*Admin: Jago, perhaps looking for co-Admin*

It is a time of prosperity for the republic. Major war has been a distant memory for some time now, and the Jedi Order maintain a tight control over their systems, no great threat being present to challenge their dominance. Peacefully, the Jedi continue to counsel the senate and act as custodians to the people of the republic, as well as continuing to produce a fresh stream of next-generation Jedi, training those who they deem strong in the force, and strong in will to control it.
Despite the supposed tranquility in the galaxy, tensions are rising. Whilst Hutt space remains somewhat compliant to the republic's doctrines, and only causes the occasional major nuisance, rumors have been brought to the attention of the Jedi Council that there may be a sinister plot brewing within the heart of the Hutt Cartel.
According to intelligence gathered by Jedi Master Yarael Poof, the Hutt may have an accord with a sect of rogue Jedi, a disturbance noticed by Grand Master Yoda himself. Due to this curious and worrying taint in the force, a unit of Jedi Knights and Padawan has been dispatched for the moon of Nar Shaddaa to investigate and possibly engage the threat. Led by Jedi Master Sa Tomar, accompanied by his recently Knighted apprentice, Mace Windu, the team takes on this mission in secret as to prevent the spread of fear throughout the republic.
Hey folks. I'm still getting this OOC together. Feel free to start work on an app. The majority of the characters will be OC Padawan and Jedi Knights. If you wish, some of you may wish to double up and be Knight/Padawan apprentice. A few non-Jedi, such as smugglers, Republic soldiers, etc., are welcome. If you wish to play a non-OC or a more out of the ordinary character design, then feel free to message me and we can discuss it. CS is in the character section. Cheers.
Despite the supposed tranquility in the galaxy, tensions are rising. Whilst Hutt space remains somewhat compliant to the republic's doctrines, and only causes the occasional major nuisance, rumors have been brought to the attention of the Jedi Council that there may be a sinister plot brewing within the heart of the Hutt Cartel.
According to intelligence gathered by Jedi Master Yarael Poof, the Hutt may have an accord with a sect of rogue Jedi, a disturbance noticed by Grand Master Yoda himself. Due to this curious and worrying taint in the force, a unit of Jedi Knights and Padawan has been dispatched for the moon of Nar Shaddaa to investigate and possibly engage the threat. Led by Jedi Master Sa Tomar, accompanied by his recently Knighted apprentice, Mace Windu, the team takes on this mission in secret as to prevent the spread of fear throughout the republic.
Hey folks. I'm still getting this OOC together. Feel free to start work on an app. The majority of the characters will be OC Padawan and Jedi Knights. If you wish, some of you may wish to double up and be Knight/Padawan apprentice. A few non-Jedi, such as smugglers, Republic soldiers, etc., are welcome. If you wish to play a non-OC or a more out of the ordinary character design, then feel free to message me and we can discuss it. CS is in the character section. Cheers.