Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In a world where immortal overlords from times gone by meet POLITICAL DISCOURSE with FISTS and FURY, there is one government that people turn to...


If there's an issue that boils your gravy, KICK ITS ASS!

In this rp, you'll be taking on the roles of superhuman beings, (whether human, mutant, humanoid alien, etc.) who have, through sheer badass or popular vote, won their place in the Filibuster Federation. The Federation is a group of beings made impossibly durable by the powers of Managantamos, The Lord of the Arena. Nobody much cares about him, and he doesn't much care about politics. He just wants to see a good show. In fact, he's been very open about his apathy toward earthling issues. However, when you have a bunch of nigh-indestructible beings running around fighting each other, sometimes the local government will crumble and you'll end up inadvertantly conquering a lot of land.

Now that super fighters are around, a generous collection of nation states have banded together under the Filibuster Federation, those in Managantamos' repetoire who fancy themselves adequate government agents battle for supremacy. Parties form, power is squabbled over, and, most importantly, supremacy is being battled for.

The Filibuster Federation has a simple constitution under which the government operates:

-Do not use any outlawed holds or maneuvers. No hair-pulling, eye-gouging, no biting, no violence committed by or against the genitals. Any barred holds (whatever you decide those are going to be. I'm not exactly an expert on all the pro-wrestling moves.) will be subject to the count of 5, and the offender will be disqualified from the debate if they don't stop by then.

-No outside interference! If you try to help someone in a match you aren't involved in, the person you helped out will lose!... I mean, unless you're just cheering them on or giving them a weapon or something.

-We put weapons underneath the ring for a reason!... Violence is certainly not one of them...

-What the Ref says goes!

-It's technically not illegal to murder the referee, that just means no one's going to be there to validate either side winning...

-One may challenge another to an "extreme rules" match if both parties are willing, wherein the only thing that matters is who gets the fall points. The previous rules don't matter unless you're being a goody two-shoes. ERMs can be refused without losing the debate, but a debate still has to be had at any rate.

See any problems with that!? Doubt a pro wrestling federation's ability to effectively provide the masses with safety and prosperity!? THEN GET IN THE RING AND CHANGE IT! Currently, the Federation exists in a state of anarchy. All laws and rights must be decided from the ground up. Illogical extremists on both the side of the heel and the face are highly encouraged. Since this combat is going to be ostensibly much "realer" than real life pro wrestling, just with wrestlers who really are that durable (and who can be brought back from the dead when they are really killed, in all manner of ways) other martial arts and fighting styles than just the standard burly smacking can come into play, but all will be considered equal and pro wrestling moves in the form of signatures and finishers will be considered "More powerful" by virtue of the notion that the wrestler's energy and personality are channelled through those movements. Like Qi-Blasting, but, y'know, chucking people around.

And remember, the powers of Managantamos transcend space and time: Your characters can be anything from immortalized medieval folk heroes to space conquerors.

Ineffable, unchangeable rules:
1. The Guild rules apply, of course!
2. It's high-casual!... So, uh, adhere to whatever that means to you personally, I guess. Grammar and description is important.
3. This is still a story-driven RP, not an arena one. The object of the game is to write the best story and build the best, most awesome Pro-Wrestling-focussed dystopia with everyone else. The purpose of the match is not to win, but to create the most awesome fight scene you can. It's about the how, the why, and what happens because of it, creating a larger-than-life story out of larger-than-life characters.
4. This is a pretty political game. Perhaps not nearly as something like a real NRP, but butting heads and disagreeing on issues is the very foundation of this game, so it's very important that people are reminded to be UTTERLY CIVIL in OOC. It's also important that we remain civil IC. I mean, obviously not IC IC, this is a pro wrestling federation, but it's very important that other people's beliefs and ideologies are respected, even if that means all beliefs and ideologies have to be disrespected equally. Just try not to punch low or do something a tasteful TV Satirist would frown on.
5. No direct expies of any one real human political figure. For example, a revolutionary is okey dokey, a specific revolutionary, from history or the current world stage, is not okey dokey. A Beret-donning Diva called the "She Guevara" is... I guess sort of okay, depending. Remember, we're making fun of politics and people, not an event and/or a person.


Sex: (Everyone is equally immortal, therefore males and females are not necessarily forced to fight in their own leagues.)
Weight Class: (May or may not really matter in the long run. Again, death and injury mean basically nothing outside the ring, aside from some setbacks if the story calls for it. Therefore, people can break weight class and sex barriers to fight people they want to debate with.)
Martial Background: (How, where, and in what were they trained?)
Signature Move: (Like a Finisher, but not quite so powerful. Can be used often for quick ass-whupping.)
Finisher: (Ultimate supermove.)
Favorite Weapon: (Benevolent fans may do their homework... Anything from traditional stuff to CZW craziness, to farming equipment to guns and swords... Just remember, though, that since this is a Wrestling universe and these people are utterly ridiculous, nothing can kill or even seriously maim in one hit. Only signatures, finishers, or extended combat can really do that. For example, have you ever shot a man in an MDickie game?... If not, good. Nobody needs more of that in this life.)
Heel/Face: (Are we supposed to like them for their noble qualities, or their amusingly dickish ones?)
Pre-Game history: (How did they meet Managantamos? When did they sign onto the Filibuster Federation?)
Logos/Common Fan Signs: (Optional. Add them in if you're feeling artsy.)
Theme/Entrance Music: (Also optional, but I feel like the theme song is an equally important part of the Pro-Wrestling atmosphere. If you don't have anything specific in mind, just list the kind of thing they would play when they walk in or do something important.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Blight Bug

Beautiful! Accepted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

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@SombreroHere's a character for you to look over. Don't worry about the name, he's not intentionally a parody of any real life person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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I am super interested in this. I'm just trying to think how to put a political spin into a wrestler.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ivan is also accepted!

Ah, and another thing, @PatrickDrummer @Blight Bug and everyone else I forgot to put "Theme Song" in the CS, unfortunately. If you have any, would you mind adding that part in? Sorry. xP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am super interested in this. I'm just trying to think how to put a political spin into a wrestler.

Quite honestly, you could just make a regular wrestler and see what they'd do if they could rule the world. One of the NPCs I'm planning out is just your standard "Guy from Hell" wrestler who got tied up in the mess and is now pushing for things like cannibalism and adding porn to the Federation-sanctioned merchandise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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A most elegant and honorable wrestler who competed for only the most legitimate of Carnie Barkers has no need for an instrumentalist ensemble! He only comes out to the baritone decree of his name, height, weight and the region he hails from.

Theme music is far after his time, so I don't plan on having any. Just the announcement and however the crowd reacts to it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Name: 'The One And Only' Dawn Ellis

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Weight Class: Middleweight


Martial Background: From a very early age, Dawn did gymnastics at school, and was quickly recognised as one of the best in the country. She competed in many competitions, and her school was confident that she could compete in the Olympics, but she had other ideas. She trained as a pro wrestler and did a little time on the indie scene as 'The One And Only' Danny Ellis as young as 18, but though she found the acrobatics and promos super fun, she still wasn't satisfied, so she took up amateur wrestling as well as mixed martial arts, and beating other people up for real is where she found her real happiness. She trained, rising to the top of the leagues in both sports.

Signature Moves: Flying elbow drop, Rear naked choke, tornado DDT

Finisher: Dawn Chorus (Fisherman Driver)

Favorite Weapon: N/A

Heel/Face: Face

Pre-Game history: She was convinced to try some competitive MMA bouts after reaching points in both amateur wrestling and MMA itself where even her teachers couldn't teach her anymore, but was put off by how unglamorous they were. Then she tried entering the Olympics in wrestling, but the shameless patriotism sickened her and she dropped out, letting another hopeful represent her country. Off the back of this experience, Dawn decided an unhealthy love and pride in your country was poisonous, and that you should simply be proud of yourself. After hearing about Filbuster Federation, she got in touch with Managantamos in person about receiving tryouts, and her skills both in the ring and on the mic impressed. She revived her old 'The One And Only' gimmick from the indies, but refitting it to be a face character, and using this global stage to spread the message that everyone should love and be proud of themselves, not their country.

Theme/Entrance Music: Chesney Hawkes - The One And Only https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmaWy4KmeTA
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Silver Carrot
Dawn is accepted! I'll be getting the IC up shortly!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I am also here! I just tend to take a while to get characters done and I've tossed around a few concepts in my head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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I see Jarl and Dawn being big rivals. They're both very technical wrestlers, but Jarl's an old fashioned purist and Dawn's this 'Superstar' showgirl, all promos, catchphrases and fireworks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fireworks are fun at different sections of the traveling carnival not at the sporting exhibits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Did I say the IC would arrive shortly? I'm sorry about that, what I meant to say was, "Someone's going to zap my modem with the Allspark, and it'll transform into a useless piece of shit for 12 hours."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Name: The Great Leonidas
Nicknames: The Lord of the Wild, The Savannah Savage
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Heel/Face: Primarily a heel, but has something of a following and can wind up a face depending on the feud.
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Theme song: Iron Maiden’s Genghis Khan

Standing at “only” 6 feet 2 but weighing in at around 300 pounds, Leonidas’ frame and visage leave no doubts to his reputation as a fearsome competitor. Aside from the old-school take on a wrestling one-shoulder singlet and the everpresent lion mask, the Savannah Savage wears long gloves/wraps with a mostly decorative band of fleece on the forearms, as well as tall wrestling boots designed to closely resemble roman caligae and kneepads to match. In place of a ring robe, he of course wears a long cloak made out of a lion’s pelt.

Martial Background: In another, by now completely unimportant life, the man now known as The Great Leonidas was a career tough guy, a regular barroom brawler who took some rudiments of proper fighting and polished them through a life of tough man contests and breaking limbs for bookies, loan sharks and their ilk.

Signature Moves:
-Savage Claw: A very old school move with a lot of history behind it, the Iron Claw typically consists of using one’s hand to squeeze the opponent’s head to mush. If you need justification, let's say it puts pressure on actual sensitive points in the temples and that its effects are much like being punched there. Your vision blurs and distorts and you see bright spots, your ears start ringing, you become disoriented and lose strength and coordination, and since this is a submission hold of course it comes with constant, excruciating pain.

The thing about the good ole Iron Claw, aside from its combination of style and simplicity, is that it’s also an oddly versatile move. Adjusting to focus the pressure on cut-prone areas, namely the brows and the cheekbones, can cause an opponent to bleed, or one can simply forego the head as the target and switch to another body part. The Claw can also be applied effectively by grabbing at the opponent’s clavicles/collarbones or by targeting the body.

The Clavicle Claw lacks the extreme debilitating effects of attacking the head but remains quite painful and targets an easily broken bone, its value is in being an unexpected attack that forces opponents to adjust and killing feeling on the arms. The Stomach Claw, meanwhile, is harder to get but carries all the effects of a good body punch. You lose breath and focus and while you remain perfectly conscious, your body is sapped of its strength and coordination as you’re once again, racked with tremendous pain.

-Wild Reap: Sometimes you just want to put a little bit of extra hurt on someone, and Leo chooses to go about it by slamming them down on the back of their head. After applying the Savage Claw, Leo can choose to reap his opponent’s leg and throw him down without releasing his hold in a manner similar to the judo technique Osotogari, or major outer reap, which can be seen here executed authoritatively by two time olympic gold medallist Teddy Riner. And, again, it’s quite a versatile technique. It can be done from a lockup, or taking advantage of an already off-balance opponent such as when they throw kicks or when they’re running at Leo.

-Savage Reign: Clasping both arms high around an opponent’s thigh, as when trying for a high crotch single leg takedown, Leonidas lifts his opponent up vertically so their hips are about shoulder/head height to him before unhooking one of his arms, applying the Savage Claw and bringing the opponent crashing down head-first into the mat. Similar in concept to the Ruby Flowsion/backdrop chokeslam, it can also be done from the back or the side with minimal modifications, just as long as Leonidas can get his leg lift he can hit this move.

Favorite Weapon: Feels he has no need for weapons, but will use them in Tables, Ladders and Chairs matches, Hardcore matches, backstage brawls and generally if they just happen to be lying about within reach and the situation presents itself.

Pre-Game history: Only 3 years ago, the man now known as The Great Leonidas was a wholly unremarkable person, denied opportunities to climb to a higher station due to the rigors of life, save for a gifted physique and a penchant for violence. This man took solace in cultivating his body and using it to push others around and made a career of sorts out of this, managing to avoid menial work by fighting in barely or sometimes completely illegal contests and otherwise being a tough guy for hire.

Not the most savory character, of course, but his passion for physical dominance, belief that the world should run on a pure survival of the strongest system (obviously for his own benefit) and great desire reach the stars and be remembered made him a prime candidate for Managantamos to recruit. After all, if you want a heated, confrontational program you can do much worse than an uncaring savage who longs for a world dominated by chaos to prove his dominance over everyone and everything.

The man took to the Filibuster Federation like a fish to water. Well, for a few brief moments he actually thought he had finally done lost his mind or died in his sleep, but then realized he didn’t care. This was everything he ever wanted and his first order of business was to no longer be a nameless, faceless pile of muscle for hire. Taking on a masked wrestler then known as Rey Melena, the man claimed the mask for his own, modified it and took to calling himself The Great Leonidas. A star was born.

For three years, The Great Leonidas has sunk further and further into his character until the man he used to be has all but ceased to exist. In its place is a lion-headed menace, a savage who has no qualms in taking on any and all oncomers be they wild beasts on their lonesome or stables of men come to challenge his supremacy. There will be no stopping him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

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Suppose those technical difficulties should be clearing up then and IC will follow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have grappled with this gorgon of 1s and 0s for countless hours. I have endured documents with the typing rate of powerpoint slideshows. There have been browsers that crashed after copy-pastes and if I counted how many times both internet and machine had to be turned off and then on again, the IC would not have arrived for another day at least.

It was a hard-fought battle. An undertaking not to be taken lightly. My eyes have seen more than their fair share of tears, my hands have been washed in the blood of all guilty parties, and there were more than a few run-ins with violent, lascivious clowns that I would like to put out of my memory... But it is done now.

My decades-old Toshiba office laptop shows all the signs of a lucid period between visceral fever dreams. Activity should be happening more regularly now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Also, @Zero Hex if I said it didn't bring me pride to say you're free to whisker your sheet into the IC, I'd be lion. Sorry I didn't Mufasa.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Question; Are they all writing the same constitution, or all writing their own constitutions?
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