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Crayvenhart Admiralty
"The Fist of Cray"

Type of Governement: Auxiliary Branch of the Imperial Military.

Description of Governement: Alien auxiliaries willing to betray the cause of their race and galaxy are nothing new, but never are they as numerous as the Crayvens for specific reasons explained later. The Admiralty works in an identical fashion as the Imperial Army except that its foot soldiers and lower ranking personal are Crayven auxiliaries by the millions, positions of importance being occupied by humans while they and their families live segregated from the swarming mass of Crayvens.

Main race:

"The candle that burns twice as hard lives only half as long."

The insectoid race was always considered a blight on the entire galaxy before humanity came and arguably, is still considered worst than them for biological and cultural facts. On a biological matter, Crayvens are kept sexless as long as they are in contact with the pheromones created by the presence of a female, should they not be subdued by this pheromone, they will begin changing sex until one they are either in contact with these pheromones again or become female, in which case they will begin to lay hundreds of eggs each day, insuring that at a natural rate, the Crayven population doubles roughly every 8 months. This despite their extremely short lifespan of on average 15 years, an ancient Crayven being of the age of 35.

They of course mature excessively fast in only a few short months and have inherited from a very communal attitude where the individual often means nothing in front of the group as well as a single minded and extremely driven focus in life instilled by how they are treated in the first few months of their lives. Someone being trained from their hatching as a soldier will single mindedly pursuit to better himself in this purpose until his death for example.

And they make excellent soldiers and workers by their disciplined nature and strong bodies that eat little for the effort they can provide, capable of lifting a few times their own body weight. Perfect slaves as Admiral Konev calls them.

Minority races:
-Humans: The officers, supervisors and their families.

-80% Crayven
-20% Human (Needs constant immigration or steady attrition from the Crayvens to maintain at this level, they can become a laughable minority in months otherwise.)

"The Drive": The name a human psychologist has given to this psychological phenomenon that 'plague' the Crayven population. Crayvens, in short, are unable to be satisfied of what they have or of a situation, even if its good. They crave a cause, to have something that drives them to push themselves harder. Before the humans came, this 'Drive' was the cause of the most horrible and epic events on their side of the galaxy as they embarked in conquests or massive projects demanding every ounce of their energy, but after they were subjugated by the humans, it also led to the most violent revolts they had to face, the species often being brought near extinction many times because of their defiance.

The Crayven culture is basically inexistant at this point, their core worlds were made barren during their conquest and after over 20 of their generations, Crayvens have no idea what they were before and now only speak human languages, use human terms and technologies. Crayvens, despite or because of their short lives, strive for a kind of immortality, through their actions and what they build. It is in their nature to be motivated by the idea of leaving a mark forever, through whatever means possible. If the universe is lucky, it is by building the biggest space ship ever made, if not, it is by conquering the galaxy. Needless to say, a Crayven doesn't know the meaning of the word 'moderation'.

Despite being so heavily influanced by humans however, it is apparent that in their mind at least they aren't subjugated. Crayven exceptionalism is very much alive and indeed, these ant people believe that no matter what, they are special, something greater than others. This has of course always been problematic for their human overlords but recently, they realized that this rage and pride could be chanelled. Indeed, Crayvens do not care for humans but neither to they anyone else. They do not feel empathy or brotherhood with the other races in the galaxy they live in and as such, have no problem brutally crushing rebellions of any kind, genociding entire species and indeed making anyone go through the most brutal and abject of treatment.

The records of the Crayvens before they were conquered have mostly been erased but when the humans came the species was, at everyone's great relief, in the middle of a brutal civil war, entire fragments of the population trying to genocide each other for obscure reasons. Despite this however, the humans had a hard time conquering the ant people who would fight with sticks and stones against all odds, throwing themselves in front of moving tanks to slow them down, live in total squalor and sacrifice themselves to the last to fuel the war effort. The endeavor could probably have been something to have taken a generation if some Crayven factions hadn't been so happy to join the humans to genocide their own people. These factions of course would eventually be subjugated themselves as some gained special status in the empire if they maintained the peace but 10 years later, they of course rebelled and were obliterated themselves.

At first, the humans tried to use the Crayvens as slaves and it worked, for a while, but a series of 'Great Rebellions' where the Crayvens rearmed at light speed with enough force and vigor to require significant efforts from the humans to put down gave an end to this practice. The growth of the insectoids were simply too cancerous to not keep in check and indeed, they once tried to genocide the entire specie and believed they did until a few years later it became evident some had survived and had managed to repopulate despite being only less than a dozen individuals as far as people recall.

The problem was placed in the hands of the then young Admiral Konev who decided to handle it differently. First breaking the back of the current Crayven generation, he relocated them in core worlds rich in radiations as a way to naturally cull the population with genetic defects and take the survivors to deal with some other species that used their high resistance to radiations to defend themselves against Humanity, telling the Crayvens that 'Only the strong would survive', something the Crayvens actually masochistically cheered at. It was only the start and Admiral Konev would in 20 years instill a violent warrior tradition in the ant people, making the population people control itself as the Crayvens killed their own weaklings, worked themselves to death and threw themselves with savage enthusiasm at the enemies of humanity with religious fervor that it was a cosmic truth: The strong survived and by constantly and suicidally going in the most dangerous situations possible they only became stronger.

The funny thing is however... Konev was right. At each passing generation the Crayvens become stronger, more military minded and more resilient to the radiation of the core worlds, suffering less birth defects as they go... And Konev knows that and counts on it. For indeed, his xeno army would one day place him on the throne as EMPEROR OF MANKIND! If only he knew however that he was only developing a weapon that may serve as the bane of humanity and maybe all other race.

Important characters:
-Grand Admiral Konev: The aging man made his name after ruling for over 50 years the Crayvens without major rebellions, something that is a feat in itself, but also by managing to turn one of the worst plague of the galaxy into an efficient warmachine that crushed multiple xeno insurections in the territories. He also became one of the most dangerous person in the galaxy a few years back when he also crushed a human mutiny within the army as while other soldiers were confused and reluctant to kill other humans, his army of Aliens savagely crushed them. But this position isn't enough for him, he wish for more! A shame that he actually has only a very powerful tool and isn't at all even a good commander or statesman.

-General Hotch: The Elite ground commander under Admiral Konev, he would probably have received a promotion to more important tasks if Konev didn't want to keep him as his subordinate at all cost. Hotch however, doesn't care. Indeed, he serves with the Crayvens under Konev because of his fascination of their warrior ways, the incredible belief Konev managed to instill in them to strive to be the absolute best they can be. It is, he believes, something humanity should learn from, something they were before even! But now they have become soft in the last hundred years, after the galactic conquest. Yes, only the strong should rule!

-Admiral Stern: Another hyper competent subordinate of Admiral Konev, he is in charge of speaheading space operations. He has learned to become reliant on Crayven military might but doesn't stand in awe before it like Hotch, indeed he finds that if they are robust soldiers, Crayvens are all, except for a few notable exceptions, unimaginative, too prone to use their numbers as a crutch to rely on. Still... he is one of the few officers that realize there is something going on in the Crayven ranks, they've been quiet for 50 years and it isn't normal.

-General Lucretia: 'If only I could be like general Lucretia!' is something you often ear in Crayven ranks, for if genetic defects often lead to weaklings discarded and killed in their youth, Lucretia is something very few Crayvens are: Patient and a woman ('she' is asexual, but her mannerism make the human officers she work with think of her more as female than male) of multiple fields of expertise but not only that, naturally good in all of them. She was at first 'General Hotch's pet', an Alien in high command and one capable of putting anyone she competed to shame, using a natural knowledge of the Crayvens to use them more as a precision tool rather than a battering ram as they were often used. Every human around her but Hotch see her as a menace, something terrible waiting to happen... and they are right.

Description of Military:
Most people make the mistake to assume the ants only relly on number, but it is a terrible mistake to make for the insectoids learn quickly and dedicate their entire short lives to one thing, this coupled with their vast strength and endurance as well as seemingly inability to feel fear or have anything hamper their iron moral makes them, despite their often extremely limited equipment a devastating force to be feared that crushed many xeno rebellions and showed after a large scale mutiny in the Imperial force, that they are also capable of devastating human forces.

-Missile Frigate: The Crayven forces are in theory not supposed to produce combat vessels, after months of delays and supplies being on back order, Admiral Konev took it on himself to command the construction of 'alternative combat means'. For single launch missile carriers are considered to technically be anti-fortress support equipment and not combat ships. By that logic... why not strap as many missile to a basic space worthy hunk of metal?

-Avalanche Class Missile Carrier: Konev only had a few dockyards to produce ships but as many factories as he wanted to produce missiles... so why not stuff more missiles on a ship? At 500 missiles per pod, the Avalanche can fire an overwhelming 6000 missiles at once, more than enough to overwhelm any defense screens! These are quite basic though, with just enough computing power to track targets independently and maintain distance as not to cause chain detonations. Still, the first time he deployed this beast in a wargame against Grand Admiral Wayland, he simulated the destruction of half of a fleet, showing that throwing numbers rather than quality worked as well in space as it did on the ground.

The Crayvens produce their basic necessities as well as mass produced military equipment of great reliability but otherwise substandard performances on their new worlds near the galactic core, but the humans supervising them make sure that they don't produce a single thing that could give them an edge in case of a rebellion, especially ships, which are other than small supply vessels entirely assigned to admiral Konev by the standard Imperial navy. It is fair to say Crayvens haven't given the galaxy any technological innovations for quite some time.

Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):

The older races can tell that somehow, the Crayvens have changed from how they were before. Oh certainly, they always were the impatient short lived and determined insectoids they are, but before there was a passion to them that has been seemingly replaced with cold and unfeeling motions ever since they were almost genocided. How could they know the truth behind this though, alien as it is. Something that once was common knowledge to every Crayven is now lost to time, the fact that like a human lives with the bacteria on his skin, the Crayvens had a symbiotic relation with creatures from another plane of existence called the Isz people or rather, the things. The human word for an Isz was as none recall, a soul.

Living on their plane of existence, the Collective Consciousness or the Ithyll, 'Dreamland' as it was commonly called, the Isz lived on islands in the middle of a churning sea, the islands being the mind of the Crayvens 'Bellow' as the beings referred to the material plane. They were the source of unexplainable visions and thoughts as well as of a telepathic link between the members of the species for while the insectoids aren't expressive in the slightest and really never were, they could say 'I like this person' after a handshake due to what served as their subconscious interacting in the Ithyll.

Great events in one realm could impact the other profundly however and at no time was this more evident than when the Crayvens reached the end of their resources, being unable to continue their exponential population growth. The Isz breed at about the same speed as the Crayvens without concerns for food and space but the minds available to host them so when there was no minds to receive them, newborns were forced to 'drown' in the void, dissipate without a mind of their own, to fight for new minds. It was all very stressful for the Crayvens, insuring generations born in periods of misery were destine to be highly stressed and extremely paranoid. The desire for the Isz in their minds to find a solution to their overpopulation traducing itself to the Crayvens, in the material plane, becoming restless and looking for a change, though they couldn't put their fingers on what.

It was why the Crayvens were doomed to forever try and find room to grow, at the expense of everyone else. Contraception and birth control to make their empires more stable were doomed to fail, the Ithyll demanded permanent expansion!

So then, what happened?

Over a century ago, the Crayven race was brought to near extinction and all that was left was a single individual, a single mind, a single island in the Dreamworld. The Crayvens could repopulate, but that one Isz could not for unlike his host, the being's reproductive system was binary. Without at least one other Isz in existence, it could do nothing to repopulate the now once again fertile Ithyll of the Crayvens mind.

The notion of time and space as the material plane knows it is foreign to the Isz who lived a single moment, it was probably why they were unable to control their own population and forced the constant doom of the Crayvens, but with this moment filled with emptiness, the last survivor, Stelaz, decided to delve in search of what had caused this. No Isz had been aware of the material realm more than the Crayvens had been of the Ithyll before, it was all a vague sort of thing that only rare gurus had the desire to explore. They could felt it was linked but couldn't see what was happening to the other side. It was with great effort that Stelaz managed to pierce the veil and look at the eldritch material world. The being took the energy needed to find the spot of land, the mind that would suit the best its efforts to make contact and thus found what was Lucretia.

At first Stelaz was just an instinct, a feeling. Eventually, it became more than that and began to understand the nature of the place it had found itself. It and Lucretia communicated and during those nights, they both learned as much as each other on the other side and slowly formed a bond as both gained more knowledge of the other plane and learned how events in one affected the other.

Stelaz never knew the Emperor of mankind, he is just a weird form in the aether seen through the mind of Lucretia, but he knows he is the reason he was left alone. That he was part of the churning sea that boiled endlessly around him and that through the physical world, he could end him.
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Finally I'm done with my race

Name: The Rarian Dragons


Type of Government: Clan empire

Description of Government:
All clans have a clan lord which they call the Dragon. As the strongest of them all, the Dragon ensures that his clan prospers from agricultural to military might, as well as oversees the development of the clan itself, directing research and priorities. Such can be carried out as long as he stays the leader, but once the Dragon has been found wanting or weak , he can be challenged by anyone who deems themselves capable of potentially succeeding him. Once defeated, only exile or death awaits him; but if he wins, not only will he stay in power but he will also gain more followers and favors from the clan itself. Once he acquires a certain amount of favors, it will be possible to challenge the nearby Dragons. Victory is rewarded by a follower (AKA the defeated Dragon). If he chooses to spare them, he will get his enemies’ clan and will proceed to the next which is the Dragon War chief.

Once War chief, he will be able to challenge the other dragons or officials of equal rank. Victory propels him while defeat lowers his territories, followers and favors. Once favors run out, he will lose the title of War chief, forcing him to start from square one. Yet if he continues to earn consecutive victories and get 10 clans under his rule, he will be able to challenge the strongest in that part of the world, the one they call the Dragon lord. Defeating the powerful Dragon lord gives him complete rule of that part of the world, while losing permanently makes him a follower of that lord.

Once a lord, he would be able to unite that continent into one empire that would in turn try to conquer the other parts of the world. If they succeed in capturing the world, he will be known as the Dragon Emperor, giving him complete rule of the planet and the ability to muster an armada in order to expand the territories of the empire. Once they are able to conquer enough planets the ruler will be known as the Legendary Dragon, the highest a Rarian rank can get.

Race: Rargarians (Beast men)- Rargarians are not only composed of one race or species; they are composed of different species. The commonly known races in the Rargarian empire are the lizard men, Animal Morphs, Halflings (crossbreeds, not to be confused with the Hobbits from LOTR) and the serpentine creatures that call themselves the NAGA, but the only thing that they have in common is that they are all eager for war.

Races of the Rarians that are still on the their home world

The Giants

-The Minotaurs: They have a reputation of being the toughest and stubborn Rarians the empire has to offer, towering an impressive height of 20 to 25 feet or a two-story building for an average adult, but some have been reported to have grown up to 30 feet or a three-story building. With their enormous strength and build, they make good engineers and architects in times of peace, but in times of war they will take up the very tools that shaped their civilization to the front lines, where they will soak up most of the damage. Despite this, they always manage to get the first strike. They are the sledge hammer of the empire.

-The Bears: They utilize their claws or their weapons to strike fear into their enemies, though they aren’t as useful during the day, as they usually sleep and don’t train.

-The Pandas: While the others use brute strength to win, the pandas use technique to win the day, preferring to fight in secluded and hard to get areas to get the upper hand. They are the archives or the historians of the Empire, keeping the knowledge and wisdom of the legendary Dragons.

-The Rabbit morphs: They are mostly the scientists and farmers of the Empire, experts in cultivating and maintaining the land. Because of this expertise, they provide most of the food the Empire needs. They are characterized as extremely agile and silent , and are often employed as assassins or saboteurs. They believe that there is more to strength than just brute strength, and as such, they are referred to as the daggers of the Empire.

-The Naga: The Naga are the rulers of the seas and the ones that provide the most meat of the Empire. They specialize in aquaculture, keeping the Empire well fed from the cunning snake morphs to the mythical tireless but few Krakens, while keeping the Empire supplied with fish. They have been said to be the makers of the once vast and unstoppable race of the Rarian empire, as well as the spears of the Rarian empire, due to their numbers and adept vigilance.

-The Dog Morphs and Cat Morphs: The dogs and the cat morphs are the most numerous and plentiful of all the Rarians in the world. While the dogs value brutish strength, the cats value skill to win the battle. They share a slight animosity with each other, however, when faced with a bigger force they are known to cooperate in defeating it, thus earning them the title as the Shield of the Empire.
Enslaved Rarians that are not in their home planet

-The Avians: The Avians are the bird race of the Empire; once the Elites that served the strongest clans, now reduced to slaves working on plantations in mountainous planets, moving cargo between continents or transporting heavy equipment into hard to reach places. They work to the brink of death and they desire only revenge.

-The Reptiles: The Reptiles were once known for their resilient and near endless strength working in the flooded mines and as experimental test subjects.

-Elephants and the Rhinos: These enormous beast were once the mace of the empire but now reduced to slave miners in asteroid belts.

-Deer morphs: Once the known as staff of the empire.

Demography: 20% Humans ,80% Rarians, but the Rarians multiply so quickly that this can drastically change in a few years

Religion: The Temple of the Dragon
The Rarians follow the teachings of the legendary Dragons of old, worshiping them, even training to be their followers for the day they join them in the afterlife. Their training is actually preparation for their final battle against the ones they call the gods.
The Temple of the Dragon teaches that all Rarians are the descendants of the mighty Dragons of old, and in order to avoid corrupting the strength of the Dragons, they won’t allow for weakness, frailness, and cowardice, even to the point of outright killing them in the spot if deem so.

“Those that are weak must die, and all those that are strong are Rarian” is the common phrase that a Rarian must live by.
The culture of the Rarians is very militaristic, valuing only the strong. However, they still possess a culture outside of warfare, as some factions have said to be worshipping gods other than the temple of the dragon while others have their own beliefs on the legends of the dragon: traditions that define a member of a clan (rituals, coming of age, proving, challenges, festivals, architecture, food, etc.) as their culture can only be defined by one word and that is the word people.

Renown coins: The primary currency of the Rarians there is the legendary, gold, silver, and tin.

-Legendary- the coin with the highest value. Worth a hundred gold coins

-Gold- is the second highest. Worth hundreds of silver coins

-Silver -the most common of all the coins, as silver can get you right about anything that you need to survive
-Tin- the lowest of all the coins. It is only used to get the barest necessities for one to survive their everyday life

Favors: favors are the secondary money and probably the most popular one. The Rarians use these to get necessities and equipment. Primary tattoos of their victories, or a souvenir that proves their exploits. is what a typical flavor would look like but there have been cases of vehicles, tapestries and palaces that have been used to be proof of favors owned by a person. This means that if a famous person wants bread, than he/she can get it by showing a proof of a famous battle he has been part of.


Before the Empire came to be, the Rarians were nearly able to create the next great Empire led by Randrive the wise… but once the Emporium came, the Rarians where able to subjugate the first wave of humans as their near unlimited number proved too much for the Emporium soldiers to handle. This victory was short lived as the ships of the Emporium of Man descended, destroying all the Rarian cities and scattering their armies like shooting fish in barrel. The Rarians had no way of fighting those ships, and were reduced to vain cursing and vowing that they will have their revenge against the Emporium , and that the Rarians shall rise again.
Shattered and beaten, the Emporium of Man took most of the survivors as slaves, making them work for the Emporium. Most of the rabbits where placed in agricultural worlds, the Rhinos and Elephant morphs to large asteroid mining facilities, while the reptiles where sold as exotic pets or lab rats. Birds became personal slaves or hauling cargo for hard-to-get places, and the once proud Minotaurs were chained up, shackled and forced to participate in building, mining and hauling the Emporium cargo. The once proud people were shamefully broken.
While they took the other clans to other planets as slaves, they didn't spare the home world of the Rarians; turning half of the world into industrial complex and making them work in factories until the day they died in the midst of unrest. Those who were unlucky enough to continue living were imprisoned inside large underground mining facilities, forever doomed to mine for the Emporium’s engines of war.
With most of the planet controlled by the humans, there were still some spots that were owned by the last pockets of the last independent Rarian clans that were free from the control of Man. These unconquered spots were small, underdeveloped and weak, but if they were to be united by a leader then they would have a chance to free their planet from the invaders and possibly create the next great Empire.

Important characters (very important, your leader[s], your strategist, your spy master and any other important character IN DETAIL):
Karduke Dragon fist: leader of the Iron fist clan
Karduke is the leader of one of the last independent clans in their home world of Ram. He is a minotaur that is as big as a three-story building, and is one of the tallest of his race. Also a survivor, Karduke hates the Emporium and vows to return the Rarians to greatness. He is known for killing a dragon (A dragon-like creature in the world of Ram) with the sheer use of his fist. Nearly missing death by an inch, all for the greater good, he was patched up by Jake the hermit. The results of these incidents caused his iconic mechanical look. As most of his skin was burned up or torn off in the fight, Jake the hermit replaced most of Karduke’s skin with armor plating. Karduke also acquired a special weapon from his healer, an edgeless sword which he named Golok. With his clan almost ready to fight, he geared up to take back his planet from the invaders. Knowing from experience that a frontal attack would be suicide, he tried to ambush them where they couldn’t use their weapons effectively.

Jake the hermit: Head scientist
Jake the hermit is one the few rabbits that weren't caught by the slavers. His old age has saved him from their hands. After surviving countless wars and battles, Jake retired from warriorship and lived a life of isolation, inventing and improving all gear, weaponry and what is known as body tinkering (Bionic): replacing body parts with armor or a weapon. Only Karduke knows of his residence which is in the deep untamed Rm wilderness. Jake is stubborn and irritable when he is separated from his work.

Lulu the swift: Leader of the Hidden dagger
Lulu is the daughter of Jake the hermit. She leads the remnants of the rabbit morphs called as the silent dagger clan, and is known for her speed and agility. She tries to free the enslaved rabbit morphs that are chained up in small plantations outside the industrial complex of the emporium of mankind, and with calculating patience, she waits for the perfect time to strike.

Luke the brave: Lulu’s second in command
He was once the dragon of a rabbit morph clan but was enslaved. Saved by lulu, he vowed to follow her to the end of time as her follower. Fast, agile, and experienced, he prefers to lead the attack from a place the enemy wouldn’t expect where they would appear. Also a skilled weapon master, he can wield any melee weapon with great efficiently.

Both luke and lulu picture

Description of Military



Dragon Raiders: They are the normal infantry of the Rarian Empire, mostly comprising of dog morphs, cat morphs and a few giants like the Minotaurs that lead the charge.

Sky Pierces: (Think of the ODST from Halo and the kinetic strike). They are infantry men that are both bombs and paratroopers falling from the skies. Once it makes impact, it creates a large crater or piece through enemy defenses. Then, the troops inside start to come out and start fighting, which are composed of the Elites and the most well equipped men. They will not stop until all of the enemies or all of them are dead.

Wall Breakers: Consisting of the Elite giants the Rarians have to offer , from the elephants to the Minotaurs, they are great at destroying enemy defenses.

Powder beggars: These Rarians excel at ranged combat; as the name suggests, they first got their name from the use of gunpowder weaponry.

Navy: All Rarian ships are made for ramming and boarding. Some possess guns, as their fleet is mostly composed by captured enemy ships. As they get more ships, they will be able to develop their own ships but as what they are now they won’t be able to create their own.

Technology: The Rarians as a race are quite primitive, in fact, they are the most primitive race that the Empire has ever encountered but they are not to be underestimated. Once they start acquiring your weapons or ships, they will make their own versions though they aren’t picky with what they get as long as it helps them.

1) A tip: never act weak in front of a Rarian; it never ends well.
2) Overpopulation is a very big problem for the Rarians as they breed very quickly.
3) they call everyone a Rarian once they deem them strong
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