Seeing no one he could attack shadow started to bite and claw at himself tearing off claws and spikes having them hit the ground and melt into a reddish black tar like substance.
The teacher summoned chains from the ninth ring of hell, "Students stay back because this is gonna be ugly" the chains clenched onto shadows limbs and clamped hard and burn him as he resists
"Whew, I need to learn how to do that!", Hugo exclaimed. Those chains looked fabulous!
As instructed, though, he took a few steps back. The teacher seemed to have it dealt with for the time being. He didn't notice Skylar going nuts, however.
@Rikeno at the appearance of the chains shadow bit and pulled at the burning chains. He growled as he was slowly pulling at them tearing and cuting into himself.... until a loud tearing noise as the midnight shadow ripped its left arm off spraying black blood out everywhere.
The black blood splattered all over Hugo's suit. He blinked and looked down at it. That was never coming out. He looked up at the rest of the crowd, his twitching eye betraying some kind of intense anger through his practiced smile of a poker face.
@Rikeno@bluebunny@Neko of Death@Azereiah The hole where shadows arm once was started to smoke as the detached arm melted. Slowly a new arm was regrowning at the cost of the spikes on his back. Shadow struggled against the chain on his stomach clawing and slicing at his own stomach trying to tear the chains off. The ground was now throughly soaked in shadows blood.
Hugo was pissed, and his old German accent cut through his usual friendly tone like a bullet through a cloud. The smoke turned a shade of violent royal purple and spiraled around him.
@Rikeno@bluebunny@Neko of Death@Azereiah As midnight shadow claws at his abdomen white hair could be seen as well as the end of shadows cloak. Midnight Shadow screech as it proceeded to bite and tear at its other arm trying to get free.
The purple smoke split and slammed into Shadow's arms, legs, and head, trying to force them against the ground to prevent him from further harming himself. Hugo was putting an enormous amount of force into it -- more than his own body was used to by a long shot. Adrenaline and anger kept him standing upright and dancing, though he was slowing down a bit with each passing second. His face was red with strain.