Emporium of Man

Governement: Despotic Totalitarianism
Under the tight supervision of the ruler, Emperor Thorisan, the governement is set out to control the human and xeno population by any means. Order is of upmost imprtance, and the state controls most aspects of everyday life, excluding some large companies, which still have to directly report to the governement. The military has a large funding, as the power of the army is seen as a direct reflection of the state's power.
Main Race : Human
The most glorious race of all, the humans are relatively short lived, most of them living until around a 100 years old, but the oldest ones can reach 140 years with modern medicine. They have been in the Triangulum galaxy for 3 generations, and they make up the majority of all races in the galaxy. Humans account for a total of 51.3% of all population. A large factor in this is the massive genocide of other races carried out by the Empire. Humans are not particularly strong, however they can develop quite potent muscles with extensive training. Their willpower and adaptation is what makes them special, not willnig to give up until the last second, and always looknig for a way forward. They are zealous ideologists under the rule of their governement, and they are very hardly convinved by any other races about anything, looking down on the xenos. They...
Minority Races: <CLASSIFIED>
Demography: <SANITIZED>

Culture: The Proud Eagles of the Universe
The Humans consider themselves the true and only rulers of the galaxy, and furthermore the universe. Citizens belevie in the long and proud history of the EOM, and how they climbed from cave dwellers to the supreme power in the Triangulum. They've uplifted other races, and accepted some aliens from out of this world to live in their glorious empire. State propaganda is all but everyday news, a reminder to those who have any doubts about the Emperor. Most of the proud citizens are unshaken in their beliefs, and support the empire and it's agenda. Radicals are not rare, and small groups of xeno-hating humans often go out after dark to beat up the "native" population, and bribe the guards to let these issues pass. In fact most of the guards and patrolmen are the same, feeling more powerful than teh oppressed races, and knowing that they are protected by law. This belief of racial superiority is what drives teh cogs of the empire, uniting the many humans under a single banner.
In their culture, humans are rich, ands till remember the days when their race was divided into small nations ont ehir homeworld, however no-one quite remembers where this planet was. They have arts and classical music ating back thousands of years, and they gladly show it to any pesky xenos who doubt that the heirs of the Triangulum are the humans. Thought they don't talk about religion, and what their past holds with religion, but they are happy to switch their beliefs in gods and other mighty beings for a real legend, the Immortal God Emperor Thorisan. Ever since he came to power, he reformed the EOM in a positive fashion, bringing a new era of art and social standings with him. Nobility has never been so powerful since the renaissance, and the classical arts and music has spread like wildfire throught the Empire. The most prized paintings are those about the Emperor himself, and all of his undying glory. Some have gone as far to worship him, and take incredibly radical steps in his name, like the one time someone spray painted an entire cruiser to look like the Emperor.
History: Long Live the Humans
In the past 1000 years, humanity has controleld the Triangulum, and brought upon it an era of peace and prosperity. Countless alienr aces have been freed from their eathly bonds, and now server the Emperor for his gifts. No other Empire is as mighty as the EOM, and the only reason that the Mekhar exist is because of the grace of Emperor Thorisan. Ever since humans have conquered the stars, their technology ahs been rapidly advancing, raising the lifespan of normal humans, and curing most diseases. This led to a massive increase in birth rates, and nowadays we see this effect. However, 300 years ago the xenos rebelled against our glorious leader, at the time newly elected Emperor, and thought tehy could demolish the EOM. But they were proven wrong, and his grace, Immortal God Emperor Thorisan crushed their pity rebellion without mercy, and showed the infidels what they get if they disobey the glorious human race. Ever since then, the galaxy is in peace under the ruling of Thorisan and his Democratic Reign that is aimed at elevating the lifes of its citizens.
Important Characters: The Heads of the Eagle
Immortal God Emperor Thorisan

Thorisan is the ruler of humanity, the man that could achieve what many have failed to do before him. He untied humanity under a singular banner, and led them against the xenos. His totalitarian state has been reigning over humans for 300 years, and his military centered politics have shown the universe that he is not to be messed with. A brilliant tactical genius according to the few who know him, the Emperor needs no advisors in politics or military affairs. He is truly beleived to be a transcended human, being nearly 330 years old, and not only living, but leading an empire as if the last 300 years had no effect on him. He has an iron will, and the many hardships have not weakened him, his ideology still as strong as ever. He reigns over the EOM from the Soaring Throne, the massive orbital space station that houses the Emporium's main administrative bulk. In his impenetrable fortress sits a man made of steel, his sheer willpower puppeting an entire race to beleive what he wants.
Magnificus Chrisjen Helga

Helga is probably the youngest Magnificum in the entire history of mankind. A prodigy just like his father, Thorisan, she is an excellent strategist, and in some cases she is even better than her father. She was elected as Magnificum at the tender age of 22, and even tho many doubted her abilities at first and watched her in envy, her skills on the battlefield shut every mouth up. As the supreme commander of every fleet in the EOM, she likes to spectate battles awfully more than even some Grand Admirals. They say that she can memorize wast amounts of information from battles she saw, or if she can't make it then from the simulations. She is expected to quickly take over the greatest strategist title, stripping his father of that title. Her personality is very different from his fathers. She is not as cold and distant as his father, but she uses every single action to manipulate those around her.
Praefectus Patrich Miller

To the troops, Miller is the Emperor in all but title, and their devotion to him rivals that of the Thorisan. In his 27 years of military service the troops got to know the name of the General that gets things done. Not a single battle lost under his command, Miller fights on the frontline with his soldiers. As he would always say, "it seems so boring from behind the screens". He is excellent at timing, and even thought he is not very good at assuming, or even controllnig the enemy's movements, he knows his soldiers abilities, and he utilises them to win battles. He is in direct command of the proud and loud 1st Imperial Batallion, the most elite group of hardened fighters in the EOM. Under his command, the effectiveness of troops are maximized.
Fraudulentius Kodiak

More than what strikes the eye, the top spymaster of Thorisan is a man who gets his hands dirty daily. An excellent spymaster, Kodiak is a very skilled fighter, and he has his way with words if need be. His eyes are always open, and he can hide in the smallest crevices to get information. Secretive in all matters but those that interest the emperor. Probably the most discreet of all the Emperor's men, he always avoids the spotlight for reasons unknown. He has been spymaster for a good 15 years now, and many are wondering how any man can stay alive in such business for so long. However the Emperor knows the power that discreet and loyal followers posess, and even if there was a better candidate for the job, Kodiak would still serve Thorisan. It seems like he will not be removed from his position until he dies, one way or another.
Praetor Maximilian "Butcher" Brutus

Perhaps one of the most influental person in the Entire area of Sector 17, Praetor Maximilian Brutus has once almost managed to get inside the consul, but failed due to rash his attitude. He is one of the more infamous Praetors to have ever served the EOM, known by his harsh punishements, hit-and-run tactics that aim to cripple or demoralize the enemy, and by his grand master plans that no one can quite comprehend other than himself. Initially the Praetor of Sector 14, he has been moved to Sector 17 3 years ago, when the rebel activity started to surface. He now resides in the Iserlohn fortress and makes sure that Sector 17 won't become the origin point of a galaxy wide war.

Known only as Cleaver of the Praetor, Shiv's real name is unknown. She has been assisting the Praetor for longer than anyone, and has been following him like a shadown. Thought she isn't a prominent feature in the chain of command, as long as she is alive the Praetor will live to kill another alien. She is under direct control of the Praetor, but her actual employer remains a mistery. Thought nobody knows for sure, she may have taken a liking towards the Praetor and would not be removed from him even she was ordered to. It is yet to be seen what she is capable of to protect to Praetor, but she will not go down without a fight.
Captain Iunius, Praetor Tacitus and Praetor Hilarus
The three sibling from the grand house of Cornelio, one should not accept the fierce tactical prowess of Iunius, the oldest brother, who captains the most infamous and secretive ship in this side of the galaxy, the fearsome SPL Dreadnought logged in records as the "EMS Tarantula". Under his supervision many great victories have been achieved for the EOM in the Mekhar sectors. However his two hands in combat, his smaller twin brothers Tacitus and Hilarus aid him in leading the massive fleet. The three of them are better suited than any tactical AI, making them even less vulnerable to tech based attacks. They command the Mirage fleet which currently roams the uncharted sectors of the Triangulum to find and destroy the Mekhar's homeworld.
"VC" Jack Moore

A young, but ill fated member of the SDF whose best friend was murdered by xeno rebels some 8 years ago. Ever since then he has seen a rapid rise through the ranks of the Militia and the Military, eventually scoring a position in the SDF for his fierce loyalty and his excellent communication skills with xenos. He is cunning and smart, and his arsenal is composed of more than simple weapons. He has many contacts in high and low places, and his arms extend further than his rank might suggest. He is known to be a great pilot, and his friends know him as a good person at heart, aching for revenge. He is preparing his departure to Sector-17 with Grandmaster Alexius to supress the flames of revolution before they get out of hand. Under his supervision, the xenos will have a thought time making any significant advances.
The Militia is the broad term used for the paramilitary forces of the EOM. Thought it describes the security and police forces of the Empire as well, they are only relevant near the core world, as the armed forces keep the peace at fringe sectors populated with many xenos. By default, any adult human can enter the Militia. Thanks to this reason the Militia is the most popolous armed force under the command of the Emperor. In fact, recruiting offices aim to deter anyone from joining, as way too many people would like to join the Imperial warmachine to kill and torture xenos. Those who do decide to join the Militia get sent to a boot camp on the planet where they train for a duration of time, ranging from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the location. This is enough time to make them acquainted with their equipemnt and to give them basic military training. The bulk of the Militia is racist and/or xenophobic humans that have nothing better to do, and received little to no actual training in the bootcamps. However they are by far the most morally solid group in the EOM: their burning hatred for xenos make them the perfect first line against the unwilling races of the Empire. Their equipment is of outdated designs, and they are mostly equipped with weapons that were decomissioned one or two decades ago from the Military. This doesn't stop the Militia from becoming a horde of conscripts that are surprisingly effective against the (mostly) even less equipped xeno riots.
Mechanization wise, the Militia has little to no armored vehicles or spaceships. By Imperial law, ships permanently orbiting a planet for defensive reasons are not considered to be part of the planet's Militia, but rather a detachement of the Military. The Militia are not even given proper APCs: they will often rely on DIY armored cars crafted from whatever they can find. The only piece of expensive gear given to them are the Riot control suits. These are stored in lockers moderated by a central AI, that only unlocks these lockers when the suits are really needed, to prevent the Militia members from using them whenever.
Thought joining the Militia usually means staying there for a lifetime, some soldiers do get promoted semi-annualy as they show qualities exceeding the absolute minimum required to be a part of the Militia. These recruits are taken to regional headquarters where they are ACTUALLY trained in modern warfare for 4 months, and then they are given weapons that are mostly up to date. However, the Military also recruits from Military schools which are spread across the galaxy to train soldiers for the Emperor from a young age. These two groups together make up the bulk of the Military, not counting the small amount of the people who got in thanks to other reasons. The Militia is generally twice if not thrice as well equipped and dozen times better trained than the Militia members. They constantly train in realistic simulations where they encounter many different foes and scenarions, and where they embed in their heads the shoot-to-kill mindset of the Military. The Military is only slightly smaller than the Militia, and their numbers still play a big role in their victories, though they rely much more on advanced tactics and their excellent training.
The Military uses most of the armored vehicles developed by the EOM, and they have access to most main line starships. Thought these designs are usually older than the personal equipment of troops, these vehicles are still developed from the experience of 300 years of warfare. The ground forces enjoy a wide variety of APCs, IFVs and heavy tanks/spider tanks as well as seeing limited use of infantry mechs. There is not one design that is prominent in their array of vehicles, so the equipment of different sectors may wary. However some vehicles like the Marauder class IFV, and the Tarantula spider tank have made quite the name for themselves. Along with these infnatry support vehicles, the Military has access to some CPL (Custom Production Line) vehicles. These include some famous feats of engineering, like the Gargantula Mobile Ion Destroyer. These vehicles see limited use in daily procedures, but are constantly kept ready in case they need to be used as deterrence or, god save their foes, as assets in a war.
The Military's spacefleet is numerous, containing hundreds of millions of standard issue ships, and thousands of CPL monstrocities that act as flagships. Thanks to a typo in the EOM logs a few hundred years ago, the ship class usually refrred to as a "Destroyer" now enjoys a position similar to cruisers, as they are their more offensive focused counterparts. The gaping hole left in small ship designs is filled out by the Brigs, the name of which come from an old ship design used during the era of pirates. Similarly, the battleships have a twin sister of ship class, called the Galleons. These are ships that have way more guns and more armor, but have no FTL capabilities, and must rely on other ships with inhibitors to travel long distances. The Military uses all of the ship classes, to great extent, thought Corvettes, Brigs and Frigates are the most prominent ship classes, with Cruisers and Destroyers following them closely.