Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

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Name: Captain Hector Sibassius, sometimes referred to as the Left Hand of the Emperor by those who know & work with him.
Age: 46.
Gender: Male.
Race: Colovian Imperial.
Birthsign: The Lord.
Appearance: Tall and broad-shouldered, Hector is a man who takes pride in his appearance. He is strong and healthy, and his enthusiasm for physicality has not diminished with the years. Hector's body speaks volumes about his experiences in life; the myriad scars are souvenirs from his previous adventures, and his hands are the rough hands of a man who has to fight to make a living. The most distinctive disfiguration is found on his back, where a long, gleaming scar stretches from his right shoulder blade to his left hip, telling the story of a blow that almost disemboweled him.

Hector's face is expressive, sporting a strong jawline and pronounced cheekbones. His deep-set eyes are bright blue, glittering like sapphires in his eye sockets. Nord blood in his heritage has given him blond hair which he trims close to the skull in a military buzz-cut; an old habit from his time as a Legionnaire. A little grey is starting to seep into his temples. The only noticeable scar on his face is a small cut above his left eye, splitting his eyebrow in two. Usually, his expression is softened by a small smile playing around his full lips, creating the impression he is constantly mildly amused.

Biography: Hector Sibassius was born in Sentinel, one of High Rock's various city-states. His parents had moved from Cyrodiil to High Rock for financial reasons: both of them were tapestry weavers, and they discovered there was simply a bigger market for it in High Rock than in Cyrodiil. Someone has to create all the tapestries that decorate High Rock's many castles, after all. Perhaps out of inherent childlike rebellion against everything one's parents do, Hector had zero interest in learning the trade of his parents. Fortunately, that wasn't a problem: Hector had two older siblings who were both willing to take up the weaving craft and continue the family business. As such, Hector was allowed to pursue his own interests.

Unfortunately, he was never able to settle on anything in particular that kept his attention, and eventually he turned eighteen without having any idea of what he wanted in life. In an attempt to force him to choose something, his parents gave him a deadline: he had to leave the house and live on his own in three weeks time. As many disillusioned and uninspired young men do, Hector turned to the Legion.

This wasn't exactly what they had in mind, but it was already too late: Hector's papers had been signed. To leave now would be desertion. Besides, Hector told his parents (and himself), serving his Emperor was a noble cause that was sure to bring much honor to their family.

The Legion taught Hector how to fight. It taught him how to march, how to maintain his equipment, how to sharpen a blade, how to occupy a territory and tell citizens to stay put, how to kill and maim and erect fortifications on corpse-strewn ground. And Hector returned the favor by becoming an exemplary soldier. Within five years, Hector Sibassius had become a Knight Errant of the Legion, fulfilling his promise of bringing his family much honor.

For many years, Hector served dutifully. In the aftermath of the Great War, which had occurred in the years of his adolescence, Hector almost exclusively saw action in domestic disputes like the Bravil riots in 4E 188. It was there that he received the severe wound to his back, which put him out of commission for a while. Hector accepted an honorable discharge to recover from his injuries and took a sabbatical in Cyrodiil, taking some time to explore the province of his people properly for the first time. Eventually his restlessness and thirst for action drove him to take up the mantle of dungeon-diver for a while after his wounds healed. It was during that time that he met and befriended Balen Oril, a peculiar Dunmer that Hector would later invite to accompany him in his work.

It wasn't until the Stormcloak Rebellion that Hector rejoined the Imperial Legion and participated in an actual war, even if it was a civil one. Despite reservations from his superiors, Hector predictably performed with distinction. His contributions in befriending the locals and using their knowledge against the Stormcloaks was particularly noted as a worthy contribution to the war effort, and it was this that first made the Penitus Oculatus take notice of him. After the end of the war in 4E205 in the Empire's favor, Hector was approached by the shadowy organization and inducted into their ranks.

Now, merely two years later, Hector has already obtained a reputation for discretion, thoroughness and effectiveness. The Left Hand of the Emperor earned this somewhat cynical nickname for his efforts in discovering and killing a Thalmor spy in the heart of the Imperial City -- the left hand is traditionally used for unsavory actions in Imperial tradition. Hector has acquired a large network of allies and contacts throughout Tamriel in his work and has called on them to aid him in the most difficult quest of his career; the assassination of Akhar.

Personality: Back when Hector Sibassius served in the Legion, his comrades and subordinates would always refer to him as 'agreeable'. Blessed with a mild temperament and a lot of patience, Hector can usually avoid unfortunate misunderstandings and defuse tense situations. This personality also allows him to stay calm in the heat of battle; keeping his cool in mortal danger is what has kept him alive this far. Because of these traits, many people naturally gravitate towards him and look to him for leadership or justice, which he dispenses fairly in equal measure... when it benefits him. At heart, Hector Sibassius isn't necessarily a good person, and his experiences in the Legion and the Penitus Oculatus have somewhat jaded him to the value of mortal lives. His devotion to the Imperial cause is unquestionable, however.

While superficially friendly, he may seem aloof to people who deal with him for an extended period of time and he is slow to share personal details. This, combined with his tendency to move around a lot as an operative of the Penitus Oculatus and, before that, Legionnaire and adventurer, means he has few long-term friends and, instead, many acquaintances and allies.

Skills: Hector is a trained Legionnaire with almost three decades of fighting experience. As such, he is a great swordsman, and moderately proficient with the axe, the mace, the spear and the bow. As far as defense is concerned, Hector is equally skilled in wielding a shield and fighting in heavy armour. In short, besting him in fair combat is a challenge for most. He knows how to maintain and repair armor and weapons and a little basic alchemy; necessary for staying in fighting shape on extended campaigns. Magically, he is mostly inept, only capable of a few cantrips and simple, weak spells in the schools of Alteration and Destruction. He once took the test to see if he had what it takes to be a battlemage, but failed.

Equipment: Hector's most prized possession is his master-crafted steel longsword, a gift from one of his commanding officers after the end of the Stormcloak Rebellion. It is forged in the Cyrodiilic style with a long, slim blade, sharp point and T-shaped crossguard & grip. A ruby is set into the pommel. The most notable fact about it is its enchantment; the blade burns with fierce heat and sets fire to anything it strikes. Hector carries a few filled soulgems with him to power the enchantment whenever it runs out of charge.

As for armor, Hector ditched the recognizable gear of the Legionnaires when he joined the Oculatus and retrieved his set of Cyrodiilic steel armor from storage -- a significantly more anonymous outfit. He eschews the use of the Penitus Oculatus' own uniforms when he's on a mission. It would be especially foolish to wear in enemy territory. He wears a hooded brown traveling cloak over his armor that evokes the image of a paladin of the Imperial Cult and simple, comfortable clothing beneath the steel plate. Rounding out Hector's wargear is a heart-shaped steel shield with a large spike on it; useful for bashing enemies.

Other items on his person include a map of Valenwood, vials and basic alchemy ingredients, a pouch filled with septims, dried meats and supplies to patch up his gear, all of which he carries in a leather satchel slung across his back. Additionally, he has a whole slew of documents with him, ranging from information on Akhar to forged papers of the East Empire Trading Company.

Other: Sibassius is a skilled chess player and likes to challenge his allies to a match whenever the opportunity arises.
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