WIP, working on it ^^

Known for their large navies, merchant fleets and mastery over the seas, the Isang Tribes of the Far East are a collection of united chiefdoms that fly under one flag with a council of at it's head. A powerful presence around the great oceans of Dysium, they frequently trade with the various nations on the mainland. Their wares of whalebone and oil, tropical fruits and silk-like materials give them fame amongst the elite. Also known for their supply of strong liquors and mind-numbing drugs, most find nothing wrong with trading such things to common people as they frequently use them as well. These illicit and potentially poisonous wares have been banned across many states but this rarely stops the common people and the elite from wanting to feel these "out-of-this-world" experiences these Isa people claim to possess.
A journeyman's culture, built from the ashes of an old island migration of their ancestors some centuries ago, many chiefdoms had grown stagnant in their use of drugs and are thus absorbed by the bigger and stronger tribes. The political world of Isang is still very barbaric. If one chieftain or his people showed weakness, they would quickly be claimed by another bigger tribe. Those who grew complacent and fat would be gobbled up and forgotten in history. This brutal process lead to only four prominent Chieftains left to control the Trade Union, constantly vying control over the main trade routes they possessed with other, much smaller tribes controlling one or two. These smaller tribes are much more likely to deal in the more illegal wares the Isa possess to keep up.
There are still deep, tribal boundaries separating the four main Chiefs that lead the Union. Some chiefs, such as the brothers Aquiano, are strictly against the use of recreational drugs, instead opting to trade other wares under their disposal. But the majority of them do not care for the wellbeing of the mainland people. As the great chieftain of the once boasted, feasting with his many wives and concubines "Let these mainland wretches drink themselves silly and make them dependent on our fair drugs, I say! Let us feast to their empty pockets and limp tools!"
The Trade Union is of one culture but many tribes. The Isa are a race of tan skinned tropical people, their ancestors navigating to their island from places lost to their history. Dark hair colours and brown eyes are the norm amongst Isang but most of the Chieftains of their people have been born with light grey eyes. They are called Dalawang. Those who have such eyes are seen to be pureblooded and have a destiny of greatness. Many of their greatest leaders possess such eyes so those born with them are respected but also feared. There are many cases of these grey-eyed infants being taken away and butchered for their threat against the current social hierarchy of a tribe. Strife can occur within a tribe if two fully grown Dalawang appear at once, usually ending in a civil war that destroys the chiefdom from the inside out.
Proud, mighty but curious , traditional Isa must follow the strict doctrines of their ancestors that dictate how they should act, how they should explore and how they should fight. These ancient rules are only loosely enforced by the Union and different tribes interpret these passages in a way to benefit them. They speak in their language of Hiligaynon, hard pronunciations of vowels and consonants with short sentences. They often speak in fast, short bursts as long winded speech is offensive towards them. To waste an Isang's time with compliments and extended language is insulting. Keep it short and sweet to avoid the blade of an exasperated Isa placed on your neck.
They view the other races of man with great interest but keeps them at arm's length. The Union are wary, ancient passages warning the Isa of colonialism and how such attitudes could affect indigenous people such as their own. This is why you will rarely see any Isa amongst the mainlanders, sticking to their large boats, trimarans and their tropical island paradise. Adventurous and especially curious young Isa however roam the lands, leavings their island to experience the cultures of others. Many become independent merchants or are hired as navigators by other navies.
Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. You are also at liberty to describe the geography, weather, flora and fauna of your nation here. Try to pick a climate that makes sense, given your proximity on the map, and to other players. Also to be mentioned are important cities or locations within your nation.
What are your people like? What is notable about their culture and how they do things? History may play a large role in this section, and vice-versa. Include a religion here if you want! There is no official dogma, so have fun.
What resources do you import and export? Is your strength in industry or agriculture? Do you produce anything especially coveted or unique? Geography will play a role here. No state is wholly self-sufficient.
We aren’t looking for numbers or pinpoint-accurate troop demographics; please do not include them. Give us an overview of your military: What does your fighting force do well? What kind of equipment do you use? How is your army organized? Do you have a color scheme? You are free to embellish this section with famous regiments, battles and historical commanders. Have fun, but be sensible. Technology should reflect the early Napoleonic era or the later 18th century (Keeping it simple, just don’t go beyond 1815) and portray the norm, not the exception.
Self-explanatory. This doesn't need to be long; just informative. We encourage players to collaborate and create shared history, in fact, it is almost necessary. No nation exists in a vacuum.
As above. Collaborate with other players.
Optional section. Put any info about any special characters here: kings or queens, military leaders, and hero “badasses”.
The Trade Union of Isang Tribes

Nation Overview & Government
Known for their large navies, merchant fleets and mastery over the seas, the Isang Tribes of the Far East are a collection of united chiefdoms that fly under one flag with a council of at it's head. A powerful presence around the great oceans of Dysium, they frequently trade with the various nations on the mainland. Their wares of whalebone and oil, tropical fruits and silk-like materials give them fame amongst the elite. Also known for their supply of strong liquors and mind-numbing drugs, most find nothing wrong with trading such things to common people as they frequently use them as well. These illicit and potentially poisonous wares have been banned across many states but this rarely stops the common people and the elite from wanting to feel these "out-of-this-world" experiences these Isa people claim to possess.
A journeyman's culture, built from the ashes of an old island migration of their ancestors some centuries ago, many chiefdoms had grown stagnant in their use of drugs and are thus absorbed by the bigger and stronger tribes. The political world of Isang is still very barbaric. If one chieftain or his people showed weakness, they would quickly be claimed by another bigger tribe. Those who grew complacent and fat would be gobbled up and forgotten in history. This brutal process lead to only four prominent Chieftains left to control the Trade Union, constantly vying control over the main trade routes they possessed with other, much smaller tribes controlling one or two. These smaller tribes are much more likely to deal in the more illegal wares the Isa possess to keep up.
There are still deep, tribal boundaries separating the four main Chiefs that lead the Union. Some chiefs, such as the brothers Aquiano, are strictly against the use of recreational drugs, instead opting to trade other wares under their disposal. But the majority of them do not care for the wellbeing of the mainland people. As the great chieftain of the once boasted, feasting with his many wives and concubines "Let these mainland wretches drink themselves silly and make them dependent on our fair drugs, I say! Let us feast to their empty pockets and limp tools!"
The Trade Union is of one culture but many tribes. The Isa are a race of tan skinned tropical people, their ancestors navigating to their island from places lost to their history. Dark hair colours and brown eyes are the norm amongst Isang but most of the Chieftains of their people have been born with light grey eyes. They are called Dalawang. Those who have such eyes are seen to be pureblooded and have a destiny of greatness. Many of their greatest leaders possess such eyes so those born with them are respected but also feared. There are many cases of these grey-eyed infants being taken away and butchered for their threat against the current social hierarchy of a tribe. Strife can occur within a tribe if two fully grown Dalawang appear at once, usually ending in a civil war that destroys the chiefdom from the inside out.
Proud, mighty but curious , traditional Isa must follow the strict doctrines of their ancestors that dictate how they should act, how they should explore and how they should fight. These ancient rules are only loosely enforced by the Union and different tribes interpret these passages in a way to benefit them. They speak in their language of Hiligaynon, hard pronunciations of vowels and consonants with short sentences. They often speak in fast, short bursts as long winded speech is offensive towards them. To waste an Isang's time with compliments and extended language is insulting. Keep it short and sweet to avoid the blade of an exasperated Isa placed on your neck.
They view the other races of man with great interest but keeps them at arm's length. The Union are wary, ancient passages warning the Isa of colonialism and how such attitudes could affect indigenous people such as their own. This is why you will rarely see any Isa amongst the mainlanders, sticking to their large boats, trimarans and their tropical island paradise. Adventurous and especially curious young Isa however roam the lands, leavings their island to experience the cultures of others. Many become independent merchants or are hired as navigators by other navies.
Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. You are also at liberty to describe the geography, weather, flora and fauna of your nation here. Try to pick a climate that makes sense, given your proximity on the map, and to other players. Also to be mentioned are important cities or locations within your nation.
What are your people like? What is notable about their culture and how they do things? History may play a large role in this section, and vice-versa. Include a religion here if you want! There is no official dogma, so have fun.
What resources do you import and export? Is your strength in industry or agriculture? Do you produce anything especially coveted or unique? Geography will play a role here. No state is wholly self-sufficient.
We aren’t looking for numbers or pinpoint-accurate troop demographics; please do not include them. Give us an overview of your military: What does your fighting force do well? What kind of equipment do you use? How is your army organized? Do you have a color scheme? You are free to embellish this section with famous regiments, battles and historical commanders. Have fun, but be sensible. Technology should reflect the early Napoleonic era or the later 18th century (Keeping it simple, just don’t go beyond 1815) and portray the norm, not the exception.
Self-explanatory. This doesn't need to be long; just informative. We encourage players to collaborate and create shared history, in fact, it is almost necessary. No nation exists in a vacuum.
As above. Collaborate with other players.
Optional section. Put any info about any special characters here: kings or queens, military leaders, and hero “badasses”.
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