Government Type: A Federal Republic, the Aurolian Government is split between Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the Federation President who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Armed Forces. One of the many tasks of a President consist of the creation of Laws, the signing of articles of diplomatic importance such as treaties, to appoint judges for the Interstellar Court and so on.
The Legislative Branch, that of which being the Senate. The Senate's main tasks consist of the passing of laws brought forward by the President, passing or vetoing Legislation by the President, and are to give consent to enact a Declaration of War. And finally there is the Interstellar Court, who are responsible for the enforcement of the Laws created by the President and passed then enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the President.
Offworld Holdings: Outside the planetary boundaries of Aurolia, the Federation has an extensive reach towards several sectors of orbit. From the colonial settlements of varyinhg purposes on the Moon of Jaruin, to several small clusters of space colonies and minor orbital installations sharing close orbit with the Garden Moon.
Persons of Importance:
Species and Demographics: Ishkaan: 40% Aldzir: 18% Janari: 30% Immigrants(Humans, Tak'a'dis, etc): 12%
Aldzir are a semi-aquatic mammalian species native to the Nasj continent on Aurolia. The Aldzir are covered from head to toe in thick fur. Their Fur coming in several shades of color depending on the region, the most common colors being Brown, Gray, White and or stripped colors.
The Aldzir have two sets of eyes, an adaptation of their semi-aquatic existence, their vision more sharper then the average human. The upper, smaller pair of eyes are made use to traverse underwater environments when scavenging for food, the bottom larger eyes are their primary ones for sight in the surface.
Aldzir eat and communicate via a trunk, although unimposing at first, inside a Aldzir trunk are tiny sharp fangs that aide them in siphoning blood and shredded meat. Aldzir speak with high-pitched chirps, buzzes, and grunts, it is physically impossible for Aldzir to speak any other languages and often are in need of special translation collars or other such devices, or that an alien speak in their tongue.
Immigrant Population Aurolia is home to a significantly large immigrant community, made up of species from the other Garden Worlds that sought a new life on Aurolia, the most populace of these migrants are the Humans of Terra and the Tak'a'dis of Joord, who first arrived many years ago once the both Empire took hold of Terra and the Schäferkin pushed their old masters off their homeworld, the Descendants of these Refugees are by far the most productive of the federation's migrant citizens.
History: The beginnings of the present day federation can be traced back over three centuries ago, the world of Aurolia was divided between the old nation-states, and had recently entered the digital age, technology was advancing at a brisk pace as new technological innovations popped into existence every few years, often in the form of personal devices and other such gadgetry. These eventually had giving rise to the development of a global network of sorts, run by a truly powerful AIs. The militaries of the world slowly became more and more automated.
Iskhaan Trooper Armor
Snow Camo Trooper with Helmet
All-Purpose Humanoid Trooper Armor
Osera-series Powered Armor
Yazdu Main Battle Tank
Gazai-series Modular Armored Vehicles
Farov Utility/Strike Vehicle
Khosa Assault Walker
Undena Dropship
Tasyh Gunship
Rish Heavy Transport
The Federation Navy, unlike it's Concordat counterpart, places a more balanced focus on it's ships. Federation Warships, while lacking in the stealth department for the most part, make for this weakness in well-shielded ships, in combat, while the federation navy is capable of limited long-range combat, they much prefer close knife fights with the enemy, their heavy armaments reflecting such battle tactics. Navy uniforms tailored for the many non-ishkaan service members
Navy Pilot
The Aurolian Federation Marine Corps are an elite branch of the Federation Navy responsible for conducting land-based expeditionary operations, using the mobility provided by the Navy to rapidly deliver ground troops and often in conjunction with the Army.
Ishkaan Marine Armor
Humanoid Marine Armor
Aurolia-class Dreadnought
Liberation-class Assault Carrier
Resolute-class Heavy Cruiser
Defiant-class Cruiser
Valiant-class Destroyer
Patriot-class Frigate
Ranger-class Corvette
Razki Air/Space Superiority Fighter
Jeth Interceptor
Vikaar Fighter-Bomber
Hasik Air/Space Dropship
Nishy Assault Shuttle
Over the course of the years since after the Ordo War's end, the Federation has seen the Concordant advance technologically in a terrifying rate, many speculated in the case of open war between the modern day Federation and Concordat, the most common outcome was a total federation defeat. As two decades ago, a cabal of politicians, military officials, and scientists had came to the sitting administration at the time and presented their counter to the Concordat's growing military might, a black ops project known as the Redeemer Initiative.
The Great Machine War left it's scar culturally into the people of Aurolia, Highly advanced robotics and AI looked down upon with great suspicion and mistrust. However, it seems the Federation must now delve deep into what it once considered taboo. The Redeemer Initiative's goal being the development and creation of weapons and cybernetics on par with the Concordat's arsenal.
The Redeemer Initiative needed one final piece of the puzzle, the Government securing a very discreet partnership with Tammond Industries to provide the facilities and materials for the Initiative. In the present day, the Initiative's long years of work has bore some fruit as a wide range of prototypes are set and ready for a field test, be they robotic soldiers, cybernetically-ennhanced soldiers and specialists, or experimental armored war suits. Redeemer-Series Drones Infantry
Leadership: A system with the Prime Alpha at the top, followed by the Silver Alphas, followed in term by the Gold Alphas. One cannot be born into being a silver Alpha, but one can be born to become a Gold Alpha. But must still one day perform the takeover from the last Alpha. Albeit having it far easier having been schooled how to be a good Alpha.
Offworld Holdings: None. They hold only Joord.
Persons of Importance: Raghis the second, Prime Alpha of the Schäferkin.
Species and Demographics: Schäferkin. The schäferkin is a species of bipdal hind legged canines whom have been bred to perform dangerous tasks and war.
Schäferkin demographics are distinct since they are often bred for a certain task and are named for the task at hand. However a Schäferkin isn't forced to stay in their demographic, but most find it the most fitting. Example demographics. Battle-born, Defender-born, Beauty-born, Herder-born, Gold-born.
The Schäferkin language has no name, it is simply referred to as 'prat' which translates roughly to speech. The tail and ears are instinctively used to convey emotions and adds emotion to talking like varying the pitch does for humans. Diplomats who want to impress Schäferkin usually use their hands to emulate ear motions to give the conversation emotion for the Schäferkin. While Schäferkin has enough empathy to understand peoples emotion just from speech, they appreciate the gesture.
The Tak'a'dis was a humanlike species whom had heavily evolved to be amphibious (but not aquatic) a rather successful species, intelligent, scientifically proficient and had all the required qualifications to become a successful space faring race. They had even begun travelling to other planets when the Alpha uprising happened.
From the beginning. The Tak'a'dis evolved upon the planet of Joord (meaning roughly earth, soil in their language) they lived somewhat peacefully, like humanity they faced war and famine, scientific discoveries and dogmatic beliefs. The species evolved to such a degree that they were the dominant species on Joord, putting everything else under them through scientific means. They began to make the technology and the species of the world work for their enjoyment. The focus went from groundbreaking technologies, to providing more and more comfort. First all the workforce was exchanged with simple machines, everyone was provided for with the socialistic system so everyone could live in comfort even if only some lived in wealth.
There were however some work which couldn't be performed with machines, dangerous work or social work which no one else wanted to do. So after many advances in genetic science, they found the solution. A subservient species. They created the Schäferkin. Canines were used according to the Tak'a'dis for their subservient nature, bipedal to mimic their own appearance, but not reptilian in decent since the Tak'a'dis didn't want social groups to want to give them special rights in society. (Which still happened, but to a much smaller degree than if they'd been more similar to themselves to begin with.)
At first the Schäferkin project was a massive success, they were properly coerced into performing the tasks with only minor encouragements as rewards. Every Schäferkin was owned property, regulated by the state. Each and every one regulated through paperwork and electronic chips. However, the Tak'a'dis had misjudged the Schäferkin, what they had seen as servile nature, was loyalty to an alpha, a concept the Tak'a'dis didn't fully grasp.
Initially the owners were able to keep their pets under control, but as time passed the true nature of the Schäferkin slowly emerged. Their lifespan was shorter, a Schäferkin usually never getting older than 50. Also their pregnancy period was much shorter, only 4 months. With each mother nursing roughly 4-8 pups.
It didn't take long until a few Schäferkin couldn't stand their masters, mentally wired to follow a strong Alpha, the Tak'a'dis were almost never strong individuals, when a Schäferkin challenged their superiority it was seen as aggression and they were punished. The concept too foreign for the Schäferkin to comprehend, to follow a weak individual only because he or she has a paper? Proving ownership. So on top of being spiteful for beings slaves, their mentality screaming that the entire system was wrong. This was a greater problem than the Tak'a'dis had ever imagined.
It didn't take long until some Schäferkin escaped their captors, most were hunted down. But some managed to damage their chips, had faulty ones or none at all being bought on the black market. With a sense of freedom, the Schäferkin formed small communities with strong alphas to lead them. Hearing of these free communities, captive Schäferkin got even more freedom hungry as the Schäferkin population boomed out of control once they weren't properly controlled anymore.
Schäferkin eradication units were formed, massive atrocities were performed by both sides until one day, the first Prime Alpha emerged. It is from this time that this title heralds and it stands to this day as the title the Alpha of the Schäferkin holds. Raghis was his name, a cattle herder from his tribe whom had risen to alpha in his tribe. But now giving the Schäferkin a new concept, Alpha packs. A grouping of the Alphas of other packs, whom in term have an Alpha that leads over them, not directly but still somewhat directly. This concept worked remarkably well for the Schäferkin, Raghis being a very strong and intelligent individual managed to gather enough tribes to finally grab a foothold over a city. Followed by a country, then a continent. The uprising was now an all out war. However, the Tak'a'dis couldn't keep up with the Schäferkin breeding, nor the amount of training needed too make a Tak'a'dis trooper, and also how much technological backing and cost was involved in making a trained special forces Tak'a'dis as dangerous as a natural born and simply ferocious Schäferkin without weapons. With weapons they became even more dangerous. With combat training they became hopelessly complex foes to defeat for Tak'a'dis troops. Learning their own tactics and using them against them, looting their weapons and remaking them to suit the needs of Schäferkin soldiers.
In the end, the hatred and bloodthirst ended up in the annihilation of the entire species of the Tak'a'dis. Not even those who fled into the ocean cities were spared as their cities was continously pounded with depth charges to oblivion. The few who were spared then having died of age now, since the war ended roughly 300 years ago. It took several generations until the Prime Alpha concept was refined enough so larger societies of Schäferkin worked after a strong leader died or was superseded. It was Tossmim, the beauty-born who came up with the concept of Gold Alphas. A gold Alpha was an Alpha that would usually have been the leader of several other Alphas, under the command of the prime Alpha. However, when the previous Prime Alpha was superseded or died, the gold Alphas were not allowed to bring in any others to take over like they had done in the past. Having too few steps between Alpha and Prime Alpha, the Silver Alphas were created working on the concepts lady Tossmim had created, Silver Alphas being directly beneath the Prime Alpha and the ones who fought to become the Prime Alpha, through strength and wits, intelligence and skill.
These happening when a new Prime was to be selected became massive world events, taking place in arenas and massive lecturing halls. Being showed to the public, the most successful tv-entertainment of the Schäferkin.
The Schäferkin just took over the working infrastructure of the Tak'a'dis, and made it their own, many of them being the workers who had constructed the buildings and worked the factories since the Tak'a'dis were either seeing the tasks as dangerous or they were too lazy to perform them themselves and got a Schäferkin to do it for them.
Over the years the Schäferkin has formed a powerful technological base, working from the designs and legacy of the Tak'a'dis and figuring out some things of their own.
An important thing to mention, is that Schäferkin keep to the tradition that the Tak'a'dis did and use selective breeding. Their genetic material highly suited for it. Making the Schäferkin perhaps the most internally diverse species in the solar system. However gone are the purely decorative breeding which took shortcuts through health problems to create the envisioned Schäferkin, now the breeding is done to ever make themselves stronger.
They also kept the name they had gotten from their conquered masters, Schäferkin meaning those who tend to the flock or their own, they found the name highly befitting their nature and use it as a further insult to their old masters.
Military: Schäferkin martial tradition consist of two major things, shock and awe martial prowess and guerrilla warfare. Schäferkin hold a certain sense of honour, preferring to fight on equal terms if the foe is an honorable one. And always leaving non-combatants alone. However, like in the Alpha uprising if a foe proves to be dishonest weakling with no honour, it doesn't take long before the Schäferkin turn to violently efficient eradication.
Schäferkin have weapons designed for their framework, preferring forearm mounted weapons since their broad shoulders as well as preference to run on all four makes conventional firearms bulky and annoying for them. The usual firearms are plasma blasters, twin barrels on each forearm. Packs a punch but is inaccurate as well as dissipates on long distances. Preferred range is about maximum 30 metres/yards. Their already sharp natural claws are encased with alloy blades of great durability and strength, capable of ripping gashes in steel plates and walls with ease.
On top of their already impressive agility and strength, the Schäferkin wear powered armour with excellently designed and crafted elements which gives the wearer the same mobility as his own while enhancing his strength. It is powered with a compact fusion reactor. Made so that it is very safe, only once in history has one exploded when worn in combat. The armour gives great protection against all infantry weapons, especially plasma fire. The armour stops at the skull, it encases the back of the head, but leaves the Schäferkin's ears and snout free, to let them use their own senses and to leave the ears able to move. Schäferkin language works heavily on ear movements and even the Schäferkin aren't good enough armourers to create armour for their highly movable and complex ears. The way that Schäferkin decided the best to defeat this armour was to get into melee and rip their foes asunder as well as martial wrestling. Known as Schäferschlacht. Which emerged in the civil wars that followed the death of the first Prime Alpha.
However, the Schäferkin is a highly meritocratic society, and loathes the idea of conscripted armies. So their elite forces are thankfully comparably small. Their nation is a highly martial one though, so their army has always been large for being a career army.
Vehicles: Schäferkin have very few vehicles, only coming up with a vehicle if it is necessary to solve a practical problem. So they have no troop transports for ground forces for example. They have a few vtol flight transports. They also have assault claws which are launched at enemy fortifications or vessels and cut their way inside and unleash their cargo of elite Schäferkin warriors.
Assault claw. Launched like spears into enemy vessels, the sharp ends capable of ripping through ship hulls with ease. The tip then splits in four and powerful servos rip the hole larger to let the Schäferkin warriors attack inside. Advanced anti-shock systems let the cargo survive the massive impact of the claws.
Multipurpose vessel. Several designs from the age of the Tak'a'dis are still in use by the Schäferkin, such as the common multipurpose ship designed for personnel transport and the light trade the Tak'a'dis loved so much. Nowdays the Schäferkin use this vessel for the same reasons, and some others. It can travel fast between planets, hold a squad of troops and is of a rugged design, especially after the Schäferkin put some extra armour on them. Armed with a laser lance, it fires a cutting beam capable of destroying battle tanks and other small vessels.
The plasma blaster. This weapon is a rather small weapon actually (for a schäferkin), around 40cm in length, with most of its length consisting of the containment and propulsion systems. The twin barrels rather short at about half its length. The weapon is hideously inaccurate at longer ranges. It's maximum practical range is 30 metres while it can barely reach further than 100 metres. The weapon fires balls of magnetically contained plasma pellets at about 1000 rounds per minute per barrel, making it a devastating close quarter weapon. Especially against enemies without armour. The fact that it wrist mounted however, combined with its usual trigger mechanism being to bend the wrist down the weapon is difficult to aim. It is here the high rate of fire comes in. It is loaded with small cylindrical flasks which are inserted at the back of the weapon, the 4 flasks stick out a bit even when loaded. The flasks hold the material which is converted to plasma, the weapon is powered by the armours fusion reactor. The amount used for each shot is rather little, so with 4 flasks the weapon is usually able to fire for 10 minutes continually until the weapon runs out of ammo. The weapon is somewhat weak though, striking at roughly the same strength as a solid shot 9mm carbine. All Schäferkin power armours have two fastening points for these weapons. But the light infantry usually only wield one of them.
Laser spear. This weapon is the long range support of the Schäferkin. It is too large to be held in one hand (even for a Schäferkin) and is held with both hands like a leaf blower. The weapon's size and cumbersomeness makes it unpopular among the troops since they cannot properly run with it. But it is often used by defender-born because of their extra bulk and immobile nature. The laser spear is fastened via cable to the armour's power supply via cable on the arm. The cable port is standard on the medium and heavy armour but not the light one. Meaning that the port would need to be added separately. The laser spear is a smaller brother to the laser lance found on the multipurpose vessel. It fires a continuous beam which burns and melts the target depending on how it reacts to severe temperatures. The weapon is powerful, while having the beam momentarily passing over you only gives burns. Having the beam focused for about a second on an infantry target mostly sets the target ablaze, melts its armour and usually makes it explode from the violent heat build up. It can even cut its way through battle tanks with some time. Usually in less than 10 seconds of focusing on the same spot. It is however not seen as a reliable anti-tank solution since the vehicle usually responds within that time and begins to return fire or simply move so that the beam isn't focused correctly anymore. The beam can fire for as long as the armour functions.
Semi-portable plasma cannon. This shoulder mounted weapon can only be used with the heavy power armour. One arm is required to aim and fire the weapon while the other arm usually is used to hold on to something in the environment. The weapon is severely bulky, long and obscures vision. However, it can fire at about 500 metres without a flinch and can be correctly aimed and fired in the field up to 1-2 kilometers depending on the skill of the firing team. The firing team is one trooper holding the weapon, and another doing range-finding and calculations. The simplicity of the design and user interface however makes it so that a single person can use the weapon albeit in about double the time. The semi-portable plasma cannon fires a bolt of magnetically contained plasma which when it reaches the target detonates with excessive force. The blast is known to crush and destroy battle tanks, only the most heavily armoured vehicle can hope to survive a shot from the semi-portable plasma cannon. Shortened SP Cannon.
Power armour. The personal combat harnesses of the Schäferkin are highly mobile and articulated suits of powered armour. Complex alloy metals and expertly crafted for each individual wearing them, these suits are probably the most advanced personal protection available anywhere. Based upon the designs created by the Tak'a'dis, whom used to equip their troopers in something similar to modern light power armours, the Schäferkin has evolved this technology to suit their military. The protectiveness of the harnesses vary, but the only difference between light and medium armours protectiveness is that the light armour covers less. It is in fact equally thick. The medium armour can easily withstand the usual small arms of most nations. Small bullets simply bounce off and the Schäferkin harnesses are all resistant to plasma weaponry. Their own plasma blasters are funnily enough unable to pierce the protection offered by the power armour unless fired at a full second at the same palm sized area from about 10 cm distance. Against combat rifles of different races the harnesses provide roughly heavy to medium resistance depending on how potent the weapons themselves are. The graser weapons of the Concordat for example are known to damage Schäferkin even when hit on an armoured area. While not killing shots, a good hit in a bad spot might put a Schäferkin trooper out of the fight. Nonetheless, Schäferkin forces have been seen taking a monstrous amount of small arms fire and barely shown to slow down before reaching close combat. All Schäferkin power harnesses are powered by a compact fusion reactor. This safe and efficient reactor provides far more power than enough for the suit and it also runs the different weapon systems employed by the Schäferkin. For as they say, only warriors and soldiers should have weapons and armour. The fusion fuel cells can with low intensity use last for about a week, however, in heavy fighting and especially if using a laser spear, the fuel runs out far faster. In heavy combat cells have been known to run out in 4 days. The most intensely documented case states they ran out every other day.
Light power armour. This harness focuses on protecting the torso, back, the stomach and to provide strength augmentation to the entire body. The harness still has some protection on the shoulders, neck, overside of the hands, arms and upper legs, it mostly only protects from the front. The sides of the torso and stomach has no armour on this variant. A network of exoskeleton "bones" are seen to enhance the strength of the limbs and the neck. The light power armour is comfortable to wear and provides lifting and striking strength to a Schäferkin. The exoskeleton provides roughly 150 kilograms of lifting strength. The rest is done with the troopers own strength. Some large Schäferkin are known to topple civilian cars with little effort wearing only light power armour harnesses. However, some would argue they could do this without it as well. It all boils down to a case by case study.
Medium power armour. Commonly known as 'Combat armour'. This suit is an 'all encompassing' harness that cover the entirety of the torso and back, the stomach, it also covers all around all the limbs, the neck is fully protected and the back of the head as well. On some suits the upper side of the tail is also covered. This is mostly a show of style and wealth since personal customisation is paid for by the individual users. The tails of Schäferkin are important for balance and in conversation as it is used to convey emotions. The tail is also difficult to articulate armour for so it is the most expensive part to armour up.
Heavy power armour. Also known as 'War suits'. This heavy suit is the only suit that significantly reduces a Schäferkins natural agility and movement, it puts it to roughly that of a human if it would be of the same size. The suit uses two fuel cells, it is twice as thick as regular combat armour and provides double the strength augmentation meaning 300 kilograms of added lifting strength. These suits are monstrously strong, very expensive and are only used by certain branches of the military, like their anti-tank teams, their long range assault troops and a few others. Those who are deemed that their agility cannot protect them, so they are instead given armour to compensate. The war suit is actually less articulated, but every part of the user is protected including the head and tail. However the tail is encased in a bulky blocky segmented square tunnel, which provide ample protection but little comfort and doesn't move when the user move their tail. The entire suit is restrictive and bulky. Whence few actually want to use them. But a few military branches have to or want to wear them since the weapon systems require the heavier frame or the amount of fire the troops are expected to face is too much or the situation is more like a siege than a regular attack run. War suits usually have two plasma blasters and wield a laser spear. Some exchange the laser spear to a SP cannon for anti-tank duties.
Space mask. The space mask is something all schäferkin troops have available in a pouch on their hip. The mask is a headgear which covers the snout, eyes and has plugs which goes into the ears and are held in place with a clip which goes over the head of the wearer. It gives the trooper the ability to breathe and survive in unbreathable atmospheres. If the user has a combat armour the space mask makes the wearer "space proof" and thus can work in space up to an hour. Special tanks can be added to the back of the wearer to prolong this to about a day.
Assault mask. This wondrously complex unfolding face mask provides the same benefits of a space mask. However, the assault mask must be purchased individually as it is not a standard issue gear like the space mask. In a few occasions assault masks have been provided in an important push in a military engagement. The assault mask is roughly as thick as the armour of the heavy power harness. It unfolds from basically a third of its size so it is possible to wear on ones hit with little problem. The mask unfolds mechanically and covers the snout, eyes, jaw and everything not covered by the combat armour. Even the ears are covered, albeit in a rigid standing pose giving the wearer an attentive and aggressive look. Designed to make the wearer look fearsome. Assault masks are expensive but not as bad as articulated tail armour. The war suit has a rigid version of the Assault mask already build into the armour. The assault mask also functions as a space mask.
Alloy combat claws. The combat claws are constructed on top of the wearers usual claws on their hands. It is fastened to the gloves of the combat armour and thus won't hurt to use as the natural claws can do if they get stuck. The alloy claws are monstrously sharp, can cut into steel with ease and gleam with a wicked shine. Almost white in appearance, even the concordat is impressed with the density and properties of the combat claws material. It is suspected that Renthulium is used to construct the claws, but there is no proof for that. A Schäferkin with combat claws is a dangerous individual. His usual powerful claws are improved with these weapons. The combat claws are standard issue on all harnesses. The claws are potent enough to rip gashes into the power armours of the Schäferkin. It is the standard weapon in the martial tradition 'Schäferschlacht'.
Navy: Working upon the technologies of the lost Tak'a'dis, they have excellent small craft. The Tak'a'dis focused on really small fast trade vessels to go and work with other species. In war they were rather useless, but proved excellent scouts. When they were overthrown however, the Schäferkin didn't like having only small vessels. They used a similar concept like a sea-level naval carrier, but instead of basing it off a ship, they based it off the schematics of the underwater cities once held by the Tak'a'dis. Which were already sealed structures with all the safety features required for space... more or less. With massive armour, loads of guns and able to launch dozens of small strike craft of unusually good quality, they perform vastly above what their technology level would suggest. Relying on not loads, not massive, but retarded levels of hull plates. Schäferkin don't like the idea of losing these mobile bases, nor the idea of breathing vacuum. They are also monstrously fast... for a space station, which means they are roughly the same speed as a super dreadnought which is unexpectedly fast for such a massive vessel. But it won't win any turning fights any time soon, despite that.
These installations are known only as Schäferkin fortresses. And luckily for others, they only have two, but are building a third. Which is bigger than the last two. The primary armament of a fortress is laser beam arrays. Firing continuous beams of energy, relying on sheer amount of fire instead of impressive sensors. Fortresses are a complete abstract when compared to Schäferkin ground force tactics and strategy.
Other: Beauty-born are the entertainers, diplomats and faces of the Schäferkin. Their armies are almost exclusively Battle-born or Defender-born. The difference between those is that defender-born herald from back in the slave-age when they were used as property safety. While battle-born were born and raised free, or the select few who were commandos for the Tak'a'dis megacorps. So think guard dogs or mastiffs. Although the battle-born are actually the slim fast ones while the defender-born are the sturdy ones. Often seen as a bit too sluggish for being in the armed forces.
There are some who trade with Schäferkin slaves, individual Tak'a'dis whom still think their slaves should obey or money-hungry traders whom see the opportunity. Often a pair of adults are taken, then they are forcefully made to produce offspring. These puppies are then rigorously trained to follow the commands of their masters. And then sold off so that people with little grasp of reality. Often spoiled children of wealthy people. Get the cute little puppies as gifts. And as soon as they aren't interesting anymore, at times for becoming problematic, but mostly because they grew up and weren't cute anymore. They are cast aside. Some are just killed, some are sold off as slaves. Understandably, if Schäferkin find out such activities, EXTREME action is often taken. Caring little for international laws and the like to exterminate the wrongdoers.
A warning to Tak'a'dis players, Schäferkin are known to violently assault them if they see them. It is not always police officers manage to stop them in time. Luckily, Schäferkin don't always travel that often to places where Tak'a'dis survivors live. And the Schäferkin are rather easy to notice if they are on a station or in a city and therefore Tak'a'dis usually don't stumble upon them.
King or Queen, elected council (by population of districts, some from each of the 12 seas). The council restricts the monarchs power and resolves despute over laws and rights. The Monarch has restricted power. The constitution among other thing guarantees certain rights to the citizens.
1.the right to freedom of religion, press, and speech 2. The freedom of trade 3. The freedom from all taxation except property tax 4. The right of protection from the government in civil cases and when dealing with foreign affairs 5. The right to life (no death penalty)
King Oliver III is the current ruler. He is in complete control of his country. The people have the illusion of elections, but the council is virtually useless under him. He is a large Vesum standing a few inches taller than the tallest of his guard. His skin is a dark blue and his eyes a sparkling green. He is an inspiration speechwriter and people who meet him generally will trust him, instead of feeling threatened. His mind is more political, however, and he finds himself an inadequate military and economic leader relying on his generals and advisors. His wife also plays a large part in ruling his kingdom.
Queen April sits beside her husband, the king. She deals with most of the finances of the kingdom, while her husband does diplomacy and propaganda. Together they always spend one month traveling to every district in the kingdom. She has a lighter tint of blue skin. She is not well known like the king, and few know she plays an equal part in ruling.
Sir Thomas Perses sits atop the council writing laws and signing bills into action. He served for years in the military, now retired was voted into office. He comes from the capital of Versia, Tyre.
General Lotus rules the military, generally giving his subordinate officers a lot of freedom as long as they meet the mission criteria. He has been in charge only a few years, but is trusted by the king. He is not known to be the nicest of individuals, but the king trusts him, so he stays in command. He is a short Vesum, physically strong and stocky. He spends most of his time in Tyre training new recruits.
Offworld holding:
few colonies in an asteroid belt farther from jalariyas, planning to expand more. The largest is a mining colony called Mat in a large lake on an asteroid. It ships many resources back to Vesia. The star ways were once abundand with Vesi colony, but then the Quxikotl attacked wiping nearly all of them out and landing on Vesia. Any planets with free markets are bound to have Vesi or half-Vesi living somewhere on their planet.
Persons of importance:
Leiutenant Smith is a younger Vesi second in command of the accompaniment to the colony being founded on another planet. He is fresh out of the academy and never combat tested.
Preaches for the Faith of Jalaryias, leading her people and worshiping the gas giant above them. She sits on a gold throne south of the capital in a grand catedral. She almost rules her own citadel, but sends taxes and recruits to the capital. Her church is big and growing with missionaries all over Vesia ordaining new priestesses.
Species and Demographics:
Vesi (singular Vesum) an aquatic species living under the waves, but able to survive short periods (up to 5 minutes) in an earth-like atmosphere. They are humanoid standing on two legs, but thinner and with longer necks covered in gills. Their toes and fingers are also much longer for ease in swimming. Their skin ranges from light greens to dark blues, along with their eyes. Most Vesi have a ridge along their spine with fins or fin sprouting out of their back. Most of their bones are actually cartilage, making them very flexible though able to stand up on planets with a few earths of gravity. Vesi are very good swimmers, but not all know who to walk outside of water and do so with moderate difficulty. This is due to their natural habitat, where 70% of the surface of the planet is covered in water and only the rich have enough time to explore the land when much of the deep ocean is still unknown. The Vesi live in large cities in relatively shallow waters with several outposts in the depths.
a small group of enlightened humans fleeing religious persecution landed in Vesia and after several generations experimented found out that it was possible to breed with the Vesi and created a new species. Now almost no original humans are left only semi-humans who can breathe in and out of water while their skin ranges from all human and Vesi colors. Most retain more physical characteristics of humans while gaining cultural views of the Vesi
the Twepaz inhabit the depths of The ocean using sonar to locate each other and communicate. They are all blind in the human sense, but any human in the dark of the ocean bottom would be blind compared to the twepaz. They are less humanoid than the Vesi being more fishlike, but also extremely intelligent. They are covered in scales.
the legend says that the mighty Boer the Great swam all over the 12 seas to find the place to live. He tried the depths and said, "there are already being inhabiting this space, fierce things that can see where I cannot". He swam to the surface, but the sun burned his skin and he turned back. Boer beheld the great underwater volcanoes in the creation of island. He came to the land and crawled on the beach but like any Vesi, spluttered out of breath and slid back to the waves. They say he went south and it his fins froze and his hands stopped working. Then, he came to the shallows and found it well. He stuck his spear in the sand and smiled, "This is my home". Since then, Vesia was formed with the capital spanning well over 100 square miles The Vesi and twepaz have fought many wars over resources where the technology of the Vesi is evenly matched with the physical toughness and cunning of the twepaz. When humans crashed into Vesia a few hundred years back, they were almost immediately assimilated into Vesi culture due to their great underwater breathing apparatuses. At this time, The Vesi had flown around all three of their moons, but had almost given up on other space travel if not for the inspiration the human colonial ship gave them. A devastating time for the Vesi was the Great War with the Quxikotl attacking with very little warning. The lizard men destroyed nearly all of the asteroid colonies and landed on Vesia. Due to the robust system of government, the king seized control and raised an army to fight back. Fighting underwater against the Vesi is a folly few would undertake, but yet the lizards still managed to be defeating them at their own game. Only when the Twepaz realized they were endangered did they rise up and form an uneasy alliance with the Vesi. Together they created bigger and more deadly weapons than before and with the help of some luck were able to drive the Quxikotl back. By this time they were retreating all over the system and Vesi joined in the bombing of Tenohexotl. Honorarily they claimed an ocean to make their base, but saw that it was worthless and haven't colonized it. The monarch is never allowed to impose tariffs or sales tax, so trade has bloomed in Vesia sending its ships (and its military) to every habitable planet in the system. Profit is the mantra of many Vesi traders and riches have flowed into Vesia. The Tak'a'dis were trading partners of the Vesi, before their subjugation turned on them. (Nation here) is also a trade partner of the Vesi.
the state sponsors all colonization attempts to other planets and as trading is a huge part of the economy, ships have long had to be protected from pirates and bandits. The military is entirely composed of volunteers and working for the navy is one of the most respected jobs. Their weapons and training are maybe not the flashiest and newest but reliable under the water and above it. The characteristics looked for in soldiers include resourcefulness, intelligence, and a steady hand. They are trained in survival skills as well as physical fitness in and out of water. Even the lowest ranking vesum would act on his/her initiative, as most orders are flexible and assume that anyone can and will die. Vesi soldiers are trained in a variety of weapons. Elite units will use high-power sniper rifles and pistols. Regular units will have a rocket launcher (firing in and out of water), a light machine gun team, and standard issue assault rifles for most soldiers. More rugged units may even carry TN-3s and any solider may bring his own weapon to the front. All their guns fire high power flechettes made of a steel alloy, which will penetrate most armor. Spears (with or without barbed hooks) are the "traditional" weapon of the Vesi and are used in many ceremonies, and may be carried into battle. All soldiers carry flash grenades as well which don't affect them much with their masks. Out of water, soldiers will wear masks to get oxygen from the atmosphere. These masks also protect from chemical warfare. Other than this they are very mobile. They wear light armor if any at all relying on skirmishing tactics and accuracy of fire to win battles. Most Vesi can be accurate up to 1,000 yards. Vesi armies are not huge, but also not to be underestimated. The main strategy of the Vesi is to negotiate. "Friends are profitable, war is expensive" but if they have to fight they want to strike quickly and first. Their ships reflect this and are built to be fast and maneuverable with holds full of missiles. The mentally holds that if you always shoot first, you don't really need armor, besides then it would be hard to keep up with the merchant ships. Vesi warfighters carry laser weapons as well as guided rockets, high explosives, and proton torpedoes. The Vesi also do not have many capital ships. The largest is the Kings Frigate, known as The Valiant. It boasts the ability to hold 1000 fighters and 1,000,000 Vesi. All military vehicles are painted with a small blue triangle instead of the entire flag.
The monotheistic priestesses of Jalaryias allow only females into their ranks and the men's Job is to serve and protect. Notable prophets are Samantha the wise, who founded the great cathedral of Vesia. They believe Jalaryias brings life to all and instilled a divine right to the kingship.
A more widespread religion is the worship of the 12 gods of the ocean. They believe in hard work and that "he who fishes, survives" this has extended to trade and commerce is a big source of income. The 12 are each said to rule a part of the known world bringing life and sustenance. All worshippers of the 12 despise AI, but will use tools.
The Vesi assume they know all there is to know about Vesia. They have mapped 3/4 of the oceans and the land, while that doesn't really matter anyway. The world is split into 12 seas. They know the north is rich in metals for making ships and weapons. The south has precious metals. The shallows are great breeding grounds of fish, which are the main source of food. Also many plants and plankton are harvested in the great fields. Most of their power comes from solar arrays floating on the surface of the water.
The Covenant is, properly speaking, not a nation itself, but rather a commercial union between two distinct states which has long since outgrown its original purpose and spread to incorporate both of the original governments. While the latter are certainly not vestigial and still do effectively manage their respective countries, the Covenant's Administrative Council, aside from completely regulating interactions between them, holds significant authority, being able to propose motions and policies to either of them, as well as exert a hefty veto on their own. Furthermore, the Council is merely the core of what is fundamentally a diplomatic agreement given a political body. Bridging the metaphorical gap between the two nations, the Covenant is a vast bureaucratic structure, housed in citadels which can effectively be considered its own domain, having access to uniquely hybridised research facilities and commanding a security force, comprising experimental designs and units not found elsewhere, to rival the armies of regular states.
The partially constituent states themselves follow certain peculiar political designs. The Iurrketh Combine functions as a form of merit-based technocratic oligarchy, with distinguished scientific personalities rising through the social ladder in proportion to their professional accomplishments. It is to note, however, that the highest positions are usually only attained by those who have displayed, along with the aforementioned traits, a measure of administrative skill; those without such a distinction are typically awarded with exclusively honorific titles. The government is altogether highly centralised, with a committee overseeing nationwide activity and exerting a firm control over it by the means of a rigid power structure. Sacrificing the personal for the common good is broadly encouraged among the lower classes, and numerous avenues of putting individual ambitions to the service of the collective cause are presented wherever possible.
In stark contrast to it, the Global Vraslir Union highly prizes individual initiative, although its methods of governance are not exactly democratic. Its overall population is divided, by geographical criteria, into several Swarms, each of which has a distinct internal hierarchy. A rather loose core government exists in the form of an assembly of prominent members of each Swarm, but its effective authority, though not quite limited, is rarely fully exerted. The principles of social advancement within the Swarms are baffling to human minds, relying on a complex and seemingly contradictory set of values and evaluation parameters; the only general constant to be observed is that older individuals often, though not invariably, occupy higher positions.
The current composition of the Administrative Council includes about a dozen eminent personalities from both constituent states, comprising both High Administrators, wielding actual political power, and scientifically-minded Proto-Engineers from the Combine, as well as illustrious Swarm-Speakers and Cycle-Weavers from the Union. It appears that the Covenant has succeeded in assembling the most remarkable exponents of both societies under its aegis, as neither official government boasts members of such renown.
Offworld Holdings:
Although there are a number of mining modules and even some orbital laboratories, mostly Covenant-owned, spread in the environs of their home-world, the inhabitants of Erelvath (such the name of the Garden in question) have not attempted any dedicated colonisation efforts to this day, and thus do not truly have a relevant off-world presence.
Persons of Importance:
Decorated High Administrator Eullvallt: One of the major personalities within the Administrative Council, Eullvallt is something of an innovator, believing the Covenant and its associates would greatly benefit from more daring industrial and research practices. This has earned him considerable support within the Union, even though his own compatriots regard his ideas with wariness.
Cycle-Weaver Threzzir: A leading mind in the fields of biology and artificial genetic modifications, Threzzir adheres to the somewhat archaic philosophical creed of the Sanctity of the Cycle, and believes that all organic life should be “corrected” to attain a hypothetical sacred ideal.
The Vraslil with the asymmetrical proboscis: ???
Species and Demographics:
Iurrkhal - 37% Vraslil - 63%
These fungal creatures, hailing from the largely barren and inhospitable, but mineral-rich super-tropical continent Iurrthellir, have a long history of struggling with hostile environments, which, combined with their lengthy gestation period, frequently threatened to thin their numbers almost to the point of extinction. Consequently, there remains in them an atavistic aversion to being exposed to physical danger, and a proportional willingness to decrease the chance of such an occurrence as far as possible. As their soft, malleable pseudopods, which can, in various circumstances, exert a firm grip or perform fine manipulations, render them naturally suited for occupations wherein such flexibility can be vital, Iurrkhal industry is Erelvath’s finest in terms of mechanical implements and technological advancement.
The inquisitive Vraslil developed in a rich and complex ecosystem on the equatorial continent of Verrselith, the entirety of which they still suspect they have not yet quite understood. Such a wealth of life never ceased to fascinate a great many of them, and, ever since the dawn of their civilisation, lead them to wonder how marvellous the world of organic forms might be if it were guided by a wise, calculating intellect - such as their own. Since the Vraslil seldom hesitate before passing from words to action, there scarce can be found a life-form on Erelvath which they have not experimented upon, and the products of their biological engineering are slowly yet steadily making their way toward wholesale employment in Iurrkhal as well as Covenant-controlled areas.
The Garden-world known as Erelvath to its inhabitants was, to all memory, always inhabited by two sapient species, the Iurrkhal and the Vraslil, which developed in distant and widely differing environments and for long were unaware of each other’s existence. The growth of their civilisations seems to have begun at rather different points in time, with Iurrkhal society being more ancient by some centuries – which may explain its greater complexity – though their later development was largely parallel. Interestingly, the more intuitive nature of the Vraslil’s bio-manipulative scientific disciplines apparently enabled their technology to develop at a somewhat faster rate, causing the two species to be almost evenly matched in that regard.
Almost a millennium from the present time, Iurrkhal explorers reached Verrselith and established a first contact with the Vraslil. Initially, relations were understandably rather tense, as both required abundant resources to bolster their nascent industries, and both were largely unwilling to share with the other. A few minor conflicts took place, with varying outcomes and neither side seizing a definite advantage. It is as yet unclear how things would have progressed had these disputes not been eclipsed by a vast increase in private trade, which had been gradually consolidating all the while. Although such a method of resource (and knowledge) transfer was not quite optimal, it served well enough in maintaining the respective economies, until at length increased state interference brought about a series of major accords regulating the flow of commerce, as well as such aspects as taxation and border tolls.
To enforce these regulations, the Covenant was founded as an independent, non-state-controlled entity, with a number of sweeping and, truth be told, ambiguously-worded (presumably due to the then-imperfect translation conventions) treaties granting it ample powers to fulfil that purpose. Ever since its institution, however, the Covenant has done far more than supervise inter-national trade: by subtly influencing the economic, and eventually political, power balance, it prompted the two states to grow more closely dependent on each other and exploit their relationship for an increased mutual gain, allowing for significant advances in various fields and a distinct improvement in diplomatic relations.
Nowadays, the Combine and the Union consider themselves staunch allies, their activity being tightly interwoven in numerous sectors. All the while, the Covenant’s influence over both has been increasing, and, though even most of its members may not be ready to admit it, the organisation constitutes Erelvath’s shadow leadership in all but name.
In war, the two nations of Erelvath adopt distinctly different approaches. The Iurrkhal, placing utmost emphasis on personal safety, only ever enter battle in heavily armoured vehicles, supported by legions of cheap, disposable semi-autonomous drones. Their tactics consequently tend towards favouring ponderous, straightforward frontal assaults, overwhelming foes with sheer numbers and particle-beam firepower. The Vraslil, on the other hand, rely on highly mobile detachments of physically enhanced combatants, armed almost exclusively with biological and chemical weaponry and accompanied by specially bred monstrous creatures. Under the Covenant’s command, the two doctrines complement each other, with typical strategies including Vraslil shock units pinning down and harrying the enemy’s flanks while the Iurrkhal main force delivers a crushing direct attack.
Fleet-wise, Covenant ships tend to be rapid, agile and numerous, if rather individually weak, with combat manoeuvers relying heavily on boarding operations to disable major enemy vessels while lesser ones are systematically hunted down and destroyed by dedicated wings and specialised craft.
Unbeknownst to the Combine, the Union or even the Covenant itself, below the surface of Erelvath lies a vast complex of vaults and tomb-like chambers of unknown origin, manifestly very ancient and guarded by nigh-incomprehensible devices. So deeply buried are they that, to this day, no traces of them have been discovered; however, with mining projects growing more and more ambitious, it is but a matter of time until someone stumbles upon them and unleashes the dark secrets that have slumbered in them for uncountable epochs…
The Olmactezi Tenoheotl Nahualt Huhextomac (OTNH) The Lost Paradise Realm Remnants (Direct Translation) The Realm of the Lizardmen/Quxikolt
Quxikotl were once feared the system over, their very sight inspiring terror as they raided countless lands. A highly martial race, they were famed for having society entirely built upon war and battle for those who did not prove their worthy in glorious combat was branded unfit to life and found themselves disowned at best but more often than not killed outright.
Bipedal and roughly humanoids, they stand at an impressive and intimidating height and body stature. Sexually dimorphic, the average male stands at about an average of 7 foot with females slightly shorter. Their skins are of hard scales that acts as natural armor, complimenting their extreme abilities to live anywhere thanks to their highly efficient metabolism and general durable nature.
Their legs are bowed significantly compared to most other races (think Quarians from Mass Effect) with three digits on each hand and foot. Ambidextrous hands is a universal trait as are swift movements and strong muscles, feeding into their warlike nature.
Although they were once feared as the predator raiders of the stars, their position has fallen dramatically. Now they are seen more akin to beastly animals who happen to be able to use technology. They are seen as crude, brutish, animalistic and universally hated by everyone; wether it be because the Quxikotl once fought them or because of “peer pressure” is a question no one bothers to ask. Many a generals and politicians often try to use the Quxikotl as tools to gain military glory or rouse nationalistic sentiments against the “hated foe”. Relations between the modern Quxikotl and the other races varies from seeing them as the “poor miserable beast” to “a few steps away from just committing mass genocide on them”.
The Quxikotl were blessed at birth, their Garden World, Tenohexholt, was without a doubt the most plentiful and beautiful world in the system, a “Rose of the Garden Worlds” if one would. But all roses have thorns and the animals of Tenohexolt were known to be particularly aggressive and brutal. Out of the jungles of this lush world was born the Quxikolt, shaped form generations of primal evolutionary warfare against the other creatures on their world. And so they fought and fought to defend what they had as they evolved, and once they evolved, they fought amongst themselves over the plentiful resource, always wanting more.
Ages went by, tribes became communities, became cities, became nations, became empires. Throughout time the Quxikotl never had a single year of peace, believing that war and battle was glorious and necessary for improvement. Eventually one day they found the path to the stars and brought their warring to other planets; and so they fought and raided the many other races of Jalaryias. They made many enemies of course, but they cared not for they could destroy them all, the stars where their’s for the picking with the seemingly limitless military might which they had. Planets where just fields to be harvested for slaves and resources, moons and astroids where perfect for outposts and training camps, and the stars would bleed for the endless war they wanted.
And then, they fought a war they could never win. A key part of Quxikotl strategy was to divide and conquer, make sure their enemies could never unite. And once they did, the strings became loose. Slowly the glorious victories the Quxikotl sought became bloodier and more costly. Decisive wins became physic victories and then soon they became long strings of devastating defeats; and then, retribution. With a coalition of their enemies now driving them back, the Quxikotl for the first time felt defeat. But not once did they seek diplomacy, stuck in their ways of war, their leader choosing war over all others and sealing the fate his people. In the culmination of the Deliverance War, a devastating bombardment of weapons never before seen. The enemies of the Quxikotl with vengeance in their hearts obliterated the lush natural beauty and salted the earth, turning much of it into an irradiate barren rock just barely able to hold life.
Billions died in the Deliverance War and the bombardment but even more died from the starvation, famine and purging preformed afterwards. What was once believed to be a race of around a dozen billion was turn into a race of a couple million in under a week. With the constant hunting of them as if they were wild game, that number is only going down with each passing yeah as more and more outposts and off world stations go silent. Current estimates put the total population of the Quxikotl anywhere between barely 2 million to under a few hundred thousand.
With such destruction of their beloved home and the death of billions of their kin, the Quxikotl had finally opened their eyes to the true nature of the glorious, honorable wars and raids they always wanted: there is no glory in war. Stand in the ashes of ten billion dead souls and ask if honor and glory matter, the silence is your answer.
Tenohexotl was once a beautiful rose of the system, but now that rose has long since died. The lush jungles have long since been destroyed and gave way to new, mutated planets that seem to want the blood of the Quxikotl for forcing such a suffering upon the planet. Beasts long thought conquered now roam the abandoned ruins of super cities, striking as much fear and dread as their ancient counterparts now hunting anyone foolish enough to go beyond the protected settlements. Life is hard and more often than not a constant struggle for survival with nearly half of all children not surviving their first few years and half of those who do grow out of childhood never make it to “maturity”.
The earthen ground is still irradiate as is much of the water so much so that even the Quxikotl must take precautions even with their survival and durability. Many other races have settled small bases on the barren rock of Tenohexotl, seeing it as a perfect place to train soldiers or even hunt wild game; whether or not that “wild game” includes the Quxikotl themselves isn’t a matter of concern for the hunters. Its not like the established “government” of the planet actually is able to control their world.
Ores are still plentiful on the world but instead of slaves captured by the Quxikotl who toil away it is the Quxikotl themselves forced into the roles. A vast tunnel network once ran under the world’s crust, connecting every city, settlement and base in a beautifully constructed web of underground super highways, but as with so many things, the paths have been completely destroyed in some places and others paths are home to creatures so dangerous they are only known of in legends.
Once the shinning, bloody jewel of Quxikotl society, war has lost its luster but yet the army remains in an ever more desperate war of survival from those who hunt the last of the Quxikotl. Where once volunteers flooded the vast ranks, now every child is conscripted into the military at the age of 12. To the Quxikotl, there is no more glory, no more statues made in the honor of commanders, no more parades of victory, no more celebrations of war, only the silent beating of tens of thousands children, teenagers, adults and elderly who march off to defend the dying heart of a once martial race from a galaxy they once thought was their’s.
The weapons of war used haven’t changed from even the days when the Quxikotl empire was at its height. Crude, simple and durable, the TN-3 is a physical manifestation of what many think of the race of lizard folk nowadays. Its simple nature has given it a popularity amongst bandits, pirates and terrorists who adore its simple yet powerful construction making it a common “bad guy gun” in a way similar to that of the AK-47. The design has been around for generations and seen very little change. Various forms of melee weapons are also around including the Macuahuitl, used since ancient times and updated to the standards of each passing age and now a sort of chainsaw-blade. Its gory and bloody results will certain slaughter anyone who is in front of it and it can even cut through armor but its use is disdained and the weapon scorn for the history it now carries with it.
Like their army, the navy is seen equally as crude, using much older and simpler methods of power generation and travel. Weapons remain to be simple ballistics munitions and missiles and rely heavily on aging armor as the shields generated to protect the ships are far too weak to provide any meaningful defense beyond protecting against floating debris and astroids. The fleet itself is also very disorganized and divided as many of the great ships now carry on board civilians who have turned the ships into space-born villages and homes, always on the move through the void. The once massive battleships that signaled the damnation of nations are but a distant memory, crashed upon the surfaces of various worlds or lost adrift in space as hulking husks.
Off-World Holdings
The scattered remains of their fleet which now often serve as mobile communities of nomads constantly on the run and the many astroid and moon bases they have; both of these types of holding were created during the height of Quxikotl power but have been decreasing ever since the Deliverance War.
Supposedly an absolute monarchy but much more like a feudal system. While the people are technically ruled by a Warmaster, the control of the Warmaster can only really extend to his own personal holdings. Other places are ruled by everything from democracies to monarchies to meritocracy who are all bound to answer to the Warmaster, provided they can reach him. There is great autonomy to the individual “Warlords” within the realms of the Quxikotl out of pure necessity.
The government is all powerful and all controlling with a heavy Orwellian flare, each Warlord enforcing their own brand of control over their populace for the sake of survival using methods many other races would consider barbaric and tyrannical. There are no trials for criminals, only a summary execution for even the most minor of in fractures such as trying to get more food beyond their extremely limited rations, whispering about dissent, having rebellious thought or questioning the authority of their leaders.
The current Warmaster is one Warmaster Mazlahuditi.
Leadership: The Star Chamber; an assembly of elected-for-life Concorded responsible for governing the Concordat. There is no leader of the Star Chamber, though they do select an adjudicator from among their ranks to moderate discussion.
Persons of Importance: Ordo Talisan, the Founder: Ordo Talisan was a brilliant Iskaan scientist who developed the cortical processor which is the linchpin of Concordat implant technology. Ironically, he was unable to receive Concordat implants himself and is therefore long dead. Talisan is revered by the Concordat for his intellect and his vision.
Ademnon, the First Concordat: Older than the Concordat itself, Ademnon was Talisan’s first successful test subject. He did not volunteer for the process. He is regarded as a wise leader and great warrior, but has consistently turned down requests to join the Star Chamber.
Sendema, the Harbinger of Tomorrow: A prominent member of the Star Chamber, Sendema is a fierce proponent of all things new and forward-looking. The only thing stronger than her enthusiasm for the future is her disdain for the past and all things she considers obsolete.
Homeworld(s) of Origin: Aurolia
Holdings: Multiple asteroid bases, artificial habitats, and moon colonies. The Concordat can be found more or less anywhere except the surfaces of the Gardens. Two installations in particular are worth mentioning: Sanctuary, a massive artificial habitat serves as a civilian trading hub for citizens of the Concordat and other nations alike. The other is Dawn, a secret facility that few know the location of. Dawn is the Concordat’s actual capital, and they take great pains to conceal it from the rest of Jalaryias' nations.
Population Demographics: The idea of a cybernetic utopia has appeal to individuals of many species. The downtrodden masses, the societal rejects, the idealists, the simply curious; many find their way into the Concordat's fold, but once they receive the implants, few leave again. No analysis of Concordat cortical processors or neural software indicate the presence of loyalty programming, but the fact remains that while many are tempted to take the free implants and leave, few are successful.
History: The Concordat is an offshoot of the Aurolian Federation. While most nations recognize the Concordat’s sovereignty, the Federation itself still considers them a rogue nation. Some 250 years ago, the brilliant - if somewhat eccentric - Iskaan scientist Dr. Ordo Talisan was a renowned cyberneticist who slowly became obsessed with his work. He dreamed of a day when Iskaans and all Aurolians could transcend their physicality and live in a purely digital utopia. Unfortunately, cybernetics were a contentious issue for the Iskaans, who at the time viewed them as unnatural and unsafe. Talisan didn’t particularly care, and used cybernetics to cure diseases and save lives at his clinic. He became known across the planet as a miracle worker who could cure any ailment, and people flocked to his clinic. While this was not precisely illegal, it was certainly not legal to implant cybernetic devices, even in volunteers. For every citizen of Aurolia that admired and cherished Talisan’s work, there were three that reviled him. Talisan’s clinic was regularly vandalized by angry citizens, and the man steadily became more and more paranoid. Eventually, a warrant for his arrest was issued, but when the police came for him, two were killed by the defences Talisan had installed in his home. The scientist fled with a cadre of his supporters, and continued his work, now operating out of a remote fortified compound. Talisan’s cult grew and grew as people continued to come to him to cure their ailments, and became ensnared by his newfound charisma. But the Federation could not let him continue, especially with the blood of two police officers on his hands, and an elite military strike team was sent to take him out. But, the operation went south, and what was supposed to be a surgical strike turned into a bloodbath, resulting in the deaths of dozens of cultists and the all but one of the strike team. The lone survivor was saved by Talisan’s cybernetics, but his enhancements were so extensive they required Talisan’s new invention, the cortical processor, to properly function. Thus was borne Ademnon, the first Concordat. Initially horrified by what had been done to him, Ademnon ultimately came over to Talisan’s side. Talisan initially wanted to strike out at the Aurolian government before they could kill him and undo all his work, but Ademnon tempered this impulse. Talisan agreed to continue his work in peace, and Ademnon agreed to train the cultists and fortify the compound even further.
There was an uneasy stalemate for many years as the number of Concordats swelled into the thousands, then the hundreds of thousands, then the millions. The compound grew into a town, then a city in its own right. Talisan finally succumbed to old age, and Ademnon was reluctantly thrust into leadership of the Concordat. By this time, the Concordat was essentially a rogue nation, regarded as a massive threat by the Aurolian government. It’s actually unclear who struck first; Ademnon maintains it was the Federation, the Federation says it was the Concordat. Either way, what followed was five long years of brutal warfare. What the Concordat lacked in numbers, it made up for with individual strength and superior technology. Ademnon initially held the Concordat on the defencive behind the Keel, a massive bio-mechanical shield dome that protected their city. He was determined to find a diplomatic resolution with his former masters, but eventually realized there was too much hatred, too much blood between the two factions. Even if he could secure a peace, there was no way the Concordat would maintain it once Ademnon was gone. So he decided the best course of action was to simply leave. And so, the Concordat constructed great arks to carry them to the stars, and left Aurolia behind.
Military: The Fleet: Concordat tactical doctrine is heavily based on stealth. The sheer vastness of space makes even the largest ships exceptionally difficult to detect if they are not actively emitting energy. The Concordat takes advantage of this with a tendency to run their ships on ballistic courses, engaging engines only when absolutely necessary. This is made possible by their excellent sensor arrays and the top-notch astrogation their augmented brains permit them to calculate. Primary weapons systems are based around long range torpedoes: packets of anti-protons contained in self perpetuating polaron fields. The active emissions of these torpedoes are barely visible to conventional sensors; they are extremely difficult to track until practically within point defence range. This makes it extremely difficult to determine vectors and trace the torpedoes back to the ship that fired them. However, things become problematic if a hostile force successfully engages Concordat ships at close range. Their enhanced stealth means Concordat ships are frailer than their counterparts from other nations; they rely on powerful meson beams and boarding actions in close combat.
The Army: In stark contrast to their naval doctrine, Concordat ground forces rely on brute force. Their cybernetic enhancements make them stronger, faster and more durable. Sophisticated implants mean Concordat soldiers can simply turn off their fear. Regenerative nanites quickly heal any wound that doesn't destroy the brain. Supplementing these advantages are sophisticated suits of power armor, hovertanks, air support, and a fondness for long range artillery strikes.
Government Type: Theocracy; the church is the state. The Church is run by Priestess'. Every Rothan Female is tested at birth and if she is born with white blood, she's taken away and raised in the church, trained from birth to be a Priestess (Less than 2% of Rothan females are born with this, males are not). There are four arms of the church, the arm of order, the arm of discovery, the arm of force and the arm of affairs.
The arm of order deals with any internal issues within the Union. They make and enforce laws and run state sponsored programs and services. They also run the court system. The arm of force is essentially the Unions military. The arm of Discovery deals with technology and science, as well as helping to run off-world holdings. The arm of affairs deals with foreign relations and external issues. Each arm is headed by a Priestess who's title is the arm she runs, for example the 'Priestess of Force' or the 'Priestess of Order'. These all in turn answer to the High Priestess who is basically the leader of the entire Union.
Leadership: High Priestess Aleena
Offworld Holdings: Tremara's non-garden moon is nearly fully colonised, a few asteroid colonies, and several space colony ships orbiting Tremara and the moon. They are working towards expanding more, faster.
Persons of Importance(Optional): High priestess Aleena. Commander As'salia.
Species and Demographics:
Female Rothan: Male Rothan
Religon: The Tremarian Union is run by the church which follows the religion of Dracrekhi. Dracrekhi teaches that there was once a goddess called Lumera, who was a member of a species of higher beings who were capable of creating life at their will, however the species is not known and no other individuals of the species are ever mentioned except Lumera. The story goes that Lumera scoured the 'Urikhi' (roughly translated into 'Black Sky') until she found the perfect home for a perfect species. She then started to meld her own creations into what she deemed as perfect. On the first day She created the Klek, but wasn't happy with them and so moved on. On the second day she then designed the Draon, but still wasn't happy, so she tried again. On the third day tried again and created the Rothans, which she was finally happy with. The Religion teaches that she put the Klek and the Draon on the same continent and the Rothans alone on another so that the Klek and Draon would have to compete and the Rothans would have an advantage as they were alone. The Rothans were given one task, which was to please Lumera, and when she was happy they had completed the task she would return, and she has yet too.
Every follower of the religion has to pray at least once a day, though the prayer can come in any shape or form. It is taught that there is only a heaven, and those that follow Dracrekhi will go too it when they die, if they die honourably. If you die a non-believer or dishonourably then you do not go to a hell but simply die, your mind, spirit and body will cease and you will forever be nothing.
Birth rituals are done for females. During the ritual the baby is cut on the right arm so that the blood colour can be seen. If white, they are taken by the church. If regular and blue, nothing happens. If black (which is very, very rare) they are killed. At death the body of followers of Dracrekhi are always cremated, which is seen as the last step in a persons energy reaching Lumera and her heaven.
Every ten years 'Arikado' or 'Festival of Creation' takes place. On the first day, the Klek must burn a patch of skin, as they were the first imperfection. On the second, the Draon must burn a section of skin as they were the second imperfection. On the third day, huge celebrations and ceremonies occur across the Union as this is the day the perfect species, or the Rothans, were created.
One of the ways to achieve an honourable death is to die in battle, or have fought in battle for Lumera. As every battle for the Union is a battle for the church and therefore Lumera, even the Union's volunteer armed forces are large.
One of the ways that the followers of Dracrekhi believe in pleasing Lumera is spreading the religion. Recently priestess' and small 'guard forces' have been visiting some independent, out of the way colonies too offer a conversion to Dracrekhi. Obviously they are left alone if they refuse. Obviously. This has been happening more and more recently, though so far the Union has been able to keep things under the radar.
Though the religion teaches that Lumera created only the Klek, Draon and Rothans, any other species can follow Dracrekhi as long as they follow it's rules, they must believe, they must prey, they must achieve and honourable death and they must please Lumera.
Government Type: Pirate Republic Leadership: Lead by a council of four elder captains. Persons of Importance(Optional): Captain Lucien Von Bromhel ( The Bromhel Collective) Captain Varrik Klare ( Dead Vacuum) Captain Lourdes ( Popular Front) Admiral Ingvard Van Duurk ( Regulum Solaris) Homeworld(s) of Origin: The Lunar states have no homeworld but exist on a multitude of orbital stations. Its citizens mainly come from the Aurolian Federations and the Concordant. Holdings: The Lunar states hold a collection of large to small space stations orbiting the Jaruin moon. The territory between these stations are heavily monitored and are regularly patrolled by pirates. Population Demographics: -80% Human -15% Ishkaan -5% Other
History: When government authority erodes in a region, enterprising groups will try to fill the power vacuum. This has been proven by different groups throughout the history of evolution and the Federation was no different. The stations were already a refugee focal point, a place to go if you did not have the wealth to get to Aurolia or the Concordant. The poor, fugitives and ex-convicts made up the populations of the many service based stations. Work was mostly hard labor based and the pay was less the adequate, making life on the stations prison like and inhumane at times. The stations have always been isolated and self reliant, most were run properly and their inhabitants enjoyed a adequate quality of life. As the civil war started on Aurolia, supplies and aid stopped reaching the lunar stations. The situation was made worse when more refugees fleeing the violence arrived, stretching the nonexistent supplies the stations had. Anarchy followed and Omega station, a raw materials processing plant, was taken over by a group calling themselves “Regulum Solaris”. Made up of mostly disgruntled miners and military deserters, they established power quickly under the command of Ingvard Van Duurk. Once word of the coup reached the other stations, citizens revolted and the took control of their respective stations. The stations acted independently for a little bit until the initial problems of famine and disease came up again. The need for cooperation was obvious and it didn’t take long for these groups of refugees to seek each other out. Factions were formed, the Regulum Solaris grew and new factions like “ Dead Vacuum” and “ The Bromhel Collective” were formed. These new factions acted as nations and traded both externally and internally. Everyone was expecting these factions to tear each other apart over territory and resources. As pirate activity increased in the region, the possibility of war between the factions became even more feasible. One man, the Ex Federation Captain Lourdes, formed his own faction and offered to establish a pirate republic. The other faction leaders, who were also very aware of the resource problem, agreed and the region surrendered to the collective rule of the four factions.
Military: The Lunar states relies on an army of privateers to defend the area, these forces can be as limited as a gunboat or as diverse as an balanced armada with landing forces. Due to the diversity of the population, tactics, procedures and from both The Federation and the Concordant can be expected.
Other: The Popular Front faction is the only Semi-legal faction in the Lunar States. This is also the only faction that trades with other nations, the rest of the states trade exclusively on the black market.
Name: The Terran Civilisations - The Human Empire and The Assar-Rhen Tribes
Government type: Up until about a century before the discovery of other life in the system, humanity was a disorganised mess of competing factions and ideals. However, one group managed to make an attack on the other great powers of the world and take over as ruler. Humanity is now a unified empire, with the emperor's title being inherited (the emperors are believed to be descended from a god). The Assar-Rhen tribes, however, are completely different. All are family-based and matriarchal, but dictate that if anyone proves more capable in a particular task (which varies from tribe to tribe) than the current matriarch, their family take over the tribe.
Leadership: Emperor Hayashima Togoki - leader of the Human Empire. In his late fourties, and is very protective of his daughter, Hayashima Miyoto. Considered to be a capable leader, but he sometimes acts too quickly as he is slightly impatient. Hayashima Miyoto - heir to the Human Empire. With her deceased mother's courage, and her father's leadership and wisdom, she is expected to surpass even her father as one of the best empresses the Human Empire has ever had. But she will have to wait her turn. Kyriarka (English: Soveriegn) - Matriarch of the White Tribe of the Assar-Rhen. The White Tribe is the most influential of them all, and chooses its leader based on martial prowess. She is the only Matriarch who can overule another's decision. Pholia (English: Fire) - Matriarch of the Red Tribe of the Assar-Rhen, who choose their leader based on physical appearence. Of course, this means she is devestatingly beautiful. Such is the strange nature of the Assar-Rhen, that even those of other species will agree. Orala (English: Vision) - Matriarch of the Green Tribe of the Assar-Rhen. This tribe's Matriarchs are chosen based on beauty, as well, but a different kind of beauty. Matriarchs of the Green Tribe are masterful painters, poets and singers. Orala is no different. Alitheia (English: Truth) - Matriarch of the Blue Tribe of the Assar-Rhen, whose Matriarchs are both wise and knowledgable. They keep records of the history of the tribes, and Alitheia is likely the only one who has ever told Kyriarka what to do, and definitely the only one who has survived it.
Offworld holdings: The Human Empire has control of dozens of small colonies and space stations throughout the area. Most are for scientific research, mining and production. They want to expand, but know that doing so could be extremely risky as they are newcomers to the interplanetary scene. Sure, at some point they will probably attack someone, but it won't be until they have a 100% chance of winning and four back up plans anyway. The Assar-Rhen tribes are much less ambitious. They make sure they have a say on interplanetary policy, and due to their abnormal method of reproduction they must leave for that as well, but otherwise they almost always stay in their own lands. Those that dislike the limitations of their tribe are allowed to leave, but these are rare, as they often must hide who they are to avoid discrimination.
Species and demographics: Human: 90% Assar-Rhen: 9% Immigrants: 1%
Humans: "How could a species so self-destructive ever get farther than sticks and stones?" one scholar asked about the humans. Famous for their "suicide peroid" in which, before the appearance of the Assar-Rhen, they attempted to wipe out plant life on their planet despite the fact that doing so would probably cause them all to suffocate. Not only that, they were actually aware that their burning of various fuels was causing flooding and freak weather, yet they continued to do so. They have actually used nuclear weapons before! Against themselves! Plenty of people consider them absolute morons, if it wasn't clear.
Assar-Rhen: The Assar-Rhen are an interesting species. They are not born, per se, but are the results of an unpredicted reaction between a previously unknown species of plant and the human genome. The Assar flower uses spores to “hijack” other plants, not directly affecting them but causing their offspring to be Assar flowers rather than their own species. When a human woman was exposed to these spores, she became the first Assar-Rhen. It is unknown why the spores do not affect men, but the dominant theory is that, like all plants, the male part of the Assar flower is responsible for releasing spores (or seeds, with some plants). Assar-Rhen are not very different to humans, physically speaking. Their skin pigments change, giving them a slight hue of white, green, blue or red. This is directly linked to their tribe structure and the colour of the petals that the Assar flower that infected them had. Assar-Rhen also develop six thin slits on their neck - three on each side. They are able to release spores like those the Assar flower releases through these. Being a single-gendered species, this is their only way to reproduce. An Assar-Rhen infected by another instead of by a flower gains the skin colouration of the “mother”. Note that Assar-Rhen can (at least, theoretically) be of non-human species, but currently none have been infected. Assar-Rhen have the same lifespan as humans, but are physically superior. They are very fast, strong, and have very good endurance and senses. However, they are significantly outnumbered, and their technology is far inferior). How inferior? They use stone-tipped knives, spears and bows/arrows. They do not use metal due to their beliefs, and the handles are made from wood that has already fallen. (For scale, an average Assar-Rhen is about as strong, fast, etc. as the very best human, meaning technically there could be human who could match an Assar-Rhen, but in practice it will never happen. Also note this is before training takes place, for the Assar-Rhen, and after, for the human.) Psychologically, an Assar-Rhen is completely different to a human. They feel a strong urge to fight against the destruction of Earth’s forests and have actually put a halt to it. They seem unmotivated to humans, though this s not the case. They simply have what they want. Their efforts are put towards keeping that rather than taking more. One thing they will defend even more so than the forests they live in are the Assar flowers themselves. They are programmed to think that the Assar flowers are important, and other races see it like a religion. They are not slaves, though. At worst, the relationship is symbiotic. The Assar-Rhen are mistrusted by humans, and practically unknown by other species. Humans are aware of what an Assar-Rhen could do to them. Many see it as a form of brainwashing. A special “collar” has been developed for when Assar-Rhen wish to enter human territories. This is very uncomfortable or even painful for the wearer, but they recognise its use – it blocks the slits in their necks so they cannot infect anyone. In cases where this is not possible (for example, no one would recommend trying to get one of those things on Kyriarka), they are often accompanied by armed, male guards, and any women are told ahead of time to get out of the way, or risk infection. Of course, new humans need to be infected to ensure the survival of the species. After much debate, it was decided that a particular location outside each human city would be determined where women who wished to join the Assar-Rhen may go once a month. All are warned that it is not a decision to make lightly, of course. Other species in the system have barely heard of the Assar-Rhen. Very occasionally, Assar-Rhen will work for another military force, but only if helping them helps the Assar-Rhen, primarily by protecting their home. In the event of a full-scale invasion, they would support the humans in defence, because the loss of Earth is a threat to them both. Assar-Rhen make excellent covert operatives and commandos, and this is practically their only interplantery reputation, besides being reclusive and biologically abnormal.
Immigrants: The low level of immigrants is caused by the Human Empire’s limitations on who may enter, and the Assar-Rhen don’t get visitors.
History: While the Assar-Rhen are new to the world, the humans have had a very strange and interesting history. This goes back for thousands of years, but for simplicity, only important (recent) events are described. About 100 years before the discovery of other life within the system, a huge war took place. People were killed on an unprecedented level. This was the first time an attack had been made directly at civilians, as well - basic-level bomber planes flew over key cities, using terror tactics to defeat the opposition on the homefront. The war was complex, but almost everyone seemed focused on a single villain, a power so terrifying that they only barely defeated it, with the forces of several of the next most powerful nations in the world. However, while they were all so focused on this, an island nation grew rapidly both in power and its dislike for the rest of the world. Soon, it made a launch of several nuclear weapons (the first ever to be invented) into key "enemy" strongholds, before making a less destructive land invasion of those countries that didn't immediately surrender. Its beliefs and ideals took over the world, and today it is called the Human Empire.
ENTRY - "SCOURGE" EMPIRE-STANDARDISED OCCUPATIONARY FORCE Human Empire infantry are equipped for intimidation rather than action. Sure, they can fight, but by the time they have moved in, 90% of the fighting is over and the real task is supressing the population.
ENTRY - "THUNDERER" PRIMARY MULTI-PURPOSE LIGHT TANK This vehicle is built low and wide to distribute weight, creating an effective vehicle for most terrains. The angled hull means that direct hits from anything other than mortar shells are rare. The Human Empire relies on these heavily, their multiple weapons making them suitable a range of situations. ENTRY - "TITAN" ULTRA-HEAVY ANTI-MATERIAL TANK This terrifying vehicle is representative of what humans are capable of when they stop trying to kill each other for 5 minutes. Its main gun is the size of several small cars parked in a line. These are rarely used, and expensive, but they are key to the entire battle when they're there.
ENTRY - "FIREFLY" SINGLE MANNED ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIGHTER These are quick, agile, single manned vehicles, designed to destroy enemy aircraft. Equipped with nothing more than light weaponry on the underside, they are built for protecting cities by destroying bomber vehicles. Larger targets suchas troop transports will be poorly affected. ENTRY - "FIREBIRD" TROOP TRANSPORT AND SUPPORT SHIP These are designed to deposit large numbers of ground troops rapidly into a firefight, and provide air support to ensure the battle is won. Many are also equipped with spotlights and used to assist in occupation.
ENTRY - "INVIGILATOR" ULTRA LONG RANGE RAILGUN Though the Human Empire has almost no intestellar navy, it has no need to worry about an attack. These guns are key to their strategy as a whole. They can deal with ground and airborne target at an effective range of approximately 120 miles. This means that ships in low orbit can be fired upon, and these guns pack a punch. ENTRY - "GRANDMASTER" TROOP LEADERSHIP AND COMBAT SPECIALIST At the forefront of any battle are these terrifying, 8-foot tall robots controlled remotely by the general of the pesent army. Acting as a leader on the battlefront and as a very effective combative, the Human Empire is renowned for these weapons. ENTRY - NON-EMPIRE MERCENARY COMMANDO UNIT (ASSAR-RHEN) When one threat is a danger to both groups, humanity might call on the skills of the Assar-Rhen for help in primarily covert operations, including sabotage, spying and assassination.
Other notes: I wouldn't make up anything as ridiculous as the Assar-Rhen for non-fantasy roleplay. They are inspired by a slightly more... invasive kind of fungus. Look it up if you're interested. The English "translations" for the names of the Assar-Rhen matriarchs are based off of Greek words for the same things. I may end up developing the language further, but it will probably just follow the same pattern. The Human Empire comes from the "What if the Nazis won World War 2?" hypothetical situation people talk about a lot. Instead, I came up with "What if the Nazis were defeated, but the Japanese won?". I left country names out in the history to remain "politically neutral" if that even exists any more.
Kriisha is the queen of the Kingdom of Xenor, and is known for her level head and cool, composed nature, and great personal strength. A member of the Xenor race, the majority race of the planet by far, she is willing to allow immigration and prefers to treat the various races of her people's planet well. After all, making friends is better than making enemies, and it takes more than one people to maintain a nation in her mind. While she is willing to engage in peaceful trade, at the same time she maintains a strong military might for her nation to keep them safe and secure as well as ready for any acts of war that may arise...or that she may want to start. She also makes it a habit to keep smart but trustworthy people around her for council.
As a Queen and Matriarch of her nation, she does not hold back when she makes a threat or when she gives her word, and hold herself high to be an inspiration to her people. To take her word lightly when she means it is not necessarily a good thing, and to assume that she is weak herself because she is royalty is suicide. Indeed, she keeps her own household ready if they ever need to defend themselves, and this tradition is one thing that has kept her bloodline's monarchy ruling strong for many generations. While many outsiders could call her nation a "militarized state" due to its large and honed military might, while some might even call her "inhumane" or the like due to her actively employing and acquiring scientists chased from or banned from their own various worlds for their military or other "illegal" research, she does not flinch in the face of criticism from outside sources. Still, she is willing to take criticism and such to a respectful degree, as to her "even a queen should never stop learning".
To harm her nation is to harm her, and with how well she has treated her people the opposite is the same. One bit of evidence for this strong public relationship is that when the Queen's wife died after giving birth to their third child, the people mourned for her and held memorials for an entire week after the death without being told to do so.
Persons of Importance(Optional): Princess Miiyala (first child of the queen and next in line to the throne), General Kil'ik (head commander of the kingdom's armed forces)
Homeworld(s) of Origin: Erelvath
Holdings: They have transformed the minor, non-Garden planet Halcyon-VI into their homeworld, using technology to transform the barren planet itself into a useful holding for them. Along with this they have used biological technology to terraform the planet somewhat into a planet that is fully habitable for their people and those who immigrate into the Kingdom. However, this planet is not as blooming, large, or great as a Garden World, but the level of care put into it tries to make up for that with the quality of life the people on Halcyon-VI are able to have.
Beyond this the Kingdom of Xenor has placed several general-purpose colonies on adjacent worlds and moon, which double as both colonies for their people to live, as well as being military installations for purposes of defense or otherwise making war. Most planets they have colonized or claimed are generally rich in metals and other resources to fuel their economy and create jobs for the people in the colonies. Most of their territories are close to each other, leaving the kingdom's area of dominion easier to protect militarily and making logistics easier on them as well.
Population Demographics:
Long ago, a colony of humans was settled on the planet of Erelvath, being given permission to try to settle down in the hostile world by the sentient natives of the planet. This was in the time before the Iurrkhal and the Vraslil would consolidate to form "The Covenant", and in this time the human colony settled in an area on the edge of Iurrkhal territory that left them in contact with both races. Yet the harsh and unforgiving environment of Erelvath, and the nature of its two most sentient inhabitants, would come to shape this colony into something more. Between their constant exposure to the spores of the Iurrkhal, and the Vraslil secretly conducting biological experiments on the human colony, the humans of the colony began to develop into a unique race of their own as time went on. Fused with Vraslil DNA though the race's experiments, seeded with Iurrkhal spores in the air around them, the humans began to develop radicaly different features such as wickedly sharp tails, some semblance of an exoskeleton, and the ability to see at night. Alteration by alteration, generation by generation, these humans were shaped bit by bit until they were unrecognizable as humans. Indeed, they became an entirely new race unto themselves with a language, culture, and bore a new name they gave themselves: The Xenor. They also gained this appearance (albeit they have a second set of arms unlike in the picture):
Considered a sub-species of humans primarily, though some races also consider them a sub-species of Vraslil or Iurrkhal as well, the Xenor are a unique race that came to be from both natural adaptation to the environment (including the Iurrkhal spores around them ), and the machinations of the Vraslil's biological experimentation. The hair near the front of their heads is one remaining sign of their human origins, while the short "tentacles" on the back of their heads are sensory organs used for detecting movement around them as well as "hearing" sound in a manner more honed than any human ears. The exoskeleton covering much of their bodies is able to withstand great pressures and many attacks, while the species is further able to utilize a second set of arms that developed on their bodies. The second set of arms for a Xenor are able to be retracted onto their torso, seeming to blend in with the rest of their exoskeleton parts seamlessly in the process. Their tails are long and bear sharp ends on them that are able to pierce through flesh with ease and can be used to puncture other exoskeletons, while also being able to stretch by extending the muscles in them in order to reach targets at a distance.
While the hair colors of Xenor can vary like those of humans, the eye colors possessed among the race are as follows (listed from most common to rarest): purple, emerald green, scarlet red, chocolate brown, and gold. This race is also unique in that they are a single-gender race, taking on completely female appearances, which has led many to wonder how the Xenor actually reproduce. The answer is that the race does actually reproduce sexually, as when members of the race engage in "mating" their body produces special hormones that temporarily causes the sharp ends of their tails to change shape for purposes of reproduction.
Of further note is the immune system of the Xenor race, which is especially resilient and efficient when employed against things such as various parasites and spores, and is more rapid than other races in general in regards to detoxifying harmful substances in their blood (though it is not so absurd that this species cannot get sick or the like). Further, the brains of the members of the Xenor race are very complex and are more similar to fungi than normal brain cells, being related to the fungus the Iurrkhal are composed of, and the nerves of this species are fungus-like in nature and are able to rapidly regenerate if damaged or destroyed. Indeed, nerotoxins specifically are not very effective if at all against the Xenor race, whose very "nervous system" is able to rapidly repair itself in good measure. While the brain can also repair itself rapidly due to the nature of the species' nervous system, it is of note that this absurd healing factor only extend to their nervous system and not to the rest of their bodies. The rest of their bodies heal at a rather average and normal rate among the various alien races of the universe.
Formed into hardy and deadly creatures by experiments and their environment, the Xenor are a race that on their own are a threat in close combat due to their naturally dense muscular structure despite how lean they look. It is safe to say they were shaped into the equivalent of super-soldiers by their environment and genetic meddling, and this is not too far off when taking into account their natural capabilities.
-Humans: 10%
-Vraslil: 10%
-Tak'a'dis: 5%
-Other Immigrants: 10%
History: The history of the Kingdom of Xenor is one that began with the origins of the Xenor race itself on the planet of Erelvath, up until the point that The Covenant formed on the planet and the Xenor were booted whilst the new governing body consolidated its power. Booted from a world they had lived on since the original human colony they stemmed from had arrived there quite a long time ago, the Xenor were left without a home and without an idea of where to go. Having taken a few of the Vraslil scientists who were interesting in coming with them, the Xenor sought out a new planet to call home, a place to secure for themselves that they would not be chased from again. This turned out to be the planet Halcyon-VI, which through the use of technology and terraforming was transformed into a habitable planet most covered in machinery.
Upon finally settling on a world of their own, the Xenor organized their own government, and insecure about their current holding they set out to create a strong military even as they developed their own world and technology. While not having the best of feelings for the Vraslil who experimented on them, those that came with them were purposed to developing better biological weapons and biological technology. This was combined with technology gained from their time spent around the Iurrkhal, and technology gained from taking in scientists who had fled their worlds due to researching and/or developing technology and experiments that were "questionable" by the standards of other Garden Worlds. These scientists, refugees, and others that had left their worlds and were looking for a new home were taken in by the Xenor, their skills and abilities being put to work for the good of the kingdom as a whole so that they all could live a better life.
Yet despite this acceptance of other races, the Xenor have always been a race skilled in combat, well-versed in the biotech that has come to compose their military, always researching the next "military taboo" or other "superweapons" that they could put to good use in military matters. While allowing freedoms and helping build up jobs and comforts for its people, they are harsh against traitors during times of war. While allowing others to immigrate to their world and being open to other races working alongside fellow Xenor, it would be unwise to try to uproot this race from their new home. Friendly to those who are friendly to them, the Kingdom of Xenor (named after its founding race) can be just as cruel and terrible to their enemies.
-Biological Sector: This sector of the Xenor military is where many Vraslil scientists work alongside Xenor scientists and others to create bio-weapons and bio-technological weapons for use by the Kingdom. Putting this to good use, this sector of Xenor military has created many agents, weapons, even constructs to utilize in war. One of the most successful creations of the department was the "NecroVirus Mark III", an agent that twists those who are infected by it into horrendous monsters
that are hard to kill. Though as they do tend to dabble in selling some military technology at times, the Kingdom of Xenor is careful to create counters to their own abominations....just in case.....
-Armored Infantry: Suits of full-body biotech "Power Armor" have been created for the Kingdom of Xenor's general infantry forces, which not only provide strong defenses against many kinds of weapons to soldiers, but also help keep them alive in battle and enhance their physical capabilities while wearing it via a type of bio-technological nanomachines that are connected to the armor and are injected into soldiers by the armor itself. These suits of biotech armor also contain systems that allow for rapid communication, the deployment of temporary force-fields for protection, and the armor is even capable of self-repair. In terms of weapons, the general infantry armament is a miniaturized railgun rifle that is nothing to scoff at in regards to its power and its range. In terms of infantry as a whole, though, this Kingdom is nothing to count short as well with the elite training drilled into their soldiers from day one. Professional, highly-trained, and deadly from the outset, to face a force of these soldiers on a battlefield in any number is something to take very seriously, whether they be of the Xenor race itself or not.
Infantry soldiers can perform various roles as infantry soldiers are usually broken up and trained specially to be able to, from being trained to be snipers, to sabotaging enemy fortifications, to simply fighting on the front lines.
-Grakkund-Class Rail-Tank: A high-quality tank made for land battles as part of the Kingdom of Xenor's Armored Division of the military, this vehicle is effectively an all-terrain vehicle, even possessing a compressed inside and durable outer shell that allows it to even drive underwater. It is equipped with twin 120mm heavy railguns, capable of bombarding targets at great distances with shells, and comes with two automated turrets on its rear and one on its front to assist in mowing down lesser enemies who try to approach this vehicle. Further, it has an anti-gravity "flying mode" that can be used to fly through the air for a limited time to get over rougher terrain if necessary. Manned by just a 3-person crew, this tank boasts heavy firepower and great mobility as a whole.
-"Hellhound" Destroyers: These bio-engineered creatures look like devilish and terrifying dogs, and can come in sizes ranging from a small car to the length and size of a semi-tractor trailer with its trailer. They tend to be deployed into dangerous areas and/or are deployed into an area before the general infantry move in, using their enhanced sense of smell, thermal vision, very tough internal skeleton, technology-enhanced muscles made of synthetic muscle fibers, and notable physical brute strength to tear into buildings, to dig out hiding enemies, slaughter enemy infantry, or to even rush in and tear apart enemy vehicles or tanks with their absurdly hard claws and teeth. It is impossible to see any technological parts on these beasts, but if they are killed or dealt a fatal wound, they possess a small but potent bomb inside of them that detonates upon their death. This small bomb radiates intense levels of heat and has a moderate blast radius, and is enough to kill enemies who are too close to it. These beasts can also swim, and do not feel physical pain due to neuro-inhibitors installed to prevent them from feeling such. If they did feel pain, there is a good chance they would go berserk in the process.
-J-35 "Xeno"-Class Mechas: The Xenor Kingdom possesses well-built humanoid-style mechs to pilot for ground battles. They usually carry larger versions of the railgun rifle the general infantry does, along with various assortments of weaponry meant to fit various situations. This weaponry can range from incendiary bombs, to particle cannons, to melee weapons, to even the likes of mounted missiles meant to peg an enemy at long range. They are highly responsive, agile mechas on the field, better in part than the clunky but harder-hitting Rail-Tanks the Xenor Kingdom still utilizes. Currently development is being made to create possible bio-technological versions of mechas that can be automated, while a version that functions in space is currently in production. Beyond that there have been thoughts to replace some infantry with these mechas to reduce additional infantry casualties in future battles, though this is still being thought over by the Xenor Kingdom's military and the queen.
-Planetary Defense Field: Colonies of the Xenor Kingdom tend to possess protective force fields, but Halcyon-VI itself possesses a planetary-wide defensive shield that is maintained at all times. Traffic on and off of the planet is checked and is allowed in by operators who control each of the four gates that are used to go in and out of the force field. There are, however, special emergency forces stationed near these gates in case they are broken, and a set of "secondary shutters" will close over a given gate if it is broken or blown up. Destroy the secondary shutter, and one has to face the defense forces just within. Get past those, you can get to Halcyon-VI.
-"Kiitaru"-Class Dreadnaught: This heavy-duty spaceship is a gigantic ship and a slow beast in the realm of space, but possesses heavy armor, two layers of force fields, and an array of railguns and laser-firing guns, and is a bio-technological creature that is actually in some sense "alive". It is capable of self-repair if damaged, as well as an array of minor bio-engineered creatures kept on board that it is able to control to defend itself from attackers who enter the ship. It naturally carries an array of smaller K-32 "Assault" ships for space combat as well additional N-12 "Terrors" for space combat as well, and has armed and trained crews that assist in protecting and running the ship. While its lack of speed makes it easy to run from, its sheer firepower and defenses are nothing to belittle in a combat situation. It was made not to catch up with enemies, but to outlast them. To try to make these behemoth ships more versatile, they are capable of bombarding locations on the ground of a target planet with their railguns from just beyond low orbit.
-K-32 All-Purpose Assault Ships: These smaller attack ships have a sleek, bullet-like design with a small set of "wings" on both sides of the ship that have the engines attached to them. These wings are each protected by a smaller force field. These ships were built with speed and offence in mind rather than sheer defense, meant to make a smaller and harder target for enemies to hit in space/aerial combat while also being equipped with an array of 6 space torpedoes/missiles meant to seek and destroy targets. They can also be equipped with bombs to act like bombers, if the need arises. Otherwise each ships otherwise boasts a 3-barrel Gatling laser, sacrificing more barrels and a higher fire rate as a result in order to have far greater accuracy/precision as well as a rather respectable rate of fire for a space weapon. While their armor is not the best, however, their speed and maneuverability is meant to compensate for this along with smaller force fields being used to protect vital areas of the ship such as the engines/wings and the cockpit. These ships can also be equipped with delivery system for biological weapons that are meant to be fired into enemy ships or at enemy targets on ground battles, such as projectiles that inject a great deal of the NecroVirus on-board ships to transform entire crews into lethal, mindless zombies.
-Y-97 "Hellsmouth" Transports: These troop transports are high-armor, high-speed ships similar in appearance to a rotary wing aircraft, except with space engines instead of propellers. These ships are simply troop transport vehicles made to survive long enough to either drop troops up or to pick them up. They have only light weapons for assisting in ground-assaults or taking down other light aircraft, but are seriously not meant for a space dogfights or the like. These ships can also be equipped with delivery system for biological weapons that are meant to be fired at enemy targets in ground battles, such as projectiles that release a chemical agent that is able to cause exposed flesh to begin to melt.
-N-12 "Terrors": These ships are actually bio-technological creatures outfitted for space combat. They initially appear like this
and are able to survive in the vacuum of space. While they appear like a normal ship, though, they possess large tentacles that can come out of the sides of the ship, tentacles which are capable of moving quickly and grabbing nearby enemy space ships to crush them. They come equipped with both mechanical and biologically-engineered sensory equipment that allows them to better detect stealthy enemies and to be able to pursue enemies they are sent after with a dogged and fierce determination. They also possess strong engines that make them hard to run away from. Further equipped with multiple laser turrets and a pair of high-power railgun turrets, these mechanical beasts will pursue enemies without hesitation and are used commonly by "Kiitaru"-Class Dreadnaughts as a means of self-defense or assault alongside other ships.
Government Type: Representative Democracy (Republican) The Itiumite system of government is a refined system of representative democracy, or republicanism, that is best described as a strong central body subscribed to by semi-autonomous provinces.
Leadership: The leadership of the Republic is split between three branches: At its head, an executive body consisting of a Consul which is generally the figurehead of the government, accompanied by his own retinue and cabinet of advisors. The most powerful branch is the legislative body, which consists of a non-elected upper house, the Senate, and an elected lower house, the Magistrate Assembly. Finally, is the branch that has no central leadership, known as the Courts. Generally each province has a High Court, each of which can rule a piece of legislation unlawful due to it violating the Itium Compact, upon which the legislation is sent before the Consul, who either refutes or passes the piece of legislation based upon his interpretation of the Compact.
Offworld Holdings: Though not particularly new at any rate to space travel, the Itiumites own very little in regards to offworld territory. Infact, their only offworld holdings are their three moons: Uiwei, the largest of the moons and barren of all atmosphere, a mere chunk of orange, rusty rock. Uinov, the “middle” moon of size, with an atmosphere that is extremely toxic to most carbon-based life, and extremely hot as a result of the very same gases which made it uninhabitable. And lastly, Feavis, the smallest moon, purple in color and the closest of all three to Itium, without an atmosphere. Each moon has had no attempts at colonization from the people of Itium, due to aforementioned uninhabitability. Rather, those with no atmosphere have each small outposts that serve to provide scientific data, among other things.
Persons of Importance: WIP
The Iti’Okh (pronounced Ishee’Ock) are digitigrade carbon-based lifeforms that are the primary inhabitants of the world known as Itium. Being carbon-based life, they operate in a similar fashion to others of kind. They generally breathe oxygen, though the natural mix they breathe generally consists of a majority nitrogen with a significant oxygen component, along with another component consisting of a mix of the elements known as the “noble gases”. Said gases are in stronger concentration on Itium than on Terra, which possesses a similar mixture of gases, but the mixture of gases on Itium are less than lethal to any beings that do breathe oxygen. Being omnivores, the Iti’Okh consume both the meat of animals, whether hunted or raised, along with the harvest of fruits and vegetables either gathered or grown. Their physiological traits include that of being rather tall, with males being an average of 6’8-7’4, and females an average of 6’3-6’7. As for weight, males are on average between 290-320 lbs, and females between 230-260 lbs. They possess a binary circulatory system that pumps indigo-colored blood. They have quadruple-hinged jaws, with an upper jaw lined with sharp teeth for tearing meat and fruits/vegetables. Four mandibles are below those, with arrays of sharp teeth which ‘grind’ the meat or fruits/vegetables into a fine consistency of a sort. In the rear of the mouth are more teeth, molars which then make sure the food is properly chewed and grinded down to be safely swallowed. Their eyes lack L cone cells, allowing them to see into the “infrabrown” range, though depriving them of the ability to perceive the color purple, rather it being identified as a darker shade of blue.
The Iti’Ni (pronounced Ishee’Nee) are plantigrade carbon-based lifeforms that are the minority sapient race of Itium. They breathe the same as the Iti’Okh. They are notorious carnivores, evolved from vicious predators that once preyed on the wildlife of Itium. They have red blood, pumped by a closed circulatory system. Males are generally a height of 7’3-8’2 when mature, with females being about the same. The dimorphism between the genders is little, also ensuring average weight for most of the Iti’Ni population to be 340-410 lbs.
History: The people of Itium are an old sort. Possibly one of the oldest in Jalaryias, and some of the most sophisticated, some of the most complex. Millennia, even Epochs ago, the races that inhabit Itium had their humble beginnings. Aquatic life was all that dominated the surface of Itium, and land masses were few and far between. Eras came, and eras passed, and the first life took to the water, reptilians that became monstrous beings, or, alternatively, became small beings, mammals that were dwarfed by other life, driven into burrows.
The formation of the three moons is often attributed to the rise of the mammalian species of Itium, and scientific evidence points to such. Back long ago, impacts between large celestial bodies were common, but were catastrophic all the same. Two specific events within centuries of eachother formed both the largest and smallest moons of Itium, and single-handedly extinguished those predators that roamed the surface, leaving only those small, burrowing mammals to live.
Evolution came at a quicker pace, though none are sure why. Sapience came first to the Iti’Okh, millennia ago. Hunter gatherers, they were experts of pursuing prey, evading predators, and when all else failed, adapting to use their surroundings to survive. However, the need to adapt was not the only threat. The race now known as the Iti’Ni were once great predators, carnivorous beasts that killed and feasted. The Iti’Okh’s sapience, ability to adapt, and to evade saw the Iti’Ni develop the same, becoming sapient beings, albeit more savage than their counterpart.
Savagery gave way to technological adaptation. Fire, tools, agriculture, animal husbandry. It all served both populations to advance in leaps and bounds. Communities, towns, cities, and empires rose and fell over decades and centuries. Warring between these bodies on grounds of territory, of resources, of religion, and of culture were common, especially between the two races in general. But, despite the civil setbacks of warfare, the act of such only advances the prowess and technology of both races.
About a millennia ago, many of the Iti’Okh had been united under a single banner, a republic, while the Iti’Ni were still barbarians, living in tribes. Though the Iti’Ni were stronger, possessing the force to kill many troops themselves before perishing, they lacked the cunning, the tactics, or the numbers that the Iti’Okh had, and the disunited tribes were conquered over the course of a single century.
Technology progressed onwards, but Itium was not without strife. The subjugated Iti’Ni rebelled on many occasions, but each time their rebellion was put down. Now, in modernity, with the space age in full bloom and the people of Itium taking to the stars, the last rebellion was a century ago. And with that last bloody footnote, Itium looks to the future, reaching out after so long being reclusive.
Military: Exercitus aut. Itium The Armed Services of Itium are a formidable sort, heavily reminiscent of old military tradition of the Iti’Okh melded with the newest technology and tactics of questionable age.
The ground forces of Itium are best described as masters of discipline, men of strict tradition, armed with the latest weaponry available to them.
Legion: 10,000 men, commanded by a Legatus. Pilae: 5,000 men, commanded by a Pilus. Cohort: 1,000 men, commanded by a Cohortis. Tribuni: 500 men, commanded by a Tribune. Century: 100 men, commanded by a Centurion. Decan: 10 men, commanded by a Decanus.
The Type-27 Combustion rifle is a project directly developed by the Exercitus Itium in response to the evolution and standardized use of armor by not only their own troops, but by other races utilizing armor as well. It works on the principle of a simple tilting-breechblock gas-operated rifle fed from a rotating cylinder affixed just below the rear sight post of the weapon. It fires a cartridge with the measurements of 8x24mm. The cylinder holds ten rounds, and it can be loaded three ways. Firstly, the slowest way, of which it was originally intended without much foresight, by loading each cartridge individually into the cylinder. Second, a rather crude way that troops in the field developed when loading each round individually proved slow and in some cases, fatal. It is to carry an extra cylinder on their person, which is fully loaded. By quickly field stripping the empty cylinder out of their rifle, they could quickly insert the next cylinder and reaffix the pin that held the cylinder assembly in place. Then there is the last way of loading. A ‘speed-loader’ was developed by the Exercitus after noticing such practices and their detriment. This speed loader quickly allows a soldier to remove the cylinder cap, guide all ten rounds into their respective places, and stow the loader. The latter is mainly used, however, in cases of short supply, the former see practice.
The Type-24 is an older weapon, developed as a field test, which became the sidearm of the Exercitus Itium. It fires, well, quite simply, plasma. It functions on an electrolaser principle. An emitter in the center of the weapon emits a super-hot laser, which ionizes the surrounding atmospheric gasses, inducing a short length of a plasma channel. The channel holds until it impacts its target, the gases violently separating and dissipating. Against lightly armored or unarmored targets, this can leave a good majority of the impact site covered in severe second, third, or even fourth-degree burns. Though, against targets with heavy and thick armor, it is rather ineffective.
The Type-61 is the primary melee weapon of the Exercitus Itium, and is perhaps the oldest piece of weaponry in its arsenal. The likeness of this weapon traces its roots back to the conquest of the Iti’Ni, and is expertly made to thrust, slash, or bash its target. One is issued to all personnel of the Exercitus, combat or noncombat, the highest Legatus to the lowliest Legionairre.
The Type-32 is a weapon engineered specifically for use by the Iti’Ni Auxiliary. It operates similarly to the Type-27, in that it is a gas-operated firearm firing a caseless projectile. Notably, it possesses a short barrel, denoting it as a carbine. Another modification, mainly to please the melee-inclined, is the permanently affixed double-bladed bayonet, which is fit to stab and slash the enemy as the user’s heart will most likely desire.
The Type-1 is the primary armor set for the Excercitus Itium, consisting of a jet black bodyglove undersuit, made of a stab-resistant and shrapnel-resistant fiber material that is generally environmentally sealable when coupled with the proper equipment to do so. Mounted atop that is ballistic plating of varying colors, consisting of extremely light alloys that are nonetheless protective, catching the odd rifle or pistol round, along with most shrapnel. This ballistic plating also has an additional layer above the traditional metal, consisting of a rather thin layer of extremely heat-resistant material, placed an inch above the ballistic plating itself. The theory behind this is that plasma or laser weaponry would strike the thin layer, burning it away and reducing the power of the shot in cases of lasers or straight dissipating the gasses in cases of plasma. An extremely stripped down version of this armor system is available for the Iti’Ni Auxiliary, with the system also forfeiting the bodyglove.
The Auxiliary of Iti’Ni are an indentured legion-strength unit of Iti’Ni troops that have either volunteered, been enlisted by slave masters as substitutes for their mandatory service in times of war, or have enlisted by their own free will to pay off debts. Either way, despite being second-class in the civilian world, this segregated unit is anything but. They are the shock troops, the spearhead of the forces, ruthless combatants that pierce enemy defenses when on the offense, or delay and bog down the enemy on the defense.