In a world where immortal overlords from times gone by meet POLITICAL DISCOURSE with FISTS and FURY, there is one government that people turn to...

If there's an issue that boils your gravy, KICK ITS ASS!
In this rp, you'll be taking on the roles of superhuman beings, (whether human, mutant, humanoid alien, etc.) who have, through sheer badass or popular vote, won their place in the Filibuster Federation. The Federation is a group of beings made impossibly durable by the powers of Managantamos, The Lord of the Arena. Nobody much cares about him, and he doesn't much care about politics. He just wants to see a good show. In fact, he's been very open about his apathy toward earthling issues. However, when you have a bunch of nigh-indestructible beings running around fighting each other, sometimes the local government will crumble and you'll end up inadvertantly conquering a lot of land.
Now that super fighters are around, a generous collection of nation states have banded together under the Filibuster Federation, those in Managantamos' repetoire who fancy themselves adequate government agents battle for supremacy. Parties form, power is squabbled over, and, most importantly, supremacy is being battled for.
The Filibuster Federation has a simple constitution under which the government operates:
-Do not use any outlawed holds or maneuvers. No hair-pulling, eye-gouging, no biting, no violence committed by or against the genitals. Any barred holds (whatever you decide those are going to be. I'm not exactly an expert on all the pro-wrestling moves.) will be subject to the count of 5, and the offender will be disqualified from the debate if they don't stop by then.
-No outside interference! If you try to help someone in a match you aren't involved in, the person you helped out will lose!... I mean, unless you're just cheering them on or giving them a weapon or something.
-We put weapons underneath the ring for a reason!... Violence is certainly not one of them...
-What the Ref says goes!
-It's technically not illegal to murder the referee, that just means no one's going to be there to validate either side winning...
-One may challenge another to an "extreme rules" match if both parties are willing, wherein the only thing that matters is who gets the fall points. The previous rules don't matter unless you're being a goody two-shoes. ERMs can be refused without losing the debate, but a debate still has to be had at any rate.
See any problems with that!? Doubt a pro wrestling federation's ability to effectively provide the masses with safety and prosperity!? THEN GET IN THE RING AND CHANGE IT! Currently, the Federation exists in a state of anarchy. All laws and rights must be decided from the ground up. Illogical extremists on both the side of the heel and the face are highly encouraged. Since this combat is going to be ostensibly much "realer" than real life pro wrestling, just with wrestlers who really are that durable (and who can be brought back from the dead when they are really killed, in all manner of ways) other martial arts and fighting styles than just the standard burly smacking can come into play, but all will be considered equal and pro wrestling moves in the form of signatures and finishers will be considered "More powerful" by virtue of the notion that the wrestler's energy and personality are channelled through those movements. Like Qi-Blasting, but, y'know, chucking people around.
And remember, the powers of Managantamos transcend space and time: Your characters can be anything from immortalized medieval folk heroes to space conquerors.
Ineffable, unchangeable rules:
1. The Guild rules apply, of course!
2. It's high-casual!... So, uh, adhere to whatever that means to you personally, I guess. Grammar and description is important.
3. This is still a story-driven RP, not an arena one. The object of the game is to write the best story and build the best, most awesome Pro-Wrestling-focussed dystopia with everyone else. The purpose of the match is not to win, but to create the most awesome fight scene you can. It's about the how, the why, and what happens because of it, creating a larger-than-life story out of larger-than-life characters.
4. This is a pretty political game. Perhaps not nearly as something like a real NRP, but butting heads and disagreeing on issues is the very foundation of this game, so it's very important that people are reminded to be UTTERLY CIVIL in OOC. It's also important that we remain civil IC. I mean, obviously not IC IC, this is a pro wrestling federation, but it's very important that other people's beliefs and ideologies are respected, even if that means all beliefs and ideologies have to be disrespected equally. Just try not to punch low or do something a tasteful TV Satirist would frown on.
5. No direct expies of any one real human political figure. For example, a revolutionary is okey dokey, a specific revolutionary, from history or the current world stage, is not okey dokey. A Beret-donning Diva called the "She Guevara" is... I guess sort of okay, depending. Remember, we're making fun of politics and people, not an event and/or a person.
Sex: (Everyone is equally immortal, therefore males and females are not necessarily forced to fight in their own leagues.)
Weight Class: (May or may not really matter in the long run. Again, death and injury mean basically nothing outside the ring, aside from some setbacks if the story calls for it. Therefore, people can break weight class and sex barriers to fight people they want to debate with.)
Martial Background: (How, where, and in what were they trained?)
Signature Move: (Like a Finisher, but not quite so powerful. Can be used often for quick ass-whupping.)
Finisher: (Ultimate supermove.)
Favorite Weapon: (Benevolent fans may do their homework... Anything from traditional stuff to CZW craziness, to farming equipment to guns and swords... Just remember, though, that since this is a Wrestling universe and these people are utterly ridiculous, nothing can kill or even seriously maim in one hit. Only signatures, finishers, or extended combat can really do that. For example, have you ever shot a man in an MDickie game?... If not, good. Nobody needs more of that in this life.)
Heel/Face: (Are we supposed to like them for their noble qualities, or their amusingly dickish ones?)
Pre-Game history: (How did they meet Managantamos? When did they sign onto the Filibuster Federation?)
Logos/Common Fan Signs: (Optional. Add them in if you're feeling artsy.)
Theme/Entrance Music: (Also optional, but I feel like the theme song is an equally important part of the Pro-Wrestling atmosphere. If you don't have anything specific in mind, just list the kind of thing they would play when they walk in or do something important.)

If there's an issue that boils your gravy, KICK ITS ASS!
In this rp, you'll be taking on the roles of superhuman beings, (whether human, mutant, humanoid alien, etc.) who have, through sheer badass or popular vote, won their place in the Filibuster Federation. The Federation is a group of beings made impossibly durable by the powers of Managantamos, The Lord of the Arena. Nobody much cares about him, and he doesn't much care about politics. He just wants to see a good show. In fact, he's been very open about his apathy toward earthling issues. However, when you have a bunch of nigh-indestructible beings running around fighting each other, sometimes the local government will crumble and you'll end up inadvertantly conquering a lot of land.
Now that super fighters are around, a generous collection of nation states have banded together under the Filibuster Federation, those in Managantamos' repetoire who fancy themselves adequate government agents battle for supremacy. Parties form, power is squabbled over, and, most importantly, supremacy is being battled for.
The Filibuster Federation has a simple constitution under which the government operates:
-Do not use any outlawed holds or maneuvers. No hair-pulling, eye-gouging, no biting, no violence committed by or against the genitals. Any barred holds (whatever you decide those are going to be. I'm not exactly an expert on all the pro-wrestling moves.) will be subject to the count of 5, and the offender will be disqualified from the debate if they don't stop by then.
-No outside interference! If you try to help someone in a match you aren't involved in, the person you helped out will lose!... I mean, unless you're just cheering them on or giving them a weapon or something.
-We put weapons underneath the ring for a reason!... Violence is certainly not one of them...
-What the Ref says goes!
-It's technically not illegal to murder the referee, that just means no one's going to be there to validate either side winning...
-One may challenge another to an "extreme rules" match if both parties are willing, wherein the only thing that matters is who gets the fall points. The previous rules don't matter unless you're being a goody two-shoes. ERMs can be refused without losing the debate, but a debate still has to be had at any rate.
See any problems with that!? Doubt a pro wrestling federation's ability to effectively provide the masses with safety and prosperity!? THEN GET IN THE RING AND CHANGE IT! Currently, the Federation exists in a state of anarchy. All laws and rights must be decided from the ground up. Illogical extremists on both the side of the heel and the face are highly encouraged. Since this combat is going to be ostensibly much "realer" than real life pro wrestling, just with wrestlers who really are that durable (and who can be brought back from the dead when they are really killed, in all manner of ways) other martial arts and fighting styles than just the standard burly smacking can come into play, but all will be considered equal and pro wrestling moves in the form of signatures and finishers will be considered "More powerful" by virtue of the notion that the wrestler's energy and personality are channelled through those movements. Like Qi-Blasting, but, y'know, chucking people around.
And remember, the powers of Managantamos transcend space and time: Your characters can be anything from immortalized medieval folk heroes to space conquerors.
Ineffable, unchangeable rules:
1. The Guild rules apply, of course!
2. It's high-casual!... So, uh, adhere to whatever that means to you personally, I guess. Grammar and description is important.
3. This is still a story-driven RP, not an arena one. The object of the game is to write the best story and build the best, most awesome Pro-Wrestling-focussed dystopia with everyone else. The purpose of the match is not to win, but to create the most awesome fight scene you can. It's about the how, the why, and what happens because of it, creating a larger-than-life story out of larger-than-life characters.
4. This is a pretty political game. Perhaps not nearly as something like a real NRP, but butting heads and disagreeing on issues is the very foundation of this game, so it's very important that people are reminded to be UTTERLY CIVIL in OOC. It's also important that we remain civil IC. I mean, obviously not IC IC, this is a pro wrestling federation, but it's very important that other people's beliefs and ideologies are respected, even if that means all beliefs and ideologies have to be disrespected equally. Just try not to punch low or do something a tasteful TV Satirist would frown on.
5. No direct expies of any one real human political figure. For example, a revolutionary is okey dokey, a specific revolutionary, from history or the current world stage, is not okey dokey. A Beret-donning Diva called the "She Guevara" is... I guess sort of okay, depending. Remember, we're making fun of politics and people, not an event and/or a person.
Sex: (Everyone is equally immortal, therefore males and females are not necessarily forced to fight in their own leagues.)
Weight Class: (May or may not really matter in the long run. Again, death and injury mean basically nothing outside the ring, aside from some setbacks if the story calls for it. Therefore, people can break weight class and sex barriers to fight people they want to debate with.)
Martial Background: (How, where, and in what were they trained?)
Signature Move: (Like a Finisher, but not quite so powerful. Can be used often for quick ass-whupping.)
Finisher: (Ultimate supermove.)
Favorite Weapon: (Benevolent fans may do their homework... Anything from traditional stuff to CZW craziness, to farming equipment to guns and swords... Just remember, though, that since this is a Wrestling universe and these people are utterly ridiculous, nothing can kill or even seriously maim in one hit. Only signatures, finishers, or extended combat can really do that. For example, have you ever shot a man in an MDickie game?... If not, good. Nobody needs more of that in this life.)
Heel/Face: (Are we supposed to like them for their noble qualities, or their amusingly dickish ones?)
Pre-Game history: (How did they meet Managantamos? When did they sign onto the Filibuster Federation?)
Logos/Common Fan Signs: (Optional. Add them in if you're feeling artsy.)
Theme/Entrance Music: (Also optional, but I feel like the theme song is an equally important part of the Pro-Wrestling atmosphere. If you don't have anything specific in mind, just list the kind of thing they would play when they walk in or do something important.)