Sixsmith said
Lucy pls. :(

You rang?
Sixsmith said
Lucy pls. :(
Asura said
Because I'm not Asuras.
ERode said
This is probably just an elaborate trolling scheme.But yeah. That's why, if you want to eat a Grimm, you need to make sure that they're alive while you eat them.
ERode said
This is probably just an elaborate trolling scheme.
Asuras said
No you shut up. Don't listen to Rodey. His nickname is scumbaq for a reason.
Asuras said
There. Now you can't without permission. >:I
Asura said
Don't fight it.
Sixsmith said
I also agree with Rode.I call shenanigans.
Asuras said
This just got a lot more weird.Asuras out.
Sixsmith said
Wheres Irish when you need him?
Sixsmith said
I hate you all. Come on guys, she's not that baaaad. The worst she'd do is mutilate you and do some unspeakable things to your dead body.I'm lying cause there is definitely worse she can do, but still... she just wants a homecoming date. D: Irish come ooon it's your chance to get some scandalous yuri photos even if it'll get you fired cause it'll be mostly directed to a niche group of people with sadistic pleasures and fetishes. TAKE EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT, DAMMIT.You can't refuse this offer cause I'll kill you if you do.