Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

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@Spoopy Scary No need to fear! We have a summarizer to help those interested to catch up

@Frizan Do your thing bruh
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 3 mos ago

GM posted something in the interest check about how there are two more available slots, and I'm interested, but...

How do you even summarize a whole year of writing? It's kinda daunting. Is the "story in pictures" on the front page all I gotta know to get caught up? What has happened lately? Dang. I've seen the name of the RP around and kept wanting to look, but always figured it was too far long for me to really get into it.

You don't need to read the entire IC, or have a very good idea of what's going on, in my opinion (we're mercenaries after all, don't care for politics). Practically, we started off as a simple Mercenary party cleaning the Reach, but after returning to Windhelm from our first mission, Skyrim (and seemingly the rest of East Tamriel) begun getting invaded by the Kamal (there are some references to other races being in the fight as well, haven't faced them yet), who have allied themselves with the Nerevarine, who is also the King of Morrowind after having returned from Akavir.

We're at an RnR episode right now, with all of the surviving group in Dawnstar.

@Frizan does this shit better but I like your spooky scary skeletons schtick so there ya go
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 7 hrs ago

My second character Narzul Venim, brother of Niernen, has been added to the Characters tab.

EDIT: My opening post for Narzul will involve him reaching Dawnstar after following a lead from the Tamrielic Gazette, namely Madura's interview with Niernen from way back in Windhelm. Would anyone like to collab with me for that bit and have their character be the one that Narzul runs into first?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 3 mos ago

My second character Narzul Venim, brother of Niernen, has been added to the Characters tab.

EDIT: My opening post for Narzul will involve him reaching Dawnstar after following a lead from the Tamrielic Gazette, namely Madura's interview with Niernen from way back in Windhelm. Would anyone like to collab with me for that bit and have their character be the one that Narzul runs into first?

I don't have a post in the works so why not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 7 hrs ago

@Peik Excellent. Makes sense for Narzul to go to another Dunmer for information. I'll hit you up when I'm ready to collab, alright?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Peik Excellent. Makes sense for Narzul to go to another Dunmer for information. I'll hit you up when I'm ready to collab, alright?

aye aye cap'n
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 7 hrs ago

@Peik Actually let's get going now, I already know the general outline of the whole post so I'll finish the other parts later. Piratepad? piratepad.net/Nvfpd6YHza
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

GM posted something in the interest check about how there are two more available slots, and I'm interested, but...

How do you even summarize a whole year of writing? It's kinda daunting. Is the "story in pictures" on the front page all I gotta know to get caught up? What has happened lately? Dang. I've seen the name of the RP around and kept wanting to look, but always figured it was too far long for me to really get into it.

Welcome, good to know our name's getting around.

As other users have stated, catching up is not as daunting as one may think. However, the Journey in Pictures gallery won't be much help with summarizing, as it is mostly a visualization and a decorative flair. @Frizan should provide you with the latest summary today, and if he can't do that, I will write one up for you.

One way to quickly get started here is knowing only the background information relevant to create your character. @Dervish and myself can guide you through the character creation process, and once your character is ready for action, you can ask your way around in-character. Doing so can keep you from being overwhelmed and integrate lore knowledge with IC progress.

My second character Narzul Venim, brother of Niernen, has been added to the Characters tab.

EDIT: My opening post for Narzul will involve him reaching Dawnstar after following a lead from the Tamrielic Gazette, namely Madura's interview with Niernen from way back in Windhelm. Would anyone like to collab with me for that bit and have their character be the one that Narzul runs into first?

Not so fast.

I strongly recommend you introduce Narzul through a solo post. Solo lets you focus on Narzul's journey to Dawnstar and his first impression of everything around him, without being distracted by long conversations. You can always put in another collab right after.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Can-do, Stu!

There have been two ideas floating around in my head for characters, one of which Dervish and Leidenschaft might be familiar with. The first is a young beggar, a pretty small and scrawny sneak, but also educated before he was orphaned (strong chance I'm going to change most of his story from the first incarnation). The other was a Bosmer priestess of Kynereth suffering a curse from Molag Bal, who is also on the run from the Aldmeri Dominion.

The latter might involve a little too much if you don't want the character's background baggage to be weighing down the main plot too much, and I like the beggar character plenty enough so it wouldn't be a problem if it was. Are either of these pitches acceptable though?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Spoopy Scary ohai! I couldn't remember what game I knew you from. Mystery solved.

But yeah! Coldy Locks and I will help you get a character idea up to snuff and help you ease into the game. Don't worry about the year's worth of IC; when I joined it was the second arc and I only retroactively read the prior arc after joining. All you really need to know is the world-effecting events that your character should know about. Think of joining as being in the same boat as them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The latest issue of the Gazette is live; go read it in the archive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@gcold, so I get that nothing was necessarily confirmed yet, but between knowing where everyone is at the moment and the events information on the first page, I figured I might as well get started. Then I couldn't stop. So, yeah, I got a little carried away. Sorry.

There might also be little spots in the sheet that might need little touch ups or editing, so forgive me when you see them. Don't gotta decide anything just yet, but I do wanna know what you guys think.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chrononaut
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

So I developed a severe case of nerd autism and made this.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

@gcold, so I get that nothing was necessarily confirmed yet, but between knowing where everyone is at the moment and the events information on the first page, I figured I might as well get started. Then I couldn't stop. So, yeah, I got a little carried away. Sorry.

There might also be little spots in the sheet that might need little touch ups or editing, so forgive me when you see them. Don't gotta decide anything just yet, but I do wanna know what you guys think.

Cold's gonna be doing his own critique and review when he wakes up from his zombie-like slumber, so here's my go.

First off, I really do want to give props where props are due; you are a phenomenal writer! You manage to describe imagery and set scenes remarkably well, and for the first quarter of the sheet, I was absolutely on board.

Where we start to run into issues is a lot of the Molag Bal stuff... we're going to give the super strength possession stuff a hard pass because it's overpowered as hell and presents a real risk of power gaming that I'm not comfortable with. Typically I tell people to steer away from Daedric stuff with their sheets because when you're talking about literal gods, things get really muddied really fast. Much like how I tend to look at vampire and werewolf submissions with extra scrutiny because of the powers involved and implications of being a literal monster, in this case we're dealing with someone who, whenever you deem it so, can become possessed and gain super strength that can overpower anyone and murder them. While I don't think you'd use this to kill off player characters (or start to cannibalize them, egads), we're just going to cut that off at the pass and just say no to the possession angle.

However, that's not to say all of Molag Bal's influence has to be taken out of the sheet since it's a pretty big driving force for the character, but I'd much rather see the influence as something that's more like an irresistible urge than a straight up Exocist-level body puppet, something where Wylendriel's (full disclosure, for some reason I read the full name as Wayne Gretzky when I skimmed by at first. My Canadian is showing) thoughts and desires are blurred with what Molag Bal compels her to do. You should also be aware that if any character suspects she's under Daedric Prince control, she runs the risk of being executed. We've had a werewolf go that route of death by exile into the Kamal ranks.

We also want to have the voices toned down from really clear voices and be something more akin to visual flashes, whispers, a few choice words, but something that's open to really deep interpretation. Depending on how involved we get Molag Bal and his influence, that could increase, but for now let's avoid the voice in the head route.

We both really liked that she gained conjuration skills through Bal's influence, that is a really unique spin on a character that adds some interesting depth to it all. We do suggest that she was at least a novice in Conjuration to begin with so it was more like a foundation that was heavily built on.

Other stuff I feel needs addressing,

Keep in mind this is a mercenary company and someone who's a hardcore pacifist like Wylendriel is going to HAVE to fight at some point; the commanders aren't going to sign someone on who doesn't have demonstrable skills as a soldier of fortune. While her healing would make her a really attractive asset, it would more likely than not have her pressed into service as a field nurse at base camps rather than taking part in missions, aka a huge part of the roleplay. Trust me; even simple missions can take months. That's a long time to go without any real character interaction. You should really evaluate what could make this character work as a mercenary, even if they do have pacifist-like views. My own character Do'Karth, for instance, has a code against killing but he still is one of the fighters in the company who is more than happy to beat enemies into submission and put his life in danger to help others, be it opening routes, try to rescue prisoners, act as a distraction/ buffer for mages, and so on. Maybe a part of Bal's influence has made Wylendriel something of a subtly violent person with a subconscious desire to dominate others? Maybe fighting is something that helps keep the influence at bay, and she's struggling to maintain her values prior to Molag's Ballz interjection in her life and what he's forced her to become. It's far more compelling if she's a character that's struggling with her own choices and flaws rather than having a tidy thing to blame by having MB be the soul culprit, e.g. "It wasn't me that burned down the orphanage! Bal used me!"

I also noticed you tend to write Aldmeri Dominion as Altmer's Dominion. It's the former because the Altmer are extremely proud and arrogant about the fact they are closest in lineage to the progenitor elvish race, the Aldmer (you could argue that pure snow elves and Maormer would have equal claim to that, but alas). It's not unlike the whole Aryian Master Race thing the Nazis were all keen about, only in this case with a basis in legitimate claim to racial purity unlike whatever it was the Nazis were claiming. This is also the Third Aldmeri Dominion, which makes the whole Third Reich comparison even more poignant; usually when Germans are going on about a Reich, they're harking back to the glory days of Charlemagne. In the Altmer's case, their Aldmer forebears and how fucking great they are for being the most pure elvish lineage.

Which also brings up another issue I had, while you're right that the Altmer tend to view themselves as the Ubermensch elves even compared to their bosmer allies/ the seat of the Dominion is in Alinor, the Bosmer are still respected allies and it's important that they maintain the image that the Dominion is all about elvish superiority over man, and to maintain their strength, they need to keep their allies happy and compliant. If the Altmer had a reputation for subjugating, oppressing, and executing the Bosmer, they'd be facing a revolt from Valenwood and would lose a huge foothold on the mainland along with a sizable force of fighting men and women, scouts, and experts in fighting in rural environments. The Altmer also know that if Valenwood broke away, it would be a nightmare and a huge cost trying to conquer Valenwood because the Altmer are not at all suited to fight in Valenwood the way the Bosmer are. Look at how bad of a situation Skyrim's Civil War put the Empire; it made it extremely vulnerable to the Dominion and it wasn't even a province where the natives could be hiding behind any tree or branch with deadly archery and poisons along with the psychological aspect that the Bosmer will totally cannibalize their enemies. As such, it's totally plausible that Thalmor garrisons get overzealous and treat the local populace like crap at times, but systematically murdering swaths of Bosmer would be something Valenwood would not tolerate. It's not a bad idea having Wyl be wanted by the Thalmor for some reason or another, but it should be a personal issue rather than trying to escape sweeping subjugation. Maybe something like they were putting out conscription notices and she wanted to avoid being pressed into an impending war?

The other thing to note is that it kind of sounds like you have the impression the Dominion formed after Wyl was born; the Aldmeri Dominion and Thalmor rose to power very shortly after the Oblivion Crisis 200 years ago and declared independence from the completely dismembered Empire that was reeling from Mehrunes Dagon's attack and the interregnum between the Septim and Mede empires. For all of her life, she's lived under Dominion rule; she literally would not know any other life. She might hear stories from the elder Bosmer or even some of the Altmer who live in Valenwood, but she herself would just have grown up knowing what it's like under Thalmor watch, kinda like how American citizens after 9/11 and the Patriot Act probably will grow up expecting the government to spy on them and all of their communications.

Also, Bosmer and Dunmer each live for around 250 years on average, they can certainly die of old age. Even the Altmer who can live for a thousand years eventually succumb to the ravages of time. This doesn't change anything with your sheet, but it is something worth keeping in mind for playing as Bosmer.

Overall, there's a lot to like about the sheet and the quality is superb, but we really need to tone down the Daedric stuff to make this a viable and fair character for the group dynamics. As stands, Wylendriel would make for a solid stand alone fic character rather than a roleplay character since group dynamics with others apply here.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It's not unlike the whole Aryian Master Race thing the Nazis were all keen about, only in this case with a basis in legitimate claim to racial purity unlike whatever it was the Nazis were claiming.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

Ancano looks different in a tie.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Thanks for the reply @Dervish. First of all, thanks for your compliments. They mean a lot. You brought up a lot of really points that I will both implement as soon as possible (I'm at work ATM) and take into heavy consideration.

Like I said before, I got VERY carried away with the character, and by the end, I knew some things were gonna have to change - but I also felt pretty proud and just wanted people to look at it, lol. Anyways, I'll be addressing the points you made in a list in chronological order for convenience's sake.

Strength: it was compared in her skills that her strength was like an orc's - but you're right that in Tamriel, that's still pretty much the same as super-strengths d can be very hard to justify, if at all possible. It would be better described that perhaps her inhibitions were practically stripped from her. It still serves the same image of a small Bosmer woman dealing more damage than you'd reasonably expect her to, but there's the added bonus of her harming herself in the process. So less Hulk, more berserker. Thanks!

Possession: this is actually a fantastic concern, and the alternatives you offered are routes I should have taken instead. Normally I would've done what you said about irresistible urges and the line between her desires and MB's being blurred, but I literally spent 12 hours straight writing her and sometimes you forget about where you're going and the flow steals you along. I did a huge literary no-no in submitting the rough draft instead of rereading and assessing. Enough excuses though, it's an absolutely lovely idea and I'll be sure to incorporate it when I can.

Voices: this is understandable. The veil between Nirn and Oblivion may not allow for clear communication, and the image of a more chaotic, confusing form of communication would be much more eerie - this was something I did not take into consideration, mostly because I played a lot of Skyrim and ESO, and you can clearly hear Bal's voice in both games. Is there a reason that would've changed? At least from Skyrim, in ESO, Coldharbor was anchoring itself to Nirn, so it would make sense that his voice would be clearer. You could also only hear him at his shrine, but couldn't I argue that Wylendriel also serves as a medium?

Conjuration: understood, only problem I think is that the theme of her wielding a mace is iconic of Molag Bal, and the Oblivion spell required you to be adept. Could we rectroact act, given how Skyrim only requires you to be a novice to conjure a bound sword?

Mercenaries: this is probably the most important as it determines whether she's a good fit for the role play or not. I like what you said about Molag Bal's influence making her at least a little bloodthirsty - corruption, like you said, is far more compelling than Ball Prince sitting next to a button under a label that reads "Fuck Up Her Day".

Aldmeri Dominion: there's a lot here I'm sure I misunderstood. There's a lot of history here that Im sure I'm not aware of - I studied Valenwood, not the Dominion. What I do know is that the Dominion actually did conduct purges even in Valenwood, though that information was really hard to find. I know that cannibalism started going out of practice around the 2nd Era. It definitely still exist, but you'll still find Bosmer who think such a thing is kinda gross. Wylendriel is actually a massive rework of an older sheet, so some inaccuracies and awkward wording might still exist, and definitely would've restricted my creative ability by putting me in this box to work within - but I genuinely didn't know hold long the Third Dominion has been around. That will get fixed (I told you you were gonna find problems!) Back to the purges, they were likely worded to be an (unintentional) exaggeration of the truth. I don't actually know how widespread these purges are or how many Bosmer were killed at a time. Just that this incarnation of the Dominion, or at least the Thalmor, are massive dicks. I made it sound like the Altmer's Dominion probably because, yknow, the Altmer's are the ones who run it. I actually didn't know (or forgot) about the Aldmeri. Huh. Cool.

As always, input is appreciated. I may not be able to make immediate changes on my phone, but I'll see what I can get done. If it turns out to be too much of a hassle, I'll just wait till I get home. Night. Shift. Sucks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Spoopy Scary Oh, getting carried away's never a bad thing. Sometimes you just gotta throw things at the wall and see what sticks, or tumble a rock until a gemstone shows up. I mean, so far nothing's topped the ridiculousness that was the werewolf dragon hybrid I saw as an application in one of my games. This is much, MUCH more grounded in comparison. Plus, you're easy to work with, everyone should be like you haha.

Beserker makes way more sense than Hulk. Obviously evoking the big green guy makes one a bit apprehensive!

I know what you mean by sometimes overlooking things when coming out of a marathon writing session; I'm doing a second character right now and I'm finding all sorts of things I could have worded better, but sometimes it's good just to get it out when you're inspired. Honestly, a part of my influence suggestion may or may not stem from the whole Mass Effect indoctrination thing, but I always figured that Daedric influence wouldn't be dissimilar. And you're absolutely right; Molag Bal and other Daedra speak very clearly and concisely to the Dovahkiin and I assume a lot of his followers (Bal's, not the 'Kiinmeister), but my thought that I didn't really elaborate is someone who's actively trying to resist the influence might have to deal with a lot less coherent images and voices that is more of a slow burn. We'll see what Cold thinks on that point.

Oh, sorry! Should have been more clear. I think conjuration is fine where it is, I just meant she was a novice at conjuration when she came under the influence and was bequeathed a bunch of Daedric boogaloo that propelled her capacity. It just gives her a bit of a foundation that was built upon, and in a way it's almost like a metaphor for Bal's defilement; something that was originally meant to be used for more benign and responsible purposes was co-opted for his own purposes against her will.

And good to know! I'll admit that a lot of my knowledge on elven stuff is a lot more spotty than other people (I've spent most of my time studying Khajiit stuff over the years for characters, and it's one of those things where you tend to play what you know), so please don't take my word as law when it comes to the itty gritty in the lore in cases like this where you have information contrary to what I'm saying. I'd be interested in reading up on the whole purge thing that went down, mainly to get some context. Was it a revolt that was put down, a brewing rebellion? I just have a hard time imagining the Thalmor cracking down on fellow elves they are aligned with the same way they'd hammer Talos worship in Skyrim. But yes, the Thalmor are indeed a bunch of cock juggling thundercunts with less redeeming qualities than the next assholes on the next tier on the tower of douchebaggery.

And no rush! I just wanted to make sure you had some form of response in a timely manner.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

AAAHHHH! I was just thinking of Mass Effect, actually! I'm so glad you know about that game! I was imagining that yeah, while similar to indoctrination, the actual sounds and images she might hear and see would be like using the Prothean beacons, where it's a bunch of horrific noises and clips. I think she would be less deluded than Saren was, and would be able to identify the fine lines and what is and isn't normal for her, but still struggling to resist what Molag wants from her. I reread it and it looked as though that's exactly where I was going with it, but in the backstory, possession came out from the left field. That may be one of the remnants of her first character sheet.

We can shake and call it a deal on Conjuration. It'd be reasonable to expect a priestess of Kynereth to learn that school in order to summon nature based familiars and banish daedra. That also means I don't have to carry that scroll around.

There actually isn't much out there about the purges, it's somewhat obscure. You're right that Valenwood probably wouldn't side with them if the Thalmor consistently slaughtered anyone they didn't like. Apparently it was just small enough that the Silvenar and Green Lady, for some reason, would let them get away with it. Perhaps because their alliance was too important. Without them, the empire would try to rule them and they didn't want that either. I just know they existed, but anything more than that is fan theory.

I'll make the changes when I can. Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to what gcold has to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

AAAHHHH! I was just thinking of Mass Effect, actually! I'm so glad you know about that game! I was imagining that yeah, while similar to indoctrination, the actual sounds and images she might hear and see would be like using the Prothean beacons, where it's a bunch of horrific noises and clips. I think she would be less deluded than Saren was, and would be able to identify the fine lines and what is and isn't normal for her, but still struggling to resist what Molag wants from her. I reread it and it looked as though that's exactly where I was going with it, but in the backstory, possession came out from the left field. That may be one of the remnants of her first character sheet.

We can shake and call it a deal on Conjuration. It'd be reasonable to expect a priestess of Kynereth to learn that school in order to summon nature based familiars and banish daedra. That also means I don't have to carry that scroll around.

There actually isn't much out there about the purges, it's somewhat obscure. You're right that Valenwood probably wouldn't side with them if the Thalmor consistently slaughtered anyone they didn't like. Apparently it was just small enough that the Silvenar and Green Lady, for some reason, would let them get away with it. Perhaps because their alliance was too important. Without them, the empire would try to rule them and they didn't want that either. I just know they existed, but anything more than that is fan theory.

I'll make the changes when I can. Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to what gcold has to say.

I am arguably a bigger Mass Effect fan than an Elder Scrolls fan; I'm loosely GMing another ME RP and just along the ride for another at the moment. The beacons would be a pretty good point of reference for what I had in mind! But also, I wouldn't say Saren was deluded; he was just heavily indoctrinated by the time you meet him. The thing with indoctrination (also applies for The Illusive Man, who was indoctrinated all the way back in the First Contact War) is that it very subtly tugs at people and plays off their values and opinions so they feel like what they're doing is the right thing without realizing it was a suggestion, albeit an almost irresistibly strong one, that plays right into their hands even if it can take literally decades, which mean nothing for sentient machines that are millions of years old. You get a really good insight into how it effects someone first had from the novels where a character named Grayson, who is the protagonist of the story, who becomes exposed to Reaper tech deliberately by Cerberus and you get to join him on his horrifying journey as the indoctrination becomes more and more invasive, and the more he actively resists, the more the Reapers take direct control over him. It's super fucked up and horrifying but interesting! Might be worth checking out if you're looking for ideas or just a good read.

See? Less paper is good for everyone. ;D

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