Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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-The History-
Everyone knows the story of Aang, the child that would become the savior of the world and bring Fire Lord Ozai to his knees. Not only would he blanket the world in a relative state of peace after a century of war but he would also bring his people back from the brink of extinction... with the help of Katara of course. Following his generation of heroes which included Sokka, Toph and Zuko, would be Korra. The hotblooded and headstrong Avatar would come into conflict with not one but four individuals bent on bringing the world a different kind of pain. Amon, Unalaq, Zaheer, Kuvira. All of them presented her with a different challenge and she would have to learn to overcome each of them while struggling against her own demons. She would eventually prevail and her story would end... though that of the Avatar would not.

In the time between Korra's triumph and her death, technology would progress in leaps and bounds. The discovery of spirit energy siphoned from spirit vines opened a whole new horizon for what was once an industrial age. The process of harvesting that energy was refined and it's respective uses ballooned thanks in part to Varricks Global Industries. Varrick unceremoniously dubbed the new source of energy "Synergy". Satomobile Industries turned out the modern car, vehicles that ran on hybrid engines utilizing both fuel and Synergy. The Airship turned into the first spaceship and simple railcars became bullet maglev trains allowing for quick transport around the Republic. Varricks would go on to design smaller versions of the cannon that had once been attached to the large mecha suit used to terrorize Republic City. However, not wanting to further upset the fragile balance of the spirit and real worlds, he would eventually abandon these designs... and move on to create conventional firearms. It was in truth Korra's last request, her fear being that these advances would be the fuel for the fires of another great war.

And so another century would pass and Korra's legend would soon come to a close. The cycle of the Avatar would be passed into another and unto the world would be birthed hero; someone who would bear the weight of everyone's pain.

Except the Avatar was never to be found and fate instead would usher in a new era of darkness.

The Great Panic... or so we called it. A tumultuous and confusing time when the people of the world searched for their savior and found none. In their panic, the citizens of the world clung to a simple truth: the last Avatar to disappear was Aang and soon after his disappearance the Fire Nation set to engulfing the world in a never ending war.

What followed the panic was the violence that so often accompanies it. Civil Wars broke out among the bending nations and their leaders began to butt heads in an attempt to discover the secrets the others were hiding. The Earth Kingdom received the worst of it as did it's sister city Zaofu. The Avatar was after all in line to reincarnate as a native Earth bender. Small raids and infiltration by the other nations were constant and sporadic, most of which served as taunts to lure the Earth Kingdom and her armies outside it's precious walls. Ba Sing Se began preparations to reply in kind. The Republic, formerly Republic City, had by now grown into it's own nation of nonbenders and a few benders alike. Concerned for their own safety, the President and his table of advisers moved to take action... and not just for themselves. Fearful that the entire world would not only submerge itself in another war but would also never be free of it, they agreed by vote on eliminating the only viable threat.

Benders have been and always were the cause of all great conflicts past and present and it was time they found a solution.

The Great War. A conflict that would be remembered by all. The Republic moved swiftly. Reviving old designs by the late Varrick, they began production on new and improved synergy weapons, firearms made of platinum capable of emitting small sporadic beams of volatile spirit energy. They provided the most obvious of benefits; giving men and women without the gift to bend the elements a way to fight back against benders. Armed with both their new found technology and a general knowledge of Chi Blocking, they made Zoafu their first target. The most prominent and powerful Earth benders resided in the city and sure enough, the city proved the most difficult to occupy. However, fresh and in full force their march was near unstoppable and the citizens of Zoafu found their power over earth and metal helpless against the weapons of the Republic. After its occupation, Zoafu was used as a base of operations for the Republic to wage their campaign against Ba Sing Se. Rallying the other nations to their cause was an easy enough task. They already believed the Earth Kingdom was hiding the new Avatar and their past with Republic City placed them at odds with everyone else.

The siege that followed was rather quick. Synergy cannons were used to punch large holes in the Earthen and metal walls while continuous assault from the air softened up defenses for those on the ground. From there, a combined assault comprised of Fire and Water nation and Republic forces stormed the capitol. It was the first time in the history of the world that Ba Sing Se had been successfully invaded.

And then there followed The Great Cleanse. Bending citizens of the Earth Nation were "interrogated" and finally killed in the name of finding the Avatar. With the only people capable of defending themselves against conventional firearms out of the way, the Republic turned their guns around to face the rest of the world and thus began the second stage of their war. Bombs were dropped... and millions were slaughtered. The Fire and Water nation were the first to go. Their capitals were reduced to dust in the wake of nuclear warfare. The Air temples and their people were similarly destroyed when their diplomacy only helped to postpone the inevitable. The Air nomads, still a budding nation, were once again chased into oblivion.

At the end of the war, the Republic made Ba Sing Se it's permanent home and effectively the last city on Earth. The rest of the world lay beaten and scarred, Synergic radiation blanketed much of the landscape being the most prominent around the former capitals of each nation. Much of the affected World’s soil became infertile and many sources of water were left undrinkable.

The Republic set to work rebuilding, erecting the walls it tore down and shutting their sins out with the world they destroyed. The nation grew once more, stronger now without the threat of the bender or another war... and peace found the land.

100 years after the war, the City began preparations for a celebration of the new world they had ushered.

-The Game-
sci-fi fandom dystopian
casual to high casual
4-6 players

This is a mature take on the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Adult themes will be explored and played out including love, murder, death, war, possible drug references, psychological trauma, etc. The Setting is near future and takes place in the world of Avatar and more specifically across the Si Wong Desert or the Desert of Death.

We will pick up two centuries after Aang's passing (a century after Korra's) at a Republic Outpost situated just north of the desert. Due to major events that took place in the City, our main characters will have been forced to flee and we will focus on their survival and their coping with their new found or previously unexplored powers. Will they embrace and master them or discard and forget them?

Although the GM does have a direction in mind, player driven plot and narrative is highly encouraged and the GM will be moving the world around actions made by the characters in game. Don't be afraid to fill the world with your own lore, within reason.

-The Rules-

Basic Guild rules apply:
Power or Metagaming.
Confusing IC with OOC drama.
Explicit scenes of sexual conduct.

Be respectful.
Use common sense.
Use proper grammar.
Post Consistency: I’m not a stickler on this. Take your time and make it good. If you know you will be taking a leave of absence or you simply want out of the game, let me know.
Post Quality: Posts should include enough meat to satisfy either plot progression or character development. Of course at times a short paragraph will suffice when completing small actions in game. Please do not leave a short novel about your journey into twisting the knob on a door.

Game Specific
No energybending, metalbending, lavabending, bloodbending, generating lightning, stealing air or flying unassisted. All bending characters, unless given an “OK” by a GM, will begin with skills in their infancy.
No characters may start with Synergy weapons. Conventional firearms are allowed. Understand that the former is extremely difficult to come by if you do not work for the Republic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T h e W o r l d

Map not game specific or created by myself. Please use only as a reference.

-The Republic - Ba Sing Se-
The nation, or City as I'll refer to it, is made up almost entirely of nonbenders after benders were aggressively removed from the face of the planet. Most lead happy lives within Ba Sing Se where they have been enjoying a time of great peace. The City itself is still divided into three sections by walls composed now of both earth (lower ring) and steel (upper ring). Replacing the parts that have been torn down are man made metal sections that stand just as tall and are twice as strong. Social class is still confined within it's ring of origin, with poverty increased the farther away from the center you travel. Technology here is near future, near future as compared to real life modern technology. They have computers, jets, wearable tech, and AI.

Benders are effectively extinct, now a part of a culture that is near completely forgotten. To keep a peace, they are outlawed and are actively search for and expunged. The men and women of the Republic Security Forces (RSF) are armed with scanning devices that detect the ability to bend in one's genes and if one is found, lethal force is authorized. Many establishments in the city have them installed over doorways both out of necessity for their own protection and by law. Hospitals have begun enforcing abortions when an expectant mother is discovered to be carrying a child sensitive to spirit energy. Any who do exist do so under great effort to keep their curse hidden or risk execution. All other citizens of the Republic are ruled justly under the King who rarely reveals himself to the public eye.

Since these laws have been put into place, there have been little to no major conflicts or wars.

-The Wilds-
Outside the walls of Ba Sing Se lie the abandoned world. The Great War left parts of the landscape scarred with destructive use of Synergy weapons leaving the former capitals of nations blanketed in spiritual radiation. Wandering into these areas will leave one with a life force draining effect that will eventually kill that person… or so it’s believed. Since no one from inside the walls has been in these areas for years, no one really knows what’s out there. For those who live outside the walls, and there are plenty, these irradiated areas tell a different story.

The war pushed some flora and fauna to the brink of extinction with some no longer being found in the wild. This has left some parts of the world barren with little life to be found and sources of water contaminated. Much of the landscape between the former major cities of the world remained untouched but those surrounding what was once populated areas are now uninhabitable. The northern and southern spirit portals have been sealed while the remaining portal in Republic City has been kept open and is used to harvest Spirit Energy.

-The Desert of Death-
Also known as the Si Wong Desert, is a large swath of land that was largely overlooked during the war. Despite it's barren surface, freckled with the hallucinogenic cacti that dot it's landscape, and the hostile environment the desert fosters, this is where the game will actually take place. Bordering this desert is the mountain range to the east and south and remnants of the surrounding forest and swamp to the North and West. There are rumors of a safe place on the far side of the desert but the impossible nature of the journey across and the fact that few have been beyond the walls of the city and back to tell of their discovery, all are hard pressed to believe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Synergy, or refined Spirit Energy. What was once used to destroy the lives of millions is now the force that the rest of the world survives on.

Synergy is siphoned from the Republic City Plant and fed into the city miles away. Once it's safe within the walls, it's stored in a facility situated in the outer ring and further processed into the form of power that is recognized today. It's used in many everyday applications. Everything from the engine under the hood of the average Satomobile to the batteries in a remote utilize some form of the energy. Weapons, fuel, enhanced computer systems and AI. The development of much of their more modern technology is thanks in part to advances in the field.

However there are drawbacks, information on which is buried by the Republic. Of note, Spirit Energy is after all a living thing. An entity that changes everything it comes in contact with, or more specifically, everyone. It's misuse and overexposure can lead to some... interesting results.

There are two types of firearms in the world: Conventional and those that utilize Spirit Energy or Synergy. The later is rare and is only distributed among those Republic troops stationed in the inmost wall or some special security forces.

Synergy weapons fire a charged "plasma" ball of spirit energy capable of melting through metal and leaving behind holes the size of a tennis ball. At greater distances, each ball of energy falls under the same gravitational effect that is exerted on bullets. Although significantly lighter, each round will eventually begin to fall until it comes in contact with the ground. This range varies from weapon to weapon as there are a number of variations available.

Republic Security Force (RSF)
Republic City equivalent to our police force. They can be found patrolling the areas between each walled section from the Lower Ring to the Upper but are significantly better trained and armed when stationed in the latter. None of the men and women charged with protecting the city and keeping the peace can bend even as all of them make detaining or eliminating a bender their top priority.

Acronym intentionally left in it's simplified form. LSF is a team specialized in finding and capturing the remaining bending population and any new benders as they continue to crop up. The members of this team are all highly skilled and trained and some are rumored to have the ability to bend the elements themselves. They are armed with the latest in combat weaponry including exoskeleton frames, AI robotics used for policing the city and any resources allotted to the RSF.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

-Further Notes-

I will continue to update this post as the story progresses. Settlements and their locations, the world within the desert as we uncover it, a list of characters, detailed information on the irradiated zones and whats in them and a general summary of the story so far.

So how does our story begin exactly?
I will cover in detail the events directly leading up to the start of our game in the opening IC post. Simply put however, and to give you an idea so you can start putting together your character, in the wake of the Centennial celebration of the end of the Great War, an accident involving the Synergy Plant knocked out power across the entire City. An explosion at one of the Synergy facilities located within the walls pushed a large of amount of spirit energy into the surrounding populace releasing both an unusual menace upon the people and an unusually intense wave of spirit energy. Some who could not bend suddenly became sensitive to spirit energy unlocking the potential and those who could bend found they were doing so without meaning too. The city fell into chaos and so to cull this threat, RSF and LSF were sent in force to round up those who suddenly found themselves gifted with new abilities. With power in the city disabled and taking full advantage of the ensuing chaos, many escaped into the wild before they could be captured. Ushered out of the city by whatever means that may have been, you've made it to the last stronghold of the City sitting on the norther border of the Si Wong Desert and at the very cusp of freedom... or death.

Just to give you a bit of background and color to this stronghold, it was built by the Republic as the last step before entrance into the city, now many miles away from here. It's at this small town of sorts that survivors get their paperwork for citizenship finalized and they are of course scanned to "ensure the safety of their people". It lives and breaths like that of a western. It's dusty, dirty, rules are more lax here than it probably should be, save for the town hall, and patrols are seldom enough to be avoided easily. However, prices for a bender's head are high and there are plenty of bounty hunters and other like minded ilk around.

Additional pointers for your beginnings: you may start your character off with the knowledge that he/she already knows they can bend and has been hiding it. Just realize that even if they've somehow managed to stay under the radar and practice, they did not have access to bending scripts or masters. Their skills will be basic at best. A simple rock throw or a quick blast of fire from the hands.

All other characters will have become aware of their ability to bend after the accident in the city and would have fled to spare their own life.

And so that is everything... at least for now. There's a lot of information already here so take your time with it. I know there will be questions, mostly because I don't have the mental capacity to account for everything so please, if there is a plot hole that you can already see or an issue anywhere, let me know. Harass me and ask questions.

Cataloged here for easy access.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Honorable mentions from the IC. Welcome to a life after the Avatar ladies and gents. Enjoy the unnecessarily long read and do let me know if you have any questions. Expect a few more NPC characters from myself to introduce you to some of your more important world guides and work on the IC post will begin tomorrow.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 9 days ago


One Firebender, coming up!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 5 days ago


I'll take Earth then.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Please post completed characters sheets in the OOC for review before I give the okay to move them to the characters tab. Completely forgot to mention that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Here he is, admittedly it's a little rushed, wanted to get it out before I went to work, so if there's anything that needs tweaking feel free to let me know. ^^

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Currently at work but am still available to check submissions and give some short feedback.

@Pundii Very good character. I like his history and I think his skills developed as a successful thief will come in very handy in the near future. Just as a side note, because bending is expunged with such prejudice, Lee's semi public display essentially puts him on the City's top ten most wanted criminals list. He's up there with some bad people and the LSF will want him dead for sure. They've got posters of him. His face makes frequent guest appearances with John Walsh. If you're okay with that then you're good to go.

Add him to the characters tab and I'll put him on the list.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emnosym
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Emnosym Teenage Edge-Lord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seeing that much content makes me so excited lol. I'll get to work on the CS sometime today. How would you feel about an air bender who hand his hands deep in arms dealing in the middle and lower ring?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Emnosym I've had some time to work on the world and fill it with enough lore to make it seem like it could exist in the universe of Avatar. Can't wait to see what you have for me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emnosym
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Emnosym Teenage Edge-Lord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Feng
Age: 26
Sex: M

Element: Air
Appearance: Feng typically is clothed in some type of jacket, preferably denim, and slim straight fit black jeans.
Home: Middle Ring
Profession: Illegal and Legal Arms Dealer

Personality: Feng is extremely skilled in knowing what's good for himself. His general attitude reflects that accurately. While he knows how to relax and compose himself in a professional manner, he's also acutely aware of how to appear intimidating in order to get what he wants. In his mind, he likes to think of it as a subtler type of bullying. Because of this mindset, people on the more sensitive side may be offended with the way he conducts himself, and those who are familiar with him know he doesn't mean any harm through his demeanor. At his core, Feng has a business man's integrity. Despite his desire to move up in the world, and to accompany his independent mindset, he swears by a "you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours" motto. His moral compass is cloudy, at best, and he will most likely take his own well-being into account before someone else's.

He knows how beneficial friends can be and makes an effort, if only to improve his standing as a business man. In a similar vein, while he considers himself a business man, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty. In fact, he enjoys confrontation with people he deems are "unbecoming". As stated before, he is a man of integrity and judgement, but his reactions to those he judges negatively can be fairly severe.

Stance on Benders?: War is fuel for an arms dealer like himself. He welcomes anything that will profit him.

History: One of Feng’s earliest and fondest memories involves the contraband ring he’d orchestrated in his far-too-strict private school. Candy, soda, you name it. Anything that wasn’t allowed on school grounds, he saw to it that his peers gain access to it. The militaristic values of the school only fed his desire to break the rules. Upon his graduation into the equivalent of high school, his level of contraband followed suit. Obviously, new substances were in demand, and he was determined to be the supplier. None of this really bothered his parents. Thorough discussions were had between him and his parents, verifying a protocol if he were ever caught, and taking precautions to avoid having to use that protocol. It was never brought up, but Feng was well aware his father had his hands in something less than legal in addition to his job as a Future Industries Inventory Manager.

Despite their set precautions, nothing really could be done to prevent an antsy teen squealing on his entire operation. Investigations were done by the administration and the police were involved. The amount of evidence against him was just barely the amount needed for administration to act against him. Being a minor, nothing stuck to his legal record, but he was promptly expelled from the school. Having no record of violence, the snitch didn’t even consider Feng’s reaction. Feng caught him on his lunch break, taking a short walk to his house. No words were spoken when Feng ran up to the unknowing rat and threw his fist into his jaw. By no means was Feng a large or strong figure, but the blow seemed to launch the other boy into the air, ramming him into a nearby fence. A moment of disbelief came over him before he came to the dreadful conclusion – that was air bending. Nothing was for sure at that moment, but he knew he had to cover his tracks. Feng knelt by the broken boy on the ground and muttered six words. “This was a hit-and-run”.

Nothing ever came out of that besides his satisfaction of his revenge and his newfound knowledge. After speaking to his parents, his father decided high school was a waste of time for his business-inclined boy. It was time to let him in on the family business: arms dealing. His father was getting old and had the means to retire early, which meant it was Feng’s turn. Throughout his life, he always knew his father was a sort of gun enthusiast. It was from him he learned how to shoot his first handgun, and graduated to larger and larger weapons. He never expected that the illegal salesman trait he had was inherited. It was also from his father that he’d learned the trade of arms dealing both legal and otherwise.

The bending, however, was a solo endeavor. He was well aware of the illegality of the practice and elected to not make his parents an accomplice to that particular activity. He found he was able to recreate the ability to push something, much like he did with the snitch. At first, only by already pushing and making contact with an object, but slowly improved till he could push over a trash can a few meters away. He also found that his anger aided the power of his bending, but always unintentional. Because of this, he became known in the black market for his “inhuman strength” and allowed the rumor to stick. Mostly because it was just smart to keep his bending abilities under wraps, but also because it was simply badass.

Other: Seemingly appropriate for an arms dealer, he considers himself a "gun nut" and prides himself in his illegal collection of firearms. He's trained fair extensively in marksmanship as a hobby and is proficient in handling most firearms. He always carries two .45 Future Industries Handguns: one under his left shoulder and one tucked behind his right hip.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 9 days ago

@Exit Him being that wanted is definitely fine with me, should make things pretty interesting! ^^
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Emnosym Im liking it so far. I do have a question for you that is in regards to his history so you may or may not have an answer for me. Did he always know he could bend or was he suddenly aware of it after the accident in the city.

I see an interesting dynamic between his gun running for a cause that makes him rich and the realization that "Oh Shit... that's me now".

Also lots of conflict out in the wilds and plenty of people who need a gun waiting for him out there. Could be his gold rush. Definitely excited for him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emnosym
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Emnosym Teenage Edge-Lord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Exit That's the big thing that I was deciding on. A plus side would be that he'd have a bit of an edge with bending if he was aware of his ability from the start. I figure I might give him bending and knowledge of it from birth so he has a bit of an edge hiding it and it adds to his skills in avoiding being caught by authority figures.

Edit: How would you feel if he had a corrupt contact within the police

Edit 2: I added history, and I could've written pages on his history lol so I might've made it a bit wordy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Emnosym off work finally so I'll go over additions when I'm home. I'm okay with the corrupt contact. We can hash details in a pm. I'll message you in a bit.

And of course with Denny taking water, the only available positions in the game will have to be a nonbender. That doesn't mean that he/she can't in some way learn in the future but for now your character will have to do without. That also in no way means they can't effect the story in a major way. See it as a fun ans creative challenge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Emnosym Go ahead and add him to the Character's tab. Very nice addition of the history. I like his unique use of Airbending. He'll undoubtedly pick up more bending skills in the future but for the moment, this "force push" of sorts is perfectly okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThirdHourIII
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Exit I'd be interested in taking the last spot, the non-bender. Would it be alright if I made them a novice at chi-blocking?
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