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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Hes more a cold kind of crazed than that kind. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

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@Vulkan So, like, a Dissassociated Sociopath rather than a Paranoid Psychotic.

Still, I imagine they would agree on the finer points in life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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@RithyThat's about right. You're a nut, amigo.

At least not quite as nutty as to wade headfirst into the enemy's prepared fireteam *Wink* *Wink* ^_^


By the sound of it, Ethan reminds me a lot about a younger version of this guy xD

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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@RithyAh, you're right. Kid is weird and pretty creepy, but he thinks clearly, at least.

Ellis, on the other hand, does not.

However, Ellis could learn a little something about a more thoughtful approach. That having been said, I think he likes charging in as much as Salissa.

You're still the most infuriatingly positive person here, and I mean that as a sincere compliment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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I love how no one has noticed the more positive traits in his character. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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We like pointing out potential conflicts a character could have. He seems like the quiet kid who if you get on his bad side things will go south. Though he does seem a tad sadistic when it comes to his biotic usage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

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@Vulkan Agreed. No one looked at Vella as a sincere, war-minded veteran. To us, she was a bumblng, trigger happy idiot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Fair point.


He is quiet, although sadistic isn't really the right word. He dousnt delight in causing pain, he delights in obliterating everything he sees as quickly as possible.

He wont outwardly appear to be enjoying himself though, hes learned to hide that perfectly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

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@VulkanAh! So the power itself is his fetish! That's the big difference, then. For Ellis, it's the fear, the destruction. For Ethan, its the capability that he likes. Just,
Like, the knowledge that he has the power to destroy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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I get the feeling that those two aren't going to get along. XD

Wonder who would win in a straight fight?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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Unfortunately, Ethan's malnourishment will prevent him from being able to output his full potential. Ellis, on the other hand, relies on his suit to maintain a number of bodily functions, minimalizing the amount of energy he must expend. This leaves Ellis with more biotic ammo than Ethan.

Ethan's physical capabilities would fare badly against a suit with the strength of a krogan, so once his biotics failed, he'd be hard pressed to survive, let alone survive without horrible psychological scarring.

I just reread both Character Sheets. I gotta stand by my original observation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Probably, although it would all depend if Ellis could survive the first biotic onslaught mostly composed of flares. Even without full potential, thats going to be difficult.

If he could withstand it, then yeah, its not going to end well.

What about the rest of y'all?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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@Vulkan Aaaand that's the biggest issue. Ellis has a strong barrier, and his armor is specifically designed to resist blunt force, making explosions, kinetic charges, and other shock-force weapons virtually useless. But, Ethan could work to speed up his Overheat and Overclock processes. If Ethan applied enough heat for enough time, he could burn Ellis out.

Honestly, I think Tiberius is gonna be Ethan's real rival.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mwanwhile, as far as anyone knows, Sicaria is brutally efficient, professional, and is prone to random nosebleeds.

Gotta love character interraction, just wait until we have downtime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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@Mega Birb Sicaria is lucky Ellis knows he's no good. Otherwise, dude might have ruined the Infiltration team's op, to profess his love/hatred for the Turian beauty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Probably, although he wont know that at first. Ethan is vicious but he isn't stupid. He wont let it become a straight brawl if its clear Ellis is stronger.

So yeah, maybe its lucky they are on the same side for the moment.

And the shipping has already started? XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

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Thst having been said, I think the two could use one another for some insane combat training. It's a biotic wizard vs. A biotic telekinetic. It'd be insanely productive if the two learned to cooperate. Like, imagine if Ellis and Ethan trained together to create their own biotic manipulations.

The shipping has begun, but only for Phalanx.

And yes, I used the word 'insane' for a reason.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Probably, although it would take a fair bit of persuasion/threats to get Ethan to agree to do that.

And Tiberius as his rival? How would that work?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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@BlackSam3091 Sure thing boss man!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

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@Vulkan Tiberius is our most accomplished pure biotic, it seems. At least our most trained. Ellis is self-taught, Vella is Asari, Sicaria is trained fairly heavily, etc. But the only two who specifically specialize in biotics are Ethan and Tiberius.
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