Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This isn't your first scourge, not if you've been in Yharnam for any amount of time or anywhere else in the world for that matter. But this one is definitely the worst. You aren't a hunter, not by a long shot. You might be a guardsman, making sure the people are locked safely in their houses and providing support for the real hunters and the mobs of angry citizens burning the beasts at the cross, but it isn't your job to take on the monstrosities. Hell, you might not even be that. You're a civilian, a Yharnamite just living out your life. You rely on blood, just like everyone else. Blood fuels this city. But its blood that will tear this place down. This night is the worst night, the plague is at its peak. The weeks or months preceding it have been just waves of death, the church locking up coffins and setting them on the side of the road as they move on. Its clear to anyone that this cursed place days are numbered. But you can't just leave, not anymore. Its impossible. The hunters will sort it out, the brave hunters, they always do...

Until they don't.


Welcome to The Simple Blood! This roleplay takes place on the night of the hunt, that hunt being the hunt you fight through as The Hunter of bloodborne. Except you aren't a hunter, you're just an ordinary citizen who's had colossal bad luck and now must learn to fight like a hunter to survive the night. We will be starting out in Central Yharnam and I'm leaving the path of where your Yharnamite will go up to you. You can either stay in the city and hold out until morning, flee to the woods to find shelter, or attempt to escape the city altogether. Though I warn you, that's next to impossible. Or, you can embrace the hunt and learn the ways of the hunter of beasts. Its up to you, all you have to do is survive.

The Map

The Cast

- Dr. Tiana Kuntikinte - @The Dow Dragon

- William Ghasberg - @Mikkishtheleprechaun

- Karl Adalwin - @bloonewb

- Jasper Froch - @ROADWARRIOR

- Max Friedrich - @The Red Bear

- Dani Suffolk - @AngelNoire

- Dr. Lucian Dexter - @Blood Echoes

The Rules

1. NO HUNTERS. At least not in the beginning and probably not even towards the middle. Do not apply with a hunter character or anything even remotely close to a hunter.

2. You're pretty average. You aren't a combat specialist, as stated above. But you are a human, and humans are smart and resourceful, so don't be discouraged.

3. You might die. Bloodborne is a vicious game, especially to Yharnam's normal citizens. So be prepared for death.

4. My word is law. What I say goes.

5. This is a high casual roleplay, meaning I expect a certain level of quality. Quantity I'm not really concerned about, but I ask that you put thought into each post.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, hang on I'm workin on my cs
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wait...I notice theres no rules
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: William Ghasberg
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: 6'0 tall, athletic and strong from training but lean from lack of food, poorly kept dark-brown hair sits atop his head, his head, neck, and forearms are tan from working outside.

Brief Bio: When William was a young boy, about 11, his older brother left to join the school of Bergenwerth, his father was recruited as a Hunter, and only his mother and younger sister was left with him. After the first year of his brother being at Bergenwerth, the path through the forest was closed and he never heard from his brother again. His father's mangled corpse was found the morning after a hunt when he was 15, and a year later a beast managed to break into his home and kill his mother before being killed off by a Hunter. This left him to take care of his sister.

He wanted nothing more than to join the Hunters and hunt beasts like his father did, but he needed to work hard as a carpenter initially to support his sister. Despite his financial situation and how often he worked, he trained himself mentally and physically in the mean time to fight beasts. At first, he trained himself with a pitchfork figuring out a basic, bo-staff like fighting technique. After this, however, he managed to save up enough to buy a poleaxe.

Finally, tonight, he has enough incense to keep his now 14 year old sister relatively safe and can join the hunt. He promises his sister he will check up on her throughout the night, before leaving their home in central Yharnam. Perhaps he will do well, and manage to kill a few. Even better, is the possibility a Hunter might notice, and he may be closer to joining their ranks.

Brief Personality Description: Having seen beasts kill people he knew and cared about, and having trained himself, he is no wuss. He has been in brawls before, and even killed a couple stray dogs. He is also a hard worker and not one to complain. Despite all this, however, he has never actually gone toe to toe with a beast before. He is also pretty young, and might act unreasonably out of anger or pride. He is not a full blown idiot, however, and knows better than to rush into the hordes of beasts alone. Due to raising his sister from a young age, he will have an urge to protect any young he sees.
Occupation: Carpenter
Family: Younger sister. Age 14. She is back in their townhouse, which is full of incense on the inside as well as surrounded on the outside.
Equipment: William is wearing the standard Yharnam clothes, but has also fashioned a few leather pieces into some makeshift armor that "protects" his shoulders and chest. While he knows this will not truly protect him the the blows of a beast, he has seen similar armor on the Hunters and made this with the idea of maintaining full mobility to dodge and strike quickly, while still giving himself some defense however little it is.
In addition to his makeshift armor, he carries a poleaxe he bought from a street merchant, which was apparently picked off a guardsman killed during a hunt. He also carries his father's pistol, though he knows little in the way of gun maintenance and has only fired it a small handful of times, which got him into trouble each time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hello! Starting on the sheet now!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Karl Adalwin
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Appearance: Karl looks like what is left of a once powerful and dominating figure, worn down by age. He stands at a none-too-imposing 5 feet 7 inches, wrinkles are beginning to form on his face, and grey is beginning to invade his hair. His skin hangs loose upon his frame, due to his muscles petering out, but one thing he keeps in pride is his long, thick beard, that he absentmindedly grooms with his hands.

Brief Bio: Karl was born poor, and never lived rich in his life. His parents are conservative, and thus wed him at the young age of 18 to a woman he had never met and at the time wanted nothing to do with him. Eventually, they came to love each other through necessity and years of living together cramped in a small room in a run-down inn (the fact that they had the room to themselves was a luxury). Eventually, this led to their children.

He, like many others, caught on to the patriotic fervor when the men started becoming beasts, and took up a job in a factory, forging guns and bullets to "support the brave hunters killing the beasties". Like the others, he was required no less by the manager to have at least some skill in shooting the weapons he builds.

Brief Personality Description: Karl struggles with what most call Mania, in which he seems to behave as two people inhabiting one body. At times he is a happy, loving man who keeps a level head and just wants to help, but for no reason at all occasionally reverts to a bleak, cynical outlook on life. He randomly encounters random bouts of sadness in his daily life, and may break into tears at little incentive. Strangely, he also seems to require little sleep.

Occupation: Munitions Factory Worker

Family: Karl has a wife, two daughters, a son, and is known to feed and play with a stray dog.

Equipment: Outside of simple clothing for the poor, Karl is equipped with but a pistol and a pocketful of bullets. Those are all that stand between him and any outside threat he encounters.

Other: (Anything else you want to mention.)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Marking this page for later!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ball of joy
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Ball of joy Burn Baby Burn

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Man, I'm so psyched for this!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@MikkishtheLeprechaun The poleaxe is probably somewhat rusted if a simple carpenter is able to afford, especially if it was made by the city. But other than that, you're good! Put it in the CS tab.

@bloonewb A little sparse on the bio side, but you can develop that in the RP. Accepted, put it in the CS tab.

Looking good guys, I'll have a CS of my own shortly. Also, added some rules.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ROADWARRIOR


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here's my character @The Dow Dragon. Let me know if you need me to change anything.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Bear
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The Red Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Maximilian Friedrich

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Appearance: Maximilian has seen better days yet traces of his nobility can still be seen on him. While his hair has grown rather unruly and curled from his time having isolated himself, it is clean. His hands show some wear but they are small and very clearly seen little in the way of hard work in their lifetime. He stands at a rather imposing height, showing the signature of his former nobility however his build leaves much to be desired, showing little in the way of muscle. His face is the one of a man worn out, tired and bitter with smiles only ever being a politeness rather than a genuine expression. Maximilian's clothes are very well representative of his previous status in Yharnam, he wears a fancy tailored suit with a black bowtie around his neck. Underneath his frock coat, the most noticeable detail is the ascot worn under his shirt; there is a symbol sown into the ascot some of whom may recognize it as the insignia of his family.

Brief Bio: Maximilian was born to a prestigious family within Yharnam and while many of them were raised into a life of politics, Max would be one of the exceptions that would branch away from family tradition. Since childhood, his notable lack of interest in the social matters of Yharnam and continuing the family 'legacy' so to speak was noted by all. However while it was originally passed off as a simple phase of childhood, his tutors noted his penchant for learning and eagerness to study more. When he came of suitable age, Maximilian was taken to Byrgenwerth as per recommendation and personal request from him. There were considerations to send him to study outside of Yharnam but ultimately, his family deemed it safer and decided it would be easier to keep track of Maximilian if he was a part of Byrgenwerth.

His life within Byrgenwerth was at first a simple one, studying to become a scholar under many notable names such as Master Willem and alongside other notable students such as Micolash. Maximilian was a respected student due to his efforts to further the academy's research on a multitude of subjects, focusing on studies of ancient history and biology as there had been a recent discovery of Old Blood underneath Yharnam which required more specialists to help further research about the mysterious substance. However when there was a split within the academy and the Healing Church was founded. Maximilian was one of those mistrustful of the substance, deeming it too dangerous.

However the popularity of the blood could not be denied and many of the Friedrich family had decided to align themselves with the church, indulging themselves in the blood as well as becoming respected members of the church. As increasingly more members of Maximilian's family turned to the Church, Maximilian found himself slowly distanced from the rest of the family due to his mistrust of the blood. Depression and loneliness struck Maximilian and he only found comfort in continuing his research alongside the company of like-minded academics into the Blood and the source of it.

However tragedy struck the Friedrich family when nearly all of them had been destroyed in the disaster of Old Yharnam. Their manor had been in Old Yharnam and they were burned along with their property. The Friedrich name faded into obscurity and could only be found in history books. Fearful for his life and the increasing chaos in Yharnam, Maximilian fleed to an abandoned villa his family had used for social gatherings and celebrations near the outskirts of Yharnam, isolating himself with whatever manuscripts and books he could take from the academy. He was not alone however, the few servants of his family that survived the disasters within Yharnam chose to go with him, choosing the safety of isolation alongside Maximilian.

Maximilian had spent most days locked in his study, studying the dangers behind the consumption of the Blood and the study of it's source. His servants in exchange for shelter went for supply runs for both food and blood. However eventually they stopped coming back and Maximilian was forced to leave the safety of his shelter.

Brief Personality Description: Maximilian was a fierce academic in his time, dedicating his life to acquiring knowledge. Some would describe him as cold and emotionally distant but he is anything if not polite and well-mannered, showing the lessons of etiquette given to him in his youth. Now, he is paranoid and always looking over his shoulder, he will occasionally go on a mumbling tangent, uttering out things that none should know. His studies and insight into the Blood and the Great Ones have left him a scarred troubled man, it is not immediately noticeable but there are few things left that are holding this man together. He infrequently suffers from hallucinations and vivid visions. He is deeply mistrustful and fearful of the Blood and will not use it unless there is no other option or he is forced to.

Occupation: Scholar

Family: Most of the close family he had died in the fire, few still roam Yharnam and fewer still remember Maximilian.

Equipment: Other than his clothes, Maximilian carries with himself a rapier and a lantern.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Both accepted and a rather impressive application from you Red Bear, Max has certainly intrigued me. Put them in the CS tab please.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@MikkishtheLeprechaun@The Red Bear@ROADWARRIOR@Lady Selune@bloonewb

Please be sure to look over the rules, some important stuff that will avoid confusion in the future. I will notify everyone if and when I put more up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have posted my character in the OOC, use for reference if you like.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Dani Suffolk
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height:151 cm
Weight: 60 kilos
Hair style/color: Platinum Blonde Medium pin-up bob
Eye color: Blue-Green
Build: Slightly above average
Clothing: Prefers the corset of the Ward's female inhabitants, but cant stand the skirt, and so wears the black slacks that the men generally wear. She has a basic leather tricorn, but it is ripped and currently inhabiting a pocket pending repair.
Brief Bio: Parents died young in service to the church, was raised in the cathedral ward by the people occupying it, hopping from home to home for food and shelter, until her age started to give rise to complications. Men began trying to exchange help for unsavory requests, wives became jealous and suspicious of wandering eyes, and old crones died. Before too long, there was little left in the ward for her.
She went on to live for awhile on Hemwick Charnel Lane, a place for those afflicted with feminine hysteria, only a short walk from her old home, but still more obstacles came about.The occupants began to become obsessed with the night horrors known as the "Soot gaurdians" and the residents became obsessed with the gouging and proffering of eyes, and the burning of flesh on hot irons. Twin hags gained the favor of the guardians and the place became a haven of blind madness, petrified stone eyes, and the crowing of the ravens that gobbled them up soon as they clattered on the cobbles. The girl had no home now, and the madness of the night was coming fast...
Brief Personality Description: Dani is not easily broken by disturbia, she is no stranger to the night and while capable of fear, is resigned to the idea of loneliness and death. She is intelligent, but has no prior experience on yharnams streets during the hunt, previously sheltered as she was. She can come off as cold and ruthless, but one can generally see she has the interest of those around her at heart. Psychosis include extreme manifested introversion, Self-Disassociation, and Kleptomania.
Occupation: She has generally stolen from the townships outside the cathedral ward. She's quite effective too, silent, quick, and good with slight of hand. Not inhumanly so though, doctors and church hunters have nearly caught her on several occasions due to her unaltered state.
Family: Deceased or Unknown with no way of identifying.
Equipment: She actually has access to an older trick weapon she stole from a collector. Its not much of anything really, just a dagger that flips out of some brass knuckles. It has some interesting runes on it, but it itself doesnt appear to be anything special (meaning I dont intend to somehow excalibur this thing. Its a piece of junk.) She also has a lockpick kit and a deck of cards she fiddles with when she has to distract herself from things around her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@AngelNoire Just break up the sheet a little bit so it isn't a wall of text and you're good to go. Put her in the CS tab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blood Echoes
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Blood Echoes It's the scourge of ***

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm a little late to the party, hope I've made it on time XD

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blood Echoes
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Blood Echoes It's the scourge of ***

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Never mind me, just enjoying an accidental triple posting nightmare over here)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blood Echoes
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Blood Echoes It's the scourge of ***

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Holy crap! I kept getting a Cloudflare error when trying to submit, seems like some of them got through anyway and - well, this is just embarrassing. Thank god for the edit function. @The Dow Dragon if you can remove everything after the initial app, that'd be awesome!
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