*tfw Kho doesn't want to torture divinuskind so secretly sabotaged a CyKhollab so that the characters were 23,000 less than 150,000*
No one tell Cyclone anything.
It's not like he checks this place anyway.

Phew, finally. Nice post, I particularly liked the mechanism of change.
Maybe I will need a very short collab with Ventus soon.
Also, Enkidu? And here I was thinking I was going too far by referencing old Mesopotamian cities so blatantly.
I know I know, double-post and all that - I just suddenly wanted to get it over with ^^'
@BBeast I learned a lot about alchemy when I watched a Pokemon Theory video series about the more recently released Pokemon Sun & Moon games. Dunno if it will help you, but I am linking nonetheless.
Oh yeah, that @Rtron guy still exists. Haven't seen Vestec blow something up in a while...