Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>To square 13, and beyond!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

>Since Dan has a two handed weapon, it makes no sense for him to carry the lantern
>Move to 11
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>I got the lantern, darling.
>Take lantern
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

First off, my computer stopped recognising my tablet today. I'll probably look into it properly in the morning, so art might be a little weird till I fix it.

Secondly: I forgot to tell you guys, but if things start to look nasty you can vote to abandon the mission at any point. If you do this it triggers your fail condition and that adventure is abandoned, but your characters return to full health and they can take on further missions (rather then dying horrifically in the darkness where no one will ever find them)

Whiskey and Bandages can be used on any adjacent hero or yourself at any time, including during combat.

Finally, I apologise for my grid naming conventions xD

The Underground Lake

Note: You can walk in any square without penalty.

Trap takes the lantern. The lantern goes into zis inventory. It does not require a hand slot (this is primarily for weapons)

Dan moves closer. He has 1 movement left.

Trap takes a step forward and peers deeper into the mine. Ze discovers the Underground Lake. Ze has 3 movement left.

It is too dark to discover what's inside...

Trap and Hawkeye Harold can discover what's in the room from square 13/14, or Trap can move into the room.

If no discovery is made during this turn, it will be revealed at the end of the round.

Trap the Saloon Girl
8 / 8 HP || 14 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || Level 1
Lantern Bearer

Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

IIII forgot to tag everyone :D
@DeadBeatWalking What is Hawkeye Harold's eye colour, by the way?

@Gutshot is Trap's hair blue as well as her eyes or just one/the other?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Hell yeah let's have it blue

>Ze approaches the pool, and scavenges.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago


Trap enters the room, making two discoveries.

Trap cannot scavenge this turn as ze decided to explore the mine.

Characters still with an action free:

Discovery 1/2: The Cave In

As Trap peers into the darkness, ze sees that there has been a cave-in of some kind. As ze strains to hear, ze realises ze can hear voices coming from the other side!
Do we (anyone may answer):
>Call out to them
>Listen Closely

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Ze calls out, "Ya'll havin' a fine evening?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Mae They are orange-brown.

>Move to space 18
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@GutshotDuthguy - Don't wanna spam you too much :D @Deadbeatwalking

Hawkeye Harold takes a step forward and runs out of movement.

>"Why we're just fine darlin', how are you?"

The three of you realise that the voices you here are yourselves from a different point in time. You each take Sanity Damage as you reel from the realisation!

Trap takes 1 Sanity Damage!
Hawkeye Harold takes 1 Sanity Damage!
Dan takes 3 Sanity Damage!
You may spend 1 Determination per point of sanity damage if you would like to attempt to reroll your defence check.

Discovery 2/2: The Child Spectre

You look deeper into the cavern and feel the temperature dropping as a strange child approaches you with empty eyes...

Random Hero: Hawkeye Harold takes up the challenge!

Hawkeye Harold examines the strange child....

Why, Harold isn't afraid of this strange kid at all. He manages some real comforting talk about toughening up and the ghostly child dissapears. You receive 50 XP.

Standing in it's wake you find...

100 Gold! and gain 20 XP!

14 / 14 HP || 7 / 10 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || 0 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Hawkeye Harold
10 / 10 HP || 11 / 12 Sanity || 2 / 2 Determination || 80 / 500 XP || 100 Gold || Level 1
A Dead Eye Shot is loaded.
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Trap the Saloon Girl
8 / 8 HP || 13 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 0 / 500 XP || 0 Gold || Level 1
Lantern Bearer

Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Actions Remaining:
Dan can scavenge the new room (he will not be able to make it to the second door this round to Explore the Mine.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 10 days ago

>They call me... ehh. Something with a C. *Hic* Jus' call me Father C
>I'm more man than you can handle.
>I look like ah had my face kicked in when I wus lil'. I've got dull blue eyes, long blonde hair and 'ah usually wear a face of udder dumbfou- *hic* -ndness. I normally wear mah old cassock which's pretty dirty now wis' a lotta holes in it ans' ripped from the knees down, showin off my beautiful shins.
>I am a drunk but I used ta' be a Priest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

@rocketrobie2 excellent! I'll whack together your skills tommorrow, just a heads up I'm colouring Trap still so you'll get a black & white character you can jump in and play with straight away and a coloured version later :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Mae sounds good! Looking foreward to this!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mae Sorry time zone differences

>Dan takes his final step towards square 13
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

>Yes/No, actually he...
(Note: Please either confirm Dan's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about him changed before he is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

Father C best prepare himself for the adventure ahead. Naturally, he stuffs his CONCEALED FLASK into his cassock. He looks in his sidebag: What else should he bring?

Father C packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to steal himself against the horrors that await him.
>DYNAMITE, to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.

Now, Father C has learned a thing or two about the world. He's got one thing in particular that sets him apart from other preachers...

>Missionary: Once per turn, when you perform a Blessing sermon, you may reroll once if you fail to cast it successfully.
>Firebrand: Once per turn, when you perform a Judgement sermon, you may reroll once if you fail to cast it successfully.
>Redemptionist: Unlike other preachers, you can use guns (specifically, two handed guns). You get a shotgun when you start instead of a holy book.

But that's not all. As a Preacher, Father C knows one or two things...
You start with 2 Faith at level 1
Father C knows the Blessing: Faith Healing

Pick one other Blessing:
>Holy Speed: requires 7+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Range: 8
Choose one hero in range. That hero has +3 initiative until the end of the turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP gained per cast: 15xp
Improves at Level 4 and 8.

>Intervention: requires 10+ on two dice to successfully cast.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Cancels one darkness effect, or spend 1 extra faith to cancel a growing dread effect.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 50 XP

Pick one other Judgement:
>Cleansing Fire: Requires 10+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Range: 8
You may place fire in any spaces within range, so long as they form a continuous chain (all adjacent to at least one other fire)
Fire hits for 2-12 damage to anything in their space.
May only be used if you did not move this turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 30 XP
Does not Level up.

>Shockwave: Requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Every enemy within 2 spaces of you automatically takes one hit.
May only be used if you did not move this turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 25 XP
Improves at level 2, 4, 6 and 8.

(because the Preacher is a little complicated with his bonus spells)
>Confirm/change appearance
>Pick your sidebag item
>Pick your skill
>Pick your blessing
>Pick your judgement

New Round

A sense of growing dread fills you...
The final boss has become harder.

The Darkness sleeps...
Father C joins the mine. He has plus 2 movement this turn to catch up.

Dan can move 5 this turn Spend a determination to reroll?
Hawkeye Harold can move 5 this turn Spend a determination to reroll?
Trap can move 5+1 this turn. Spend a determination to reroll?
Father C can move 2+2 this turn. Spend a determination to reroll?

You may always move if you have movement available.
>SCAVENGE: Each map tile can be scavenged once. Scavenging successfully can yield up to three results. If you scavenge, you cannot explore the mine this round. Only the Underground Lake can currently be scavenged.
>EXPLORE THE MINE: At the end of each map tile is an arrow. When standing on this arrow, you may explore into the next room, if you have not done another action this turn. You will immediately see the layout of the next room. If you explore, at the end of the round, a discovery will be revealed... aka what is in that room. You must be on tiles 47 or 48 to explore the mine.
Note: The "arrow" map tiles count effects from both rooms (e.g. you can scavenge both rooms on theese tiles).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Scavenge from the rock positioned in front of my finely-colored self
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 14 days ago

0/3 Scavenges successful. Spend a Determination to reroll a failed attempt?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Why not?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Mae Before I decide anything I was wondering what the Holy book does?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

>Move to what I think is d5 or 45, the square below the half tile.

>Also if possible scavenge
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