Tawny Patience

|Name| Tawny Louise Patience
|Age| 23 years old
|Gender| Female
|Piercings, Tattoos, Scars| Scar from a former lip piercing, and several minor scars from stupid things she's done in the past.
Six piercings on her left ear, and
three on her right. She also has a
tattoo of a cross in a heart on her right arm.
|Personality|The one thing most people find remarkable about Tawny is the fact that she doesn't talk. She is what most people call mute, and hasn't spoken a word since the day she died. She's not the sad, silent girl one would associate with the category of mute - she is, in fact, a startlingly bright and animated individual. She finds little trouble in expressing herself despite her lack of speech, and it is rare for her to not be smiling. She communicates through the use of body language and facial expressions (and, of course, her powers), which tend to be clear enough for the majority of people to understand - however, it takes someone that truly knows her to appreciate what she feels and when she wants to express it. Most find, that regardless of her optimistic nature, she still manages to obtain a lot of mystery. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to whomever she may meet, but it is important to know that she has a good heart and will do whatever she can to help others.
|Why your character was in Renata|Tawny had been visiting her cousin, Georgia, for the first time in over six years.
|The Circumstances of the Death|After months of begging, Tawny finally packed her bags and got on a plane to visit her cousin Georgia in Renata. She had been disappointed at first, what with it being such a small town, and discovering - much to her surprise - that Georgia was in pretty bad shape. She had little to no money, no job, and partied 'till dawn every night. At first, she was determined to get Georgia back on her feet and to stop this parting nonsense.
But one night, perhaps a month after she had arrived, Georgia managed to slip a crushed LSD tablet into Tawny's drink. It was all just a blur of colours and thudding music and laughter after that - at least, until she managed to find her way to the roof of their apartment block. Standing on the edge of the roof, convinced that she had wings and could take off, Tawny jumped. She died as soon as she hit the ground.
|Power|Tawny has the power to induce hallucinations in order to communicate, distract, or even cause the target to go temporarily insane. She also has the ability to see into and manipulate people's dreams. Her powers are most effective when she is within physical contact with the target, however for uses such as communication, she can transmit signals from up to 100 metres away.
|Biography| Tawny's parents were unconventional people. They are what most people would call hippies, hence the reason for Tawny's odd name. She was a somewhat lonely child and learned how to manage on her own from a very young age due to her parents' recurring absence, leaving home to attend festival after festival without her. She was never neglected, they were just more on the 'laissez-faire' approach to parenting. She grew up knowing exactly what she wanted out of life - to help others. She volunteered for numerous charities, travelling around the world to a whole variety of warzones, starving villages and poverty-stricken communities. She didn't have an abundance of friends, maybe the odd person she would go out drinking with, so nobody really has come to visit her in hospital.
Ever since the her death, she has not spoken. Psychiatrists claim it is from the trauma of her ordeal, that she has a mental block that prevents her from opening up to people in fear of her trust being broken once more. She has tried many times to talk, but simply cannot. Whether it is something to do with her powers, or her being traumatised by her own death, she is not sure - but she is determined to figure it out.
|Other|What else should we know?