"The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven, brother-noviates, and by its apex one can be as he will.
More: be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after.
This is the third key of Nu-mantia and the secret of how mortals become makers,
and makers back to mortals. The Bones of the Wheel need their flesh,
and that is mankind's heirloom."
- Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Book Three
"Look at the majesty sideways and all you see is the Tower, which our ancestors made idols from.
Look at its center and all you see is the begotten hole, second serpent,
womb-ready for the Right Reaching, exact and without enchantment.
The heart of the second serpent holds the secret triangular gate.
Look at the secret triangular gate sideways and you see the secret Tower.
The secret Tower within the Tower is the shape of the only name of God, I."
- 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 21
The Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion slowly circle around each other, eyes locked like competing predators, simultaneously provoking and avoiding another Great War. Tamriel teeters on the brink. Armies mobilize to the heart-thrum of training drums and fell voices sail the air, calling for death and ruin on both sides. All of the prophesied Heroes have gone; to faraway lands, beyond the veil, in hiding. The shrines of the Nine are as silent as ever. Demon-Princes watch with bated breath.
A plea for help has been sent to White-Gold Tower from the coastlines of High Rock. It speaks of a Man and his marauders, zealots, and Daedra that haunt the Abecean Sea, boarding and pillaging with impunity, far away from the Emperor's fixed gaze. It speaks of a Man insane and divine, doom-driven, clutching the very soul of fire in a gauntlet so black and bright it moves between worlds, carrying a Scroll on His back that speaks of death and cannot be read.
Wise and elusive, this Man cloaks himself and his gore-soaked apostles in the impenetrable green shroud of Valenwood, from where it is said blood runs upstream into the rivers and brings bad dreams. Even the elves fear Him. Their whispers spread far and wide; the Prophet of Dagon-Ur has come.
Red Mountain shivers at night. Dragons flee north to Atmora. The Serpent moves. The Emperor acquiesces to the plea.
In northern Valenwood, near Arenthia, one small boat and its crew prepare to sail the streams and rivers of Valenwood south, in absolute secrecy, to Greenheart, from whence the darkness spreads.
To kill Akhar.
Welcome to Heart of Darkness! This is a roleplay heavily inspired by the novel of the same name by Joseph Conrad and -- in particular -- the film adaptation Apocalypse Now. Our characters will be part of a small group led by Hector Sibassius, an officer of the Penitus Oculatus, that is sent by the Emperor to assassinate the deranged warlord and sorcerer Akhar in the heart of Valenwood. The story takes place after the events of Skyrim in the summer of the year 4E207. I won't go into much detail about what precisely happened after the Dragon Crisis because it's not really important to our story. To give an example; I won't name the Emperor, since it doesn't matter. The only things you need to know is that the Stormcloak rebellion was defeated and that the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion are once again at the brink of war. This political tension will provide an analogue for the Vietnam War that's important to the setting of Apocalypse Now. Our characters are, in essence, going to be traveling deep into 'enemy territory'.
That might make this roleplay seem a little simple, so one could ask why I've decided to place it in the Advanced section. That has everything to do with the quality I expect from the submitted characters and the realism (emphasis) of their psyches and their reactions to their situation. Much like the source material, this will be a "Skooma-fueled jungle nightmare" (credit to @Turboshitter for that turn of phrase) and I need people who can convincingly write believable characters. Johnny Two-Blades who doesn't give a shit about the horror that surrounds him and cuts down his enemies with nerves of steel won't be welcome.
That's about everything I have to say. Let's see some characters.

Name: Speaks for itself.
Age: If you're not sure what a plausible age is for a certain race, just ask.
Gender: Male or female. No transgenders in Tamriel.
Race: One of the playable races in the games. Keep the political climate in mind; it is unlikely an Altmer would be fighting for the Empire, but we are going after a neutral foe. If you can convince me, go for it.
Birthsign: This is mostly for fun, but it can affect your character a little bit if you want to.
Appearance: Pictures are allowed, but a written description is mandatory.
Biography: A summary of their past. Doesn't have to be very long. The main purpose of this section is to give your character a plausible reason to be sent on this mission; ask yourself "why has Hector Sibassius selected them and how does he know (of/about) them?" and provide a solid answer.
Personality: This is where you show me you can create a believable, three-dimensional character with strengths and flaws.
Skills: This covers everything, from combat to magic to stealth to miscellaneous. I'll be pretty free-form about this but none of our characters are prophesied Heroes. Restrain yourselves. Your character can't be an expert in everything. This goes double for mages, so restrict your character to one or two schools of magic.
Equipment: List everything they bring with them, not just weapons and armor.
Other: Anything I forgot that you want to mention.
Please submit your characters in this thread. After I've approved of them, you can post them in the Characters tab. Don't rush yourselves. It's highly unlikely I will start the roleplay until next weekend.