Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AluminumDude
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AluminumDude The Little Prince

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Markus seemed to arrive rather later then the rest of the campers. Perhaps it was because he was late getting to his father's car, because his previous summer camp started a week later. Perhaps it was the idea of being in the outdoors without a constant supply of sweets and puzzles that lagged him down, but eventually Markus Roe stepped out of his father's fancy car our onto the camp, past very angry and... if he had to make a guess... hungover counselors? He'd seen plenty of times before people recovering from a night of drinking before. Was the start of a new camp really so bad for them?

Markus was handed a map, and he quickly started gazing down at it, trying to decipher it's directions. He wasn't the best with maps, but he knew the whole general scheme. He took a few moments to decipher where north was, and with that plotted out the other directions. However, something in him told him to start wandering, and wander he did. Slowly walking around, he supposed he should head to the boys cabin and claim a cabin, but was there really any rush?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Natural Mess

Natural Mess

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I mean I'm a pretty big athlete. So I'm good at other things. But coloring is about the extent of my artistic ability." Mya was waving her hands slightly. She always seemed to talk with her hands. Even if it wasn't a passionate conversation. "You're right about the brushes though. Very unreliable. Those paint by number things they always give kids...hate'em."

She nodded at Ana's choice of cabin with a smile and headed there excitedly. As she opened the cabin's door she answered Ana's question. "up to 12 but we only had 9 in here last year." Mya looked around at a few other girls who had chosen this cabin as well. She gave a small wave so as not to appear rude. Some were unpacking. Others were catching up with old friends. Some bunks just had bags. Mya did a quick calculation, including Ana and herself their were about 7 girls already. She spotted an empty set of bunk beds next to a window. "score!" She grinned over her shoulder at Ana as she hightailed it to the beds. She slung her duffel on the top bunk and asked. "Wanna be my bunk mate?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rbwls8028
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rbwls8028 Oscar the clueless

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ethan tells Caleb, "I was hoping to occupy the cabin farthest to East so I can wake up early, though the cabin seems to be heating up inside." Ethan thinks that Caleb is not telling him everything but if it was important, he is sure that he will be informed one way or another. No need to make any antagonistic relationship, yet.

"But I have not actually claimed it with my bag or anything." Ethan continues. "I came back to just do that. I have my bag in my car." Ethan could not have imagined any reason to delay unpacking, but with an offer like this, he does now. "But I guess it can wait. I would love a chance to see other counselors and know who to look for a help."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 10 mos ago

After finishing the boring task of sorting out her things, Sky sat down on the bottom bunk and took charcoal and a piece of paper to draw on. Placing the piece of paper on top of a mythology book, she began sketching constellations ignoring the other girls which entered the cabin. As long as she wasn't disturbed, Sky would try to tolerate them.

Sky hummed "Golden Slumbers / Carry that Weight" as sketched. She already finished the Circumpolar constellations and she would draw the Spring Constellations on top of them. Halfway through she got bored of drawing and began reading the mythology book.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrowsyPangolin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ana followed Mya into the cabin as she described the roommate situation. Twelve. It was a decent enough number: even, not associated with any particular misfortune, divisible by six. Yes, twelve would be fine. Of course, less than twelve wasn't really objectionable either. As the pair entered the cabin, Ana surveyed the others in the room with a vague look of interest, raising a hand kin a vague attempt at a wave. Mya had secured a bed, and thankfully had chosen the top bunk. Ana had fallen off of tall things before: trees, mostly, and this had instilled in her a belief that gravity had silently been plotting her demise for years now. She walked over to the bottom bunk, taking a seat to judge the bed's comfiness. It seemed passable enough. "Sure thing." She pointed up at the bunk above her. "You should be careful up there though, you never know when gravity might strike." She spoke the words with a foreboding tone, wiggling her finger purposefully to encourage caution.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ana noticed one of their new roommates drawing nearby. With an unintended level of stealth, she inched toward the girl, trying to get a look at whatever it was she was drawing. She gradually grew closer and closer, attempting not to disturb the girl's work. Eventually, she stood on her tiptoes. Stars. Stars were an interesting subject, to be sure, and there were so many to draw, one might never run out of models. After a bit, though, the girl took a break from her drawing to read a book that Ana was just too far away to make out the title of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nico scratched her neck staring at the cabins. She smiled as she replied.
"Don't worry, Canadians are just like you guys but we live in the cold and drink nothing but maple syrup" She joked. She shifted her stance slightly, watching the other girls choose bunks and settle in. Readjusting the strap on her bag she continued speaking.
"That one looks as good as any I suppose" She spoke, leading the way into the cabin before chucking her bag down on the nearest empty bed, hardly paying regard to the other campers within the cabin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shayne Kowalski

Shayne smiled, and gave a chuckle at Nico's joke. She was glad that her excitement wasn't taken as an annoyance, and that Nico could joke about it. Readjusting her strap as well, Shayne followed Nico in the practically empty cabin.

The cabin itself smelled overwhelming of pine. But not like the fresh kind of pine that you could really inhale and be refreshed by. No. This reeked of an almost artificial pine smell, practically like Pine Sol. It wasn't quite strong enough to knock a person on their feet, but it was very disarming if an unexpecting person entered the cabin. Rubbing her nose gently, Shayne went over to the same bunk bed that Nico had just place her things on, and set her things on the bunk above her. The beds themselves seemed nice enough, but they could do with a little extra room.

While the cabin itself was nice enough in appearance, minimal dust and it didn't look as old as it was, there was a certain feeling of weirdness. The cabin itself was built in the shape of a 'T', with bunk bed lining the walls. As for windows, once would be surprised at how clean they managed to be, but one could tell their age easily. It appeared, that despite the best efforts of staff, time had still taken it's toll on the place.

Perhaps the nicest thing that Shayne noticed about the cabin was the nice breeze flowing through it, which came from the back area. Air conditioning. Shayne almost let out a small sigh of relief, as the cool breeze brushed up the back of her spine. While today hadn't been a particularly hot day, one does miss the refreshing feeling of a working air conditioner.

Sitting down on the bunk that Nico had just placed her things on, Shayne glanced up at Nico with a big grin, "These will be our beds for about the next month and a half." Shayne mentioned, her tone a sad mix of somberness and partial excitement.


Caleb Holderson

Caleb smiled. Ethan definitely seemed smart enough, and definitely on top of things. The business-like demeanor around Ethan was hard to deny, at least for Caleb. He was new, no doubt, but he seemed to carry himself in a way that gave a person the impression of experience and confidence. Caleb could see why he was hired. He'd be a star amongst the slackers and bums that made up the normal corps of counselors.

"I doubt you'll have any fight trying to get the farthest east cabin. That'd be cabin #2, by the way. That cabin is always the last one to be claimed." Caleb said, smiling as he did so. He was stuck with the same cabin his first year. The days it wasn't foggy, during that year, the sun would shine right on his eyes, bright and early at 6 A.M.

Caleb glanced around, not taking him very long before he spotted a small congregation of more veteran counselors. "Here, come on. I'll introduce you to the counselors that are the more senior ones." Caleb said, as he led the way over to the group. The group itself was made up of a lanky and tall man, complete with long shaggy hair and thick rimmed glasses. Along with two girls, who in comparison to the lanky and tall man looked like gnomes, that seemed to radiate a sort of excitement. The final member of the group was obviously the oldest. Probably nearly 28, with a full beard to match his age, the man was packing on muscle the same way an athlete would.

Approaching the group, Caleb cleared his throat, "Hey, guys, this is Ethan. He's one of the new counselors this year." Immediately the group turned to face Caleb and Ethan, each sporting a half-welcoming smile. It was lackluster, but it seemed like it was the best effort the group able to make. Turning towards Ethan, Caleb began to introduce the members of the group to him, "The tall one is Fred." This introduction provoked a small hand wave from the tallest member of the group, "The two girls are Lacey and Louie. And the oldest one is Riley." The two girls both gave a similar small wave, along with a bright grin towards Ethan. Riley, however, outstretched his hand to shake Ethan's, "Nice to meet you, man." Riley said, with a gruff and deep voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sky looked at the page about mythological creatures and their links to stars. It was interesting how something so unrealistic could be paired up with something scientific. Yet it didn't surprise her. Humans were always seeking explanations for things they didn't understand and she knew that. After all, without curiosity, we wouldn't evolve.

Sky felt someone's gaze on her. She turned her head around and saw a girl looking at her. She rolled her eyes. Great, she has to socialise now. "Do you need anything?" she asked rudely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natural Mess

Natural Mess

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mya laughed. "I think gravity and I are on good terms" She sat on Ana's bunk and watched with curiosity as Ana approached another individual.

This girl didn't look like the type you'd really just intrude upon. And was that an eye roll? Mya pursed her lips as her eyebrows drew together. She waited to to see how this would play out. The first thing out of the girls mouth had Mya's eyebrows shooting up and her lips pulling down into a frown. No need to be rude. she thought. She didn't know Ana well enough to interfere and was curious to see how she'd handle this. A piece of the puzzle that was this shy? Disinterested?-Mya didn't know yet- girl was about to fall into place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrowsyPangolin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sky's sudden, sharp reply took Ana slightly by surprise. Her mindset being as it was, she hadn't exactly considered that staring at someone might be interpreted as impolite. Still, even the sudden jolt only drew the reaction of a slight raising of the eyebrows. Ana shook her head before replying. "Need? Um... no, I don't think so anyway. Thanks for asking though. I just noticed that you were drawing earlier." She pointed toward the sketch of the constellations. The girl's voice was still the same lazy, dreamy drone that she seemed utterly incapable of inflecting in any meaningful way, or perhaps she just couldn't be bothered. It was difficult to tell exactly what emotion the girl was attempting to convey at any given moment, an unfortunate fact that often meant people misunderstood her, taking ordinary speech as expert sarcasm. "But... I'm Ana. I draw too... and, uh, this is Mya." She motioned toward Mya, who had a strange expression for a reason that Ana couldn't precisely placed. Following her introduction, which might have been a bit lacking, the girl took a few steps toward Sky, leaning forward to get a better look at her book. "Whatcha reading?" For a sentence directly showing interest, it still sounded agonizingly flat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sky sighed."Next time try not to stare. Some people DO actually take offence to that.". She scratched the back of her head."but I do apologise for my tone of voice earlier. I simply don't like it when someone disturbs me whenever I'm doing something." she chuckled. She didn't want to start a fight on her first day here.

"Name's Skyler, and since you want to know I'm reading a book titled 'Science within Mythology'. You can probably guess what's it's about." she said.Not many people were into reading books and since Ana asked she must be at least a bit interested. Sky made a mental note to herself to try to be nice to her, because of that. She glanced back at her sketch. Some stars were in the wrong places. Guess she'll have to try again - for like a thousandth time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rbwls8028
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rbwls8028 Oscar the clueless

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ethan expected slackers and bums for counselors. He is pleasantly surprised that they may not be disciplined nor organized well, but they were far better than he was imagining them to be. He imagined that the stereotypical counselors would be totally high or drunk out of their mind, trying to get away from their parents or school for few weeks.

"Thank you, Riley," Ethan replies with a firm handshake. A firm handshake is one of the easiest methods to make a positive first impression and by the looks of a smile on Riley's face, Ethan is successful in that regards. Ethan turns around to address each and every veteran counselors. "And Hello Fred, Lacey, and Louie." Ethan is still not sure which of the girls is which, as Caleb did not specify them clearly during the introduction. Maybe he will hear them address by others and learn who is who. "So, what's on the agenda for us?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natural Mess

Natural Mess

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mya put a smile back on her face as Ana introduced her. She waved to the girl she now knew to be Skylar. "First year? I don't recognize you. But then again a lot of people attending this camp." She said across the space.

She was impressed that Skylar had apologized for her tone. Most people have a hard time admitting when they're wrong. 2 points for her. Mya thought as she held her place on the bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nico opened her bag, searching through it for anything that she could possibly need at that precise time. Of course, her bag was basically just filled with clothes, cassettes and a few other bits and bobs here or there, but who knows what she might have thrown in during a sleepless stupor.

Nothing, she grabbed her bag and slid it under her bed, giving it a small kick for good measure. Nico couldn't decide whether she was happy or disappointed with Shayne's comment. The bed's weren't as terrible as they could have been that was for sure, but being an only child, Nico was used to have a large double bed to herself.
"You're right about that. Just hope I don't accidentally roll out of it in the night. Also sorta hope they've checked the beds since last year, who knows what creepy crawlies could be living in our pillows otherwise."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shayne Kowalski

Shayne slightly shuddered, at the thought of potential occupants of her bed. Shayne could handle most bugs, but there were some that just gave her the creeps. Spiders, centipedes, and cockroaches always managed to freak her out. Knowing her luck, all three were prevalent at Camp Wachata.

Shayne stood up from her place at Nico's bunk, and tossed her bag up onto the top bed. Nico made a fair point. It seemed possible that one could roll out of these beds at night. Sighing, Shayne pulled off her ball cap, revealing a head of messy hair. Running her fingers through her hair, and shaking her head, Shayne attempted to negate most of the messiness. After a moment, she turned to Nico, "So, what should we do until the bonfire tonight?" Shayne asked, brushing some of her hair out of her face, "It doesn't seem like this camp has a lot for campers to do, unless a counselor is telling them to do it." Shayne remarked, casually glancing around as if the Campmaster could hear her blasphemies of the camp.


Caleb Holderson

Riley shifted uncomfortably on his feet, as Ethan asked his question, as if the idea of having a solid agenda to follow was upsetting to the man, "We got bonfire tonight at 10." The gruff voice spoke, with some sort of disdain, "As for that, we're suppose to pick our cabins, and just pick up crap around the fire ring, for tonight. Tomorrow is when they really start hitting us with the hard stuff." At this point, Riley seemed as if he was fed up with the conversation, painting the image of a child whom was being lectured by their parent, and simply just wanted to leave the room, "The activities on for tomorrow are; Boating, Fishing, and Hiking up Lookout Mountain. At least, that's what it's suppose to be." Riley was now bearing a smile, an almost mischievous one.

Caleb sighed at this. This had happen the last two years with Riley at the helm of things. The Campmaster would attempt to decide what the camper's activities would be, but due to his absence, Riley would almost always change up the plan. Instead of boating, fishing, and hiking, it was likely to be something like swimming, sneaking beers while campers weren't looking, and sunbathing. Glancing over at Ethan, Caleb frowned, showing his obvious distaste for the situation. "Ethan and I can clean up the fire ring. That should occupy us for a while." Caleb said, turning back towards Riley. Caleb felt bad for volunteering Ethan to do the job for him, but at least then Caleb could talk about Riley, and the others, to Ethan in private.

Riley just gave a simple nod to the duo, and turned back to his group, but not before throwing a remark over his shoulder. "Don't let the boogeyman get you. Wiki Wiki Fire Ring is a ways out there."

Caleb simply shook his head, and beckoned Ethan to follow him, as he started towards the outskirts of the camp. The area of the camp surrounded in deep, and dark forest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrowsyPangolin
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A vague look of surprise crossed Ana's face when Sky mentioned the rudeness associated with staring. She seemed to recall having heard that before at some point somewhere... Unfortunately, the more serious issue was Ana's complete lack of ability in recognizing that she was, in fact, staring at someone. Still, a small voice in the back of her head seemed utterly convinced that it would notice this breach of etiquette next time. Only time would tell. Sky's apology, however, got a shake of the head. "Oh, don't worry about it. I get the same way sometimes. It takes a lot to disturb me though." In truth, anything short of a derailing train or a particularly enthusiastic elephant stampede was unlikely to draw Ana's attention when she was focused. Her absent-mindedness had gotten her in trouble more than once, not that those incidents had managed to change much.

Ana's eyebrows rose slightly upon being informed of the book's subject. Mythology had always been interesting to her, science not so much. Still, the juxtaposition was at least somewhat intriguing to the girl. "That sounds... neat." The girl's dreamy voice floated lazily across the room. "Maybe I should read about that sometime..." The thought of borrowing the book hadn't occurred to her, even though that was essentially what she had just implied, in a roundabout fashion. Mya didn't seem to know the girl from anywhere, which probably meant Sky was new to Wachata's finer points as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Yep," Sky responded to Mya's question. "But that doesn't mean I know nothing about this camp," she smirked. Yes, bringing her mother's journal was a good idea. After all, the cabins looked similar enough to what her mother described, so why shouldn't the rest of the campsite - with some changes of course.

Sky smiled "I can't really borrow this book, but I can give you the address of the bookstore it is from, they still might have some copies of it." she said. This book had a lot of notes she took while studying and well, she wasn't keen on sharing them. On top of that, this book is around 10 years old and pretty fragile from all the writing; she didn't want anything happening to it. She usually needs to get to know people first before she will begin trusting them.

She kept things important to her close to her heart and if anything happened to them, Sky wouldn't be able to pick herself up and carry on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Well, following this map was easy as it got.

Justin was not so dense that a simple map was a challenge for him. The only challenge was trying to figure out where he was going to go from there. Yeah, he could claim a cabin, set up a bed, and hope for the best that Camp What-the-fuck doesn't go sour for him. On the other hand, he could make some friends here. So far, all he could see were girls. While making a few girly friends might be great and all, it might put into question his masculinity (Though, bagging a girlfriend here might throw people off his trail, so to speak).

Eh, most of them seemed busy, you know, heading to their cabins, and nothing screams "potential rapist" than following a bunch of girls back to their home. So, just be patient. His grandmother says that patience pays off in the end, and there wasn't like there weren't other opportunities.

For example, there was this curly haired boy that looked rich as he was. Kind of cute, too. So, this was like a bingo going off in Justin's mind. He picked up the pace, and then walked alongside him.

"Heeeeey!" Justin said to the mysterious boy. "You new here at Camp Horror movie?" He asked him with a light chuckle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rbwls8028
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rbwls8028 Oscar the clueless

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ethan followed Caleb to what is called Wiki Wiki Fire Ring. He remembered that even though Riley is clearly the most senior of the counselors, he wasn't sure of the schedule that happened annually. Maybe Ethan can help them out in disarray. A bonfire sounded very cliche but Ethan would be also stumped if he needed to come up with a plan to introduce everyone for such gathering. And Riley sounded not enthusiastic at all. He sounded as if he is dealing with the dirtiest chore man could devise up. Maybe his initial assessment was wrong and counselors are indeed what stereotypes were painted them to be.

Ethan might learn a way around by either taking boating or hiking for tomorrow, shadowing a counselor who knew his or her way around the camp. It may become productive for Ethan.... Hopefully. But there's an uncertain that Ethan is feeling about the demeanor of Riley when he mentioned about tomorrow's activity. Ethan thinks that it might be a hazing for a newcomer like himself. Though it is possible that with his attitude, it might not be a spectacular prank as it requires plans and work, which Riley doesn't have much of.

This far away from the camp, and deep in the forest that casts a long shadow even in the early afternoon, some people might not like the idea of spending time here. After all, isolation is a rare feeling that people feels, as they are ever so connected to the phones and screen or socialize.

Ethan had such experience in prolonged period time where he was stuck in more or less isolation. When he was young, he spent summer in a monastery where they kept a copy of few books about Buddhism and history of "Goryeo," the predecessor of "Joseon" and height of Buddhism Influence in Korea. He spent a month among silent monks and without them speaking back to him, most of their actions were autonomous around him and Ethan enjoyed silence monks provided.

With that thought, Ethan cleaned up fire ring with Caleb. At least there's a decent human being with a sense of responsibility in his mind. A rare breed these days, Ethan though. "So," Ethan asks Caleb "Who is this boogeyman suppose to be?" Not that Ethan believed such a thing, but a leader believes in such superstition usually causes a bad decision with their belief in illogical superstition when stakes are implemented. It is better to know now and come up with a contingency plan for whatever ridiculous legends these woods provided to every imaginative child, or in this case child in grown-ups' body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AluminumDude
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AluminumDude The Little Prince

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Markus turned to the boy who had called out to him, a little confused. He was Asian, and he was pretty tall for being one. He gave off an aura of either confidence or cockyness, and he wasn't sure which. This relaxed Markus, though he felt a little small in comparison. He had thought everyone would be claiming cabins by now, but then again, look at him. He nonchalantly slipped some chocolate into his mouth. "Ah, yeah, I'm new here at camp Wachata. I got here a few minutes ago." Markus said this a bit down, and that wasn't the way he wanted the conversation to start. So in a more happy voice that seemed quite forced, he spoke again. "So uh, what's your name? I'm Markus Roe, a pleasure to meet you." He scratched at his leg as he looked at the man, fingering the pack of chocolates hidden in his largest pocket.
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