Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Current missions and shop items

Please check back here often as things will change frequently. Make sure a mission is available before having your character select it.

Contracts and missions available:
Missions are rated between 1 and 5 stars, 1 being the easiest and 5 being the hardest

  • Rating: 1 star Location: Orlind Quest Giver: Yousuf Hamed Task: My family wants to move closer to the ocean but we have too much to move by ourselves. Reward: 300 Yule Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 1 Member
    Quest picked up by: Still available
  • Rating: 1 star Location: Orlind Quest Giver: Ares the Guild Master Task: There are rare stones buried somewhere in the middle of the desert that can only be seen at night due to their green glow when struck properly by moonlight. Gather 3 of them. Reward: 300 Yule Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 1 Member
    Quest picked up by: Mable of Orstwych - @Masterkeun
  • Rating: 2 star Location: Glinnery Quest Giver: Ares the Guild Master Task: Within the lake near Saarelyn there are large stones at the deepest point. If you break open the stones you will find pearlescent gems. Please recover 2 of them. Reward: 350 Yule Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 1 Member
    Quest picked up by: Still available
  • Rating: 2 stars Location: Glour Quest Giver: Aretmis of the Guild Task: Gather up the rare Ivory stones located near the lakes in the northern region of Glour. 4 are required Reward: The long sword of Ivory, a full sized sword sharp enough to cut down medium sized foes with minimal effort. Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 1 Member This is a recurring quest
    Quest picked up by: Still available
  • Rating: 2.5 star Location: Tinudren, Nimdre Quest Giver: Ares the Guild Master Task: The traders here will be delivering rare pelts and artefacts. They will ask you do complete a task for them in exchange for these pelts. Do the task and bring back the items.Reward: 1500 Yule Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 2 Members
    Quest picked up by: Still available
  • Rating: 3 star Location: Glour Quest Giver: Alvin Strunker Village leader Task: There is a very large elk of majestic nature in the northern forests near the edge of the land that has been spotted. Legand says if you can get close enough to this particular creature and touch it's coat you will have good hunting for many years. Please escort the 6 sons of the village who are coming of age from Blurant to the northern corner on foot. There are many dangerous creatures along the way but with this blessing, the sons will be powerful hunters. Reward: 3200 Yule Minimum Number of Guild Members in Party: 2 Members
    Quest picked up by: Still available

Food and Drink available:
Food options change on occasion, be sure to check the menu often!


Type of Drink: Water Drink description: From the purest springs in the Mountains Price: Free
Type of Drink: Juice Drink description: Depending on what fruit is brought it is what the juice is made from. Current Flavor: Apple Price: 2 Yule
Type of Drink: Ale Drink description: Brought in from Glinnery Price: 6 Yule
Type of Drink: Whiskey Drink description: 10 years aged whiskey, smooth finish and warming effects Price: 10 Yule
Type of Drink: Mixed drinks Drink description: Drinks mixed with various fruits as they arrive. Current mixture: Apple Price: 15 Yule
Type of Drink: Wine Drink description: Comes in red and white, a simple wine that is only slightly dry Price: 10 Yule


Type of food: Bread Food description: Baked fresh daily within the guild Price: 1 Yule
Type of food: Bacon Food description: Crispy, greasy and delicious Price: 2 Yule
Type of Food: Stew Food description: A warm freshly made bowl of stew made with whatever meat is available at the time. Current meat: Pork Price: 6 Yule
Type of Food: Meat pie Food description: Made in house with whatever meat is currently available. Current Meat: Pork Price: 8 Yule
Type of Food: Steak Food description: Grilled and seared with 12 seasonings to your preference. Comes with boiled potatoes and a bread roll. Price: 15 Yule

Weapons and Armour for Sale:
These are often the same items and prices. Rare weapons are available as quests come up for them

Weapon Sharpening: After using your weapon a while, it will need it's dull blade sharpened. Do it yourself or have the blacksmith to it. Price: 6 Yule

Armour Buffing: As your armour gets used, it will develop weak points where it's been hit. Bring it to the blacksmith for repairs. Price: 8 Yule


Item Type: Sword General Description: A basic sword, deals an average amount of damage to enemies Price: 200 Yule
Item Type: Spear General Description: A basic spear, deals an average amount of damage to enemies Price: 210 Yule
Item Type: Two handed Sword General Description: A basic sword, deals a slightly more then average amount of damage to enemies. Movements are often slow with this item equipped. Price: 300 Yule
Item Type: Bow General Description: Carved from the wood of the trees in Irbel, about a 40lb draw, deals an average amount of damage Price: 300 Yule
Item Type: Arrows General Description: Basic Iron arrows sold in a set of 5 at a time Price: 10 Yule


Item Type: Light Armour Set (6 pieces) General Description: Lightweight and easy to move around in. Gives a basic armour protection against smaller attacksPrice: 550 Yule for the set or 100 per piece
Item Type: Medium Armour Set (6 pieces) General Description: A little heavier and stiffer then the light armour but still with somewhat easy moving ability Price: 700 Yule for the set or 150 per piece
Item Type: Heavy Armour Set (6 pieces) General Description: Offers the best protection against attacks but greatly reduces movement speeds. Price: 900 Yule for the set or 200 per piece

Potions for Sale:
These are often the same items and prices. Special potions and poisons may be available upon request.

Item Type: Strength Potion General Description: Will briefly boost your overall strength for a short duration Price: 50 Yule
Item Type: Headache Potion General Description: Will reduce then remove headache symptoms Price: 15 Yule
Item Type: Healing Potion General Description: Should be consumed before sleep and will quicken the healing process of wounds received during battle. Price: 35 Yule
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The story so far:
Please check here if you feel you may have missed something important.

Draykon is a small world consisting of seven countries. These countries are ruled by a comity consisting of one elected official from each of the seven countries. Our guild master often joins these meetings to discuss issues and work as a councillor to the comity members.

Our adventurers receive missions and contracts from throughout Draykon and carry them out.

Two major missions have just been completed, each one delivering a mysterious letter to the guild master who left in a hurry to attend a comity meeting. Alfie Reid - @Queentze, Nihus Yorkek - @Hillbilly12 and Zhang "Jane" LiangYing - @Pirouette all passed on during their final mission from what seems to be bandits rather then their mission purpose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The White Lily

Morning rose over the mountain peaks of Irbel flooding through the windows of the tucked away guild of the White Lily. The ever moving sounds of the waterfall surrounding it filling the entryway each time the doors opened and closed as movements began to awaken within the exquisite building.

The smell of freshly made breakfast and muffins fills the lounge with Hathors phenomenal cooking, her short physique wondering the kitchen and bar to prepare for hungry guild members. Each table held a basket filled with the moist muffins next to it a plate of fresh eggs and a beaker of water sitting beside goblets. Next to her at the notice board was the fair skinned, white haired Athena who artfully put up the new notices of the day nodding or shaking her head with each one as she reread them with each posting. Her eyes found them a place on the board so they would each be read and stand out enough to catch a searching adventurer.

From within the marketplace sat Artemis on top of her stand with a whetstone in hand sharpening her newest blade, surrounding her were pieces on display of different suits of armour and various different lengths of arrows all new and in pristine condition. Across the way was Hygiea, grinding away at her mortar and pestle, mixing herbs. She stopped occasionally to smell her concoction and maybe add a few ingredients here and there before either putting it in a small leather sack or boiling it into a potion then bottling it before putting it on display.

The rhythm of the guild at work almost seemed musical as the four women went about their daily morning routines. It was alive and anxious to begin it's day of wandering and adventuring.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A first mission would be a good test of her own prowess in these lands. Mable smiled staring at the level three missions excited. It would be amazing to claim those rewards. Mable also accepted that she'd need a lot more practice. A table nearby had a wonderful smell so taking the farming poster she took her seat. Mable slid the fresh eggs on to her plate sighing content. There were few things more enjoyable then watching the yoke pop on an again. Mable waved sweetly to the blacksmith. Mable strapped on her leather gloves after a delicious breakfast stretching. In case of trouble on the road Mable strapped on her weapons. The guild was a blaze with activity, but mable avoided her guildmates hurrying to be the first there and back again.

Mable walked the farm nearby as she passed beneath large apple trees her hand took a few for her lunch. It would be hard but easy work Francis always being an easy customer. Mable walked over to the farm a few pigs hurrying to investigate her. Mable went straight to work letting Francis sleep as she started pulling up vines.@Heap241
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by karlettto
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pascal Marduk

Pascal came out of the washroom refreshed. His morning rituals would have been considered unhealthily strenuous for an ordinary man, but his body was accustomed to that type of workout, and a quick bath was all he needed to transform the strain into vigor. Furthermore, the bath was free at such early hours so that he could enjoy the quiet echo of the water in the lonely lavatory, and once he would be done, walking back to his room, before the others would clump at the washroom door.
His bed was meticulously made, the clothes folded and resting on the chair. He stood in front of the opened window and inhaled vigorously, the humidity of the waterfall lingered in his nostrils. He coughed. He then proceeded to wear his clothes and collect his items, and all while coughing. He may have looked fit on the outside, but he knew age creeps from the inside.
No matter. He was here, finally, with a purpose, with a way.
He unsheathed his daga carefully and studied the edge. There was a small sideways curvature to it, he knew, yet this was still his most faithful weapon. He encased it as if it were a relic. He shook his vials’ misty content. Upon them, his reflection became apparent. In a guild so young, was he really able to be up to the task?
He threw the earthy cloak on his shoulders and before the fabric settled, he was out of the door.

The lounge was bustling and clinking, mixing up the occasional clatter with laughs. Pascal snatched a muffin from an empty table, and approached the board. His eyes crossed those of Athena and he hinted a bow.
He studied the board, the head slightly tilted as if it were a painting. He always respected the neatness with which the white haired girl prepared the notices.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by karlettto
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was just a hitch in the harmony of the board. A notice was missing. He pointed at the gap and turned towards Athena.
“What was here?” he asked.
Athena filled him in on the details, and informed him that a member of the guild was already on the job. She jot down the main details and gave them to him with a gentle smile.

He walked down to the farm while studying the briefing in the Administrator’s tidy calligraphy. Tenical Weeds are not terribly poisonous, but awfully recidive. The crops may be saved for now, but the weed would come back sooner or later, he thought.
He caught up to the farm one hour later. He saw two figures in the field. One was distinctly the farmer, the other was a young woman, the red of her hair loomed over the dull tint of the background. They didn’t seem to notice him right away. They were too busy with the crops, and appeared to have covered already a modest patch of the land.
“Mind if I join?” his voice hoarse.
He was near the fence now. Waving politely to the two.

@Masterkeun @Heap241
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mable waved him over warmly "Sure no need to wait grab some thick gloves these things aren't very sharp but the poison isn't fun." Mable eyes Pascal surprised by the man's age but impressed. In her own village it was considered an impossible task to live long enough to earn a white or gray hair. The man appeared to have his own tuft. The work was nearly done and with the new man to help Francis grinned heading inside to count out the cash. Mable smiled pulling out a vine.

"I assume your fron the guild? My names Mable, I'm a new recruit I assumed this would make a good morning warm up. I might tackle something harder once I've purchased the rations for it" Mable said warmly taking in the man's scars impressed by the man so far. Mable stood up straigh extending a gloves hand her armor drenched with sweat and her hair in a ponytail. The glean of sweat covered her small amount of open skin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Big Dread
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Big Dread Absurdist Hero

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh this would do just fine! Serigan's grin stretched for ear to ear as he sat in the lounge with his boots kicked up on the table. He'd had a bowl of the fine stew they offered here, better than the slop his old cuz used to throw together, and sipped on his glass of whiskey. It was a good vintage too. His boys had made a whiskey back at home they called 'Cuttah brew' and it was as foul as the air. They brewed it up from the leavings in the trash heaps and alley ways of old Ullarn. Serigan downed the drink with an appreciative sigh. Oh yes, sirrah, this'a'do jus' fine. His blue eyes followed the old man who he'd seeing wandering around the halls lately. The old bastard had been here longer than Ser, but, that didn't matter. What really mattered is that old tough looked like he'd seen a few daggers with blades stuck in someone else's back. Ser knew the look. He might not be a 'Jumpah' anymore, but, he could be again. He saw the codger's fingers twitch and itch. That's a stabber shuffle if he'd ever seen one, and he had. Him and the perky red head that had a kind of 'Y'lookin' me up? I'll bash'er 'ead in!' sort of feel to her. Yep, those two would be the first. Serigan stood after a few more minutes of contemplation and swept his swagger stick up into his hand. "Time'a be on 'is way, eh?" he said to the open air and strode from the room. His buckler and dussack clinked together with a soft ringing sound, the rhythm to the beat of his heavy cane on the floor. The old gangster crossed the guild entrance and eyed the contract board. "Wasted on weed pickin', loves." he reached one of his griddle-like hands out and snatched a seperate contract from the board. The one they would do, well, once he offered it to them. The massive man walked through the entry hall and raised his cane in a mock-salute to the guild administrator. "Off'a pick weeds, I am. Be back t'discuss ou'futya chillun, eh?" he gave her a playful wink and exited the Guild before he could stopped or rebuffed.

Serigan walked down the center of the cobbled road. The sun was shining and everything was right damn pleasant. It made him ill. He couldn't even remember seeing the sun back when he was young. The sky was black and gray and everyone in Ullarn knew it. This, this was just obscene. Too bright, too hot, too fresh. He could breath the air in and not even worry about getting a cough. He wondered how these people ever stopped thieves. No tracks in the soot and no untimely coughs as preamble to untimely demise. The farm was not too far off, that was good. The less time he was out in this oppressive light was always a good thing. As the sight of the farm came into view Serigan caught sight of his two marks as well. Yep, there they were, wasting time and effort pulling weeds like children. Well, here was their opportunity.

Serigan walked over to the two with his usual gang-leader swagger. He raised his cane in salute to them before he walked over to the edge of the field. There were so many plants. People back in the soot would have, and did, kill for food like this. Now, here it was, all layed out in rows. Serigan scanned the horizon almost shocked he didn't see any bandits waiting to strike and snag all the lush greens. "Hot'ere, eh?" he said with a grin on his face. "He gestured down to the weeds the two were pulling out, "N'er seen nuttin' like this'n where I come from." Serigan walked over, making sure not to step on the precious food, and whacked one of the weeds out of the ground with the weighted end of his cane. The plant flew in a graceful arch over the few rows of plants to his left. Serigan let out a quiet whistle in admiration of his shot. "Lis'en'ere." the tall man said in a quiet and cheery tone, "I gos' me an evil brain an'a angel heart. Ol'Cuttah comes t'ye with a way t'make some real stacks." he turned his eyes back to the other two. "Pullin' weeds s'fine, fer'chillun, Ol'Cuttah knows things though." Serigan tapped his forehead with the head of his cane and his mouth pulled into a preditory grin, "See, ol'Cuttah here has the touch, see. He can see the future. ol'Cuttah sees three champions. He sees 'imself, a'course." he gestured with the tip of cane at Mable, using the thing like a teacher's ruler, "A beau'ful an'dangerous Kilie," the point of his cane trailed over to the old man, "An' a ol'knife tha's still sharp's'a razor." his impromu ruler swung down and pointed to an imaginary pile at Serigan's feet, "Wit a pile of dead pigs at their feet." Serigan planted his cane in the hole where the weed he had smashed used to sit. "Thas'a stack a'clips as tall as ol'Cuttah 'ere. T'ousand for each of'em champions." Serigan pulled the contract for the death of the boars that had been troubling caravans. A three star contract. "Three stars. Three champions. Three t'ousand clips we split. N'more weed pullin' fer our ilk, eh?" Serigan spread his arms and waited for the response. He thought he'd been compelling. He just hoped they could understand his eastern accent.

@Masterkeun @karlettto
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mable had almost no idea who this man was Pascal had helped her finish a while ago. The farmer had offered them some fresh juice so Mable had been lounging by the fence when the man approached. He knocked a weed into the air saying something about children. He sounded to Mable like a cheap con artist. It was pretty clear from the paper in his hand the man wanted to scam her into joining him on a boar hunt. Mable glanced at Pascal curious what his opinion was before draining her glass. Mable asked the farmer permission to take the weeds to there guild before turning back to the man.

Mable said in a flat voice "First of all before you lie to me at least ask my name. Second if you need something just ask instead of mocking what I'm doing. Third and finally I'll help you on the mission if Pascal wishes to join us. In the meantime I'm going back to collect my reward and deliver these to Hygiea. It's possible that these could make good poisons or antidotes."

Mable grabbed two of the bags of tied up vines heading back up the hill to the guild. In her time as a mercenary she'd lost patience for people who weave adventurous tales. If there was an adventure she'd join, but it was unnecessary to con her. If you served well and were loyal as Pascal had been she'd travel with you again. There was no need for flowery nonsense between friends or companions. Mable made her way up heading directly for Hygeia before Athena leaving collections to Pascal.

@Big Dread@karlettto@Heap241
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alfie had just returned from a walk near the guild. He was walking Spat and the dog found a herb that Alfie had never felt or smelt before. Some might think that a blind man walking around out side by himself was not wise, but many of the other members know that on his first few days here Alfie familiarized himself with the local surroundings and also the inside, plus he had Spat so there is not to much to worry about.

He had been on a few missions but so far the only ones who knew about his combat capabilities where Athena, Hygiea, and the Guild Master Ares, this meant most of his guild mates either underestimated him or just did not associate. He did get along with Hygiea, they would discuss different medicines, and treatments for ailments (more her teaching him).

So that is what he was going to do now in his down time, ask her another question about this herb he hand never used before. He walked into the guild and let Spat navigate him through the hall past the front desk and into the market place so he could talk to her.

"Hello again Hygiea, I have brought another one I found while out and about and was wondering what it is?" He said showing her the herb.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by karlettto
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pascal finished to eradicate the weed, the roots of which struck him as fairly flat and web like shape. The poisonous plants seemed to be interconnected. Could it be that with the right counter toxine the plant would have died off? He needed to talk about this with the Apothecary. She was probably more experienced in basic herbal toxins.
A glass of fresh juice appeared in his field of vision, and made him startle back… habits. He mumbled a thank you and drinked up.
“This weed might grow back later on, I would like to take some samples to find out if there is a way to neutralize it for good. I wouldn’t promise anything, there might be a way. See those mushrooms there? They don’t seem affected by the poison. Do you mind if I pick them up as well?”
The farmer nod, the bold shadow’s edge of the hat extended down to his chin.
Pascal picked up the mushrooms. The red haired girl was leaning against the fence in relaxation and she introduced herself. Pascal shook her hand politely and answered.
“I am Pascal. I have joined the guild quite recently actually. This does seem like a good warmup. In fact, I find these activity quite enjoyable, and fairly easy on my back...”

When the chatty fellow came down the hill Pascal recognized him from the guild’s hall. He understood only inklings of his speech, and tried to puzzle them all together into something coherent. Mable spoke, and he finally understood what was going on. A boar hunt.
“You seem a capable fellah. I would join you gladly, if you could just wait for us to get back to the Guild and finish up this business.”
The red haired girl had taken off by then. Pascal offered the pouch filled with plants and mushrooms to the tough man. “Actually, would you care helping me carry this, if so we might get onto the next job in short order.” He raised his brows waiting for the man’s reaction.

@Masterkeun@Big Dread@Heap241
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As guild members came this way and that picking up food, leaving crumbs on tables and spilling water on the ground, Hagor kept busy cleaning up this way and that. Dirty dishes piled into a stack and used cups neatly arranged on the counter to be cleaned. She left the water jugs in place as they were always decorating the center of the round tables for use of any guild member, replenished as they were depleted and finally cleaned and dried at the end of each day.

In her hurry she consolidated the muffins into a single basket and placed them at the edge of the counter and then with the remaining eggs a muffin and a glass of juice on a tray made her way to the guild masters quarters to deliver his breakfast with a report of the on-goings of the morning as was her usual morning ritual.


Athena's nimble fingers had just finished placing the missions on the notice board when a red haired maiden known as Mable picked up the mission for farmer Francis. Soon following her was the welcomed and accomplished elderly gentleman known as Pascal who welcomed the idea of the mission and joined Mable with the process. She knew little of these two but for the basics of their demeanor, their ability to complete and turn in missions and how quickly they did them. Truthfully, this was most of what she knew of anyone save for her three co-workers and the guild master himself. Athena did like Farmer Francis as he was a frequent requester of missions and always paid more then he needed to for jobs. Hagor often bought produce from him for the guild and this became a wonderful bond over the years.

Soon after the passing of the two guild mates came Serigan with his simulated courtesy. He seemingly pushed past her and snatched up a mission meant for two without approval then trailed off to follow Mable and Pascal who would most likely be done with Farmer Francis by the time he caught up to them. As she often did she smiled small and didn't speak unless asked about a mission. Her voice was soft and airy when she did speak.

Athena went to her counter and quickly wrote up another version of the boar contract and reposted it in the place of the original. It was only a matter of time before the two with Serigan following behind would return to the guild. She glanced up as Alfie with Spat along side entered the guild. She smiled at him in greeting out of habit before shaking her head quickly to herself and in her little voice greeted the two of them. "Welcome back, Sir" Her voice was hardly louder then a whisper but as the dogs eyes meet hers she knew greeting was acknowledged. When he turned to enter the marketplace, Athena began gathering up the reward for the weed job and evenly splitting it in two, writing notes in various notebooks and pages then placing them in different locations. Athena was very organized.


Hygiea continued grinding away at her herbs and remedies, packing them up as they were merged together and placing them to the side for use later. Finally she put aside her mortar and pestle and set about brewing some tea for herself. "I think for muscle aches today." she mumbled to herself in a lower voice as if confirming to herself that this was a good decision. "Three and a half minutes at 212 degrees" she whispered again as if reciting from an old book kept deep within the recesses of her mind.

The water had just come to it's rolling boil as she heard the sound of dog feet pattering on the floors coming in her direction. She began the steeping process of her leaves in the hot water when she turned around and just passing the large map table in the center of the room was Aflie and Spat. She smiled at them both in greeting in her almost motherly like way and pulled down two porcelain cups and began gently pouring tea into them both. Though she wasn't meant to have favorites, Alfie was favorite of hers. She loved his thirst for knowledge and willingness to learn more on the subject of herbs and remedies. As Alfie approached her counter she placed the cup on it's edge for him to drink.

"Alfie." she said warmly as she pulled his idle hand to the brim of the tea cup so he knew it was there. "My goodness what do you have for me today?" Her eyes lit up at the site of the herbs he had in his outstretched hand. She gently pulled them from his grip so as not to crinkle any of it's delicate leaves, then rose the herbs to her face and took in a large inhale. "What a wonderful find my friend." she said with a delight carried through her voice. "What you have brought for me here is known as basilico or Basil though it is most commonly used as a cooking herb it works as well as an assistant in sickness and as a mild stress reliever. You did a marvellous job of keeping the roots intact!" With this Hygiea knelt down and picked up on her many ready pots of soil and gently replanted the herb in it, drizzling it with water and placing it next to the window.

"Will you be heading out on any adventures today?" She asked him kindly.

@Masterkeun@karlettto@Big Dread@Queentze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Big Dread
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Big Dread Absurdist Hero

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Serigan stood. Upright, proud, and grinning, as the red haired woman gave him a dressing down. He'd been yelled at before by men and women far scarier than this little Kilie. He did take her words to heart though. He might act aloof when it came to people lecturing him, but, he understood what she was really saying. She was proper roughed that Serigan had disrespected her. She was letting him know that she wasn't one of the birds that you could pepper with flowery gibbers and expect them to drop their skirts. Good. He would have been almost offended if she had been so easily taken in by his performance. He followed her exit with his gaze, making no further comments. He knew she needed time to wander off, besides, the old fella seemed interested. Serigan tipped his head to the side to better appreciate Mable's exit and then turned his gaze to the older man, still grinning. "'course I'll carry 'ybags." Serigan reached out and grasped the top of the bag and swung it over his shoulder with a thump, "Ain'about t'let y'struggle a'fer askin' fer y'help, eh?" Serigan let out a little laugh. "See?" he pointed to his head again with his cane, "Told'y Ol'Cuttah has the touch. Y'ready t'join up. T'Kilie'll join if y'do. Boom, all three champs." the old gang leader adjusted the bag and looked down the road to the guild. "Now, les'go get'chee that reward, eh? Then us three can go russtle up s'm bacon. " Serigan laughed at his own joke as he began to walk with the older man, "Name's Serigan, as it suits ya. C'n call me Ser, or, Cuttah, if'n y'like. Wha'they call you old Knife?"

Serigan walked back to the guild with Pescal. He chatted with the old man. He kept his tone pleasant and never pried into the old man's past. He didn't need to. When men of his age showed up somewhere that is the domain of young folks and killers you knew what kind of history they had. If Pascal wanted to tell Ser it would be his decision. The gang leader didn't need to know. Wouldn't help him fight or drink, so, it would remain the old man's business. Serigan chatted about easy things. Food, women, drink, and the guild. Safe topics for all involved. After all, he wouldn't want this Old Knife knowing that just a few countries over there was a price on Serigan's head that you could retire on. Not that people like Ser or Pascal could ever bring themselves to retire.

The gang leader stepped into the main hall of the guild with his usual swagger and stepped up to the guild administrator's counter with the tell-tale beat and rhythm of his weapons and cane on the hard floor. He swung the bag of weeds from his shoulder and held it out for Athena to see. "Ol'Pascal and t'red Kilie don'pulled a'mess'a weeds off'n t'farm. best'a pay'em f'the 'ard work." Serigan placed the bag carefully on the floor and leaned his elbow on the counter, waiting for Pascal to complete his business with Athena. Serigan's blue eyes flicked back to Athena. "Not'a'mention, I went and snatched'y paper off'n board. Sorry mum." he shrugged, "I needed a prop t'show th'fellas at the farm." Serigan pulled the crumpled paper out and placed it carefully on the counter. He tried futilely to smooth the page out. "T'fellas, Pascal, the red Kilie, and ol'Cuttah here, wou'like t'take t'contract fer t'boars. Easy-peasy, business done." the large man knocked on the counter with his large ring and smiled at Athena. "Now, like'I said when I rushed off a'fore. I's thinkin' Sammy if'n tha'be right wi'you f't'first kid. Is'a good name. Strong if'n ee's a boy an'cute f'a girl, right?"

@Heap241 @karlettto @Masterkeun
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by karlettto
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pascal collected the reward from Athena, together with another white folder. While walking towards the apothecary he thought how quaint that Serigan fellow was. A smirk appeared on his face: “russtle up s'm bacon” heh! The more he thought about it the funnier it became.
He took his leave briefly in order to conclude his business with Hygiea. When he entered the room, he recognized at once the familiar red hair.
“Mable!” he called, then, when she turned to him, he realized he had nothing to say. He waved awkwardly. Then he finally remembered that Athena gave him her part of the reward in a white folder. “Here, this is for you. I am just surprised Athena trusted me with this...”

Beyond the counter Hygiea was checking some herbs. There was another figure in the room, a monk of sorts. He waited until the man had finished, then he approached the counter, gesturing to Mable to come closer too. He unraveled the content of the pouches on the table and divided the mushrooms on the side.
“We have been to the farm, and eradicated these toxic plants. I found these mushrooms unaffected, so I was wondering if it’s possible to use their spores to neutralize the toxine for good. And also…. Wait… what did you want to do with these plants, Mable? ”

@Big Dread@Heap241@Queentze@Masterkeun
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mable beamed taking her money saying to Pascal "I'm not surprised she trusted you you're my favorite traveling companion." Mable turned to Hygeia brightly "I brought these vines in hopefully we could put the vines poison to work for us." Mable smiled warmly heading out with Pascal after there business "Well Orstwych is several days perhaps even a few weeks away so we'll need to buy provisions at the very least. If you meet me in the grand hall I'll gather my things and buy us provisions." Mable turned sprinting off eagerly down the empty halls. Mable packed all her things surprised they'd return to her homeland so soon. In truth rather nervous, but excited to travel. When she came to the dinning room she bought a weeks rations spending 150 yule of her 200 to purchase enough soup and orange juice to keep them alive and scurvy free. Mable pocketed her fifty yule heading in to the grand hall to see in the others had gathered yet. Mable knew a whetstone would have been smart, but she may need her fifty yule. Mable gave her axe some testing swings beginning a practice duel with herself in the front area keeping away from people as she practiced.

@karlettto@Big Dread@Heap241@Queentze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mesonyx
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

- - -

"Brought you something, Artemis." Ulfgar said, throwing a small satchel at her as he leaned against the wall of her forgery. It was a small piece of gemstone. Sure, Ulfgar knew she mostly did weaponry and armour, but he was sure he could - somehow, someday - convince her to try out jewellery as well. It had been his own personal mission the past few years.
"Just give it a try! It's like therapy. I'll help you out if you need a hand. Are you afraid people will actually think you're a woman? Or. . . Is it too difficult?" he teased. They had been friends for quite a while now, both being interested in the art of forging and metalwork. But Ulfgar did like to get on her nerves.

He had returned that morning from a quest, or rather a request. It was a delivery to the city which was quite important, so he was trusted with it. The hike was long but not too bad. Having grown up in the mountains, being from a mining family and all, had his legs trained to climb up and down mountains. But besides that, he just loved walking so this had just been another stroll to him.
Anyway, it was good to be back. The guild was still a place he preferred to be at the most. It was all he longed for after a long day. And besides being home again, the weather was great. Yes, Ulfgar felt quite content that day. And when he felt content he started to get a little boisterous. Usually the people he was closest to were victim to such behaviour.

"So, anything new since I was gone? Any new recruits? Anyone passed away?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I think I will be going on a mission actually. I have been sitting around for to long and think its time to get moving again, plus Spat is getting reckless." He said with a smile then let Hygeia get to work with the other guild members and then left, Spat following close behind him. He did enjoy the woman's company and would have sat with her all day but he knew it was time to pull his weight. Even though he was trained to live off of next to nothing he did want to earn some money and he felt that he needed to make some new allies within the guild.

It only seemed right plus a traveling companion would be nice, not that Spat wasn't a good friend, but its different. He walked back out into the front and started to listen to the other guild members talk about some of the jobs on the board. The one in Orlind seemed a little out of his reach, a blind man moving things, Alfie was good at a lot but even he could admit that he had no strengths there. He might have done the quest in Glour, but he never used swords. Alfie was taught by his master to fight with staff, spear and his hands so it would be a waste for him to do that. The last one about a wolf pack in Irbel caught his interest.

During his training, his monk troupe would go to Orstwych to hunt the wild animals and creatures there. It was during the winter and know as the Cleansing Period. Everyone in the troupe but the children would fight and fast to "cleanse" their bodies, minds and sprints for the new year. This would be just like that and he could get a chance to stretch his legs. He walked over to Athena and smiled and waved.

"Hey Athena, I was wondering if I could take up the mission in Irbel?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Athena watched the door closely as the sounds of footsteps approached it. The sudden thud of it opening and Marble rushing in with an arm full of poisonous weeds and heading towards Hygiea startled her momentarily. The fresh air poured into the room and the sounds of the flowing stream echoed of the entryway arch. This followed by the clanking thud of a cane being picked up and dropped repeatedly with heavy steps to accompany them.

A bag of weeds was dropped in front of her, presented by the smug face of Serigan who had a smug smile running across his face. No doubt proud of himself for carrying the load for Pascal. Athena gratefully smiled at the gentleman as Pascal made his way close behind and stopped in front of the counter. "Okay Pascal, here is your share and in this envelope is Marbles. The split is given at 200 Yule each. I don't normally hand out another's share to anyone but the individual it is intended for but, it seems she was expecting you to pick it up so I will let it go this once." Athena handed over the payments, smiling curtly. Her voice, ever soft and gentle danced as she spoke.

Athena looked at the two of them momentarily before speaking again. "If you are truly intending on taking the Boar mission, I must beg you to be careful. They have been increasingly vicious lately at no probable cause. If you could as well, please keep an eye out along your journey for any items that may have been dumped off the caravan during the attack. Each item you bring back may grant you a bonus of some kind depending on what it is. Finally, Hagor is requesting at least one of the Boar brought back for fresh meat so, if it is able to be done please do so. She will be grateful." She spoke prudently and urgently as if truly worried about the little group.

The two adventurers turned, Pascal, sack in hand, heading towards Hygiea. Moving past him was Alfie who had just concluded his interaction with Hygiea. At his request to take the wolf mission in Irbel, Athena nodded then in an instant realized he could not see it. "You may take the mission. It is a long journey though as this mission crosses a country and path. If you are lucky they stayed in a pack and are somewhere between Irbel and Nimdre. This is a two man mission but as I know someone else will be coming along shortly I will send them your way to assist you. Good luck Alfie." She said this genuinely and earnestly.

She began taking notes in on several sheets and filing them away running about here and there behind her counter, her long white hair tailing her elegantly like wind blown ribbons.


Hygiea was pleasantly surprised by all the company she was receiving. She sipped on her cup as Alfie spoke and smiled at his interest in picking up a mission. The well behaved companion at his side, sitting quietly as the two spoke. "I wish you a safe return my friend." she called after him as he began making his way towards the marketplace entrance, approaching Athena.

Halfway through the room and heading towards her was Mable, holding several samples of weeds of which she dropped on her table. Trailing behind her was Pascal, also holding some weeds and also some mushrooms. She listened intently as they spoke, being sure to take in everything they said. "Fantastic observation Pascal, thank you for bringing me a sample of the mushrooms to study as well. And to you Marble for bringing me all of what you picked. These are fine samples and plenty of them as well! As it so happens, if I make an oil of these they and you coat your weapons with them before a fight, it will assist in poisoning your enemies." Hygiea was tickled at being thought of for the last mission. She had been hoping for them to bring back the weeds so she could make poisons and antidotes with them. "Now dears, please take a strength potion each for bringing me these wonderful treasures. You will each also get a small vial of my extract for your weapons in a weeks time as it will take some time to remove the oils from these little rascals. I will possibly have a solution for Farmer Francis by the time you get back from your next mission." She smiled curtly, delighted at the project at hand.

Hygiea gazed at them as they collected their strength potions and made their way from the room, quickly beginning the extraction process on the weeds.


Artemis watched as guild members rushed in and out of the room to speak with Hygiea. She began purposefully using her whetstone as loudly as possible, listening to them intently as they spoke, putting down on sword and then picking up another to begin sharpening. As each member came and went she glanced at her good, then her forge, then the map and sighed heavily, meticulously watching their armour for dents and scratches.

Artemis was still sitting on her counter when Ulfgar stampeded into the room with a small satchel in his hands which he proceeded to throw at her. She caught it of course, excited at the retrieval of a new piece of ore, or perhaps a rare arrow head. To her disappointment upon opening the sack, she found an exquisite gemstone inside. She rolled her eyes, widely and obviously. "Ulfgar come on. I'm begging for some rare ore and you give me this gem! I'm a Weapons and Armour master, at least give me some armour to attach it too!" though her voice was loud, she was smiling and smacking Ulfgar a little harder then what would be comfortable on the shoulder. She then pointed at her chest which was seemingly the only thing covered on her torso and said, "I don't think I have to worry about that. What? Do you have some girl you're trying to impress or something?"

Artemis was laughing now and smacking her hand against the counter in dramatic enthusiasm. She picked up the gem and peered at it closely, holding it up just a few inches from her eyes to watch the light reflecting through it's surface. She sighed again, loudly and in a fake irritation. "Since you won't leave me alone about it, I'll see what I can do." Truthfully, this gem was rather beautiful. While Artemis wouldn't wear anything like it herself, she thought it would like wonderfully on Athena. "You get over there and start hammering out a pendant while I polish the stone. Make sure it looks nice now so I can etch details into if for Athena! If she's going to wear it, it'd better the prettiest god damned thing there is!" The threw some silver oar at Ulfgar and hopped off the counter beginning her work at shaping the gem to be inlaid into a pendent.

@Masterkeun@karlettto@Big Dread@Queentze@Mesonyx@Pirouette@Hillbilly12
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nihus Yorkek

“Would you mind if I accompany you?”

Nihus calmly walked over with a small friendly smile. The quest he overheard Alfie take up was the same he’s been eyeing ever since breakfast. Nihus considered himself a good hunter and while underequipped he needed to get back into the swing of things. Trying to read the barely legible ramblings of former adventurers in the library consumed an entire day. His first hunt as a boy forced him to use a bone as a weapon, so a dagger should do fine for now. What really sparked his interest was the monk’s willingness to hunt.

“You must be impressive. Hunting in your condition cannot be easy.” He expressed some mild concern, but this wasn’t entirely unfamiliar. While not knowing much about Alfie he has heard of an order of monks capable of defending themselves. It was only a rumor in his village, but his family had a gift for discovering even the least known capable fighters. Of course, the legend of blind monks who can take down a legion sounded farfetched, but there had to be some truth to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 1 day ago

Zhang's fingers tapped impatiently against the wooden table as she leaned up against her other arm, watching the patrons of the guild shuffle about their business. Apparently, this was the best opportunity for people of particular talents to earn money but with Zhang being a new arrival, she wasn't so sure this was for her. The contracts listed as of this morning were basic, trivial. There was well enough pay in some of them but if Zhang was honest with herself, money was never really her ambition.

So what was?

That was a question that Zhang couldn't really answer at the moment. At times she felt a real hunger for power, as in the ability to instruct and command once again. Perhaps she was her father's child after all? Ah, who was she kidding, she needed to go back to the army. Return to barking orders to the young, again. It was a shame that they wouldn't take her back, even though she tried. She was just considered to be too old. Perhaps if she were a man, she might have been able to go longer but her commanding office outlined Zhang's situation clearly, even though she didn't want to listen. Zhang was rapidly approaching the end of her fertility and as daughter of an elder, she did have a responsibility to bear a child for his dynasty. Unfortunately, Zhang didn't want to settle down now and yearned to see the world. Wanderlusted, she might never return...

But now wasn't the time to think about that. Even though she wasn't motivated by it, she needed money as her severance pay (as well as a nice sum of pay sent back home throughout her years) was waiting for her back home. However, she didn't want to return home so she had to take those trivial jobs to keep her going. Thankfully, she got her choice but she was going to wait it out for just the right....

Zhang's head perked up when she overheard the conversation between Athena and another concerning the wolf assignment (she was sitting close by). It was one of the assignments she was considering and had mentioned it to the Guild reception earlier. This was probably the time to chime in, especially as second man was coming forth and volunteering.

"Ai yah... Athena, I'll be taking a third spot on Merchant Franklin's assignment." Zhang hollered as she rose to her feet and walked the short distance to the two men gathered. "We are in together, yes?" Zhang asked the two of them in a sort of roundabout way of asking if they were okay with the group.
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