Name: Alexander Garren
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Region of Origin: Sinnoh
City of Origin: Hearthome City
History: I was born into a bad family, and that's all I have to say about them. Anyway, I haven't heard from them in years. I ran away from home when I was just a kid. After about a year on my own, I met Houndour, and that began my journey to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer this world has ever seen. I've challenged several gyms across Sinnoh to gain a full five badges, and my team and I have grown stronger ever since. When we heard about this academy, I thought it'd be an excellent opportunity to grow stronger, so here I am.
Personality: Let's get one thing straight: I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to be smart, and I'm not here for good grades. I'm after one thing: strength. I've been kicked around by life for too long, and just like Houndour and I swore the day we met, I'm never getting kicked around by anyone ever again. To make sure, I'm gonna be the strongest trainer there's ever been: better than Lance, better than Cynthia, better than anybody. And I will take down anyone who gets in my way.
Battle Theme:
Species: Houndoom
Personality: Houndoom is tough, resiliant, and as closed to the world as I am. And why shouldn't he be? His life wasn't much better than mine. He had a trainer once, some jerk who has no right to call himself a trainer. I guess he figured Houndour was too weak, so he released him. When Houndour didn't want to leave him, the jerk started kicking Houndour around, knocked him to the ground, and then kept beating on him. I happened to see this, and I guess the years I spent getting kicked around myself finally came crashing down on me. I screamed, I charged, I tackled him to the ground, and I started pounding his face with my fists. Unfortunately, he was large and I was not, so after maybe three or four blows from me, he was able to throw me off and start beating up me. After awhile, I guess he got tired and left, laughing. As I lie there, coughing up some blood, I turned to look at Houndour, who was still on the ground as well. When our eyes met, I knew right away we were meant to be partners; both of us had the same pain and determination in our eyes. I guess he felt the same way; we've been growing up together ever since.
Notable Moves: Bite, Roar, Beat Up, Fire Fang
Species: Sableye
Nickname: Ruby
Personality: Sableye was the first Pokemon Houndoom (still Houndour then) and I caught together. She's twitchy and somewhat reckless, and likes to try to swipe things when people aren't looking. I usually punish her by keeping her locked in her Pokeball. She likes to eat gemstones, especially rubies; hence the nickname.
Notable Moves: Astonish, Fake Out, Shadow Sneak, Zen Headbutt
Species: Milotic
Personality: I caught Milotic as a Feebas. I think I felt a connection with her; no one wanted her because they thought she wasn't useful. I thought differently. I guess she really appreciated it; she eventually evolved into Milotic. The truth is, I didn't know Feebas could do that, so it was really something to wake up to; she did it overnight, when I was still asleep. I did some research and found out about how the evolution worked, and I was very interested to learn about it, especially because I hadn't fed Feebas a single Pokeblock or poffin. Upon investigation, I found out she'd gotten Sableye to swipe them for her on nights we stayed in cities. I'm still contacting store owners to apologize, but I don't regret having her for an instant. Milotic is pretty vain (no surprise there) and likes to battle with elegance instead of brute strength. That said, she can still hold her own pretty well, especially in water.
Notable Moves: Aqua Tail, Captivate, Recover, Water Pulse
Species: Roserade
Personality: I caught Roserade as a Budew, evolved him to a Roselia, then used a Shiny Stone to make him a full Roserade. He's a bit of a showboat, and he likes to be the center of attention, especially around other Pokemon. He's also deathly afraid of thunderstorms.
Notable Moves: Mega Drain, Magic Leaf, Swagger, Double Team
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Region of Origin: Sinnoh
City of Origin: Hearthome City
History: I was born into a bad family, and that's all I have to say about them. Anyway, I haven't heard from them in years. I ran away from home when I was just a kid. After about a year on my own, I met Houndour, and that began my journey to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer this world has ever seen. I've challenged several gyms across Sinnoh to gain a full five badges, and my team and I have grown stronger ever since. When we heard about this academy, I thought it'd be an excellent opportunity to grow stronger, so here I am.
Personality: Let's get one thing straight: I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to be smart, and I'm not here for good grades. I'm after one thing: strength. I've been kicked around by life for too long, and just like Houndour and I swore the day we met, I'm never getting kicked around by anyone ever again. To make sure, I'm gonna be the strongest trainer there's ever been: better than Lance, better than Cynthia, better than anybody. And I will take down anyone who gets in my way.
Battle Theme:
Species: Houndoom

Personality: Houndoom is tough, resiliant, and as closed to the world as I am. And why shouldn't he be? His life wasn't much better than mine. He had a trainer once, some jerk who has no right to call himself a trainer. I guess he figured Houndour was too weak, so he released him. When Houndour didn't want to leave him, the jerk started kicking Houndour around, knocked him to the ground, and then kept beating on him. I happened to see this, and I guess the years I spent getting kicked around myself finally came crashing down on me. I screamed, I charged, I tackled him to the ground, and I started pounding his face with my fists. Unfortunately, he was large and I was not, so after maybe three or four blows from me, he was able to throw me off and start beating up me. After awhile, I guess he got tired and left, laughing. As I lie there, coughing up some blood, I turned to look at Houndour, who was still on the ground as well. When our eyes met, I knew right away we were meant to be partners; both of us had the same pain and determination in our eyes. I guess he felt the same way; we've been growing up together ever since.
Notable Moves: Bite, Roar, Beat Up, Fire Fang
Species: Sableye
Nickname: Ruby

Personality: Sableye was the first Pokemon Houndoom (still Houndour then) and I caught together. She's twitchy and somewhat reckless, and likes to try to swipe things when people aren't looking. I usually punish her by keeping her locked in her Pokeball. She likes to eat gemstones, especially rubies; hence the nickname.
Notable Moves: Astonish, Fake Out, Shadow Sneak, Zen Headbutt
Species: Milotic

Personality: I caught Milotic as a Feebas. I think I felt a connection with her; no one wanted her because they thought she wasn't useful. I thought differently. I guess she really appreciated it; she eventually evolved into Milotic. The truth is, I didn't know Feebas could do that, so it was really something to wake up to; she did it overnight, when I was still asleep. I did some research and found out about how the evolution worked, and I was very interested to learn about it, especially because I hadn't fed Feebas a single Pokeblock or poffin. Upon investigation, I found out she'd gotten Sableye to swipe them for her on nights we stayed in cities. I'm still contacting store owners to apologize, but I don't regret having her for an instant. Milotic is pretty vain (no surprise there) and likes to battle with elegance instead of brute strength. That said, she can still hold her own pretty well, especially in water.
Notable Moves: Aqua Tail, Captivate, Recover, Water Pulse
Species: Roserade

Personality: I caught Roserade as a Budew, evolved him to a Roselia, then used a Shiny Stone to make him a full Roserade. He's a bit of a showboat, and he likes to be the center of attention, especially around other Pokemon. He's also deathly afraid of thunderstorms.
Notable Moves: Mega Drain, Magic Leaf, Swagger, Double Team