I should probably mention that Quxikotl mercenaries are somewhat common provided you know how to contact them and don't destroy them at first sight. They're a wary bunch and lack the ferocity they used to have but there's something to be said about having a giant armored lizardmen charging at you with an notAK-47 firing wildly and a chainsaw sword revving in hand that few other things can replicate. The mercs, like everyone else in the race, are just trying to find their way and a purpose in life and because their society never really valued looking into philosophical thoughts like that, they don't know how to cope with it beyond doing what they know how to do.
Also, stahp feeling compassion towards them dammit, they're meant to be hated >_<
Also, since you mention mercs, me and oz are planning on a proxy war storyline, our nations backing warring factions on a independent colony. Your mercenaries will find plenty of work there :)
Expect some independent Schäferkin packs. The battle-born don't always find the amount of fighting available is enough in relative peacetime upon Joord. So some will set out in a small ship able to take a pack and search for work.
And clocktower, don't see it as me taking pity on the lizards, see it as them losing interest. The fortress is probably back in Joord orbit since some time.
I mean, the Federation may take notice and all..perhaps :P
Despite the rather sore history between the States of Aurolia and the Quxikotl, I'd imagine the Aurolians both, extending a helping hand to Quxikotl that truly want it, even have done the same for the Tak'a'dis(unfortunately though, the Quxikotl wouldn't exactly feel welcomed by a segment of the civilian population) and keeping a close watch over Covenant activities on their former homeworld, nothing too overt of course.
Ah, these damnable benevolent federations, always meddling in others' questionable practices... I suppose relations with the Federation would be somewhat tense, since the Covenant is not especially keen on the entire democracy and lifeform rights matter. While them and the Iurrketh may have a common foe in the Concordat, the Covenant proper is actually rather interested in remaining on amicable terms with the latter. Once again, a possible improvement on their attitude towards the Federation would depend on who manages to sway the Swarms to their side.
Would any nations be interested in having trading and an uneasy friendship with Vesia?
It depends on what the Vesians have to offer in terms of exports and produce. While an actual friendship, uneasy or not, would probably be seen as of little consequence, the Covenant is open to trading with whomever will have them (and not ask too many questions). Rare marine creatures, for instance, might be an article they would be willing to pay a reasonable price for.
@Sigma@Ozerath@KlomsterThere is plenty of trade to go round and sounds good. Natural and Manufactored resources of Vesia include: metals, common along with rare earth metals, minerals, and alloys; solar panels; seafoods ranging from delicacies of tender fish to the humble seaweed; textiles (not cloth, but other fabrics made from sea animals); and crude oil and other fuels. As for downtrodden masses leaving Vesia, not many now although that could change and some Vesi wanting a life outside water may respiratory to becoming cyborgs.
Government Type: Theocracy; the church is the state. The Church is run by Priestess'. Every Rothan Female is tested at birth and if she is born with white blood, she's taken away and raised in the church, trained from birth to be a Priestess (Less than 2% of Rothan females are born with this, males are not). There are four arms of the church, the arm of order, the arm of discovery, the arm of force and the arm of affairs.
The arm of order deals with any internal issues within the Union. They make and enforce laws and run state sponsored programs and services. They also run the court system. The arm of force is essentially the Unions military. The arm of Discovery deals with technology and science, as well as helping to run off-world holdings. The arm of affairs deals with foreign relations and external issues. Each arm is headed by a Priestess who's title is the arm she runs, for example the 'Priestess of Force' or the 'Priestess of Order'. These all in turn answer to the High Priestess who is basically the leader of the entire Union.
Leadership: High Priestess Aleena
Offworld Holdings: Tremara's non-garden moon is nearly fully colonised, a few asteroid colonies, and several space colony ships orbiting Tremara and the moon. They are working towards expanding more, faster.
Persons of Importance(Optional): High priestess Aleena. Commander As'salia.
Species and Demographics:
Female Rothan: Male Rothan
Religon: The Tremarian Union is run by the church which follows the religion of Dracrekhi. Dracrekhi teaches that there was once a goddess called Lumera, who was a member of a species of higher beings who were capable of creating life at their will, however the species is not known and no other individuals of the species are ever mentioned except Lumera. The story goes that Lumera scoured the 'Urikhi' (roughly translated into 'Black Sky') until she found the perfect home for a perfect species. She then started to meld her own creations into what she deemed as perfect. On the first day She created the Klek, but wasn't happy with them and so moved on. On the second day she then designed the Draon, but still wasn't happy, so she tried again. On the third day tried again and created the Rothans, which she was finally happy with. The Religion teaches that she put the Klek and the Draon on the same continent and the Rothans alone on another so that the Klek and Draon would have to compete and the Rothans would have an advantage as they were alone. The Rothans were given one task, which was to please Lumera, and when she was happy they had completed the task she would return, and she has yet too.
Every follower of the religion has to pray at least once a day, though the prayer can come in any shape or form. It is taught that there is only a heaven, and those that follow Dracrekhi will go too it when they die, if they die honourably. If you die a non-believer or dishonourably then you do not go to a hell but simply die, your mind, spirit and body will cease and you will forever be nothing.
Birth rituals are done for females. During the ritual the baby is cut on the right arm so that the blood colour can be seen. If white, they are taken by the church. If regular and blue, nothing happens. If black (which is very, very rare) they are killed. At death the body of followers of Dracrekhi are always cremated, which is seen as the last step in a persons energy reaching Lumera and her heaven.
Every ten years 'Arikado' or 'Festival of Creation' takes place. On the first day, the Klek must burn a patch of skin, as they were the first imperfection. On the second, the Draon must burn a section of skin as they were the second imperfection. On the third day, huge celebrations and ceremonies occur across the Union as this is the day the perfect species, or the Rothans, were created.
One of the ways to achieve an honourable death is to die in battle, or have fought in battle for Lumera. As every battle for the Union is a battle for the church and therefore Lumera, even the Union's volunteer armed forces are large.
One of the ways that the followers of Dracrekhi believe in pleasing Lumera is spreading the religion. Recently priestess' and small 'guard forces' have been visiting some independent, out of the way colonies too offer a conversion to Dracrekhi. Obviously they are left alone if they refuse. Obviously. This has been happening more and more recently, though so far the Union has been able to keep things under the radar.
Though the religion teaches that Lumera created only the Klek, Draon and Rothans, any other species can follow Dracrekhi as long as they follow it's rules, they must believe, they must prey, they must achieve and honourable death and they must please Lumera.
My WIP nation. Thought I'd post it here so I can join in on discussions.
@Ozerath The Union will probably have some of it's non believers flee to the Concordat, if that's okay? The church doesn't really like non believers.
If any of you have a religion you want to spread because of Space-Jesus Deus Vult, please do tell. It would make for a very interesting dynamic all things considered.
I think my people would be very happy to spread their religion to the Quxikotl if you don't mind. Give them something to do rather than fight and die.
@BilboTheGreat Do you mind if Vesia has a small split of sorts broken away from the Union, but in other respects religiously following Dracrekhi? Or is Political and Religious 100% linked?
@Ozerath They only make up a small part of the population as the number of non-followers is low, but I'd say all or most of that group would try to leave. So while there isn't loads of them, there would be a moderate amount, enough to notice.
@JuliusCaesar They can follow Dracrekhi, but the Union may not like it if they can't supervise it properly. If there weren't any Rothan priestess' (as these are a major part of it) or a Union presence they wouldn't like it. It could either foster a great relationship or a very tense one as the Union wouldn't like it being changed or not followed properly.
By the bye, as concerns nicknames, I suppose that Covs would be a fairly common one for the agents of everyone's favourite pseudo-government. Or Covenanters, if one is feeling especially eloquent.