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52, π΄πππ, π―ππππ
"Keep staring and I'll show you what it's like to see the world like me; Through one eye.
In some ways, Edgar looks every bit of his 52 years, with weathered skin, uncountable wrinkles and a detectable world weariness that radiates from him. In other ways, you'd swear he was at least a decade younger, due to the hard, knotted muscles evident under his many faded tattoos, old scars and ancient tan. Men of his age tend to be less solid, less heavy, less... scary. And he is scary, even to a hardened spacer with a score of trips under his belt. There's something in the unblinking stare from his milky white dead eye that makes your skin crawl and your spine slowly curl, not to mention the rough, sandpaper-and-gravel growl of his voice.
Personality"Did I ask you about who you are? No? Then beat it."
There's no other way to put; Edgar is a grumpy, cantankerous, anti-social old bastard. He's been a sailor and a spacer for longer than most of The Leviathan's crew have been alive, seen sights both magnificent and terrible, battled pirates and escaped the Navy's ships more than once and he didn't survive all that just to explain himself to some young jack with a big mouth. He isn't openly rude, obnoxious or abusive but neither does he hold back if he perceives a slight or someone disturbs the hallowed calm of his galley. Edgar likes the quiet life, the calm life and above all the ordered life, keeping his kitchen immaculately arranged and the ship's stores perfectly categorised. However, he has found that this attitude is rather rare on a ship, especially in the younger members of the crew, and therefore prefers to keep them at arm's reach or further whenever possible.
Despite his solitary nature but much in line with his love of order, Edgar believes in loyalty up to and including the point of destruction. Laws have never meant much to him, his upbringing didn't stress their importance much, but he'd rather lose another eye than betray a crew-mate or a superior. Long years of habit have also ingrained the sense that you shouldn't speak ill of officers either, though you can say what you like about the common members of the crew, and several members have been clipped around the ear for grumbling in his presence. Those that complain and aren't cowed by his devil's eye or collection of scars learn that the many kitchen knives aren't just usable in culinary preparations. At heart, Edgar is a simple man; he likes things to be ordered and to work in sync, for everyone to be respectful and to do their jobs. It's only when they don't that he gets a little... agitated.
Biography"I've been here and there, seen this and that, done a little of the first and a little of the other."
Born on an unremarkable backwater planet named Yurren, Edgar never had much. His parents were both farmers who sold their crops to spacers for long voyages and spent the profits on expanding their little farm. It wasn't a bad life, not really, but it was terribly dull. Edgar was bored with farming by age five and the tall tales of space pirates and dashing adventures seemed so much more enticing. It's a tale as old as time and repeated over many worlds but Edgar eventually stowed away upon a light frigate by the name of The Mirror, agreeing to work as a cabin boy for no pay to compensate the cost of feeding him. When the ship docked and the Captain made it clear they'd dump him back Yurren next time they passed it, Edgar jumped ship and enlisted as a powder monkey on a different ship. He'd left family and home without a second thought and had no wish to go back now, not just when he was getting the hang of this new life.
And so it went. The galaxy's a big place and a farm boy here and there really makes no difference. His parents cried for him for a few weeks before simply resolving to keep a better eye on their remaining children and Edgar barely spared them a thought for years. He was learning the ways of the star faring life quickly, picking up skills and knowledge like nobody's business. The first few ships he served on were strictly merchant travellers that rarely had to run out their guns for anything other than intimidation but eventually he came to be on The Goliath. It was an immense ship, well armed and built for war, commissioned by the Navy to clear the Nexorous Cluster of the scourge of piracy.
Upon The Goliath's decks, Edgar learned much of life and even more of death. The campaign against the pirates took twelve solar cycles and turned the ship from a gleaming spectacle to the haggard, jagged mess. Any number of foes fell before her long guns but there always seemed to another ship ready to raise the Jolly Roger and avoid the Navy's debilitating 'protection fees' tax. After seeing the life of Navy sailor first hand, not to mention seeing the end of them more times than he could count, Edgar decided that perhaps the law was not the side for him. Before the Captain, a hard man named Mercurio, was able to take roll call at port, Edgar was gone. And within a few weeks, he had signed onto to a new vessel; The Medallion.
She was a smuggling ship, more used to outrunning opponents than blasting them and Edgar was happy there as master of sails for some years, serving as mater of sails. This happy existence came to an end when The Medallion encountered one of Edgar's old friends; Captain Mercurio. His new command was a much smaller ship, one designed to hunt down the many dastardly smugglers in the area and he caught The Medallion anchored at an asteroid as the crew did some repairs. The fighting was brief and by the end, every member of The Medallion's crew were either dead or in chains. And they would've all been strung up at Fort Ichelle, the closest Navy stronghold had it not been for the intervention of Elizabet Lemaire. Having had her own run ins with Captain Mercurio, Lemaire had plotted an explosive end for him and most of Fort Ichelle.
It was only luck and a high tolerance for pain that allowed Edgar to survive the blast. But that luck also served to put a large rent in the wall of his cell, letting him slip away after the fleeing Lemaire. Before the two went their separate ways, Edgar made it clear that he didn't take being saved from the noose lightly and that he know owed Lemaire a favour, one redeemable at any time. It took around a decade but the favour was called in when the two met in a tavern on Peothea, when she just so happened to be gathering a crew...
Misc."I reckon all of me falls under misc."
While he's a decent cook, Edgar's true skills lie in two areas. The first is the organisation and management of a ship's supplies. The second is in all things with sharp edges and pointed tips, and the various ways they can be used to separate a being from their life and/or livelihood.
Does Edgar think Treasure Planet exists?"It's been a long damn time since I believed in fairy tales. Still, who knows? The galaxy can be strange place..."
Edgar doesn't believe in Treasure Planet. But there again, he doesn't not believe in it. He hasn't seen anything yet to make him think it's real but he's well aware that you need a damn sight more than fifty two years to see all there is in the Galaxy.
Relationships"I'll tell a person if I don't like them and I expect the same back, though there's no telling how I'll react to honesty."
Captain Lemaire
Valentin Kuznetsov
Diaemus Fyrell
Soron Tiberius