"Deals to Die For."
- = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = -
When the sky burned and the ground turned to ash, the Wal protected us from the crash.
When God abandoned us and left us for damnation, the Great Sam brought us salvation.
When leaders became incompetent, the Great Sam only ascended unto omnipotence.
When our old lives were purged, the great Wal’s populatoin surged.
When the World fell, the Wal rose.
- = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = -
Have you ever gone into a Walmart or a mall and say “imagine what this place would be like as a post apocalyptic base”? Welcome to the world of Walmart Apocalypse (WalApoc), where Walmart just kept growing and absorbing until they became the WalWorld Corporation and their stores now covers unimaginable tracts of land on a scale equivalent of some US states or smaller European nations. Everyone inside doesn’t know how large it truly is beyond that they know they will never see even a building wall.
This is entire setting is based upon the "Walmart Apocoylpyse" setting, created by /tg/ over the course a few years some time ago. Its quite the read and I won't bother trying to abbriviating it here but here's the short list I will provide:
As to the RP itself, the primary focus will be Bloody Friday, the bastardized version of Black Friday which the Stockerbots line the shelves will all the goodies and things that all the Department wants. Players would be a group of Bargain Hunters and try to scout out and loot and explore whatever they can. Might be lead by a GM character, might not be and the whole thing plays out like a DnD group. Explore stuff, try not to die horribly
The "lore" will hopefully be built upon by the players and GM although I will be bending/altering currently "established" lore. CSs will be given the "mob democracy" review in which everyone gets to review and critique each other's character but I as GM will have final say. That said, come into this RP knowing that I can be a hardass GM at times and that there will still be limits as to what your characters will be like (ie having guns is something that will be heavily looked into) as well as being able to write at a high casual level and remain level headed and accept that things will not always make scientific sense.
Now, any questions on the lore or how I'll do this?
If not, I pray to the Great Sam that this will go somewhere and not die horribly at the hands of the nutjobs of the Pharmacy Department.
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This is entire setting is based upon the "Walmart Apocoylpyse" setting, created by /tg/ over the course a few years some time ago. Its quite the read and I won't bother trying to abbriviating it here but here's the short list I will provide:
- Walmart took over the world's industries, becoming the WalWorld Corporation which replaced major world governments built absurdly massive superstores that to this day no one has ever found a way out. They are seemingly infinitely large and absurdly high and are restocked by robots with goods from places unknown, not that anyone really cares.
- Calling this place a "super store" does not do it justice as it is more of an internal nation, not even just a city.
- Many biomes have been created with people and cultures forming, each as absurd or unsettling as the next, misunderstanding things we would find to be common knowledge. "Departments" have become a catch all term for factions and subfactions which have sprung up out of the departments they inhabit.
- The robots who act as restocking units and security are lethal; if they do not kill you outright with machine gun blasts, they will lobotomize you and turn you into a mindless Greeters, forever left smiling as they greet and spout advertisement and act as additional mindless drones for the robots.
- Sam Walton, aka the Great Sam, is the basically the new God. While local flavors and other deities may exist, no one doubts the divinity and power of the Great Sam, bringer of great deals and life. Everyone worships him to some extent.
- Just read the damn thing, its really cool. Its kinda like fallout/mad max/walking dead/I robot/etc all mashed together put into a nightmarish WalNation.
As to the RP itself, the primary focus will be Bloody Friday, the bastardized version of Black Friday which the Stockerbots line the shelves will all the goodies and things that all the Department wants. Players would be a group of Bargain Hunters and try to scout out and loot and explore whatever they can. Might be lead by a GM character, might not be and the whole thing plays out like a DnD group. Explore stuff, try not to die horribly
The "lore" will hopefully be built upon by the players and GM although I will be bending/altering currently "established" lore. CSs will be given the "mob democracy" review in which everyone gets to review and critique each other's character but I as GM will have final say. That said, come into this RP knowing that I can be a hardass GM at times and that there will still be limits as to what your characters will be like (ie having guns is something that will be heavily looked into) as well as being able to write at a high casual level and remain level headed and accept that things will not always make scientific sense.
Now, any questions on the lore or how I'll do this?
If not, I pray to the Great Sam that this will go somewhere and not die horribly at the hands of the nutjobs of the Pharmacy Department.
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