dodge it only went so far against speed. This was an invaluable lesson for Lomen in that he couldn't only rely on his skills to pull him through a fight unscathed. With that in mind Lomen backed up so that he was a bit further than before, attempting to stay just outside Zectoll's reach and inside his own. Since he was already moving the punch didn't damage him too much but it was a hit that could add up faster than Lomen wanted to take.

Lomen stepped forwards with his left leg and drew his right hand back, seeming to go for another big swing. What he would actually aim for would be a jab with his left using Heavy strike. Lomen was attempting a feint.

After he would crouch down and use the momentum from the punch to try a leg sweeping move with his right leg, using the left leg as a pivot and his hands as stabilizers to help him dash back a bit if the attack was successful. Either way this was an interesting bout as blood pulsed through his body, making a small growl escape as he was crouched down. Lomen was still vigilant and kept his eyes on Zectoll's movements, trying to find attacks that he could replicate later on and how to best avoid them.
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