@6slyboy6 It goes like this. There are seven garden worlds, they're the meat of the setting. The first players to lay claim to them pretty much form the core of the setting, the people that inhabit it. Late players then can make Independent colonial nations based off these worlds.
i guess. honestly when i read everything's packed in same system my motivation took a nose dive i was looking forward to running the empire. My bad, must of missed or misread explanation stuff in my eagerness. -.-
I think i'll save all that stuff for another sci fi Nrp, & restart on making a single world Cs from scratch gimme a day or so to see...
Ps: also sorry for delay in reply wireless router went funny tried all sorts til my brother came by stuck a pencil in the router & got it working again lol.
Ps: also sorry for delay in reply wireless router went funny tried all sorts til my brother came by stuck a pencil in the router & got it working again lol.
Still a work in progress, but here is what I have thus far.
Faction Name: The Rossyan Directive Profession: Intellectual and artistic advancements Emblem/Banner: Affiliation:(optional): Leadership: The board of directors - a body of seven elected officials that heads the organization, they serve for six year terms, with an election of at least two of them occurring every other year. Personnel of Importance(Optional): Military/Civilian Assets: Numerous asteroid bases, habitable, military, and science satellites, moon colonies, and a combat capable fleet. History: Following the Aurolian-Concordant war, further research into AI, cybernetics, and other fields of scientific study were further limited by the Aurolian government. Chafing under these restrictions, a brilliant human scientist by the name of Rossyan decided to try and circumvent these laws by creating a research facility outside of Aurolian territory. His promises of greater freedom of scientific pursuits proved to be a strong draw to scientists, with many coming to what was becoming known as the Rossyan Institute. For a time Aurolia seemed to tolerate the Institute’s existence, but this all ended when Rossyan proclaimed that he had created an artificial intelligence far superior to any that had been created before.
This proclamation led to the so-called “War with no Casualties.” The Aurolian military launched a devastating attack, killing most of the people at the Institute, Rossyan included. During the battle the Aurolian military suffered no casualties as the scientists had no weapons and the AI they had created were unwilling to harm any sentient being.
Those few scientists who had survived fled to the asteroid belt where, over time, they slowly rebuilt. In the decades to come they would call themselves the Rossyan Directive: their goals to pursue greater intellectual and artistic heights while upholding Rossyan’s ethical codes as much as possible. Other:
@Klomster Haven't started yet, but I shall have follow up post of Oz's in a day or two, got a cold and can't focus too much. I hear Oz and Bilbo got a collab in progress.
@Ozerath Feel free to use them, they are there to add to the stories.
They won't go into a losing fight, they want to fight in tight spaces and interiors since they can work with their strengths there (like all Schäferkin likes to fight.)
So either add them in a nice scene, do a collab with me or wait until i get around to continue their story :) I think their personality traits are straightforward enough.
@JaceBeleren Welcome aboard! Glad we finally have a human homeworld! And as said before, you're welcome to add in two more species alongside the humans.
@Willy Vereb We have a human Garden World now if you're still interested.
Name: The Terran Civilisations - The Human Empire and The Assar-Rhen Tribes
Government type: Up until about a century before the discovery of other life in the system, humanity was a disorganised mess of competing factions and ideals. However, one group managed to make an attack on the other great powers of the world and take over as ruler. Humanity is now a unified empire, with the emperor's title being inherited (the emperors are believed to be descended from a god). The Assar-Rhen tribes, however, are completely different. All are family-based and matriarchal, but dictate that if anyone proves more capable in a particular task (which varies from tribe to tribe) than the current matriarch, their family take over the tribe.
Leadership: Emperor Hayashima Togoki - leader of the Human Empire. In his late fourties, and is very protective of his daughter, Hayashima Miyoto. Considered to be a capable leader, but he sometimes acts too quickly as he is slightly impatient. Hayashima Miyoto - heir to the Human Empire. With her deceased mother's courage, and her father's leadership and wisdom, she is expected to surpass even her father as one of the best empresses the Human Empire has ever had. But she will have to wait her turn. Kyriarka (English: Soveriegn) - Matriarch of the White Tribe of the Assar-Rhen. The White Tribe is the most influential of them all, and chooses its leader based on martial prowess. She is the only Matriarch who can overule another's decision. Pholia (English: Fire) - Matriarch of the Red Tribe of the Assar-Rhen, who choose their leader based on physical appearence. Of course, this means she is devestatingly beautiful. Such is the strange nature of the Assar-Rhen, that even those of other species will agree. Orala (English: Vision) - Matriarch of the Green Tribe of the Assar-Rhen. This tribe's Matriarchs are chosen based on beauty, as well, but a different kind of beauty. Matriarchs of the Green Tribe are masterful painters, poets and singers. Orala is no different. Alitheia (English: Truth) - Matriarch of the Blue Tribe of the Assar-Rhen, whose Matriarchs are both wise and knowledgable. They keep records of the history of the tribes, and Alitheia is likely the only one who has ever told Kyriarka what to do, and definitely the only one who has survived it.
Offworld holdings: The Human Empire has control of dozens of small colonies and space stations throughout the area. Most are for scientific research, mining and production. They want to expand, but know that doing so could be extremely risky as they are newcomers to the interplanetary scene. Sure, at some point they will probably attack someone, but it won't be until they have a 100% chance of winning and four back up plans anyway. The Assar-Rhen tribes are much less ambitious. They make sure they have a say on interplanetary policy, and due to their abnormal method of reproduction they must leave for that as well, but otherwise they almost always stay in their own lands. Those that dislike the limitations of their tribe are allowed to leave, but these are rare, as they often must hide who they are to avoid discrimination.
Species and demographics: Human: 90% Assar-Rhen: 9% Immigrants: 1%
Humans: "How could a species so self-destructive ever get farther than sticks and stones?" one scholar asked about the humans. Famous for their "suicide peroid" in which, before the appearance of the Assar-Rhen, they attempted to wipe out plant life on their planet despite the fact that doing so would probably cause them all to suffocate. Not only that, they were actually aware that their burning of various fuels was causing flooding and freak weather, yet they continued to do so. They have actually used nuclear weapons before! Against themselves! Plenty of people consider them absolute morons, if it wasn't clear.
Assar-Rhen: The Assar-Rhen are an interesting species. They are not born, per se, but are the results of an unpredicted reaction between a previously unknown species of plant and the human genome. The Assar flower uses spores to “hijack” other plants, not directly affecting them but causing their offspring to be Assar flowers rather than their own species. When a human woman was exposed to these spores, she became the first Assar-Rhen. It is unknown why the spores do not affect men, but the dominant theory is that, like all plants, the male part of the Assar flower is responsible for releasing spores (or seeds, with some plants). Assar-Rhen are not very different to humans, physically speaking. Their skin pigments change, giving them a slight hue of white, green, blue or red. This is directly linked to their tribe structure and the colour of the petals that the Assar flower that infected them had. Assar-Rhen also develop six thin slits on their neck - three on each side. They are able to release spores like those the Assar flower releases through these. Being a single-gendered species, this is their only way to reproduce. An Assar-Rhen infected by another instead of by a flower gains the skin colouration of the “mother”. Note that Assar-Rhen can (at least, theoretically) be of non-human species, but currently none have been infected. Assar-Rhen have the same lifespan as humans, but are physically superior. They are very fast, strong, and have very good endurance and senses. However, they are significantly outnumbered, and their technology is far inferior). How inferior? They use stone-tipped knives, spears and bows/arrows. They do not use metal due to their beliefs, and the handles are made from wood that has already fallen. (For scale, an average Assar-Rhen is about as strong, fast, etc. as the very best human, meaning technically there could be human who could match an Assar-Rhen, but in practice it will never happen. Also note this is before training takes place, for the Assar-Rhen, and after, for the human.) Psychologically, an Assar-Rhen is completely different to a human. They feel a strong urge to fight against the destruction of Earth’s forests and have actually put a halt to it. They seem unmotivated to humans, though this s not the case. They simply have what they want. Their efforts are put towards keeping that rather than taking more. One thing they will defend even more so than the forests they live in are the Assar flowers themselves. They are programmed to think that the Assar flowers are important, and other races see it like a religion. They are not slaves, though. At worst, the relationship is symbiotic. The Assar-Rhen are mistrusted by humans, and practically unknown by other species. Humans are aware of what an Assar-Rhen could do to them. Many see it as a form of brainwashing. A special “collar” has been developed for when Assar-Rhen wish to enter human territories. This is very uncomfortable or even painful for the wearer, but they recognise its use – it blocks the slits in their necks so they cannot infect anyone. In cases where this is not possible (for example, no one would recommend trying to get one of those things on Kyriarka), they are often accompanied by armed, male guards, and any women are told ahead of time to get out of the way, or risk infection. Of course, new humans need to be infected to ensure the survival of the species. After much debate, it was decided that a particular location outside each human city would be determined where women who wished to join the Assar-Rhen may go once a month. All are warned that it is not a decision to make lightly, of course. Other species in the system have barely heard of the Assar-Rhen. Very occasionally, Assar-Rhen will work for another military force, but only if helping them helps the Assar-Rhen, primarily by protecting their home. In the event of a full-scale invasion, they would support the humans in defence, because the loss of Earth is a threat to them both. Assar-Rhen make excellent covert operatives and commandos, and this is practically their only interplantery reputation, besides being reclusive and biologically abnormal.
Immigrants: The low level of immigrants is caused by the Human Empire’s limitations on who may enter, and the Assar-Rhen don’t get visitors.
History: While the Assar-Rhen are new to the world, the humans have had a very strange and interesting history. This goes back for thousands of years, but for simplicity, only important (recent) events are described. About 100 years before the discovery of other life within the system, a huge war took place. People were killed on an unprecedented level. This was the first time an attack had been made directly at civilians, as well - basic-level bomber planes flew over key cities, using terror tactics to defeat the opposition on the homefront. The war was complex, but almost everyone seemed focused on a single villain, a power so terrifying that they only barely defeated it, with the forces of several of the next most powerful nations in the world. However, while they were all so focused on this, an island nation grew rapidly both in power and its dislike for the rest of the world. Soon, it made a launch of several nuclear weapons (the first ever to be invented) into key "enemy" strongholds, before making a less destructive land invasion of those countries that didn't immediately surrender. Its beliefs and ideals took over the world, and today it is called the Human Empire.
ENTRY - "SCOURGE" EMPIRE-STANDARDISED OCCUPATIONARY FORCE Human Empire infantry are equipped for intimidation rather than action. Sure, they can fight, but by the time they have moved in, 90% of the fighting is over and the real task is supressing the population.
ENTRY - "THUNDERER" PRIMARY MULTI-PURPOSE LIGHT TANK This vehicle is built low and wide to distribute weight, creating an effective vehicle for most terrains. The angled hull means that direct hits from anything other than mortar shells are rare. The Human Empire relies on these heavily, their multiple weapons making them suitable a range of situations. ENTRY - "TITAN" ULTRA-HEAVY ANTI-MATERIAL TANK This terrifying vehicle is representative of what humans are capable of when they stop trying to kill each other for 5 minutes. Its main gun is the size of several small cars parked in a line. These are rarely used, and expensive, but they are key to the entire battle when they're there.
ENTRY - "FIREFLY" SINGLE MANNED ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIGHTER These are quick, agile, single manned vehicles, designed to destroy enemy aircraft. Equipped with nothing more than light weaponry on the underside, they are built for protecting cities by destroying bomber vehicles. Larger targets suchas troop transports will be poorly affected. ENTRY - "FIREBIRD" TROOP TRANSPORT AND SUPPORT SHIP These are designed to deposit large numbers of ground troops rapidly into a firefight, and provide air support to ensure the battle is won. Many are also equipped with spotlights and used to assist in occupation.
ENTRY - "INVIGILATOR" ULTRA LONG RANGE RAILGUN Though the Human Empire has almost no intestellar navy, it has no need to worry about an attack. These guns are key to their strategy as a whole. They can deal with ground and airborne target at an effective range of approximately 120 miles. This means that ships in low orbit can be fired upon, and these guns pack a punch. ENTRY - "GRANDMASTER" TROOP LEADERSHIP AND COMBAT SPECIALIST At the forefront of any battle are these terrifying, 8-foot tall robots controlled remotely by the general of the pesent army. Acting as a leader on the battlefront and as a very effective combative, the Human Empire is renowned for these weapons. ENTRY - NON-EMPIRE MERCENARY COMMANDO UNIT (ASSAR-RHEN) When one threat is a danger to both groups, humanity might call on the skills of the Assar-Rhen for help in primarily covert operations, including sabotage, spying and assassination.
Other notes: I wouldn't make up anything as ridiculous as the Assar-Rhen for non-fantasy roleplay. They are inspired by a slightly more... invasive kind of fungus. Look it up if you're interested. The English "translations" for the names of the Assar-Rhen matriarchs are based off of Greek words for the same things. I may end up developing the language further, but it will probably just follow the same pattern. The Human Empire comes from the "What if the Nazis won World War 2?" hypothetical situation people talk about a lot. Instead, I came up with "What if the Nazis were defeated, but the Japanese won?". I left country names out in the history to remain "politically neutral" if that even exists any more.