You can if you hollowed out all its resources and turned it into a space station with FTL caparity.
You can if you hollowed out all its resources and turned it into a space station with FTL caparity.
Drakon Dreadnoughts: Names after the home world of the Emperor’s Legion, these massive ships act as mobile fortresses in ship battles. Spanning the length of a small continent, these behemoths possess heavy firepower as well as equipment to facilitate long term battles, such as repair stations and medical bays.
Embla: The capital planet of the Xythae Empire had been turned into the flagship of the armada millennia ago. Though it doesn’t possess any world ending weaponry, it can house 20 Drakon Dreadnoughts as well as millions of smaller ships. At the centre of the planet is the Grand Palace, from which the Emperor can contact any of his subordinates instantly.
Lets not get down to an argument, I'm sure it was an oversight by our GM, we'll wait for his call.
@Ryteb Pymeroce
That's an even worst answer.
Lets not get down to an argument, I'm sure it was an oversight by our GM, we'll wait for his call.