Character Reimagined: Uncle Sam
Secret ID: Samuel Hammers
Age: 30[physically] 250 Years[chronologically]
Immortality: Samuel is able to live forever and cannot die of old age and normal diseases.
Enhanced strength: he is ten times stronger than an Olympic athlete
Enhanced agility: his reaction time and agility is ten times quicker than a normal human.
Firearms master: Samuel can use and master all forms of guns.
Empowering Courage: he can rally his allies and give them a boost in valor and strengthen their resolve to fight.
Patriot Blast: Samuel can fire off a blast of red, white and blue energy that explodes on contact.
Weaknesses: He may be immortal, but he is not invincible and can be killed by conventional means such as being shot or stabbed.
Personality: Sam is very patriotic and a major individualist. He despises collectivism and views it as the worst threat to freedom and humanity. For him collectivists are like a horde of zombies wanting to assimilate and destroy all who oppose their radical ideology. In terms of the political spectrum, Sam considers himself a centrist who leans to the right. He is firm believer in democratic capitalism and the US constitution. He holds freedom and expression in very high regards and doesn't believe in the concept of hate speech or that a person being offended is enough silence other opinions.
He loves his country and being an American. Being a soldier in many wars has given him a realist view of the nature of war and to not blindly trust everything that the government or people say. He has no regrets about fighting for his country and remembers and honors all of the dead comrades he fought with during the wars.
Sam is courageous and has a big sense of duty. He is loyal and will not run from a fight or betray a friend.
Appearance: His uniform is designed off of the American flag, but with darker shades of the colors for stealth purposes.

BRIEF Bio: Sam was born in 1766 and from an early age he had always had a strong sense of independence and individualism. He was never a fan of the British royalists and how the ordered them about in the name of the king. Samuel had heard whispers of a possible rebellion against the British and freeing the thirteen colonies of their rule. When the revolutionary started, Sam quickly joined the army under General Washington and helped the revolution win many battles in the fight for their independence.
Samuel fought bravely, but during one of the battles late in the war he was wounded and found himself slowly dying. The skirmish had taken place near a strange cave and as he was bleeding badly he felt the cave calling to him. Through some incredible force of will he managed to make it to the cave and upon entering it he was met with an unbelievable sight. Inside the cave was a rock that glowed the colors of Old Glory and Sam found himself bathed in its beautiful colors and then a spirit appeared.
It told him that it was an embodiment of freedom and liberty. The spirit had seen Sam's bravery and love for individualism and freedom. It told him that it had chosen him to be a symbol of liberty and freedom for the new nation and that he would help guide the country through the years. Sam's wounds were then healed and he found his body growing in strength and superhuman powers blooming.
Samuel was granted incredible abilities beyond that of any ordinary man and with his new powers he continued to fight for his country as Captain Freedom. The ability to live forever meant that Sam outlasted his entire family and all of the founding fathers who had made this great country. Sam lived on to fight in every major American war. He fought in the war of 1812 and the civil war wearing the union blue. He fought in the trenches of world war 1 and fought the Nazis and Japanese imperials of world war 2. He fought in Vietnam and in the Gulf war. He fought in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
Samuel has seen many wars, but he has braved through all of them to aid his country, but his experiences have helped him learn to not always blindly follow the US government and understand the nature of war. When he was not fighting with the troops for his country, he fought against crime and threats within and outside of his beloved nation. The 20th century saw the rise of superheroes and Sam saw that Captain Freedom was just as beloved as heroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.
Notes: he has an assortment of weapons which is as follows
M4 Carbine.
Beretta M9 Pistol.
Avenger Weapon System.
M11 knife
Milkor MGL