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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Edit: Currently changing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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@Lucius Cypher

Okay, myself and @Leos Klien have given your CS a good read. It definitely looks promising, but there are several issues, mainly with his backstory and race.

Firstly, a child's race is decided by his maternal genes, not his paternal. Father's don't really matter, biologically - in the Elder Scrolls Universe, a child will take after their Mother, and the father will be lucky to pass along some characteristics, especially when mixing Men and Mer species. Your character would be an Imperial with an Imperial Mother. However, even if you were to swap the species of his parents, he wouldn't look as you've described. Half-Breeds aren't really a thing in the Elder Scrolls Universe, because again, a lot of what the Father gives is lost (unless it's something like a brunette Nord giving his child his hair colour while his Nord wife is blond). For example, the Gray Prince: Agronak gro-Malog. He looks like a regular Orc, beyond his paler skin - which is a result of his father's vampiric nature, not his human race. So this will need to be changed, as with his appearance; I'm not against making a runt of an Orsimer, as they likely do exist - he'd have all other characteristics of his race though, and certainly wouldn't be confused as anything else.

However, if you are making a runty Orc, 6'3" is a typically large height for an Orc. He'd have to be much shorter to be considered lesser or weaker by other's of his race.

Secondly, a lot of his backstory hinges on his Mother. His stronghold is massacred and he rescued because of his mother, staying in Cloud Ruler Temple because of his mother being a Blade, getting out of a jail sentence because of his mother. The problem there is that his Mother's backstory doesn't work out. Being in service to the Blades is generally a non-retiring job - you stay till you can't fight, whether that's brought with old age, or more likely, death. It stands to reason that one of their number wouldn't be permitted to leave, get married, have a kid, and then be allowed a safe haven when shit hits the fan. If she was in the Blades once, and then fell so madly in love that she left, then that's fine. But she wouldn't be welcomed back. An explanation of why she was at the Stronghold in the first place would be nice too.

Thirdly, his acceptance into the Arcane University. I can tell you right now he wouldn't be admitted, regardless of "Imperial Recommendations". The Guild of Mages is a completely separate entity from the government and guards, and they will not allow anyone inside the University only they have recommendations from each Guild; the purpose of each Recommendation is to prove the individual has an expert grasp of each school of magic, which is necessary for acceptance; they definitely wouldn't take a complete novice either.

Fourthly, the last sentence. "So he went on an adventure." A very vague statement, especially in regards to how he will meet up with our group. Why is he on the road to Kvatch? Surely he had some place in mind to find more research on Levitation magic? On that note, we have found a problem with Levitation magic; no scroll. It's too convenient for his mother to just happen to have one handy, and it would be incredibly foolish of her to give it to him in the very place it was made illegal. Even when you fix his backstory to not including the Arcane University, it's still too convenient. So no Scroll of Levitation. And add something on the end to say how and why he happened across our group coming out of the gate.

Okay, so that's all for the backstory. There are just a few other things to add or change.

  • 'Tis spelled "Atronach", for your Birthsign.
  • He's missing a Class name. Feel free to take one from the game or make up your own; the pre-made name does not have to align with the skills attached to it from the game.
  • About skills: He's able to have much more than that. Also, for someone who spent 7 years with the Imperial Legion, I'd expect to see some skill with weapons, not just archery. As he has a blade, he'll need One-Handed Blade as a skill, or he'll just be ridiculously clumsy with it. They get pretty decent weapons education in the Legion, So he'll have more skills. Stuff like athletics, acrobatics, blunt, you know, round him out to what a guard would be.
  • You've also listed a Destruction spell in his spells section, but it isn't listed as a skill. Please correct this.
  • Self-Immolation, Fenrick's Doorjam, Tinur's Hoptoad, Slowfall and Fire Shield do not appear as usable spells in Oblivion. As we are using only spells used in that specific time, they need to be removed.
  • Your Crossbow: Where did you get it? They're not common, especially not in Cyrodiil. Especially ones "improved" as this one has. It also wouldn't be cheap if one showed up on the market either.
  • Another point about your crossbow: "Can be fired one-handed" and "better penetration power" should not be in the same sentence together. If your crossbow is a regular one, then shooting it one-handed will turn any Master Marksman into a novice in terms of aiming. You cannot aim such a heavy, complicated piece of weaponry effectively with one hand - nor would you be able to reload it with one hand. On the other hand, if this crossbow has been made to be much lighter, and therefore, easier to aim with just one hand, then it certainly would lose a large amount of power and not have better penetration power.
  • An amulet enchanted with "Muffling". I can't see any follower of Malacath having this particular enchantment. Being silent and sneaky would be cowardice in Malacath's eyes, so his followers would avoid such enchantments. Either change the enchantment to something believable, or remove it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Noted. I'm away from my computer right now (on mobile) so I won't be able to do the dots now. A few things I would like to address, though I assure you I'll still fix this.

1. I can try and change it. it'll change the drama but ultimately I think I can make it work out similarly. Stronghold girl who ran away with an Imperial soldier. I'll also adjust his height to be a bit below average for an orc, though most of his "I'm scrawny" image is mostly in his head. Still I'll make him match the image in his head.

2. I could just change his mother into being a high ranking but retired member of the Imperial Legion. Also an orc. Basically she's someone who once was of high authority, like a captain or something.

3. This one might be a bit more difficult. I felt that simply getting into the Arcane University would jut be the easiest way for Malakaus to get something of a magical education. Alternatively could I say that he worked as an apprentice for an enchanter from Morrowind? The enchanter could be a friend of his mother or something. And being from Morrowind could also explain how he even knows about Levitation.

4. And yeah the last sentence is just suppose to be an easy way to explain why he would be found wherever the current plot is. "Off looking for clues about this spell" could lead him anywhere, even to the gates of oblivion. I would say he's heading to kvatch simply because that's where he thinks he can find a lead. He probs wouldn't, but it's a start.

As for the crossbow I'll admit the idea I had for Malakaus is that he fights in heavy armor, uses a spiked shield for offense and defense, and a crossbow he made himself (forgot to mention that tidbit) to have a range option. My other idea is basically a cross between a shield, crossbow, and spear, but I don't know if that seemed too crazy for you.

As for his skills Malakaus knows how to use a sword, yeah, but he's only received basic training. Unlike the others he never actually fought in live combat before as he went to become a smith after basic training instead of benign sent on patrols and fighting bandits and such. He has hand-to-hand skills since that's what he relied on most as a child, and what he continues to rely on as an adult.

And finally as for the amulet it was kinda the point about his father. He was deemed "heretical" by the other orcs, not only for taking a human for a first wife but also for being less macho and more cunning. Of course this doesn't please Malacath, which is why his tribe was attacked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Noted. I'm away from my computer right now (on mobile) so I won't be able to do the dots now. A few things I would like to address, though I assure you I'll still fix this.

1. I can try and change it. it'll change the drama but ultimately I think I can make it work out similarly. Stronghold girl who ran away with an Imperial soldier. I'll also adjust his height to be a bit below average for an orc, though most of his "I'm scrawny" image is mostly in his head. Still I'll make him match the image in his head.

Stronghold Girl and Imperial Father would work very nicely.

2. I could just change his mother into being a high ranking but retired member of the Imperial Legion. Also an orc. Basically she's someone who once was of high authority, like a captain or something.

While an Orc would be allowed to join the Imperial Legion (Mostly because of her boyfriend/husband being a member), it's doubtful she would get to a high rank. You'd be better off having his Father create the influence. If you're killing his father off, then it could be an old family friend of his giving his deceased friend's child a second chance.

3. This one might be a bit more difficult. I felt that simply getting into the Arcane University would jut be the easiest way for Malakaus to get something of a magical education. Alternatively could I say that he worked as an apprentice for an enchanter from Morrowind? The enchanter could be a friend of his mother or something. And being from Morrowind could also explain how he even knows about Levitation.

Turns out the Arcane University is the hardest way to gain a magical education, not the easiest. The Apprentice route is much easier, and works with his backstory well, especially in regards to knowing about Levitation. Still going to have to refuse a Scroll of it though.

4. And yeah the last sentence is just suppose to be an easy way to explain why he would be found wherever the current plot is. "Off looking for clues about this spell" could lead him anywhere, even to the gates of oblivion. I would say he's heading to kvatch simply because that's where he thinks he can find a lead. He probs wouldn't, but it's a start.

I think for someone without much experience out in the real world, it would be very fool-hardy of him to go off without a destination in mind. A suggestion my Co-GM came up with is that he is travelling either to or back from the Mages Guild in Leyawiin. While not a member of the Guild, information and libraries are open to the public. As Leyawiin holds the School of Mysticism (The closest school to Levitation) He may have gone there in search of more information. Either there or back, when he reaches the crossroads between Leyawiin, Kvatch and Imperial City, survivors or onlookers may tell him of the news of what has happen in Kvatch. He may then choose to journey there, and meet up with our group. Mere curiosity is a good enough reason.

As for the crossbow I'll admit the idea I had for Malakaus is that he fights in heavy armor, uses a spiked shield for offense and defense, and a crossbow he made himself (forgot to mention that tidbit) to have a range option. My other idea is basically a cross between a shield, crossbow, and spear, but I don't know if that seemed too crazy for you.

Going to say "no" to making his own crossbow. Too detailed, and too complicated for a Journeyman of Smithing. Have him find it some other way, and my previous comments about it's specialities still stand. As for your hybrid weapon - you were right to assume it's craziness.

As for his skills Malakaus knows how to use a sword, yeah, but he's only received basic training. Unlike the others he never actually fought in live combat before as he went to become a smith after basic training instead of benign sent on patrols and fighting bandits and such. He has hand-to-hand skills since that's what he relied on most as a child, and what he continues to rely on as an adult.

At the very least make him a novice in one-handed blade. One doesn't spend 7 years in the Imperial Legion without learning how to use a sword. Also, the skill is listed as "Marksman", not "Archery". I've done this so it encompasses all types of ranged weapons - a crossbow is different to a bow, after all.

And finally as for the amulet it was kinda the point about his father. He was deemed "heretical" by the other orcs, not only for taking a human for a first wife but also for being less macho and more cunning. Of course this doesn't please Malacath, which is why his tribe was attacked.

If someone - like your character - worshipped Malacath, it would be very unwise to go against his teachings. His teachings include not being sneaky. Hence my comment - it's not about other Orc's beliefs, but Malakaus' beliefs.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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Myself and my Co-GM are reviewing your CS, won't be able to give you a concise list of changes until tomorrow. However, I can tell you now that pretty much her entire backstory needs to be re-worked. Nothing about her becoming an Assassin is believable or realistic; she picks everything up by accident or by luck. That's not how the real world works, so she's going to need somebody to train her. More feedback will follow after I've slept, but that's something for you to work on while I do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, I could try something else. I was thinking that someone took various promising kids and forced them to become assassins, though ibkindabif feel this is too edgy. I was hoping to try to make an assassin who did it for the fun of killing rather than any angst "I do it because I was raised to be one" backstory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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For your first scenario, it's unlikely. Too close to what the Dark Brotherhood does, and they would not appreciate competition when they already had the Morag Tong to deal with.

The whole issue with your character is that assassinating is not something you can just wing or decide to pick up for the fun of it. She needs to have been taught by someone how to fight, to kill, to protect herself. It's all circumstance and luck in her backstory - and if she just kills for fun, why not be a bandit, or highwayman, or mercenary? Her skillset needs to be explained, not her reasoning. She's clearly a psychopath, that's enough reason for killing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Aisha doesn't like face-to-face fighting, she's very much not a fighter. She's a killer and gets her thrills from a clean, successful assassination.

I could say she was former a hunter who simply started to grow a taste for huntin people instead of animals. That would give her the sneaking, marksmen, and knife skills for an assassin. She'd still live out in the wilderness instead of the imperial city so she can hone her alchemy. Then she would chose to travel around the country as a traveling merchant as a cover for her assassination tendencies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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@NorschtalenPlease stop calling it an assassination, if that's how you plan to do it, then shes a psychopath, a murderer, that's literally the best definition for it, an assassination is a contract placed on someones head for money that involves the act of killing another typically innocent, one does not just start up a buisness on, I'll kill people for you if you pay me, it's not as simple as that, nor is it something you cared to explain as to who pays her or where she gets her contracts - as roze said, with the Darkbrotherhood and Morong tong in the business, a freelance such as yourself would get noticed, after all the act of killing an innocent in cold blood is all that is required in order for the Dark brotherhood to notice you, and we are not allowing anyone to be a member of that group as it does not fit the premise of the roleplay.
You get where we are coming from here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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I understand, and I have no intentions of having her join the Brotherhood or any actual assassins guild. I mostly just wanted to give her the skills and the disregard of people's lives. I know that might conflict against a more heroic group, but I promise that Aisha would try not to be too blatant about her sociopathic tendencies. She'll still fight the forces of evil, just her way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

We will continue this tomorrow it's too late here for this, but just know that sneaking behind a daedroth in the planes of oblivion and burying your butter knives into its neck will only make it angry.
We are not disputing anything about your want or lack of to join the dakrbrotherhood, we are disputing the viability of an assassin who cant fight face to face with a hostile entity in the planes of Oblivion, eventually You're gunna have to, and you have no real combat skills.

Anyway, leave it for now, just think it over in the meantime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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I know I have no stock in this arguement, but surely a sneaky stealthy hero could still be played? Not everyone has to be the hero who has to take a beating or challenges every opponent in honorable combat. Sneak attacks are still good too, whether or not they're from a dagger or arrow. Unless we're going to use DnD shenanigans and proc a x3 crit from a great axe. Those were good days.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am finally awake, now down to business! Good start on your sheet, we don't have much in the way of stealthy characters right now. Well, we did, but the roleplayer abandoned us so I killed his character off.


Name: "Fortunate Aisha"? Is that what people call her, or what she calls herself? If it's the former, why do they call her that? If it's the latter, it takes a special kind of big-head to give oneself a nickname like that.

Picture: There is literally nothing "Redguard" about that picture. The skin is tanned, the facial structure is clearly caucasian, and the hair and eyes are not dark enough, unless she were albino. The picture would be fine for a Nord, or Imperial at a push. If you want to keep her Redguard race, change the picture and description in her appearance section.

Appearance: I'd like to point out there is nothing practical about her outfit, not in the world she'll be living in. Feel free to keep it, by all means - but it's not practical in the least. Akaviiri is an extremely dead language, and no tattooist would know it. If they did, they would be a scholar, not a tattooist. Also, cute mention of the Face Sculptor. Please remove it; she does not exist in this game, and it seems irrelevant to mention in the appearance section unless Aisha actually had appearance-altering surgery. Which wouldn't happen. Because the Face Sculptor does not exist right now.

Personality: Those two paragraphs seem to disagree with each other. Does she have a split personality? She mindlessly murders people, but prays to the Divines. Is kind to most, but as soon as she starts working she becomes dark and ruthless? And the link with the backstory here brings us back to the crux of the problem: her being an assassin.

Backstory: The first obvious problem with this is that Aisha cannot be an assassin. If she is taking contracts (You haven't stated who from, either), she is a threat to the Dark Brotherhood. You even point out in your backstory that she starts looking for rumours of those contacting the Night Mother and performing the Black Sacrament in order to find new customers. Do you honestly think the Assassin's Guild would allow jobs to be taken from right under their noses? Aisha would be dead before she could cry "murder". On the other hand, if you decide to change this from Aisha not taking contracts, but killing of her own accord, then she would be nothing more than a murderer or serial killer, and not an assassin.

And while the priestess did not want her adopted daughter to go down that path, inadvertently she taught her the sort of mindset needed for that line of work.

How? How on earth could that happen? This Priestess has turned from a life of crime and embraced the Divines - it would only make sense that she would act accordingly to her new role. Saying that Aisha accidentally picked up a mindset from a Priestess that would no longer have that mindset is impossible. Furthermore, the issue with being an assassin stands with Aisha's adopted mother as well as Aisha herself. How could she be such a successful assassin without incurring the wrath of the Dark Brotherhood of Morag Tong?

SHe was scared at first, but soon she learned how to dance circles around even the most seasoned warriors and take them out with simply blows to the legs, body, or chin.

Oh, she managed to take down "seasoned warriors" without any training whatsoever in self defence or combat? Surely you can see how ridiculous this is - if you're going to have her do these things, she needs to be trained by someone. Fighting or hand-to-hand is a skill that one can pick up by themselves, but over years of failing. If she tried this she'd probably be dead.

Instead Aisha did some research and learned how to make poisons. Simple things with what she could find around the city, and occasionally the countryside. She practiced her "Cooking" at the tavern she still worked out, and occasionally went out "Hunting" for materials. It wasn't long before she simply managed to lace one of the apples being served to the man with poison, killing him two hours later as he convulsed to death in his bathroom.

Alchemy is not a skill one can be self-taught at beyond perhaps the novice stage. Sure, books would tell you recipes, but Alchemy is a precise art that you need training in. Also, she get's into the Nobleman's house how? There are a lot of things happening in her backstory that just aren't backed up with the skills required to do such tasks.

As the issues with her "job" still stand, if taking that away she would not have enough money to purchase 2 horses and a "Decorated, armoured wagon". Especially with the locks you put on them. Master-level locks that can only be opened with a Bound Dagger? And which enchanter did she pay vast amounts of money to to make something that complex? (And pointless - it's fairly easy to summon a dagger if you know your way around Conjuration.)

Skills: Myself and my Co-GM believe that she is far too young to be an expert in anything, especially without any training or help. Put up her age by a good few years and give her training in her backstory, and she can keep both of those skills. However, it's called "Marksman" and not "Archery".
It'll be "One-Handed Blade", not just "One-Handed."
Illusion, Alchemy, Conjuration - as mentioned above, she needs to have had training in these skills. A teacher or some kind.
"Translating". What exactly can she translate? And who taught her it?

Inventory: As above, the issues with her alchemy and cart need to be rectified in her backstory to allow her to have them. Also, "She also has a "Rage" poison that can cause people to go into a berserker rage even if they normally aren't violent or even strong." Will have to be removed. There is not an ingredient in Cyrodiil at this time that has a rage or frenzy effect. While they do exist in Skyrim, as with spells, we won't be using anything from the game of Skyrim.

As it stands, a lot around your character's backstory needs to be changed to make everything else work. Now, we don't have a problem with a stealthy character; but from what we see now, Aisha probably wouldn't last very long in the Planes of Oblivion. She has no armour, no protective spells, doesn't like "face-to-face-combat", and her only ranged spell is that of a thrown, conjured dagger. Her personality makes me wonder why she'd join a group of do-gooders - who would be very likely to send her to the authorities or just kill her upon finding out about her "hobby" - to try and save the world? Psychopaths don't care about stuff like that. You need to put forward a character that has a decent reason to be risking their lives to save Tamriel (The reasoning doesn't have to be that hard - for example, my character enjoys the learning experience of spelunking into the Deadlands. That's literally it.), and also one that could actually survive against the forces of Dagon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Hmm. Maybe it'd be easier if I just make her into a hunter. It'd give her the right skills I want with a more reasonable backstory.

I would like to ask though, how "realistic" will this to be? Because when I played Oblivion I did just fine sneak attacking everything with my dagger. I understand that this isn't a game but at the same time I don't want to end up having to carry a long sword and decked out in glass armor just to keep up at later in the story. I'd hate to have to be shoehorned into a frontline fighter, never being able to utilize stealth, or for everything to be immune to poison.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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@Norschtalen I was able to neutralize a churl by hurtling a stone at its skull. I think things here really come down to being both creative and sensible. There's a dice rolling system, so before a combat encounter your character gets a number that dictates how successful they'll be at anything they attempt for that round.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Oblivion wasn't realistic in the slightest. Excellent game, but not realistic. You could peg someone with an arrow and as long as you hid, they'd forget all about it.

You can play a realistic stealthy character, but as stated above you don't have the skills. Light armour, marksman (with a bow, not throwing knives - more power), offensive and defensive spells are all nearly necessary things that will make a rogue character more believable. This is what your character is lacking. For a political intrigue or something taking place in a city, she would be awesome. For what our group do, not so much. A hunter would work nicely as long as the mentioned things are put in. Hell, she can still kill people! It was an interesting and different thing for her to have, especially when compared to the rest of the group. You'd just have to anticipate negativity from the group if it got out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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New and hopefully improved cs. Made the changes as you suggested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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I changed many things so this is practically a new character.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher

Apologies for the wait; your finished reviews will be posted tomorrow. Myself and my Co-GM have been busy with catching up on other posts today, and we didn't want to give you an unfinished or unfair review because we didn't read your sheets properly. I can say however, that just from a cursory read of both of your CS's there is a massive improvement, and they both look really awesome!

@Leos Klien@Frizan@BurningCold@POOHEAD189@LadyTabris@Leidenschaft@MacabreFox
For everyone else posting, here is the current roster of available enemies:
The Dremora that killed our Coward of Kvatch has been quite nicely dispatched by Orintur.
One Dremora, a Dremora Mage (And also, his summoned Scamp), and 2 Clannfear Runts have been dispatched in a collab with myself (Just Niko, not Naenya), Poo and Foxy.

That leaves us with 3 (Unsummoned) Scamps, 1 Dremora Churl, one Dremora Churl Mage, and that Mage's summoned Scamp. Just to spice things up, I'm going to throw in another Dremora Churl so every character left to post has a foe to fight.


Not rushing you or anything, just wondering if you guys are still interested?
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