this is why i keep track of Martin's life points, also it wouldn't if we all worked on it at the same time, we will be able to make reactions on the fly
case in point the scar vs me duel, we were done before the post by post reached 5 turns
post by post is maybe faster to make a turn but what if someone has a set card which means you have to wait a few for a response or revise your post because someone had a trap, also questions can be asked regarding effects or quickly corrected
@KOgamingfiiiine. geez you dont have to be mean about it
i just want to do several turns in one go rather than 1 turn a post sigh I kept track of all potential damage to be taken and you don't want to do that for me?
also noticed what i left out on most my posts, no wonder something was chewing on my mind all the time, my field status part is lacking my lifepoints
I personally don't want to do collaborative posts. Even in the same time zone, since I tend to be in, out, and away from my computer a lot of the time, there's no benefit to me or really anyone else to do everything in one big posts. Bigger posts are also easier to gloss over and more difficult to keep track of all the actions there within. In addition, having separate posts increases the bump-count of the RP so we don't have to constantly bump the thread. If you and your team mates want to get one post done, that's fine, but I'll likely post individually.
since good ol Eklipse didnt answer me I take it it's safe to assume stopping trap stun does nothing
Edit: realized something... i mistyped something... there is ANOTHER set card on rumi's field. which I marked as madolche lesson (which wouldnt be activated anyways up until now)