Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It took a few steps for Daimyon and Felix to get into the same rhythm with their steps to make sure they moved forward evenly and did not stretch Isaiah's body unnecessarily. Once that was done though, there were no problems and the four exchanged some chit-chat as they walked along. Uncanny situations sure had a way of building camaraderie. The poet almost wished their fifth man would join in on the pleasantries, though he also suspected that the Infinite Blood Donor would not be in nearly as cheery of a mood.

Either way Daimyon was delighted that the current group got along. He had a feeling that the bear did not lie when he said that they would be stuck here for a while. That, among the dozen other mysteries that surrounded the entire situation, seemed clear at least. It did not mean he had already lost hope of ever smelling the fresh air again, naturally—quite the opposite. He had faith in his...more determined fellows to step up to the plate and become the salvation for everyone. Though escape room—escape hospital, whatever—scenarios have never been his cup of tea, he was also ready and willing to do his part should it have come to that. Even if they were little steps at first.

Like exploring the facility and measuring up what they had to go with exactly. His suggestion was received with enthusiasm; Krista and Felix both agreed that they should try to look for a music room. Sure, it was not the most vital place for their survival—but even the hardest workers had to relax sometimes. Occasional recreation was essential so that they did not go mad from the isolation and only having each other—complete strangers with a few exceptions—for company. Not to mention that Daimyon secretly hoped he could find a lute there to go with the bard outfit in his room!

“Sounds good. Though I wonder if we should all go there,” he said, adding a pause for effect, “or if I should leave you both to your affair.”
He smiled at the two. If they truly wished to combine their artistic—and other—skills, he would only encourage them. Perhaps write a commemorative poem in the end to sign the start of a new...partnership. Maybe Felix joked, maybe he did not—either way he had to try now!

Shortly after they arrived at the door which had Isaiah's pixellated face plastered on it. It was the last room on the corner before the corridor turned.
“Someone's got his e-handbook, right?”

With a job well-done, the dream team was ready for the next adventure. Daimyon was, at least, and he hoped his spirit would radiate off to the others.

“So! Off to find ourselves a music room, shall we? We should try the resort, if you ask me. If we are to find tunes somewhere, I'd wager it would be there.”
He pointed down the corridor which ended in a gate. Ahead of the gate was the sign which...well, signed that through the gate was the resort. Now, a resort could have been and could have contained a great many things, so nothing was guaranteed. It could not have been a deathtrap at least. That would have been...too obvious for any self-respecting evil mastermind. There was no harm in checking it out.

“Oh, Krista, if you allow me a moment.”
Once they were at the gate, Daimyon gestured towards the door to the left, which led to his room. He slid his e-handbook through the authentication device and quickly stepped inside. Everything was as he left it. The decorative drapes, the bed, the sizeable wardrobe...and the gift, which lay peacefully on the table. Aside from the loosened wrap it was as good as new; the poet made sure the receiver would get the full experience. Honestly he was kind of surprised at himself that he remembered it so quickly—smaller matters usually got lost in the expansive fantasy world that was his mind. Perhaps it was walking besides his room that reminded him. He could try doing it more often...

He did not wait or think up any overly pompous lines but instead handed the small box over to its rightful owner with a delighted smile.
“Here. May it serve the instrument and its master well!”

It occurred to him once they stepped through the—easily opened—gate that he might have forgot to lock or rather, fully close the door to his room. ‘Ah well’, he thought, ‘still plenty to work on in that regard.’


The resort looked...much like the hospital building, in its layout at least. Daimyon expected everything from palm trees to dark cages, but instead he felt like when he had first stepped out of the elevator: seeing the same white and grey walls begging for a new coat of paint, walking upon the same tiles on the floor. Even coming to hear the same muffled chatter! They were not the first people to think about investigating the resort. The primary difference was that there were significantly fewer rooms here, most of them rather sizeable. Maybe...an auditorium was one of them? That would have been something!

“All right!” He clapped his hands together in enthusiasm. “Let's find ourselves a music room!”

The team split up, each heading towards separate areas to cover the most ground. A sightly fountain caught Daimyon's eyes first and he walked up to it. If he had someone to chat with, maybe he would not have even left. There were none though, so he looked around and picked out a direction on a whim.

That was how he ended up in a vast-looking library. Filled bookshelves spanned the walls and there were also a few chairs and tables so that one could sit down and absorb whatever reading material they had picked out in peace. For the poet, this was one of the best places he could have ended up in—and that raised his mood even further.

“Ah, I'm not the first to stumble upon this wonderful place. I hope you don't mind a third detective joining the case.”
He addressed the two people already inside and in the midst of thorough exploration. One of them was the knight whose name he swore he would not forget...Shona, yes, and the other was the robotic monk Mondatta. Both serious individuals, as far as he could tell, so it was no surprise that they both found the place that housed the most information in the building. While they scoured over encyclopaedias, scientific material and books concerning current events, Daimyon took it to the literature section.

He ran his fingers through a row of books—finding quite a bit of dust in the process—and murmured out some of the titles. There was everything a man could want, from true classics to new age novels. He was already contemplating which one should he pick up and bring back to his room for off-hours when his eyes stopped upon a small gap between the heavy tomes. Not so much of a gap, but a small booklet that was very conspicuous among its larger and thicker peers. Daimyon carefully picked it out, noting the starkly different colour scheme as well. It looked like someone had left a children's book in the adult section.

“Well, well, what are you doing here...” he muttered and opened up the unfitting document almost as a reflex.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Mary gasped when she saw Shona in the break room. "Oh, Sho-Sho! Hey, it's fine, really~" She smiled in embarrassment. "You go on and have fun, I'll just take five. You know us girls gotta take care of our looks. Byeee!" Mary then headed straight for the fridge to grab whatever was left from the breakfast. A ton of stuff happened, but Mary just wanted to a moment to handle the mix of emotions she was feeling, particularly in regards to Caora. She went to sit a table leaning on her arm, staring into the distance. Sigh, he's too much of a crybaby to really have fun with...And it's a shame too, cause he's so cute. Maybe if I show how nice it's to be with girls...

It was at that moment that she fantasized about Caora coming to the break room and speaking to her in a deeper voice, like one of those dashing game protagonists, and she opened her eyes with a wide smile. "Oh Cookie, you've grown into a real man!" But the man who spoke to her was actually Davis, and he snapped a picture of her befuddled face. "EEEEHHHHH! Get out of here with that shoddy example of flirting! And I'll have you know I don't only stream games, but other events as well! I'm not one of those fake gamer girls who have no idea what they're doing! Bwah, you guys are all the same, no respect at all."

Mary felt a bit bummed out, and so she decided to try talking to people. She noticed that Aleecia was by herself, and she smiled. "Hi Aleeeciaaa!~" She greeted her, and took her hand. "I'm Mary, in case you didn't recognize my voice, not that many would, ha ha!" She then let go of her. "So you're the Ultimate Dice Master, huh? I never could have guessed! Have you played Lizards and Labyrinths? I hear that the rules can be obtained in Braille as well!"

Mondatta found the repository of knowledge quite a find, as he slowly turned over pages from a stack of books he picked out for himself. None of them had relevant hints to their situation, but as a wise man Mondatta knew to trust in the written word in times of crisis; he gave a book of history on the Byzantine to Shona as well: "You might find this interesting?"
When Daimyon entered the study the monk greeted him as well. "We appreciate any assistance we may receive, especially from a man as well-read as the Ultimate Poet." Mondatta returned to his search, but then stopped when he noticed that the Poet found a book in an unusual spot. "Is there a clue in the book?" He asked the man of literature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Tough crowd. Davis expected his performance to get more of a response. Instead it just got a lot of people glaring at him. And that response from Mary, wow. He had a special word for woman like that, but he would not use it here. Still, he was pretty sure she called him a cookie before he started talking. Clearly there was potential here... Perhaps it wasn't fair to say everyone didn't like his “performance.” Quill seemed to be charmed. Maybe everyone else took offense to his “no-homo” remarks? Was Quill the only heterosexual person (other than himself) in the room? Were they jealous that only Quill received a gift, despite it clearly belonging to Mondatta? Or perhaps they were so stunned by his charms that they simply couldn't respond? Or in Mary's case, simply wanted his affections all to themselves. He was going to bet it was the last one. Definitely that last one. Still, Perfection's goal was never to get the entire group. He just wanted a small... test group. Conquest was his.

“Alright.” He gave a slow nod. “Well, the rest of you know where to find us. Do come if you change your minds.” Davis noticed Calvin looked a little distant. “I don't think I'll be long. If you head over to the ER, I'll meet you there as soon as I'm done with my own search.” He looped his arm around Quill's. “I bid you all, adieu!” and with that, Davis and Quill headed off to the “Neurology” room marked on the hospital map. Though he stopped momentarily to watch that TP girl balance food on her head. “That's going to be the one who kills me...” He groaned before disembarking.

The hospital side of the tower didn't look all that different than the patient's quarters. It was hard to imagine anyone was ever really treated here. The hospital side of the tower at least felt easier to navigate with the large, open hallways. The only things that looked fresh and new were the signs, which looked like they had been sketched up by some children with crayons.

“Ah! Here we are!” Perfection pointed at a sign that read “Neurology.” There was a doodle of a stick figure wearing a helmet over their head with a bunch of wires attached to it. He uncoupled himself from Quill and approached the door, which seemed to open upon his approach. “I guess we were expected.” he said to his companion before stepping inside.

The Neurology room was creepy white. Everything seemed to glow florescent. And there were almost no shadows. The walls were lined with monitors, and there was a terminal and some cupboards at the back of the room. But what commanded the most attention was the strange reclining chair in the center of the room. It seemed like every device from the terminals to the monitors had black cables running to it. There were belts and ties to restrain whoever sat in it, and there was a large curved cylinder just behind the chair. If it reclined all the way back, the cylinder would be positioned over the patient's head. Davis fret his brow and walked deeper into the room, marching past the chair. He flung open the cupboards and started to look through their contents. There were a lot of paper documents, most of which looked like result scores of some kind. The data was very technical and was beyond his understanding. Or maybe it was that he couldn't read a word of Japanese. Or was this Korean? Chinese? Either way, the reports were useless to him. Among the seemingly endless reports was a folder that looked like like a diary, or at least a progress report. The only thing that made Perfection suspect it was either of those things were the pictures contained inside the folder. There were two; one of a red haired girl happily sitting on the device, and another with her sleeping on the strange chair fully reclined. She looked fairly young, and seemed to be dressed for school or collage. Though the machine looked sightly different in the pictures. Namely the restraining belts. Regardless, he wasn't going to get very far without someone who could actually read any of this. The pictures fell from his hands and landed on the counter top.

“Cute girl.” He said to himself. But Davis was not smiling. “So, what were the last things you can remember doing before ending up here?” Davis folded his hands together before turning to face Quill. “Because-” damn this was hard. He thought it would be easier if he told everyone one at a time. But if he didn't say it, the bear would. Realizing what the worst case scenario was gave Davis the courage to continue. “You see Quill, I kind of have a problem with my pride. The last thing I remember before waking up here was...” Davis told her everything without skipping any details.

Shona didn't feel it was necessary to keep a dialog going with Mondatta. They were both busy searching, and they could contact each other if they made a discovery. In a way, their silence built the most trust. It wouldn't be too hard for one to attack the other one while they were busy searching. Of course Shona had VERY good situational awareness, but it was still never wise to divert your attention too much in the presence of a threat. But the knight hardly considered Mondatta a problem. If anything, having him around made her feel safer. Shona received the book from Mondatta with a nod.

“The prelude to the age of knights. Thank you.”

Shona had amassed quite the collection of books. There were a few books about modern robotics, one that explained the science behind primitive weaponry, and a pamphlet that gave a general overview of Axis Mundi's facilities. The next book that Shona pulled out was actually a magazine. “The Fall of Neo Alexander.” Shona recognized the name from her conversation with Cyrus earlier. She was quick to flip open the book and was greeted with a picture of a half dismantled robot wearing an American army uniform. The head was just a giant lens, but the hands had the same doll-joint look that the carnage sisters had. Were the designs for the carnage sisters based off of these robots? But Cyrus said they were based off of Junko. Regardless, this looked like something worth reading. Shona was going to show it to Mondatta, but his attention was with Damyon now. Actually, she was curious with what he had found too. The knight placed the magazine behind herself and waited for the poet to respond.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Davis. Fucking. Gallo. ‘Conquest.’ The moment he entered the room, Calvin felt a sort of burning sensation deep within himself. As he walked around and “endeared” himself to the other patients, Calvin turned away and pumped his arms in the air as if trying to punch some invisible being.

He didn’t have anything to say, though, and as he building up some bitter retort, Rika walked out of the break room with a tray of food balanced on her head, playing another cassette tape and following the parade that accompanied Ice’s unconscious body. It seemed like no one was going to accompany him to the ER, which was for the best, considering what he hoped to do.

Conquest spoke up again, taking leave with Quinn. Calvin was ready to say adios for what he hoped would be a long time, but Gallo spoke up.“I don't think I'll be long. If you head over to the ER, I'll meet you there as soon as I'm done with my own search.”

Nightmare. Calvin felt like screaming, but remembered that he was trying to be discrete. “Sounds good. I’ll see ya.” Calvin offered a half-hearted thumbs-up, and looked around the room. “I’m off then. Don’t kill each other while I’m gone.” What started off as a smile quickly turned sour. The joke didn’t feel good.

Calvin walked down the halls towards the ER, taking care to avoid people as best as he could. To call it sneaking would be a gross injustice to any person with a modicum of stealth, but he was doing the best he could to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. He stopped in front of a door, and looked at the sign plastered on it. “KEEP OUT SICKIES”. Calvin coughed out of spite, and pulled out Alexandria’s e-handbook, swiping it across the lock. A pleasant click accompanied it, and he immediately opened the door and stepped inside.

The crematorium was warm in a terrible, claustrophobic way. There were several retorts placed into the walls, and though they were currently not on, the heat in the room indicated that they were likely functional. Calvin took stock of the room, nervous he might find a corpse or something far more sinister, but instead found a gaudy bed. It was the sort with a canopy on it, and it was covered in glitter and pink stickers. Nothing like his sister’s, who had always complained that she wanted a bunk-bed. Something about the thought gave him pause. Sister.

“Aww, shit.” He muttered, taking a look around the room to make sure no one was inside the crematorium with him. The e-handbook had been Alexandria’s which meant that this had to her room. He suddenly wanted out of the room, but after further inspection and assurance Alexandria was not there, he knew he needed to look further. Hopefully, he could wrap it up, then never return.

He went over to one of the crematory chambers and searched for a switch of some sort, and found what appeared to be a dial. He turned it slightly, and flames spewed out form several openings.

He decided to inspect the bed one more time, to assure himself that there was nothing he missed. He didn’t find anything of note on the bed, but to its side was an odd looking lump of metal. Calvin went closer, and noticed with alacrity that his name was carved into it.

“IBBS <3” It read, and Calvin realized it was some sort of anvil. It was crude, but usable.

A thought crossed Calvin’s mind. His heart raced. He turned back to the crematoriums, running to inspect them. Inside each chamber was a rack of sorts, that could be slid in and out of the chamber for easy burning. It wasn’t perfect, but with a few alterations, it could function as a forge. Calvin felt faint, and almost absent-mindedly, turned up the flames. Things were suddenly looking up.

After what felt like seconds but was probably a few minutes, Calvin stepped out of the crematorium. He walked across to the ER, but didn’t quite feel ready to enter. He was breathing heavily, and tried to calm down as best as he could.

@BrokenPromise @Spriggs27

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


With the large crowd that was present in the break room, Kara was honestly feeling less alone. Still frightened and a little weak willed, Kara became determined to not let herself wallow in the sadness of their situation.
'There must be an exit somewhere, there must be!' The phrase repeated over and over until she actually convinced herself it was true. All of a sudden, Davis bursts in the room. Kara knew very little about him, according to the rumour weeds sprouting within the group, he had become somewhat aggressive. If that were the case than right now he was acting extremely out of character. He most likely realised the danger of spreading distrust.
Davis greeted everyone individually with a little flair. He greeted Aleecia, who was next to herself, and then Kara, his greeting was so bewildering - Kara was in shock as he patted her head and swiftly moved on. So bewildered by what just happened - this was the second time that Kara had been mistaken for a small child. It didn't bother her a lot, but she an adult, being treated like some mere five years old will start to tick anyone off. Turning to Aleccia she commented on Davis and his interaction with the two. Wow, that's probably the most excited I've seen Davis, maybe he isn't as bad as what I've heard.

Hey Aleccia, just as a suggestion, you're probably the person at most risk, so I'd stick with large groups. I'm sure it'd be easier and safer for you. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm planning on doing some exploration.

While speaking with Aleccia it seemed as if Davis had just wandered off, he mentioned going to the Neurology room so it would seem that was where she should head if she intended to actually help and not weigh down every ones' hope of escape. She held Aleccias' hand, saying goodbye, then exiting the break room. From there she had to... Well, Kara didn't really know where to head, rather than wander these halls forever, Kara opted to check her E-Handbook. Ah yes the E-Handbook, what a nifty little tablet.
According to the map, Kara had to turn on her right and head up some stairs, it wasn't too far, before she knew it Kara would be right behind Davis. Heading up the stairs from the patient ward she saw someone duck into one of the few rooms in this Area, Kara hadn't actually been here before so she didn't know what was what. Trusting her insticts she folled the person.

Entering the room, Kara slowly opened the door as it made somewhat of a creeking noise. Thankfully she had caught up with Davis, but it seemed as if she was interupting something. He was having a conversation with a remarkably beautiful woman. Um! Uh... Hi Davis, I came to help out, I didn't want to be some sort of burden on anyone, so I'm trying to help out as much as my little heart can.... Um, I'm not interuptting something really really important right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with @addamas, @Spriggs27 and @Mateotis at first. Then with @Melo at Aladin's Palace.

Krista didn't know whether to laugh at the sight of the mummy balancing the stolen tray of sandwiches on her head. It was strange but amusing. Definitely not something you would see outside if everything was, well, normal. She nodded as Rika used the cassette tape to introduce herself, the second tape providing more information about the mummy to the violinist. Firebug was a strange title, not one Krista had heard before. Though Krista could appreciate that Infinite Arsonist may not be the best nor most accurate title for Rika. "Well, Rika! It's a pleasure to meet you!" And then came the awkward silence.

"...You're welcome?" Krista's head was cocked to the side. Maybe it was the pun. "I don't think I've ever been thanked for a joke, but I'll take it, ha!" Oh! Maybe Krista's pun had amused the Firebug so much that now she's being thanked for showing her the wonderful world of pun jokes. Well, that idea was probably farfetched, but a girl could hope, right?

Next, she turned to address Felix, who seemed to agree with her about the music room. "I'll help you look for one. Though I'm not entirely convinced a hospital would really need an obstacle course, but this whole situation we've found ourselves in is bizarre anyway. Who can fault us for expecting some fun activities?" She hummed, following behind the two guys with a skip to her step thanks to Rika's earlier gratitude.

"Have I ever played a duet before?" Krista paused, and she nodded with a fond smile. "I used to play the violin with my teacher sometimes, though it was more like I was following his lead." Krista thought back for a moment, the fond smile disappearing for a moment. She blinked, and her usual smile returned. "It's been a while since then, though. Do you play an instrument?"

Her pleasant conversation with Felix continued until Daimyon asked the group whether it was a good idea for everyone to go investigating. Krista hummed in thought, considering her options after Daimyon offered a suggestion. "When Ice wakes up, would he really appreciate being surrounded by us? I mean, three strangers in his room while he's sleeping? That doesn't sound so good." She made a face before turning to face Rika with a question on her mind. "Are you planning on joining us with exploring later?" Just maybe they could figure something out...

After fishing out the e-handbook and unlocking Ice's door, the boys were able to set Ice down on his bed. Krista placed three sandwiches — yes, three. The boy looked like he barely ate! Krista definitely thought he needed more meat on his bones if he was going to be donating his blood all the time — on a desk nearby the bed for Ice. Krista placed the e-handbook beside the sandwiches, so Ice couldn't miss the delicious treats.

The moment everybody was ready to leave, Daimyon pulled Krista's attention away from her goal. She followed behind a moment later after realising what Daimyon was referring to. It was the gift. Or, well, at least she hoped so. For all she knew she was being lured to her death right now and—

—Oh. It was the gift.

The panic was forgotten about, and Krista basically leaped at the opportunity to check out the gift. "It's amazing! Thank you! I was worried that my old thing would fall apart if I didn't find a care kit soon!" Krista kept the gift pressed against her chest, and she couldn't stop the grin from basically splitting her face into two.

She remembered her own gift, the braille board game. Maybe it really wasn't such a bad idea to give it away. If receiving her own gift made her this happy, surely the board game would make Aleecia's day happy too! Krista meant no harm, so surely the gift would be better appreciated by someone that would actually understand the rules.

Krista followed Daimyon out of his room, taking one last look at the hallway then at the gift and plate of sandwiches in her possession. She still had too many things to carry, and if she wanted to explore the whole hospital then she definitely needed to put away the violin care kit. "You guys go on without me, I'll join you in a moment!" And without another explanation, she dashed away back to her room all the way on the opposite side of the hallway.

By the time Krista was done with putting away the gift and returned to the resort entrance, she realised she was already far behind. She couldn't find the trio she had set off on a journey with, figuring that they had gone off to explore the resort locations on their own.

She stood right beside the theater, peering around. Ahead was the fountain, the Monostand right behind. From where she was standing, she couldn't see the study or the vault, but the map on the handbook in her hand told her otherwise. She decided to avoid the theater, having already been in there the previous day for the maniacal bear's announcement. So the next logical step was to check out the Aladin's Palace next.

Krista took one step inside, and she never felt more confused in her life. Aladin's Palace was no palace at all, like the name suggested. In fact, it was a cave system. A cave system inside a hospital. A hospital.

Why is there an actual damn cave in a hospital? Surely this wasn't an exit out of this place, right? Or maybe she was just imagining it...

"I was thinking exactly the same thing. As to why there would be an actual damn cave here, your guess is as good as mine."

"Eee!" Krista squealed in surprise at the sudden voice, her attention moving from the rocks and stones around her towards the man in front, only just realising she wasn't alone. Just a little further ahead of her was Cyrus Brandon, the bishi— I mean Infinite Politician. She stared at him in surprise, realising a little too late that she had said her thoughts out loud, prompting Cyrus's response.

"Eee?" She repeated, shaking her head at her over-reaction. "God, I've really hit rock bottom now..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rika Roux

The trek to Ice's room wasn't a long one Rika was happy she wasn't one of the people carrying Ice to his room, once they were inside Ice's room and had him placed in his bed Rika figured she'd stay behind while Krista and Daimyon went off in their search for musical instruments inside of a hospital. When she first heard that the two hoped that there was a music room, she held up her tape to play. "Hospital" Then played."Not an" and ended off with."Amphitheater." Rika then placed her cassette player in between her bandages on her hip. The mummy couldn't explain it, but she felt as if she's been here before, the floor felt familiar to her toes as if she's been here before, but she didn't remember anything about this place.

Once Ice was settled into his bed, Rika watched both Krista and Daimyon leave the room in search of their music room inside of a hospital, Rika was starting to feel that she wasn't so strange anymore or at least did strange things. Once the two left the room, Rika laid on the floor of the room waiting for Ice to get better, she crawled around on her belly for a good long while before she stood up next to Ice's bed and began to poke him in the cheek out of boredom wondering if he died while being carried over to his room.

After some vigorous poking in his cheek, she began to notice Ice's bandages, they looked too loose in some places and in others they looked too tight, then there were gaps, after feeling up on Ice in his sleep she noticed that he seemed like his band-aids were being held together with gum and spit. The mummy looked under one of his bandages to see that they actually were for bleeding, not for some surface design or to look cool, Rika started to correct the bandages on Ice. First was the ones around his neck, she loosened them a bit so he could breathe easier, then tightened the ones across his chest, she removed some of her bandages from her arm, not enough to show her skin but just enough to help Ice she applied it to Ice's forearm so it could be just a bit tighter.

The second Rika was finished fiddling with Ice's bandages to make them a little more efficient she then placed her cassette player and her cloak on the nightstand, the mummy then laid on her belly as she waited for Ice to soon wake up if he didn't soon she would guess that he's dead or fell into a coma from falling and hitting his head on the floor, then again if he didn't wake up soon she would just poke him in the face or hold his nose to see if that would wake him up.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by addamas
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addamas Trust me, I'm a liar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Patients Quarters F1

The journey to Ice’s room went off without a hitch as the quartet mingled about trivial subjects and it was nice to hear Daimyon agree to search for the sound of music. It felt like the gravity of the situation lowered every second Felix was around them. He thought that people like these would never harm others, even when under pressure. And that optimism coursed through his entire body, which was very obvious because he lowered his guard to the point of nonexistence. Of course he wanted to get out of here, but these people gave him hope that he would not only get out of here soon, but maybe even have some fun while escaping.

Felix eyed Krista’s hands as she unlocked Ice’s room with his e-card, not out of suspicion but curiosity, nothing noteworthy really. It was surprising to see Rika opting to stay behind with Ice, probably to watch over him. It was a nice act so Felix simply nodded with a deep smile as he grabbed a sandwich from Rika and left the room with Krista and Daimyon. The dashing poet apparently gave his gift to Krista, and she stated that Daimyon and Felix should go on ahead, which he replied to with a thumbs-up.

Resort F1

Upon reaching the Resort, Felix looked at the Fountain once more. Last time they passed through here, they were showed the awful rules of this killing game that trapped the infinites here. The reminder lifted the left side of his mouth into dismay for the whole situation. Daimyon opened their search with a quick motivator and went off towards what looked like a library. Felix twirled around a few times, taking in all of the rooms to choose from. None caught his eye quite like the biggest, the theater. Most theaters play a musical, which means there was a good chance it stored instruments. So with determination, he stepped towards the room where the bear first showed itself.

Theater F1

The theater looked just like he left it, for the exception of the people in it, robots and bears included. Felix still had no clue why a hospital would need a theater. It’s nice and all, but kind off a waste of space when you’re taking care of the sick. Upon closer inspection, the walls and floor were made of concrete and unpainted. It made for a very ugly picture, and it was made worse by the fact that everything was falling apart. The only things still in good condition were the curtains hanging above the podium. With an acrobatic jump, Felix hopped onto it and grabbed the curtains with both hands, ready to pull them. They were heavier than expected; so it was a good thing that his muscles had not decayed very much from the accident and with a small groan the curtains moved to the side of the stage. What was left now was a large pianoforte.

A bright spark appeared behind Felix’s eyes as he jumped towards the piano. The sight kind looked like one of those father-son reunions after being separated for very long. The only difference being that Felix played the piano a few days ago. You might think of this weird, as the piano is not even his main hobby. The thing with Felix is, he gets excited for everything he likes equally, and his laid back attitude always keeps him enjoying every part of life, no matter how small. It just happens that he is very good at free running and enjoys it.

As Felix stood in front of the piano, he drew a large breath and blew of all the dust that the marvel collected for who knows how long. Although it was rusty, the piano seemed to be in very good condition, and as Felix tested every key, not one false note came out. He never actually played a real piano before, keyboards where all he ever knew, so the sounds that came out of this one made Felix happy enough to forget any bad feelings still left in him. If he would ever feel down, he would know where to come. Luckily there was already a seat besides the piano, and Felix quickly made use of it before cracking his fingers in a last preparation before putting his fingers on the keys and starting to play a song.

@Spriggs27 @Aewin @Mateotis
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It appeared that even the poet's muttering was loud enough to draw the other two people's attention. The problem was that it did not work vice-versa, for Daimyon got very immersed in that book and only noticed their approach when they were right next to him. Needless to say he got quite startled, almost dropping the small booklet.

“This? I am yet to determine...” he answered the queries somewhat half-heartedly. It was still the most truthful thing he could have said; he was still skimming through the pages and searching for the right words to describe the book. Its plain black-and-white cover once held a title, but it was all but illegible now. Daimyon could take out a Y—or was it a U?—, an N which looked like an M if one squinted at it hard enough, and the word ‘book’ at the end, which frankly did not help much. The contents were surprisingly much more preserved—the cover must have been extraordinarily effective in shielding them from the storms of time. It could not do much against external intervention though; some of the pages were visibly torn out. Most of what was written inside was written with handwriting, but even then the style was not uniform. Truly, it went against every form of genre norms.

“Looks to be an...autobiography of some sort,” he made the final conclusion. “A bit amateurish, if you ask me. It's also old, as you can see—I don't think it has any relevance to our current situation, unfortunately.” With that he closed the book and put it...into his large pocket, instead of back on the shelf. He took out his notebook first so it could fit in, and even then it barely did. “Might make for an interesting read, nonetheless.”

The matter settled, he continued his search, now notebook and pen in hand. He made a few notes into it about books he would like to come back for later and kept looking for something that would help bring their ‘investigation’ forward. It soon became apparent however that checking every single book and assorted document was not feasible and poking around in the dark did not lead anywhere. Daimyon sat down and tried to get an overview on the situation. He started writing up questions, answers and even more questions all over the page which quickly ended in a mess only he could decipher. Crafting rhymes was also wholly counter-productive in this case. He shook his head and saw that he had to try taking organised notes for once.


FACT: There are 17 people in here right now
OBSERVATIONS: All 17 of us have Infinite talents; the last memory of each of us pertains to the Axis Mundi hospital which is maintained by the Infinity Initiative; we are still there presumably
QUESTIONS: How did we get here? Why were we ‘picked’? Where is everyone else?

FACT: A robotic plush bear called Monokuma claims to be the organiser of everything
OBSERVATIONS: Monokuma is capable of appearing out of seemingly nowhere, thus it is presumed he has access to places we don't; he knows more about us than we know about each other; he leads four other robots named the ‘Carnage Sisters’
QUESTIONS: Who controls him and the Sisters? What are their goals?

FACT: We are supposed to...kill each other
OBSERVATIONS: The building is supposedly locked down with no escape available (unconfirmed; search ongoing), only way to get out is by committing murder and getting away with it; there are also a bunch of rules in place that make attempting escape more difficult
QUESTIONS: Why is there a need for killing? What happens if someone kills? How can we avoid it? Can we escape?


There, that looked better—and a lot more worrying too. Daimyon had to admit that the pleasant morning and the company of all the lovely people that had been thrust into this situation with him kind of put the big picture into the recesses of his mind. As he—with the help of both his notebook and his e-handbook—collected the basic information, everything was brought back to the forefront. Compared to the questions, their knowledge was limited and what they did know painted a bleak picture. It all boiled down to one terrible duality: they could stay here forever or they could leave. The former was out of the question, but to do the latter one needed to take another person's life.

At least according to Monokuma and whoever controlled him.
He might have been powerful, but surely he could have not accounted for every possibility either?

Daimyon stood up and approached Shona and Mondatta.
“Have you found anything?” he inquired. “I've written a summary on our current...predicament, maybe it could help us decide what to focus on? I believe keeping a single, important issue in mind is more valuable than trying to address everything at once.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The last thing Ice could remember was being in some kind of huff with the rest of them in the break room. After having fallen, his mind went blank. There was a short sense of something trying to wake him up at the end that Ice couldn't identify, something poking at his cheek. The man hadn't had any real human interaction for a long period of time besides the regular doctor's check ups, and having only his sense of touch to figure out the unknown entity was too much for his brain to comprehend.

Something, or someone rather- was moving around his bandages. The reason they were usually in bad shape was that he never let the nurses really touch him besides when he was in a dire bleeding situation, those bandages had originally been put on by the said nurses. Besides that, Ice would usually just stick a band-aid on or tighten the bandages a little to try and cope with out the nurses' or doctor's help. Besides that, his head was still hurting quite a bit, but it would probably be manageable, he had coped with this achy feeling a lot throughout his life after all. It was lucky that the person hadn't gone so far as to move his band-aids compared to the bandages since that might have reopened a wound and the whole mess would have started all over again.

Soon enough, Isaiah's body finally started to bring his full consciousness back. It may have been because the bandages had been loosened around his neck, or maybe because whatever deity had decided it was just time for him to get a punch in the gut from reality. His fingers twitched as he slowly opened his eyes. There seemed to be no one in the room, and it was only after he turned his head to the side did Ice see Rika laying down on the ground on her stomach. While the area they were in didn't look like it had been actually inhabited recently, just well stocked, it couldn't be the most clean place to lay down.

Ice finally started moving his limbs slowly, checking if anything was out of sorts and finding no real problems, he looked at the bandage on his forearm and while he should have probably been offering his eternal gratitude, all he said was, "You know, there's actually plenty of extra rolls of bandage in the top drawer of the dresser."

While he was interacting with Rika, Ice couldn't help but think what might have been transpiring while he was unconscious. Had the others already started investigating the layout... and possible had found ample weapons for the picking? He would have to get out there soon.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rika Roux


When Ice started to wake up, the mummy crawled to the foot of his bed and threw herself on the bed in a lazy fashion as if she was either bored or tired. Rika sat up revealing her completely bandaged form to the blood donor the mummy took a moment to stare at Ice for a long awkward period of time before she began crawling towards him on the bed in an almost sultry manner she put her body close to his as she reached out over to the nightstand to grab her cassette player.

Once the small player met her hands, she tumbled off the bed and back onto the floor before she stood back up to look down on Ice, and stare at him with her big red eyes she played a tape simply saying."Monitoring." Then stared at him for a long awkward period of time once again. After she was finished staring at Ice, the mummy grabbed his forearm and moved her finger up and down the bandages applied to his arm. Rika then showed him her forearm and pointed to how the dressings were the same.

" Dress yourself properly, in order to impress the people, and the bitches." The voice of a young man came from the cassette player. She hit the stop button before crouching down next to the bed and staring at Ice. The second he mentioned that there were rolls of bandages within his top dresser, Rika popped in another tape and held her cassette player above her head." Gentlemen should never rummage through a woman's undergarments m'lady. I myself am a right fine gentleman." A British man spoke from the cassette player.

Rika suddenly put her cassette player into her bandages and began touching Ice's chest she began groping his chest almost as if Ice was a grown woman, but Rika didn't do it for personal pleasure, she was feeling Ice's shirt to know if he had bandages under his shirt that she couldn't see. When Rika stopped, she crawled under the bed and began heading for the door on her hands and knees as if she was pretending to be a dog, draped across her back was her black cloak taken from the nightstand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Davis was sure that after he told Quill everything, she would have to react somehow. The model might get upset and damn Davis's existence, or maybe she would be more understanding of his situation. He would have been okay with either result, as he'd know right away if Mondatta was right about telling everyone his secret. But Davis didn't get a response like that, just stunned silence. Quill folded her arms and looked away from him. The passage of time was not going to make Quill talk. This was perhaps the worse outcome. She was clearly upset, but wasn't about to voice if she held it against him or not. All that courage he displayed, and this was what he got? What a waist of time.

“I see...” The frustration was evident in his voice. Davis made his way past Quill. “I guess I'll see you later then.” As he walked towards the door, he could see Kara staring at him awkwardly.

Um! Uh... Hi Davis, I came to help out, I didn't want to be some sort of burden on anyone, so I'm trying to help out as much as my little heart can.... Um, I'm not interrupting something really really important right?

She was ignorant of the whole thing. Good. Davis stepped outside with Kara and shut the door. He was noticeably calmer now that he was outside that room. “No, that wasn't important.” It was then that Davis realized he was still holding onto the folder. He must have picked it back up again at some point during his confession. “There wasn't really anything in there. Everything's written in moon speak.” He lowered the file into Kara's hands. Seeing the small girl hold the large folder made Davis smile. The document was so large it obscured the lower half of Kara's face. “I think it might be important, but someone who can read it needs to look over it. Maybe you can?” He patted Kara on the head. “If you can't, I'm sure you'll find someone who can. Then you can tell me all about your discovery later.” Perfection started to walk towards the ER room where Calvin was waiting. Or perhaps recovering was the right word? “Please don't talk to Quill.”

As if on cue, Quill stormed out of the strange room and made fast steps towards the patient's quarters. She was likely going back to her room.


Shona observed Damyon's list. The knight hadn't expected the poet to posses such powers of observation. She actually had to shake off her surprise before responding. “I believe I may have found something that relates to the origins of the robots, at least the carnage sisters.” Shona looked at the magazine. “However, I'll need some time with it to see if there's anything worthwhile inside.” Shona approached the corner of a table. The knight took a white bookmark and started to scribble notes on the back of it with a nearby pen. “I think you are correct with your observation of our efforts, but I don't think much can be done about it. Because our movements and what's available to us is so limited, we do not have the option to pick the mysteries we wish to focus on. We can only work with what is available to us. I do, however, think it is wise to take our numbers and give them specific tasks instead of expecting everyone to work on everything.” Shona stopped writing and lifted the book mark up to her face for closer inspection. “Is is that what you were suggesting?” Shona Placed the bookmark in Damyon's book. It was a note much like the one he had written. Shona's handwriting was neat and almost looked like fine calligraphy.


FACT: We appear to be in Axis Mundi hospital, or a mock up.
OBSERVATIONS: While the floor we have access to is certainly laid out like Axis Mundi, it looks old and abandoned. Some of the rooms appear to be altered. The most apparent areas are the clean room that was made into a laundromat, and the study, which looks like it was formerly a bookstore.
QUESTIONS: If this is Axis Mundi, why has no one come to rescue us? If it isn't, why is so much effort being put into making us think that it is?


“Just an observation of my own. While we should definitely stay focused on one mystery at a time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep track of all of them. The robots also don't look like they were made with Axis Mundi's medical technology, but I don't think that will remain a secret once I've looked through this.” Shona lifted up the magazine again. “I have a few other places I wish to investigate. I'll return to my room shorty. If either of you need me, I will be there. Fare thee well.” Shona approached the stack of books she had amassed while inspecting the study. It was only now the knight realized that even she could not carry a stack so large. So Shona instead pulled out some of the more relevant materials, as well as Mondatta's gift, before leaving the study.

Once outside though, Shona could hear the sound of music. More specifically, a piano. It was faint, but it got louder as Shona walked towards the theater. To her knowledge there wasn't anyone who could play the piano. Had the Infinite pianist made an appearance, or maybe this was monokuma's idea of a prank? Once Shona confirmed the music was coming out of the theater, the knight placed her books on the floor so that he could keep a a hand on the hilt of her wooden sword. With her free hand, she shoved the door open and prepared for the worst. However, there were no evil horse riding robots or plush bears. At the back of the theater, She could see Felix was the one playing the enchanting tune. This was certainly a surprise. This just proved how little they all really knew about each other. Who would suspect that the Infinite Free Runner could also play an instrument so well. While it was originally her intention to study the magazine back in her room, this seemed like a more relaxing atmosphere. Shona took a seat and started to go through her reading material, not wanting to disturb Felix's performance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Someone was moving through the room addressing everyone, Aleecia had never been formally introduced, so she couldn't really place who he was. Definitely a man older than her, he walked through the crowd talking when he suddenly put a hand on her shoulder, making her twitch a little. Aleecia wasn't touched that often and when she was, she was usually expecting it. Aleecia almost giggled when she was called graceful, remembering all the times she had tripped or fallen in the past, but that wasn't exactly something to bring up on a first meeting. Before she could say anything else, the man was heading off to talk to some other person.

The smaller girl mentioned the man, she had heard the name Davis before on the television when they first arrived, but she couldn't place who he was. It had already been a day since she had heard the sweetly sick sounding voice over the speakers. All the other Infinites' had said he looked like a black and white stuffed animal bear, curiouser and curiouser...

After giving her a heartfelt word of concern, Kara disappeared to go do some exploring. Aleecia couldn't help but ponder what to do now. While the area was a little bit like the hospital that the blind woman was so accustomed to, there was also too many unknowns for her to deal with. There weren't anyone that she recognized by voice or footsteps left in the room, all her already known allies were exploring. She pondered what she should-

"Hi Aleeeciaaa!~" Someone called out to her with a higher joyful and enthusiastic voice, which you wouldn't expect to hear in a captive situation like this one. Her hand was taken, in what Aleecia could only think of as a handshake, so she shook it. Aleecia's face lit up when the game's name came up, "I haven't played it in a long time, but that's one of my favorite games! How many years has it been..." She started to count on her fingers out of habit, even if she couldn't see them, "Anyway, I used to play the game a lot when I could see, but I haven't read the braile rules before. Have you played it lately?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caora Uan Artzain

The Spider seemed... too nice. Criminals usually didn't treat their accusers with kindness. They certainly didn't return hostages without getting something out of it. Caora looked to his furry friend for help.

"You think he did it..?" he asked Fang. He received a glassy stare for his trouble.

"I agree." he nodded. Fang was right, they had nothing solid to go on. They'll find the answer to their mystery later.
"Alright Mister Spider" he chirruped, suddenly on his feet and taking his new friend by the hand. "Let's go check out the break room!"

Hand in hand, they skipped down the halls, eyes open for wild streamers. That Mary was a dangerous one. She could be anywhere... watching... waiting... ready to pounce at any given moment. His red eyes scanned the corridors, looking for that familiar red hair, the bouncy voice, the great big...tracts of land.

"♪Reach for the stars, reach so high~♪"

Skip, skip, skip. The little lunatic pranced through the hallways of the hospital like a spring footed doe. Of course, there were more people than Mary and the Spider. (Good name for a rock band, that). There was that... girl, and the other girl. And the big guy and the politics guy and that poet guy....


GOSH DARN IT! How could he have been such a dunce! Poet guy would like a book, surely!? He didn't know the name, but he knew the face!

"How silly ARE we!?" he exclaimed in desperation. What would a spider want with a book? He'd just eat it or something! But a POET! Of HECKING course he would enjoy it! Poetry was only a step away from books, after all.

Realising his mistake, the boy tore away at top speed, Fang in hand, looking for this Poet. In his haste, he left behind the probably very confused Shaun... As well as the book he was supposed to be giving to said poet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Calvin hadn't fully recovered his breath before Davis made an appearance. “Oh good, you're here.” Perfection didn't sound exactly happy about it. “Hey, what the hell is the matter with you? Did you see a ghost?” He rubbed the back of his own head. “Not that I wouldn't believe you at this point...”

There was a lengthy pause, as Calvin swallowed. His mind was whirling, though he hadn't expected it to have such an outward effect on his appearance. "Good to see you, Gallo." There was no way in hell he was going to call him "Perfection." He turned to face Gallo. "Just thought I heard some sounds from inside the ER." He pointed at the door to the Emergency room, though his mind was on the crematorium sitting behind him. It wasn't a great lie, but he didn't expect Perfection to pick up on it.

“Well, 'I' didn't hear anything.” Davis reached for the door handle and placed his hand on the knob. Instead of twisting it open, he just eyed it up before releasing it again. “The acoustics are really strange in here.” He nodded to himself. “Yea, I'm sure you just heard me shut the door to the other room, no need to get startled.” Davis smiled. “That's definitely what it was.” His eyes shifted onto Calvin. “You should open that door and clear your mind though.”

His ruse succeeding, Calvin felt a bit of colour return to his cheeks. Calvin's eyebrows arched. "Wow. Davis 'Perfection' Gallo, cowed by the thought of the ghost." Still, he looked like one himself, and rubbed the back of his neck to wipe off the sweat. He walked towards the door, pushing him aside as he reached out to the handle. As soon as Calvin twisted the knob, he heard a loud bang from the door. The sound caused Calvin to stumble back a few inches. But when he looked to see what the sound was, it was apparent Davis had slammed his hand over the edge of the door. The sound normally wouldn't have startled Calvin so much, but his distracted thoughts made him a bit more susceptible to being surprised.

“Hold on.” Davis pointed at the door with his free hand. “What did it sound like to you?”

"Uh." This had been a bad idea from the start. "Like,a bat or something. Like, little squeaking sounds and rattling, cause they're blind and shit. It was running into stuff?" He wasn't looking at Davis. "What does it matter? It was probably bullshit."

“Bullshit?” Davis grit his teeth. “You think waking up in an elevator to a bloody message, listening to the ramblings of a mechanical bear, and getting guided around by mechanical dolls riding horses around a hospital is bullshit?!”Perfection blinked, and his mood changed. “That actually does sound pretty out there.” Calvin nodded, pulling up his gauntlets slightly. Davis stepped back in front of the door. “Very well, I will open the door for you. Only because I’d hate for something to happen to you on my watch. It probably wasn't paranormal anyway.” Although Calvin couldn't see Davis's face, he could see his head bob up and down in a nod. “It definitely wasn't paranormal. However!” He shook his finger. “If we're going to work together, I want you to know your boundaries. Do not, Shove me away, Again.” Without another word, Davis opened up the door.

Boundaries. Of course a guy like Davis would have 'boundaries'. Still, there was an aura of competence that surrounded the man, and Calvin wasn't sure if his own mettle could match it. He let the comment go, and looked inside the completely dark room. Calvin reached out to flick on a light. "Let there be- Fuck me!" As the lights flashed on, Calvin saw in the center of the room a corpse, lying on a metal table. Thinking the game had started, he walked over to the table, wondering who had been here and who could have broken so easily. However, as he approached the body. "Fuck." Calvin wiped his brow, sighing deeply. He stood silent for a few moments, then shoved the corpse off the table, swearing loudly. It flopped on the ground, and Calvin, after a moment's pause, began to chuckle. "Dr. Killgood, and his magic bag of bullshit!"

Davis hadn't taken two steps inside the room before he started flinging open every cabinet door he came across. “It looks like they're pretty well stocked in here. Everything from muscle relaxants, to defibrillators, to plasma, and everything in between.” After his preliminary search of the cupboards, he turned his attention to the body. “Hmm?” Davis approached it. Once the blanket had been thrown off the top of it, it was quite evident it wasn't a real. There were black dotted lines going up and down the dummy, showing where certain organs were located and where to best make incisions. “I don't think this was just a prank. I think there might be a really good reason for this to be here actually.” Davis picked up the dummy and placed it back on the table. He continued to examine the dummy with a hand on his chin. “You wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you?”

Calvin shook his head. "You think I carry that shit around?" He paused. "Might be a good idea, in here, actually." He took a glance around the room. Davis had rummaged through cabinets quickly, but there had to be something to cut open this plastified cadaver. He glanced at the table upon which the dummy had been laid, and noticed an average-sized scalpel that had been laid underneath the body. He lifted it up, pricking the tip of his finger with it. "This might work!" He said, extending his arm to offer the scalpel. "Don't cut yourself."

The older gentleman tugged the scalpel out of Calvin's hands and started to make incisions. “So I have to ask, which one are you going after?”

"Going after?" Calvin's first thought was of murder, and was about to run out of the room, but there was a grin on Davis' face, worsened by his dissection of the dummy. "Wait. Are you fucking serious? Jesus dude, we just met them."

Davis raised an eyebrow. "Your point?"

Still, hearing Davis's thoughts on the other Infinites could be useful. "I've been worried about shit, but- I mean, Shona's alright. And she has alcohol, the quickest route to my heart."

Davis stroked his chin. "Ah, the infinite Knight? Good choice. I wish Shona would wear something a bit more telling of her shape, but I do genuinely like her. Maybe if she wasn't so stern we'd have more fun.” After making an incision in the dummy's leg, Davis reached inside. “Haven't seen much of Krista, but she looks like a scatter brain. I like my girls to have something on the ball, you know? Though my judgment of her remains open."

Calvin sighed deeply. "Krista's straight fucked. All she does is pun. Does she even play the violin?"

"I presume so?" Davis shrugged, still feeling around inside the dummy. "I'm striking Kara off my list for obvious reasons. Which is a shame, because I don't think anything can beat a dessert chef as a partner. She will make a young man very happy. If only she weren't a child...” Davis pulled his hand out of the dummy's leg. Between his fingers was a hand full of cotton. He started to make another incision, this time on the stomach. “I have no use for Quill, too bitchy. Mary is under judgment, but I think it can work. Though she could stand to ditch some of her jewelry. I wouldn't mind seeing her without the dress either.” Davis reached into the stomach and, with a sigh, retracted an empty hand. “...And Rika scares me. If I die in here, it will be because of that toilet pappered abomination. Aleecia seems nice, if a bit quiet."

Calvin felt his throat catch. "Stay the fuck away from that girl. Aleecia's got enough to deal with, man." He wasn't sure what was provoking this defense, but he looked directly at Davis, unflinching.

Perfection stared back at Calvin. His hand trembled, but he kept a firm grip on the cutting instrument. Calvin could hear a low grow from Davis, something akin to a tiger preparing to strike. "Rika made that mistake." Davis walked around the operating table, allowing the scalpel to screech as its blade was dragged across the stainless steel table. "She also wanted to stand between me and my conquest. That bitch made me very angry when she did that." Davis was beyond the table and walking straight towards Calvin. "But I was able to forgive her because I knew she was just a foolish child. You don't have that excuse." Davis was standing just a few feet away from Calvin now. "But... That's why we're having this discussion, right?" Davis smiled gleefully and placed a hand on Calvin's shoulder. "Was that so hard? You don't want Shona, she's too old for you. Us guys want a lady that's just a bit younger than us. Clearly Aleecia is what your heart really yearns for." He placed the scalpel in Calvin's hand before walking past him. "I couldn't find anything, I guess I was wrong." He said before continuing out the door.

Calvin gripped the cold scalpel firmly, taking in deep breaths. He had half a thought to try and throw a punch at Davis, but the man was clearly deranged. All the more reason to figure out how to take advantage of the crematorium. For now, he pocketed the scalpel and swallowed before raising his voice. "Guess that's it then." Calvin walked over to the door, taking one look over the room, with the dissected dummy near its center. When he stepped out of the ER, he could see Davis wasn't quite done with the hospital yet.

"Now you must admit." Davis shook his finger at the crematorium. "This being here is very odd." Perfection was looking at his E-handbook. "A crematorium? and it's all locked up." Davis swiped his handbook through the reader, only to have it return with a sharp beep. "Why do you suppose that is?"

Did he know? There was something wrong with Davis, but he had been discrete about Alexanderia's handbook. He gestured to the sign. "No sickies allowed." He said aloud. "Maybe that has something to do with it?" Calvin made special care to pull out his regular handbook, and swiped it. Only Alexandria's would work. "Who knows why. Maybe something to do with the Night of Carnage? Or because they'll be using it for us, if one of us kick the can."

Davis looked at his own E-handbook, then at Calvin's. After his eyes darted back and forth between them a few times, he started to chuckle. “The thought of a bunch of robots needing E-handbooks to get around here is kind of amusing. I wonder if they would be any different than ours?” Davis stashed away his handbook in his vest. “Anyway, I'm a bit explored out, I think I'm going to go back to my room. I'll avoid Aleecia as best as I can.” Davis gave Calvin a wave without looking before starting to walk off.

"Perfection?" Davis paused a moment, and Calvin clenched his fists. "You were talking about boundaries earlier. Same rules on my end. Don't fucking touch me." Knowing the effect such a comment would have, Calvin slid the scalpel out of his pocket. He cocked an eyebrow.

Davis didn't stop moving, but he did look over his shoulder with a gaze cold enough to see one's breath in. “I won't, unless you give me a reason to.” He made a turn and disappeared behind a corner.

@BrokenPromise @Aewin @Pudding @AimeChambers @Ariamis @Spriggs27
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Shaun Ellen

~ Abandoned ~

Shaun, for the most part, was slightly unnerved by the way Caora held his hand as they walked. While the boy was... Nice... His grip, and the way he skipped and sang, caused a bit of discomfort - especially since he wasn't the mopst social of peoples. Held down by his side, in his right hand grip, sat the book the trap had brought to him. Why were they bringing this...

He went to think, until Caora alerted him to the reason. The poet... Daimyon, right? That was a pretty clever idea, actually. He held the book within reading range, noting what the blurb said about the way the story was written. A poetry-prose hybrid? That did seem like something the Infinite Poet might enjoy.

He looked down to his side, where Caora was, and went to compliment him on the idea. Except... H-he was gone!? How?! His eyes realligned to the corridor they were walking down, and landed upon the bu- BACK! - of the boy; running off around a corner with a trail of dust shortly behind.

Running as fast as his little feet could carry him, the short boy scampered along the hospital floor - Fang in hand - the only thing on his mind at the time being the Infinite Poet, Daimyon Londe. He barelled past the elevator, and the blood seal, turning the corner and locking onto the open door of the Break Room. From what he saw, the Poet wasn't in there. Not that he looked for very long, but what did that matter? He obviously wasn't in there! Why would someone so creative waste his time and breath in somewhere like the breakroom, when he could be in the... The...

Oh, maybe there was a library! Of course! Where else would he go? I mean, he CARRIED his own book around! Sure, it was a pretty small book... But size didn't matter! Not when it was related to Caora and Fang, at the least.

Breaking for the next corner, he ran his way into the hospital and made his way to the first door he saw. It was... The Reception Desk? It looked like it... Opening the door, a disappointed expression crossed his generally smiling face due to the lack of Poet. Then, almost as quickly as it changed, it returned to normal. What was he thinking? Of COURSE the Poet wouldn't be in somewhere like the Reception Desk! He was gonna be in that library, as first thought!

The boy would have continued, and indeed he went to do so, but before he did Caora's eyes laid upon something sat to the side. It was a microphone, and some odd computer equipment... Taking a step towards it, his hands fell upon the buttons and switches that adorned the metal and plastic casing.

"What do you think it is, Fang?" he said; glancing down at the Sheep he kept held closely. Lifting it up against his ear, he listened for a second before holding him in front of his face and smiling.
"My thoughts exactly! Maybe its an Intercom!

Looking it over from top to bottom after placing Fang on the desk beside him, the boy became increasingly frustrated. Every second, his cheeks puffed out slightly, until, finally, his face was creased with an angry pout. Clenching his fist, he raised it and slammed it down on the casing.
"Why wont you work?!" Caora exclaimed; randomly flicking switches, pressing buttons, and turning dials until he was blue in the face.

"Faaaaang, I cant do it... It wont work! Its broken!" taking a step back, he gave the machine an aggressive stare. The people who worked in the hospital must have been really daft. Who would keep around a broken PA system? They could have at least fixed it before the new patients came in! What if somebody wanted to make an announcement!? Like Caora?!

Then, he looked off to the side, at Fang.
"Huh? Whad'ya mean, press that button?" with a confused look, he stepped up and pressed it as hard as he could. As soon as the circular button was pushed in, the machine turned on and the lights began to glow. The sound of the microphone coming online echoed through the small Reception room.

As soon as it did, the speakers it was connected to started up as well, and the cute, light voice of the Infinite Trap could be heard everywhere.

"You're a genius, Fang! We did it! Wait, is it already on?! U-um... Mr Poet! I'm Caora, and we found a book you might like! Its called... Its called... Wait, what do you mean you dont have it?! Fang! You didn't bring it?! U-uh-oh... Do you think Mr Spider still has it..? A-anyway, where are you? Can we talk to each other over this thing? Hello? Poet? Oh, we cant? O-okay, well... Bye!" and with that, and a slightly flustered expression, he pressed the button and disabled the intercom.

"I think that went well. Right?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Daimyon's hastily scribbled idea went down surprisingly well—so much that Shona decided to build onto it a bit by adding another entry to the plan and suggesting that they showed it to everyone else sometime later to split and organise the group's tasks better. For a moment the poet imagined what would have happened if she had not reached for a separate bookmark and instead had written straight into his notebook: for no one has done so yet in all the time he carried it with himself. And that was a lot of time. He could not quite remember when he acquired the notebook, only that it has been years and that he kept it with him through every single day. Not like he would have minded Shona being the honorary writer to break the tradition—her handwriting was beautiful.

These were but momentary thoughts before he snapped back into reality by the knight's farewell. Ever the busy lady—with a mind not as prone to plunge down the rabbit hole as the poet's—, she left to investigate other places. Daimyon wished her good luck, then went back to his own search. Equipped with a whole bunch of concrete questions to answer, he hoped his next round around the library would turn up similarly concrete results this time...

It did not. That is not to say it was completely fruitless—he found a book titled ‘Roads Less Travelled’, authored by none other than Tekhartha Mondatta, the Infinite Monk who was scouring through his amassed books on the other side of the room. Daimyon let out a hearty chuckle at the find. What a small world. He read into the book: it was about new outlooks and perspectives on Zen Buddhism, written for people who otherwise did not have the time to absorb such teachings. The main claim was that anyone could find their inner peace, it was only a question of finding the right method. The poet did not consider himself religious and knew very little about Buddhism, but the premise alone made him happy that the book existed. And that its author was among them!

Naturally he brought the book over to him, just to show as a finding.
“Looks like your fame reached far and wide, my friend,” he said. “Well-deserved, I say!”

He wondered if he was going to find one of his own books in the expansive library. He did not have many, truth be told. The largest obstacle keeping him from putting together collections was the fact that he wrote everything in his notebook and reorganising and copying them into a book format that could be sent for editing was something he has simply never found the time and energy for. He much preferred to attend literary gatherings, readings, events where he could interact with wonderful people and find the next dose of inspiration.
In a twisted way, the above description fit his current situation as well. He was locked in with more than a dozen bright and talented personalities, each driven by different motives but working towards the same goals. It did not get much more inspiring than that!

He would have likely stuck around in the library and read some of the books he picked out were it not for a sudden and distinct ring coming from the open area of the resort. After an ear-splitting few seconds the static cleared and a voice rose to address...Daimyon?

“U-um... Mr Poet! I'm Caora, and we found a book you might like!”

“What the...Caora?” he could only utter this much in surprise. First thing's first, he was not aware of an intercom system existing outside of the monitors Monokuma used. Second, it was even stranger that the little boy was the first one to find and use it.

“Wait, what do you mean you dont have it?! Fang! You didn't bring it?! U-uh-oh...”

“Any idea where he could broadcast from?” He turned towards Mondatta, then let out a small sigh. “Looks like I'll have to find him. To you I leave the rest, friend, and I wish you the best.”

“Can we talk to each other over this thing? Hello? Poet?”

At the fountain again, Daimyon looked around as Caora's last words went down and a crack signed the end of his ‘message’. Last time he saw the boy was when they carried Isaiah; he was at someone else's room then, close to the resort entrance. That was still his best bet.

Stepping through the gate again, he found not Caora but another person—Shaun. He caught the web designer in the exact moment he was going through his door. He called after him, which understandably startled the young man. His expression gave off a timid ‘leave me alone’ vibe, and the poet almost felt bad for stopping to talk with him.

“Shaun! I don't mean to interrupt, but do you know by any chance where Caora went? It appears that he wants to see me...”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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Melo I am a hedgehog!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Royal sceptre
A golden rod adorned by a variety of gemstones. An item fit only to be wielded by the greatest of monarchs.

Cyrus took a few moments to examine the item that had somehow worked its way out of the strange machine.The object was about the size of his arm, and definitely more expensive-looking than anything he ever had the pleasure of holding in his hands. It was hard to think this was essentially his payment for some legal advice… to a homicidal teddy bear. Somehow, he figured this might the most ordinary thing that would happen in this place. He kept inspecting the item as he walked further, intending to explore a different area now. Why had such an object been in a machine like that in the first place? He would hold onto this to present to the rest later. Perhaps if others collected these coins from Monokuma, they could get items that could aid them in this place. It was a small hope, but better than nothing.

The first time Cyrus really looked away was when he noticed what was essentially an enormous hole in the wall of the hospital. He stood still, gawking for a bit. Was this always here? He couldn’t remember. The politician actually didn’t visit Axis Mundi that often, so it was very possible. He then averted his eyes slightly to the side to read ‘Aladdin's Palace’ on the plaque next to it. Cyrus scratched his head before shrugging and taking a few steps in. Who knows what he could find? Perhaps even an exit? No, he wouldn’t be that lucky.

The politician managed to only peek inside the darkness for a little before he could hear another voice from entrance. He turned around with a shrug. If he was going to explore this place, it probably would be better with company. As he heard the female’s voice voice her thoughts, he felt inclined to talk as he stepped out of the darkness.
“I was thinking exactly the same thing. As to why there would be an actual damn cave here, your guess is as good as mine.”
Cyrus kept up his dignified appearance as he talked, despite the somewhat overly dramatic appearance. Yet, leaving a lasting first impression was perhaps more important than anything else they would discuss.

The blonde woman jolted at the his sudden appearance from behind the shadows of the cave. She let out an embarrassing squeal of surprise as her head snapped towards his direction with a hand pressed against her chest to calm her undoubtedly racing heart. She stared at him for a moment as if she were trying to confirm to herself that she was in no danger, before narrowing her eyes at herself. “Eeee?” She shook her head. “God, I’ve really hit rock bottom now…” She didn’t seem to notice the pun that had slipped past her lips in the midst of everything.

There was another moment of silence as she took the time to calm back down. Only when she felt like she could, she spoke again. “Is the dramatic entrance really necessary, Mister bis— Brandon.” She smoothly recovered. She looked sheepish, but laughed to herself as if she was sharing an inside joke with, well, herself. She remained polite, though relaxed as she looked around the cave once more.

When she remembered the plate of sandwiches still in her possession, Krista offered one to the taller man. Cyrus took the offered sandwich, thanking the blonde for the offer as Krista continued to question Cyrus.

“As for the cave… why is this necessary? I mean, if the goal was to lock us up to have us kill each other, then surely this cave isn’t an escape.” She looked puzzled, an expression that never left her face since she had stepped into Aladdin’s Palace whilst exploring the resort. “WAIT! What if this is another death trap!?” Her eyes then widened, and she took a step back.

Cyrus only slightly rose his brow at her pun, and her nearly calling him a bishi ”Cyrus will be fine. You are… Krista Müller, correct?” He briefly showed her a gentle smile. ”It is a pleasure to meet you.” He threw his sceptre from his right hand into his left, before extending his hand to Krista.

Krista nodded, stepping forward once again to extend her hand out for him in return, the plate held tightly in her other hand. “Nice to know you as something other than the bishi contender of the year, eh?” She chuckled weakly, hoping that humour would help her in this situation. “Right, sorry, I’ll stop that.”

His face then turned back into something more business-like as he focussed to the matter at hand. ”Anyway, I sincerely doubt the cave holds something that significant. However, I think it is wise to explore our every possibility… quite literally.” He then turned to the cave. This place might hold something useful. A clue, perhaps? I doubt the bear had intended it as a death trap. He seemed quite fixated on us killing each other.” He paused for a few seconds. ”I would very much welcome some company.”

She hummed in agreement. What Cyrus said made sense, but Krista still didn’t have a pleasant expression on her face. “It won’t happen,” she said, as if trying to convince herself. “We’ll all get out of here alive, there’s no need for anyone to die.” She paused, as if just realising how serious she sounded. She laughed again, waving a hand as if to clear the air before continuing. “Investigate the cave for a clue? Alright! Now my hours of rewatching Scooby Doo will finally be worth it!” With a new spring in her steps, Krista bounded forward deeper into the dimly lit caves. “If we can find a clue that helps us escape, then I don’t even need to look for that music room!”

Cyrus wasn’t as optimistic as she was regarding the chances of everyone getting out alive. It only took one, and that wasn’t a lot to ask for in situations like these. ”Scooby Doo?” Cyrus repeated, then sighing as he understood what she meant. ”I’d appreciate it if you didn’t compare our situation to a children's’ cartoon.” He took his first steps into the cave, gesturing to Krista to follow. ”I understand that you’re the infinite violinist and all, but I feel the music room would be a bit lower on the priority list.”

Krista made a face at his serious demeanor. Sure, the situation they were in wasn't the best, but what was the point of surviving if you couldn't have a positive outlook on things? "You took that the wrong way, I meant that I could finally be of use for once." Didn't matter, the joke was already ruined. She followed behind, shrugging when Cyrus gave his opinion about the music room. “It's not a big priority, no." She agreed. "But should we not find an escape route today, I figured we might have something to look forward to." Krista crossed her arms against her chest, looking around the cave as they walked further inside.

Cyrus shrugged slightly in response. “There are many ways to be useful besides collecting evidence. In your case, I feel you're more of a moodmaker? With the puns and all.” He told her as they entered the dark caves. “Don't underestimate the use of that. Even if you never know it, it might save some lives.” He flashed a grin instead of the usual, serious looks.

The inside of the cave was somehow less scary than the evil, robot-filled hospital they had come from. And as they walked, they encountered a surprising amount of colors coming in the form of a varied assortment of rocks and crystals. Despite the dark and eerie undertones, Cyrus could not help but appreciate the beauty this place offered.

The grin took Krista by surprise, her movement pausing momentarily as she tried to recall what caused the buzz kill to suddenly smile. Maybe it was the politician charm, but it caused Krista to smile. “Well, I have plenty of jokes, though I can’t exactly promise quality.” She then hastened her steps so she was ahead of Cyrus, turning to face him whilst walking backwards in front of him.

“Okay, so I got this one. Tell me what you think... Why did the penguins cross the road?” Krista waited for a moment to lt Cyrus think about it, before answering. “To go with the floe.”

Ba dum tss.

A beat later, the smile died as she scratched her cheek awkwardly. “Though it didn’t work as well for the penguins I watched on that documentary that one time…” She added.

Cyrus swore he could hear a cicada’s chirp through the silent cave after she made that pun. He had been happy before when she seemed to cheer up, but he indeed had to question her talent as a comedian. “... So… what happened to the penguins?” He asked, somewhat awkwardly, to keep some kind of conversation going as they leisurely walked further through the cave.

No response to the joke? Tough crowd. Krista brushed it off, as the conversation steered from her comedic ability to the documentary she mentioned. “Well,” she dragged out the word, making an unpleasant expression on her face as she tried to find the best way to tell him about the documentary. “I watched a documentary that showed a snippet into the lives of penguins living off some island I can't pronounce, and at one point we were shown the penguins jumping off the cliff to get into the water and get food. That was cool, looked like spring breakers having fun. Well, if we ignore the misjumps and pain…” She winced at the memory. “But the worst part was when the penguins got the food, but had to get back up the cliff back to their young. They had to ride the current and jump onto the cliff at the right moment but... well, the water was too rough and some died… Let’s just say I did not like that ending, even if seeing the penguins making it home to their babies was the sweetest sight ever.”

“That's… huh.” Cyrus said, momentarily perplexed at the shift the conversation had taken. “I guess that is the way of nature. Though I can imagine the portrayal must've been very… disheartening.” He has a rough time trying to find his way in this conversation. “But all we have to do is be the surviving penguins, right?” He said, laughing a little at the ridiculousness of the statement, despite its truth.

“Yeah!” Krista cheered, agreeing with the ridiculously hopeful statement. “We should strive to be the penguins that survive the wave and go home to their young… or... er, family in some of our cases.” Krista then turned back around to walk normally beside Cyrus.

Cyrus chuckled at the violinist. “indeed, we just have to survive.” He answered. “Whatever happens, we just simply have to. Options must present themselves eventually.” He felt himself also growing slightly more confident at the statement. It was then that they hit a dead end. Cyrus sighed a little. “Well, at least we confirmed there's no clues here.”

Cyrus’s hopeful statements made Krista grin brightly, at least until they reached the dead end. Krista deflated at the lack of clues. “O-boe-y.” She looked around, disappointedly. “Will it be too much to ask for a secret trap door in here somewhere? That's usually what happens in Scooby Doo.” To make her point, she approached the wall to touch a crystal protruding from the rocks, carefully balancing the plate of sandwiches in her other hand. When nothing happened, she looked at Cyrus from over her shoulder. “Yeeeeeeaah there's nothing. Let's head back, maybe we’ll find something on our way out.”

Cyrus waved dismissively at Krista as she checked for secret trap doors. “We’d have to literally check every nook and cranny of this cave for something that might not even be there. We have no reason to.” He then lead the girl out of the cave. As they walked, they could hear a somewhat muffled voice speaking over the intercom, which was not that audible from within the cave. However, Cyrus managed to pick up it was nothing of import.

The closer they walked towards the entrance to the cave, the louder the voice appeared on the intercom. Krista’s ears perked, but realised it wasn’t relevant for her. “I suppose you’re right then.” Krista gave up on her mission to find a secret entrance, keeping pace with the politician. “Then what if I suggest we return to the lounge? I…. got way too many sandwiches and I’m getting a little tired holding this plate.” She sheepishly asked, raising it slightly to bring attention to the many sandwiches still on her plate. “Hell, maybe some have returned from their own investigations and found some clue outta here.”

Cyrus simply nodded in response. It was all Krista needed, smiling once again. “Off we go to meet with the rest of the penguins of Axis Mundi! Hopefully they might have some good news for us!” Krista laughed cheerfully as the two headed back to the lounge together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~ The Charm of a Poet ~

Shaun scratched his head and sighed, sinking his chin into his scarf slightly so no one could correctly identify the disappointment and confusion on his face. The Infinite Trap was a significant bundle of energy, that was for sure. Someone as shy as Shaun never had a hope of keeping up with him.

Turning back, book still in hand, he began to make his way back to his room. It didn't take long for him to reach door. The pair barely made it twenty feet down the corridor before Caora had bolted. Gripping the handle and turning it, he took a step inside, but took a second to listen in as static erupted from the speakers lining the corridor. Once it died down, the voice of the aforementioned Caora resonated around the hospital. Glancing down, a slight smirk creased his hidden lips at the way he had utterly neglected to bring along with him the very book he intended to give to the poet.

As the transmission ended, he finally went to enter his room, but was promptly stopped in his tracks by the very man Caora had wished to see. Daimyon Londe, Infinite Poet. Shaun had never been very good at poetry. He had tried, but creating meaningful stories and strong rhymes had always managed to escape him. Though, knowing his own Infinite talent, Daimyon likely felt the same way about coding.
“Shaun! I don't mean to interrupt, but do you know by any chance where Caora went? It appears that he wants to see me...”

He remembered his name? He wasn't entirely expecting that, since they had never formally met. Stepping out, he closed the door behind him.
"Y-you aren't interrupting anything. Caora went..." he took a second to point down the hallway; back towards the elevators and break room, "Th-that way. He wanted to give you this, but... Y-yeah..." holding up the book, he took a step towards him and held it out.

"I-I suppose I'm meant to k-kill you now, h-huh." Shaun joked, letting him take the book if he did so, "U-um... Is there anything we should know? C-Caora and I... W-we can go and get him, and, like... R-regroup with the others, or..." he trailed off, not really sure where he was going with that train of thought. All of the other Infinites seemed pretty clever, so chances were they had something planned. He didn't really want to be left out if at all possible, and he wouldn't have wanted Caora to be the only one who wasn't able to come with them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Shona found studying the magazine with felix's music was quite soothing. Well, as soothed as one could be while reading about a killing game involving state of the art American military robots. When the night was done, she looked at a clock that was conveniently hanging on a wall over the theater's exit.

“Noon already?” The knight rose to her feet. She would have to grab Felix and head back for the evening meeting.

It did not take long for everyone to show up at the break room. Well, almost everyone. Mason Bradly and Quill Kennedy were not present. Quill had locked herself in her room, and Mondatta was unable to convince her to come out. However, Mason was able to talk his way into her room, insisting that they would join up with the others in due time. Mondatta had no choice but to respect Bradly's agreement and attend the meeting without them.

Ice appeared to be well, which was a load off everyone's shoulders. After his fainting spell, Rika, Felix, Daimyon, and Krista managed to move him into his room where he could recover. While he had wanted to do some exploring, it was too late, and he got sucked into this lame meeting instead. Rika... could be very persistent.

Mary hadn't gotten around much, but she did go on an adventure of sorts. She gave mead to a real knight, chased an adorable trap, and found herself chatting away the morning with Aleecia. They had only stopped because of the arrival of a special guest... Caora!

While Boobie lady was quite happy to see Caora, the feeling wasn't mutual. He had spent most of his morning trying to crack an important case with Fang, but the looming titty abomination tried to hold him back at every corner. Thankfully Poem guy and Mr Spider were there to keep him safe during this meeting.

Once everyone was settled down, everyone was able to discuss their discoveries. Mondatta had spent most of his time in the study, which appeared to have once been a library or a book store. He had discovered some interesting reading material, but nothing that pertained to their situation. Mondatta honored his word to Davis, and did not say a single thing about his earlier reveal.

Krista mentioned that she had wandered inside the cave with Cyrus, but didn't really find anything interesting. Just that the presence of a cave was kind of strange. She picked up a burger that was eating for lunch and mentioned that she “relished the fact that Cyrus mustard the strength to ketchup” but that “They were in quite the pickle” and “She had a beef with their situation.” But “mayo someone else found something?” At least she hoped, because “that is all sesame!” There were probably more puns, but everyone tuned her out after that last one.

Besides helping move Ice, Felix managed to find a music room! Well, it was actually that creepy theater where the bear first made a live appearance, but there were musical instruments back stage! They could play music now.

Calvin and Kara let Davis explain what was discovered in the hospital side of the tower. The ER was fully functioning, and Davis mentioned that there was a dummy in there but it had no clear use. The Neurology room had some kind of brain scanning device, but everything was in Japanese. There were a few photos of a red haired girl, but the rest couldn't really be deciphered without the help of someone who could translate it.

Cyrus considered how much he wanted to share with everyone about the despairs. Saying too little could hinder future investigations, while saying too much could cause a panic. Shona however was prepared to tell everything. She mentioned the loopholes in the rules that Monokuma himself confirmed, and the possibility that Infinity Initiative or an ally to ultimate despair could be behind their kidnapping. To help show the connections, Shona had grabbed a magazine with Junko in it to show the similarities between the carnage sisters and the fashionista, as well as a magazine detailing certain aspects of the “All American Killing Game.”

Apparently Neo Alexander turned the U.S. Army against the country, largely with the help of its drone armed forces. The carnage sisters looked a lot like the army robots in the way their joints fit together. There was even a cavalry robot that rode on a horse very much like the horses the carnage sisters used. One particular intricacy about the All American Killing Game was that there was a “happy hour.” Contestants in the game would have to avoid being killed by robots for a full hour after midnight every day. There are few details about events that transpired during the killing game documented in the magazine. Only that Neo Alexander's game was beaten, and he actually signaled his robots to open fire on himself to avoid capture. Ultimate despair seemed like a deranged group, and it was a little unsettling that they could be in a like death game. But not nearly as unsettling as the idea that Infinity initiative could have had something like this planned from the start.

Damyon, ever the note taker, was jotting everything down. Sadly, very few answers came out of this meeting, and the ones that did had more questions attached to them. But it was still his task to record all of it. He had also acquired some sort of notebook in the study, but only he had gazed upon its pages, and had yet to crack its secrets.

“Is that everything?” Davis folded his arms.

Shona stood up. “I also wanted to mention that I walked past all the staircases that lead to the higher floors. They're sealed off with metal bars, and there doesn't appear to be a card reader to unlock them. So it seems like we are trapped on this floor for now.”

Davis was tapping his foot, occasionally looking over at Mondatta.

“Was there something YOU wanted to say, Davis?”

“Ehhh...” Davis's eyes scanned everyone in the room. “Well, yes. There's been something on my mind. I think there are some startling details about us, and if left in the dark it could draw a wedge between us later down the line.”

Shona leaned on a table, but used her hand to hold herself upright. “You are going to reveal such a detail about yourself now?”

“Yea...” Davis nodded. “You see, I might be responsible fo-”

Davis was cut off by some static. The monitors were coming alive again. When the static faded, everyone could see one of the carnage sisters. The screen was filled up with an eye and part of a nose. If the massive eye was anything to go by, it was Alexandria “Ohz nohz!” she chirped as the screen came into focus. “Ohz nohz ohz nohz ohz nohz!”

“Get your ass back here!” Geina demanded. “Nobody wants to look at your fuckin' head THAT closely!”

“I agree!” Came the regal voice of Willow. “Stand back so my subjects may bask in my radiant glow!”

“There's only room for three of us.” That forth voice had to be Nariko. “I guess I'll stand off to the side. Not like anyone wants to look at me anyway.”

“Gee, thanks sis!” Alexandria backed away from the camera. It wasn't quite clear where they all were. Well, not to anyone but Calvin. The furnaces gave it away.

Willow's eyebrows squeaked as they crossed on her forehead. “We have initiated this video chat service with the lot of you vagrants because you've managed to anger our father.”

“He's pissed!” Geina's chain guns started to warm up. “And if he's pissed, we're pissed!”

“We are so tinkled off!” Alexandria did her best to look cross, but it was still adorable.

After that, they started to talk over each other. They kept hurling insults and examples of how angry they were. Except Nariko, who just had one endless sigh going during the entire charade. Then there was some more static, and the monitor turned off. Shortly afterwords, a trap door in the floor opened up and out came Monokuma.

“Just a word to you all...” Monokuma said with a growl. “They are adopted. No cub of mine would do something so idiotic as commandeer the camera system without asking for permission!”

The monitor came back on, this time all of the sisters did their best to squeeze into view. “We're sorry Daddy! We'll ask next time!”

“No TV for a week!” The monitor turned off again “Anywho!” Dr. Killgood's mood shifted as soon as he banished his daughters. “They are correct, I am angry with all of you. Whats with this? Trying to figure out my motives? Trying to find a way out? Trying to find... a music room? I've already equipped you with everything you need to get out of here, what's so hard to understand?”

Shona's hand flew over to her wooden sword. “We're infinites. We're not going to break and kill each other on the command of some delusional bear!”

Dr Killgood looked offended at first, but then a low, rumbling chuckle trickled out of him. “So, that's how it's going to be huh?” The bear folded its paws behind its back. “You're all so driven to show your hope, your desire to leave without killing anyone, that you simply won't allow yourselves to despair?” He shook his head. “No, you're definitely feeling despair. I think it's the carnage that you're having difficulty embracing. You're choosing what you perceive to be the weaker of two evils.” The bear nodded. No one spoke up. “In that case, what I need to do is not show you how strong despair is, but how weak your hope is.”

“What's your game, fur-ball?” Davis spoke through grit teeth.

“I'm sure you all know about the night of carnage. It's a very interesting time for you patients. But there's no motive, no... you need more of an incentive for you to go out on the night of carnage. SO!” Monokuma dove into the air and landed on one of the tables. “This time you can show me how strong your hope really is! If you go out during the night of carnage, you can be a hero! That's right, an opportunity to save someone you barely know!” The bear turned to face Rika. “Isn't that great? Don't you want to show everyone how much you care?” Monokuma leaned in closer, his cheeks turning red. “Don't you wanna... Feel my fur against your bare skin... As I pierce you with spears?” Dr Killgood stood up and waddled to the edge of the table. “Welp, I'll see you all later. I hope at least one of you are courageous enough to be a hero, otherwise, someone's going to die tonight.” Monokuma allowed his body to fall forward into an open trap door, which closed once he disappeared from sight.

Shona just stared at the floor where the bear disappeared to. “It's important that we don't panic.” The knight turned to face Davis. “Are you alright? You were going to say something before Monokuma showed up.”

“It's nothing.” Davis placed a hand on his head. “I think I need a break. Shit, my head hurts.” On Davis's way out of the room, he turned his head to look at Rika. “Look, I...” He groaned. “I didn't mean to yell at you earlier. I was nervous and...” He took a deep breath. “I'm...” He groaned again. “I didn't mean to yell at you, okay?” With that, Davis pushed his way out of the break room.

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