Resistance Radio

Fighting for a Better Tomorrow
What is Resistance Radio?
Resistance Radio is a simple concept. You're given a pirate radio station in an oppressive galactic empire that regularly commits genocide and crushes freedoms. You're given news reports, and you, as a radio team, must decide what to air and what to not. You must decide your radio schedule, when you air, and what you say and leave unsaid. You are not a soldier, not a commander, you are a news jockey and provider of hope. The rebellion you support will see many hardships you will be unable to control, but there is one thing you're good at; giving the common man resolve to fight.
Not only that, but you could be the force that unifies the rebel cells, the force that shapes the government to come. All by being in the right place at the right time with a radio signal and a dream.
- Standard rules apply.
How do the RP mechanics work?
Basically, I give you a set of news stories on the happenings of the galaxy, whether political, military, or economic. It's your job to spin these stories to the resistance at large, giving -- or breaking, their resolve to fight. I will track the results of your news and future stories given to you will reflect what you told the resistance. You are a major force in the resistance, for news, for intelligence, and most importantly, for hope.
Character Sheet
Place this sheet in the OOC section, and move it to the characters section when approved.
[img]Your Appearance[/img]
Your specialty here
Your backstory here.
If human, just put human. Else, this is a classic sci-fi galaxy, give us general info about your species.
It's purposely a fairly short character sheet. Your background isn't as important as what you do on the radio.
Woah, hold up! What is this galactic government?
Consider the traditional components of the Galactic Empire from Star Wars. Remove the force, and you've got the empire you face. Mix this with the ruthlessness of the Universal Union from Half Life 2, and you have the resolve of the empire you face. Sector Admirals destroy planets for the kick of it. Entire populations are enslaved. Concentration camps are old news. In this climate comes your rebellion, the rebellion your radio encourages.