Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alrighty, so: My idea for my character is a bandit who was recently forcibly coerced into joining the mercenary group to save his own hide. Is this feasible?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to this, so I hope my CS is acceptable. :)

Name: Vikas Tyr (Pronounced "Vick-as")

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Personality: Vikas is a man folks might call a rogue, a scoundrel, a bastard or a saint...depending on who those folks might be. The upper crust would see him hanged, the grit and grime of the lower classes would buy him a drink. One thing is for sure, not a single one among them would doubt his skill with a duelists blade.

A dueling sabre.

A belt containing throwing daggers and small smoke charges and firecrackers used primarily for distraction.

A fine lute.

Strengths: Vikas is a master duelist and swordsman, and has no qualms spilling blood. Years of slipping in and out of the under-warrens and through narrow alleyways has given him a knack for evasion and an almost anatomical knowledge of the city.

Weaknesses: Vikas is a slave to his vices. Drinking, gambling, fucking, dueling. Every activity has helped his rise to infamy, but also gotten him hurt and in a lot of trouble. In spite of the consequences, Vikas is unwilling to give up his leaf-in-the-wind lifestyle and is determined to carry on being generally unreliable and aloof.


+Rowdy taverns
+Loose wenches
+The thrill of a duel

-The war

History: Vikas Tyr was born into the slums of Alber to parents of little note who gave him up for two loaves of bread and a basket of half rotten tomatoes. As an orphaned urchin, he changed hands many times until he was twelve and he found a steady home and work in a dingy tavern down by the docks. Until he was eighteen he worked the floor, learning who all of the big names in the underworld were and gaining many useful skills from them. Notably, the wielding of a blade, the vital points to strike on a man to ensure certain (though not always quick) death, sleight of hand and how to play the lute.
Somewhere along the line, he became involved in illegal underground duels and quickly earned a reputation.
Was he good? He is alive to greet his thirties with open arms. The same cannot be said for any of his opponents.

When the war broke out, the underworld became fragmented and the duels were abruptly discontinued. The old tavern where he had worked and lived for much of his adolescence was burned to the ground in a brawl between patrons and soldiers and the old owner (perhaps the only man Vikas could consider a parent) was killed in the blaze. Knowing no justice would be found from the constabulary and with his primary source of income and housing gone, Vikas followed the rumor trail to a group of Mercenaries of sorts who came together shortly after the declaration of war. Having nowhere better to turn, Vikas insinuated himself into their ranks and provides his services as something of a spy and occasional assassin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ROADWARRIOR


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Gelatinous Cube cool character!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@ROADWARRIOR Thank you very much. I've actually had this character for about six or seven years (perhaps more, I can't quite remember) so he's gone through a fair bit of refinement, but I've never been able to find a story with enough resilience to be able to get the most use out of him.
I have a good feeling about this one though! :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ROADWARRIOR


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Gelatinous Cube Oh nice, so Vikas has been around for quite some time. I'm fairly new to RPing and hope to have a character around for that long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Other races are not allowed, sorry. You can make small factions and such, though. Nothing that would contend the throne, however.


Ehh...pushing the line a bit, but that could work.

@Gelatinous Cube

Looks fine.


Seems alright. Please be aware that even in this setting, very little of those things in the last paragraph actually existed.

And as for future reference everyone, please do NOT put your character up on the char tab until both myself and @Salrynn have approved it. That includes the people i just have mentioned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Vulkan I know they don't exist. I did say I'd be making a priest with Psychosis ^~^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thesquish
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thesquish Squishy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

For every challenge you overcome, the journey itself does not get shorter, the path just becomes steeper. Before you know it however, you have climbed higher than you have ever thought possible.

Kai Landragoran Keiser, 18, Male

If you were to put Kai in a tavern mixed with every race imaginable, he would respond to the situation the only way he knows how… A lot of drinks to brake the ice and some catchy show-toons! Kai loves the adventure of the chase, preferring to win others over through his own ability and boyish innocence.
Although, put him in the same situation, but this time lets say things go a little south. Then it’s a good thing the beer is cheap. Preferring actions over words, Ale over wine and having the chance to prove that they didn’t nickname him after dragons for nothing.

Though he has the outward appearance of confidence and a Can Do attitude, just like caterpillars, there is more to meet the eye. His personality is more of a Fake It Till You Make It, look on life. Underneath, he is unsatisfied with his own abilities and constantly second guesses himself. He tries so hard for those around him, all in a vain attempt to satisfy the severe judgment he places on his own strength; this inner conflict tends to lead him on the most dangerous path possible.


Born on December 22, Kai came from a family of merchants. His father and mother both sold bows and hunting equipment at the local market. The living was not one of luxury; although, it was never about the money. He also had an older brother, Kane; and a younger sister, Elestra. They were both extraordinarily talented, each in there own way. Elestra was born with a psionic aptitude far exceeding any member of the family for generations. Kane, though he had partial training, was already on the fast track to becoming one of the empires brightest wizard prospects. Both of his siblings were on a path to prestige and fame, one would never have guessed they came from such a low standing. His parents were so proud of them, they would boast to the entire town about they’re achievements. However, Kai was not so fortunate.
Kai was not such a wretch that he would despise his sibling’s success; on the contrary, he loved his siblings as much as he always had. At the age of ten however, there did stem disappointment when the realization dawned on the family that he had no aptitude of his own. He was as average a human as the next guy. Although a little jarring, he refused to let this slow him down. Kai was not the kind of person to let others down, regardless of the circumstance. He simply had to find his own path. This was the spark that set off his journey, a path that would lead him to Goru.
A wondering wise man with a fist of iron and chest of steel, Goru was a mountain of a man who knew exactly how to throw his weight around. After wandering through Kai’s village, the two met after an incident involving a few village girls and a gust of wind. After both had run far beyond the edge of town they struck a conversation. Kai soon found that this man’s looks were not merely for show. A few failed attempts later and Goru agreed to train Kai, for his conviction and (rather annoying) persistence. He left that night with his bags packed, leaving only a note that read “I’ll be back soon-Kai”.
For the next three years Kai trained under the teachings of Goru. Day and night he worked hard, training both his muscles and his mind for the sake of martial arts. His master’s teachings were harsh; ranging from high altitude endurance training, while carrying his body weight in rocks, to swimming in a lake full of dire sharks and trying his best not to end his journey shorter then expected. On his birthday of the third year, Goru decided to throw him into a fighting ring.
His adventure in the fighting ring was, well, a disaster. For six months Kai couldn’t so much as scratch his opponent. He was doing everything in his power to simply stay standing by the time the final bell rang. The losses during this time were starting to affect him emotionally and mentally. Doubt plagued him, the image of him watching his opponent’s hand getting raised burned itself into his memory. Goru never consoled him, not once did he slip up in his steel persona during Kai’s time in the ring. He knew why, he knew exactly why Goru would never comfort him now (however badly he yearned for it after each fight). He had to find his own way, to trust in his own power and overcome the challenge that lay before him.
Some days felt like months, yet some months felt like days. He spent so much time in the ring he had forgotten how much time had passed. His drive to become stronger, and overcome, was insatiable. Training was held every morning and fights were held every night. He had not won a fight, he wasn’t strong enough, not yet. With each fight, Kai saw himself grow a little faster, a little more patient. He watched as his punches hit a little harder, his motions felt more natural, and his movements more accurate. Then the day finally came, his last fight was upon him.
That morning, Goru told him that if he lost one more fight he would be sent back home. Anxiety hit him like a tidal-wave; he spent most of the day in the bathroom trying to calm his nerves. He didn’t leave until the final moments before the match. Finally, it was time to prove something, to show himself what he could really do. He stepped into the ring and sat on the stool in his corner, staring at his hands while sweat dripped down his face.
Suddenly a flash of yellow bright light hit him, his body relaxed as a warm feeling flooded him. “The hell was that?” he thought, just as the announcer began his pre-match speech.
Kai’s opponent was fast, faster than he was. He was barely dodging the flurry of kicks the man was producing. The first round ended with Kai down ten points, he needed to be on the offensive. The bell rang and he sprang into action, delivering his own kicks before switching to hooks and elbows. His opponent seemed to be out of his depth when it came to close combat but he was no amateur either, with a feint to the left Kai caught a right knee to the chest, which sent him staggering backward. Suddenly, the flurry of kicks resumed and Kai was back on the defensive, but this time was different, the hit had dazed him and left him breathless. With his vision blurred, he caught a heel to his ribcage and felt a sudden snap as it broke. As Kai reeled in pain, his opponent delivered a spinning side kick to his head. Kai tried to duck, but he was too slow, the man’s shin clipped the edge of his head. The force of the kick sent his head spinning, he could hardly stand. Although it only grazed him, Kai fell to his knees and vomited over the edge of the ring.
Then, the spark of light appeared again but this time it was more intense. He barely had time to cover his eyes before; once again, it was gone. The warm fuzzy feeling had returned, his mind cleared, then suddenly a women’s voice sang in his head, “Boy of challenge and strife, rise above the tide and reach the land for which was promised to you.” Then it vanished. He attempted to stand, using the rope around the ring for assistance to climb to his feet. The pain was still present, but it was now a distant feeling. He felt as though he was in a bubble that was being pounded by a waterfall. No sooner did the announcer resume the match, than did the flurry of kicks return. This time, Kai noticed a subtle change in motions. Before, he was dodging and blocking his opponent through instinct, relying on his training to predict where the next attack would hit. Now, however, he could actually see the motions of his attacker. The deep yet controlled breathing; the joints moving effortlessly as he switched from one foot to the other; that he leaned farther with his right kick than his left; how his balance shifted farther backward when he used his right leg. Using this knowledge, Kai waited patiently for the next right kick, then slid past his opponent and moved in to strike! Delivering a right hook to the man’s pelvis before he could recover, he heard a loud crack as his opponent’s leg went limp. The man attempted to assume a defensive stance, but he was too slow, Kai was already mid-attack as he spun and delivered a left handed back swing. It connected with the man’s temple, causing him to drop his guard long enough for Kai to raise his leg and deliver a kick straight up, connecting with his jaw. The man fell in slow motion, the crowd was stuck in silent awe before erupting into hysteric screams and cheering, applause flooded the fighting grounds. As the match came to a close, so did the feeling that had come over Kai, causing him to collapse in pain and exhaustion. Goru rushed to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder,
“Goru I saw a-“
“I am aware,” he told his pupil proudly as a toothy grin spread across his face,
“I knew you were the one.”
“The one what?” Kai’s head was starting to spin once more and his vision began to blur.
“The gods have big plans for you my boy, big plans.” Was all Kai heard before darkness took over him.
Not long after that, Goru and Kai went their separate ways. Although Kai protested heavily, Goru said he had taught him everything he could, that Kai now had to continue growing, and learn on his own, in his own way. Kai couldn’t comprehend that he had reached a level that was out of Goru’s ability. There had to be another reason, maybe he had done something wrong, disappointing Goru in some way. The pride of his first victory in the ring was quickly drowned out by the thought that, out of thousands, this was his only win, that perhaps this was why Goru was abandoning him.
He remained in the fight ring long after Goru had left him. He was lost, with no real destination to go. He couldn't go back to his home, not yet anyway. He had to become something his family could be proud of, that he could be proud of. The voice and light never came to him during this time, Kai started to believe it was just a hallucination; A hallucination that was brought on by loss of blood and brain damage. By the time he left town to search for his own way, Kai had won a total of twelve matches out of eleven hundred and thirteen. It was not the amount of victories that earned him the name “Keiser,” it was his tenacity, steel will, and ability to get up- no matter how many times he was knocked down- that garnered their respect.


4 silver
1 Quarter staff
5 shuriken
2 days rations
1 bedroll
1 torch


Martial Prowess: An adept understanding off multiple forms of martial arts, including Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling, Street fighting, Judo, Muay Thai, Karate, and Kenpo
Iron Will: An over average ability to resist mind effecting abilities. These would include, Fear, Mind-Control, Illusions and charms.
Furry Of Blows: The ability to gather energy and release it in a sudden burst of speed. This speed is directed through punching or kicking faster than the average human.
Divine Inspiration: At a random moment in a time of great struggle, His body becomes numb with power. His movement speed, strength and stamina increase exponentially for a short period of time. The after-effect of this ability leaves him weak and only allows non-extraneous actions or fall unconscious.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Completed, more or less.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Thats...pushing things a bit mate. His family wouldnt really have "Psionic aptitude", or be trained in magic. Thats stuff you learn alongside various other scholarly duties, and even then, its not quite as cut and dried.

That whole training montage thing sounds a bit...off as well. As does the hallucination allowing him to win, and those abilities.

Hes a normal human, really good with martial arts maybe, but nothing beyond what a skilled martial artist would be able to do irl.


Looks good.

Bear in mind all, this is medieval, so life expectancy isnt too high. You can make young characters if you want.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Will be pausing my involvement in the RP for a few weeks to a month; already talked this out with Vulkan. Sorry about this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Save me now

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well THAT was interesting to write XD

This tomb will get touched for shits and giggles... :3 be warned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lookin good, I can really see him hating my character which is gonna be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emnosym
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Emnosym Teenage Edge-Lord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can I get more info on the setting of this? Like time period, techonlogy, etc. I also understand only humans are allowed, but do other races exist?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Humans are all there is. There are plenty of mythical creatures that might have existed, but none do anymore. Like myths irl.

Time period would be about...fifteenth century, technology wise, people havent quite figured out gunpowder yet, but arent too far off.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emnosym
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Emnosym Teenage Edge-Lord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll get started on my CS!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Posted the bio of the Captain-General btw fellas! Its on the first post.

We are working on making the IC!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Vulkan, read it; liked it!
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