Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago


Wild West || Lovecraft || Dungeoncrawl
• Based on THIS glorious game •

THEY SAY the world ended when they clawed the first chunks of Darkstone out the belly of the earth. There's magic in those rocks, no doubt. Something more then this world, something other. but it's worth it's weight in gold, multiplied by a dozen. - useful? Sure. Dangerous? oh, yeah. A whole bunch more then anyone was expecting.

The monsters that burst forth into the mines and overran the towns that harbored it certainly made it seem like the end days, alright. Everyone knows the story of the town of Brimstone, for example. They loved their Darkstone there. Collected a whole bunch of it, all in one place. Made a pretty little light show when it went up.

Now Brimstone's just a crater crawling with mutants and monsters and worse.

But that's just how things work out here in the wild west. You won't meet the same fate, of course. There's a fortune to be made out in these hills and down in the depths of those mines, and by damn are you ready to face down the darkness.

It's all in a day's work, after all.

Are you ready to be thrown into a horrific dungeon filled with nightmares?

Yay! Then let's begin.

+ The Party +
Anyone can make a character. The maximum party size is 5-6 (meaning up to six characters act at once), and the minimum is 2. Each round every character must be accounted for.

The person who created the character gets priority to determine their action. However, if the player does not reply for 4 days, another player may choose the action for that character that round.

After an adventure, players can choose to leave their characters in town if they wish to skip out on the next mission. Characters left behind this way do not gain XP or loot, but will always be safe from danger.

1. DAN the RANCHER. created by Duthguy

HAWKEYE HAROLD the GUNSLINGER. created by DeadBeatWalking.

3. TRAP the SALOON GIRL created by Gutshot

4. FATHER C the PREACHER created by rocketrobie2
5. PASTOR JIMMY the PREACHER created by Asura

Character Sheet

Just whack this little thing down if some slots are open, or a character has recently died. You can change it as you like so long as this information is there and readable.

>They call me....[NAME]
>I look like...[APPEARANCE: Hair color/length, eye color, skin color, clothing, noticable features]
>I am a [CLASS: see below]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

Example Character Sheet:

>They call me Sam, the muscle man. I'm male, obviously. I have tan skin, short blonde shaggy hair and green eyes. I like to wander around in yellow galoshes and black waders with red suspenders. I have a fantastic curly mustache and I am a Lawman.

>They call me Poppy. I'm female. I look like your run of the mill girls-next-door type dame. I have long blonde curly hair in an updo, blue eyes, pale skin, and I love my fur coat and golden dress. I am a Bandito.

>My name is Johnny Stellar. I'm a dude. I'm tall, with knee-length black hair, pale skin and piercing red eyes. I wear a trench coat with red high heels and I have a scraggly neck beard. I am a Piano Player.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> I'm known as Dan. I'm a guy. I'm bald and have a scar over my left eye, which just like the right one is brown. i'm black. I wear a brown cowboy hat with an eagle feather attached to it along with a blue shirt and jeans as well as black boots. I work as a rancher.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 4 mos ago

>They call me Hawk-Eye Harold
>I have brown hair, a red shirt, black suspenders, black pants, and brown boots. I smoke a CORNCOB PIPE.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago


Is this Dan?

>Yes/No, actually he...
(Note: Please either confirm Dan's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about him changed before he is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

DAN prepares himself for the adventure ahead. On a whim, he decides to bring his LUCKY DICE with him wherever he goes. He looks in his sidebag: What to pack?

Dan packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to steal himself against the horrors that await him.
>DYNAMITE, to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.

Now, Dan aint just any old Rancher. He's got one signature trick to see him out of trouble...

>Home Remedies: Heal yourself or an adjacent adventurer, gain a little xp.
>Aim and Fire: Once a round, if you miss a shot and there is no enemy next to you, you may choose to take the shot a second time.
>Swing your Rifle: When you have a two-handed gun equipped, you may automatically hit every adjacent enemy to you as a free attack.


Is this Hawkeye Harold?

>Yes/No, actually he...
(Note: Please either confirm Hawk-Eye Harold's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about him changed before he is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

HAWKEYE HAROLD knows a few things about the world, and one thing he knows is he'll never be anywhere without his TRUSTY PIPE*. He looks in his sidebag: What to pack?

Hawkeye Harold packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to steal himself against the horrors that await him.
>DYNAMITE, to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.

Now, Hawkeye Harold didn't get his name for nothin'. He got one signature trick up his sleeve that he's known for...(Pick one)
>Quickdraw: Anytime a new group of enemies appear, and you have one hand free, you may immediately make a free attack against them.
>Reload: Refill your gun with Gunslinger-only bullets (note: Gunslingers get six special bullets that deal increased damage, this allows you to reload them if you run out. Not trying to influence you, just thought I should clarify what this means.)
>Pistol Fanning: If you have one hand free, double the number of shot you get with a single handed weapon for one attack. May be used once a round.

(note: One hand free means you are not dual-wielding or using a two handed weapon)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mae No, actually he lacks the scar over the left eye. Also how did you get that text to be green I copied the color code [ color=cccccc], but as you can see that didn't work.

Dan packs bandages.

Now, Dan aint just any old Rancher. He's got one signature trick to see him out of trouble Home Remedies

1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Duthguy oh yeah sorry :D that'll become clearer when I colour him. Other then that is everything alright with his design?

also for the green thing type > but don't leave a space:

> Dynamite
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

>Other than the scar yeah
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


>They call me Trap, and I'm the most beautiful man you'll ever see.
>I look like any Feminine Wild Western Saloon Entertainer who uses the pronouns Ze/Zis/Zem; I only wear the most flamboyant colors and the most ruffled of dresses. My hair is down to my ankles, and no one would ever know I was a man.
>I'm a Saloon Girl that's been dubbed a heretic by the local church.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Gutshot excellent! what is Trap's hair/eye colour?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Mae blue
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@DeadBeatWalking@Gutshot we begin!
@Gutshot Trap's in the works! EDIT:

Is this Trap?

>Yes/No, actually Ze...
(Note: Please either confirm Trap's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about Zim changed before Ze is FINALISED FOREVER MORE. Also I apologise when I inevitably mess up zis pronouns.)

Trap prepares zemself for the adventure ahead. Thinking tactically, ze decides to bring zis BOOT KNIFE in case of trouble. Ze looks in his sidebag: Now, what to pack?

Trap packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to steal zemself against the horrors that await zis.
>DYNAMITE, to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.

Now, Trap's a skilled Saloon Dancer. Ze's got a particular trick up zis's sleeve...

>Acrobatic Dodge: You may move through other characters during your movement. One per turn, you may reroll one failed defense roll.
>Knockout Punch: Once per hit, you may double the damage on one of your attacks.
>Dirty Fightin': All of your attacks are +1 Damage.

Babie's First Mission: A Fistful of Darkstone
Note: In future, Missions will be voted on as a group, along with difficulty. This is an introductory mission.

You hear a rumour on the wind about an abandoned mine north of town that still has some juice in it. Perhaps you can scrape together a posse and find this darkstone deposit...

Reward: 25 XP and 1-3 Darkstone (determined randomly) per player.

14 / 14 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Hawkeye Harold
10 / 10 HP || 12 / 12 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Into the Mine!

Trap's running a little late while ze preps zer dress. Hawkeye Harold and Dan decide to do a little scouting while they wait, and peek into the mine...

>Who is holding the lantern, Hawkeye Harold or Dan?
At any point you may give the lantern to another player.

Round 1

Hawkeye Harold can move 4 this turn.
Dan can move 3 this turn.
Trap can move 1+1 this turn. Normally this would mean ze recovers a determination, but ze is currently at max determination already.


The darkness in the mine sleeps soundly.

You may always move if you have movement available.
>SCAVENGE: Each map tile can be scavenged once. Scavenging successfully can yield up to three results. If you scavenge, you cannot explore the mine this round.
>EXPLORE THE MINE: At the end of each map tile is an arrow. When standing on this arrow, you may explore into the next room, if you have not done another action this turn. You will immediately see the layout of the next room. If you explore, at the end of the round, a discovery will be revealed... aka what is in that room.
Note: The "arrow" map tiles count effects from both rooms.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 4 mos ago

>Hawkeye is not holding the lantern
>Move left & Scavenge
>Load one Dead Eye Bullet
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Knockout punch

>Ze will move right ahead, confident and unaware of Zem surroundings, in order EXPLORE THE MINES.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Gutshot Here's the pic:

Is this Trap?

>Yes/No, actually Ze...
(Note: Please either confirm Trap's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about Zim changed before Ze is FINALISED FOREVER MORE. Also I apologise when I inevitably mess up zis pronouns.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Yes, that's Ze
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

Note: In future each tile is mapped with a number, so when you use your movement, you may pick exactly where you'd like to go. e.g:

>Move Bob the Bucket to square 12.

1/3 Scavenges successful. Spend 1 or 2 Determination to reroll 1 or 2 failed attempts?

You see something glinting in one corner of the room...

Receive 1 Darkstone and 10 XP!
The darkstone gets added to your side bag.

Hawkeye Harold
10 / 10 HP || 12 / 12 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 10 / 500 XP || Level 1
A Dead Eye Shot is loaded.
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

This room has now been SCAVENGED and cannot be scavenged again (with the exception of Hawkeye Harold spending determination).

You move forward. Unfortunately you cannot reach the end of the corridor to look into the rest of the mine. You may spend a determination to see if you can increase your movement.

Trap the Saloon Girl
8 / 8 HP || 14 / 14 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

New round starts after Dan has acted. Trap and Harold can spend determination to change their results if they wish.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Hell yes i'll use that determination.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

Pah! You're practically a celebrity. Like you'll settle for standing in the entrance!

You concentrate hard and now have 6+1 movement. You have spent 2 already, so you have 5 movement left.

If you would like to explore the mine, are you moving to square 13?

(You will still have some movement left afterwards if you would like to enter the new room.)

Trap the Saloon Girl
8 / 8 HP || 14 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Current Map:
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