Then I shall act under the assumption that area 1 is forested until notified otherwise.
Chapatrap said
How would socialism work in a medieval setting anyway? Collectivise the crops? Nationalise the duels?
AlienBastard said
Ever head of those incas?They ran somewhat like a command economy.
Chapatrap said
Spanish germs are the worst. They jump over your defences and dash into your immune system, multiplying quickly and taking as much as possible before being forcibly booted back from whence they came.
Schylerwalker said xDBut in all seriousness (As serious as discussing a fantasy medieval kingdom simulator can be), will there be a trait system or anything of the like?
Pyro V said
For the religion section, is it preferable to write out everything about the religion, the basics, or just what it is called?
Dinh AaronMk said
Or you could write a basic thing and go into detail later.
Pepperm1nts said
Beardless, outdoors-loving Dwarves with a strong cultural and religious stance against alcohol consumption and a fear of confined spaces.
Dinh AaronMk said
mazdak only kk lub u bbyBut that's the old app and I'm liable to cut out a few silly things here and there. So I may remove the Socialism bit all together.
GreivousKhan said
Are you going to add something like positive traits and negtive ones? So nations and their armies are not all capable. those are the worst and least interesting. Just imagine if the Roman empire had excellent infantry, mounted archers, and flying docks with bombs attached.