I think Rika's gonna break that selfie stick, or chuck it into the garbage the first chance she gets.
<Snipped quote by Ariamis>
Yeah, I get that. But... What does that mean, "one way or another"?
And "Two can play at that game" - is she trying to make him jealous? What exactly is she gonna do?
<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>
Aww, but now Mary has to actually position her arm to take selfies. Well actually, she prefers to do it that way.
<Snipped quote by Brithwyr>
She's gonna win the Caorabowl~
My thinking on this.![]()
OMG sorry... I thought the stuff with Nariko and Aleecia was kinda... SUPER ADORBS! I'm a huge fan for the gay and this totally isn't something that can happen but... >///<
Legit I'm guessing the braile othello board is for Aleecia. But I don't know anything about Othello, and I couldn't decide it was the picture book with the fur or the braille until I realized the picture book might be for Curry/Cookie Caora.
The candies for Ice was a really nice touch! I hope they have iron in them! That's what we might need on later floors, a way to drain blood/IV stand and a set of iron tablets.
I think it's hilarious that Calvin got them!!!
And so...it begins!
Question. The rooms are tailored to each specific infinite, are we free to say what that would be, within the limits though, or do you have a specific idea for each one?
I'd like to make separate posts for Ice and Aleecia if that's ok.
@Spriggs27 If you're asking if it's a violation to break a mirror and throw it in the garbage, it is not.
The word that cured replaced from the original Danganronpa rule was "graduation," it had nothing to do with executions.
EDIT: I'm sorry if you were joking, I can't be too sure anymore, haha!